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Once upon a time, there was a man who used a stick to make a doll or a body shape like a kid, he was
always wishing to have a son. Then one day there was a kid running at the backyard, his name is lucas.
And then Old man heard something noise and went outside of the house, he saw the stick kid that he
created. He is very shock but his happy because the wish that he is praying for is became real. The Old
man become an instant father he take care the stick kid like a real kid, But one day lucas saw a group of
kid playing outside, he wants to go outside and play with them but her father is gonna get mad if he get
outside, Lucas get sad, mad and he feel very jealous.

After many hours, the father returned home, and the stick kid confronted him, upset, and pleaded,
"Why father, can't I go outside and play with other kids like a normal kid?Why am I always locked here,
I'm sick of this?"

The father said to the child "I'm sorry son the truth is your not a real kid like the other kids outside the
house thats the reason i can't let you go outside the house" .

"Then what am I, father?" Lucas wondered.

Father replied. "A stick kid son" .

"I am a stick kid?"

"Yes, son, but there is nothing wrong with being special because you are a great, humble, sweet, and
nice son; you give me the opportunity to be a father, to be a parent; you are the best thing that has
happened to me."

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