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Neil Allen N.

11 - TVL Sincerity

1. How can truth have different interpretations?

The truth can have many and various interpretations and understanding, it depends on any ones’
perspective. The truth can be revised and altered, and it can also stay the same. There are various ways on how
the truth can be interpreted and understood, like mentioned earlier, it depends on our very own perspectives. It
can be by keeping the truth real by itself, or it can be different and can be classified as False already when
some information is either added or omitted. Truth can be interpreted in my perspective, in your or others’
perspective, or it can be the reality, the real thing that happened. Although sometimes, the truth isn’t always
observed, that’s why some people start making their own truth because no one is able to validate what really
happened. That is the reason why some people doesn’t trust anyone anymore, they are filled with doubts and
cynicism that causes them to not believe in other’s own revision of the truth anymore.

2. Share your experiences on the times you did not use reason in your life but rather, you relied more on
emotions or opinions of other people. What did you learn from the experience?

I think sometimes or most of the time, I rely on other people’s emotional appeal or opinions. Probably
because I think it’s the best even though it isn’t. I relied on them and didn’t trust my own decisions and my
self because I thought consulting them will be my best choice and that I should put myself in a situation where
I will just let them decide for me. I usually rely on others’ opinions when it comes to decision-making
situations, I think that I’m a bad decision maker to the point that most of the time, I always think that my
decision will turn out to be worse or just make things more worse than it is already. Because of these
continuous mistakes of mine, I learned to be confident and just stand on my own on making decisions in my
life. I started to decide on my own and thought that I should just prioritize my own sometimes, and just don’t
think of their perspective, comment, or opinion for my life.

3. Cite examples of how fallacies are used in daily life. For example, when you watch advertisements
based on the popularity of endorsers, do you tend to buy their product?

Some examples of how fallacies are used in my everyday life is I guess when some people are also
watching advertisements. They are watching and enjoying advertisements but somehow, an advertisement was
shown and it shows that a not good-looking personality is advertising a facial wash. The watchers will
sarcastically attack the person by using the “Attacking the person” fallacy by saying that “That facial wash
cannot be good, because it seems that it didn’t even work to the endorser!” which is offending to the endorser.
Or some everyday fallacy that states that “people prays to god everyday, it only means that god exist!” which
is an “Appeal to Ignorance” fallacy because the speaker ignored existing facts and theories that supports the
claims that God doesn’t really exist or facts that supports the existence of God because the speaker used his
own opinion only. There is also another fallacy that we encounter everyday, it is the “Appeal to Pity” fallacy.
We encounter these fallacies from manipulative people who are trying to manipulate our emotion into making
you turn to their side or agree to their opinion. They use different kinds of guilt-trip so that we may feel guilty,
pressured, and forced leaving us no choice, but to agree to them.

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