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1ST SEMESTER, Quarter1 ,quiz no.4

Direction: Read the statement carefully and choose the best answer, write on the space provided before the number.

_________1. which statement best describes the relationship between age and wisdom?(5)
A. Wisdom is directly proportional to age
B. Wisdom is inversely proportional to age
C. Wisdom and age are unrelated
D. Wisdom is acquired through experience and learning, which often come with age
_________2. Which of the following best describes ethics?(3)
A. The study of how individuals make moral decisions.
B. The study of logic and reasoning.
C. The study of scientific principles.
D. The study of social norms
_________3. To achieve philosophical clarity. Which of the following statements best describes this method?
A. A technique to challenge and reject all beliefs and opinions to discover indubitable truths.
B. An approach to confirm and solidify existing beliefs by examining their foundations.
C. A strategy to selectively doubt beliefs that contradict one's personal experiences and observations.
D. A process to accept beliefs based on societal norms and cultural values without questioning their validity
_________4. What is an argument in the context of logic and critical thinking?
A. A verbal dispute between two or more people
B. A set of statements where one is presented as being supported by the others
C. A statement that cannot be proven or disproven
D. A rhetorical technique to manipulate an audience
_________5. Which of the following is a valid conclusion based on the premises given?
Premise 1: All humans are mortal.
Premise 2: Socrates is a human.
A. Socrates is mortal.
B. Socrates is immortal.
C. Humans are immortal.
D. d) Socrates is a god
_________6. What is the primary goal of the Socratic method?
A. To challenge and clarify one's own beliefs and ideas through questioning and critical thinking.
B. To convince others of your own beliefs and ideas.
C. To provide simple and direct answers to questions.
D. d. To avoid questioning and critical thinking
_________8. What is the purpose of the Socratic method in a dialogue or discussion?
A. To find the ultimate truth and settle all disputes.
B. To provoke deeper thinking, challenge assumptions, and clarify concepts.
C. To establish a clear hierarchy of ideas and opinions.
D. d. To create conflicts and disagreements among participants
_________9. Occam's Razor is a principle that suggests:
A. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one.
B. The most complex explanation is usually the correct one.
C. The most widely accepted explanation is usually the correct one.
D. The most recent explanation is usually the correct one
________10. Which of the following statements best encapsulates Occam's Razor?
A. "All things being equal, the simplest solution is usually the best."
B. "The more assumptions, the better the explanation."
C. "Complexity always trumps simplicity."
D. "Never go with the first explanation.
_________10. Which of the following represents a valid syllogism?
A. All cats are mammals. Some dogs are mammals. Therefore, all cats are dogs.
B. All birds can fly. Penguins are birds. Therefore, penguins can fly.
C. All cars are vehicles. Some bicycles are vehicles. Therefore, all cars are bicycles.
D. All students are adults. Some adults are teachers. Therefore, all students are teachers


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