1º Caderno de Cegos

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Horoscope and chart of Stevie Wonder (Placidus

Stevie Wonder
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Born: May 13, 1950, 4:15 PM
In: Saginaw (MI) (United States)
Sun: 22°31' Taurus AS: 12°15' Libra
See the photo
Moon: 18°19' Aries MC: 14°36' Cancer
Aries, Libra, Taurus
Dominants: Venus, Neptune, Moon
Houses 8, 7, 6 / Fire, Earth / Cardinal
Chinese Astrology: Metal Tiger
Numerology: Birthpath 6
Height: Stevie Wonder is 6' ½" (1m84) tall
Popularity: 35,935 clicks, 509th man, 912th celebrity

Blind Tom Wiggins (Born Blind)

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Born: May 25, 1849, 12:00 PM (unknown)
In: Harris County (GA) (United States)
Sun: 4°20' Gemini
See the photo Moon: 22°34' Cancer
Aries, Gemini, Cancer
Dominants: Moon, Mercury, Mars
Fire, Air / Cardinal
Numerology: Birthpath 7
Popularity: 2,917 clicks, 30,496th man, 42,797th celebrity

Galileo Galilei
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Born: February 15, 1564, 3:31 PM (Julian cal.)

In: Pisa (Italy)
See the Sun: 6°04' Pisces AS: 11°51' Leo
photo Moon: 20°49' Aries MC: 29°05' Aries
Pisces, Aries, Leo
Dominants: Jupiter, Sun, Moon
Houses 8, 10, 12 / Water, Fire / Mutable
Numerology: Birthpath 6
Popularity: 30,958 clicks, 652nd man, 1,165th celebrity

Andrea Bocelli
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Born: September 22, 1958, 5:15 AM
In: Lajatico (Italy)
Sun: 28°40' Virgo AS: 18°25' Virgo
See the photo
Moon: 23°40' Capricorn MC: 16°11' Gemini
Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius
Dominants: Mercury, Venus, Saturn
Houses 1, 12, 4 / Earth, Air / Mutable
Chinese Astrology: Earth Dog
Numerology: Birthpath 9
Height: Andrea Bocelli is 6' 1½" (1m87) tall
Popularity: 35,728 clicks, 515th man, 922nd celebrity

Helen Keller
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Born: June 27, 1880, 4:02 PM
In: Tuscumbia (AL) (United States)
Sun: 6°32' Cancer AS: 25°22' Scorpio
See the photo Moon: 18°23' Pisces MC: 5°05' Virgo
Virgo, Cancer, Leo
Dominants: Uranus, Pluto, Mercury
Houses 8, 9, 10 / Water, Earth / Fixed
Numerology: Birthpath 5
Height: Helen Keller is 5' 7" (1m70) tall
Popularity: 25,749 clicks, 667th woman, 1,550th celebrity

Ray Charles
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Born: September 23, 1930, 11:58 AM
In: Albany (GA) (United States)
Sun: 29°58' Virgo AS: 22°33' Sagittarius
See the photo Moon: 17°20' Libra MC: 7°50' Libra
Virgo, Cancer, Libra
Dominants: Jupiter, Mercury, Moon
Houses 9, 7, 10 / Earth, Water / Cardinal
Chinese Astrology: Metal Horse
Numerology: Birthpath 9
Height: Ray Charles is 5' 9" (1m75) tall
Popularity: 30,440 clicks, 671st man, 1,203rd celebrit

When he was six, Charles began to go blind, becoming totally blind by the age of seven.
Charles never knew exactly why he lost his sight, though there are sources that suggest Ray's
blindness was due to glaucoma.

Dana Elcar
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Born: October 10, 1927, 12:00 PM (unknown)
In: Ferndale (MI) (United States)
Sun: 16°26' Libra
the Moon: 14°30' Aries
Libra, Aries, Scorpio
Dominants: Saturn, Moon, Pluto
Fire, Water / Cardinal
Chinese Astrology: Fire Cat
Numerology: Birthpath 3
Popularity: 8,094 clicks, 5,429th man, 8,984th celebrity

In 1991, Elcar began to develop glaucoma.

Once blind, Elcar took on the challenge of playing Vladimir in Waiting for Godot complete with
white cane. This was his theatrical swan song, and he retired in 1992.

Jorge Luis Borges

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Born: August 24, 1899, 7:48 AM
In: Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Sun: 0°54' Virgo AS: 12°55' Cancer
See the photo
Moon: 14°44' Aries MC: 3°08' Taurus
Leo, Aries, Cancer
Dominants: Moon, Jupiter, Venus
Houses 2, 9, 4 / Fire, Water / Cardinal
Numerology: Birthpath 5
Popularity: 20,157 clicks, 1,331st man, 2,314th celebrity

El mundo del ciego no es la noche que la gente supone. En todo caso estoy hablando
en mi nombre y en nombre de mi padre y de mi abuela, que murieron ciegos; ciegos,
sonrientes y valerosos, como yo también espero morir.

Se heredan muchas cosas (la ceguera, por ejemplo), pero no se hereda el valor. Sé
que fueron valientes.

Borges, 2004

Louis Braille
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Born: January 4, 1809, 4:00 AM
In: Coupvray (France)
Sun: 13°28' Capricorn AS: 23°07' Scorpio
See the photo Moon: 9°33' Leo MC: 11°58' Virgo
Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn
Dominants: Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn
Houses 4, 2, 1 / Water, Earth / Mutable
Numerology: Birthpath 5
Popularity: 12,679 clicks, 2,942nd man, 4,912th celebrity

Louis Braille (January 4, 1809 – January 6, 1852) was the inventor of braille, a worldwide
system used by blind and visually impaired people for reading and writing. Braille is read by
passing the fingers over characters made up of an arrangement of one to six embossed points.
It has been adapted to almost every known language, except Asian languages based on
characters. He was also blind.

Claude Monet
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Born: November 14, 1840, 12:00 PM (unknown)
In: Paris 9e (France)
Sun: 22°14' Scorpio
See the photo Moon: 27°58' Cancer
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Cancer
Dominants: Moon, Uranus, Saturn
Water, Fire / Mutable
Numerology: Birthpath 2
Popularity: 26,677 clicks, 818th man, 1,455th celebrity

James Thurber
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Born: December 8, 1894, 11:55 PM
In: Columbus (OH) (United States)
Sun: 17°12' Sagittarius AS: 24°59' Virgo
See the photo Moon: 0°23' Taurus MC: 24°14' Gemini
Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo
Dominants: Venus, Jupiter, Sun
Houses 3, 8, 10 / Fire, Earth / Mutable
Numerology: Birthpath 6
Popularity: 5,831 clicks, 9,605th man, 15,283rd celebrity

Jose Feliciano
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Born: September 10, 1945, 10:00 AM
In: Lares (Porto Rico) (United States)
Sun: 17°27' Virgo AS: 25°52' Libra
See the photo Moon: 1°35' Scorpio MC: 25°21' Cancer
Libra, Cancer, Virgo
Dominants: Moon, Saturn, Venus
Houses 11, 1, 9 / Water, Air / Cardinal
Chinese Astrology: Wood Rooster
Numerology: Birthpath 11
Popularity: 7,569 clicks, 5,996th man, 9,900th celebrity

Musician Jose Feliciano has been blind since birth.


Leonhard Euler
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Born: April 15, 1707, 9:13 PM
In: Basel (Switzerland)
Sun: 25°08' Aries AS: 22°38' Scorpio
See the photo Moon: 11°48' Libra MC: 10°05' Virgo
Leo, Aries, Pisces
Dominants: Venus, Pluto, Mercury
Houses 9, 5, 3 / Water, Fire / Fixed
Numerology: Birthpath 7
Popularity: 4,458 clicks, 18,700th man, 27,585th celebrity

Euler had diplopia due to his right eye strabismus, which led to progressive
atrophy of the right optic nerve and blindness after the left eye cataract
surgery. If he had a cerebral aneurysm as the underlying problem, the
delayed rupture of the aneurysm is remarkable.

Joseph Plateau
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Born: October 14, 1801, 9:00 PM
In: Brussels (Belgium)
Sun: 21°02' Libra AS: 8°54' Cancer
Moon: 20°53' Capricorn MC: 6°13' Pisces
Virgo, Pisces, Libra
Dominants: Pluto, Saturn, Moon
Houses 5, 3, 7 / Water, Earth / Cardinal
Numerology: Birthpath 7
Popularity: 5,023 clicks, 14,060th man, 21,505th celebrity

The more original investigations of Plateau refer chiefly to portions of one or another of two
branches of science—physiological optics and molecular forces. We owe to him the
"stroboscopic" method of studying the motion of a vibrating body, by looking at it through
equidistant radial slits in a revolving disk. In 1829 he imprudently gazed at the midday sun for
twenty seconds, with a view of studying the after effects. The result was blindness for some
days, succeeded by a temporary recovery; but for the next fourteen years his sight gradually
deteriorated, and in 1843 he became permanently blind.

John Milton
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Born: December 9, 1608, 6:30 AM
In: London (United Kingdom)
Sun: 17°39' Sagittarius AS: 0°21' Sagittarius
See the photo Moon: 9°23' Capricorn MC: 25°28' Virgo
Capricorn, Sagittarius, Virgo
Dominants: Jupiter, Mercury, Mars
Houses 2, 5, 3 / Earth, Fire / Mutable
Numerology: Birthpath 9
Popularity: 8,777 clicks, 4,825th man, 8,059th celebrity

By 1654, Milton had become totally blind; the cause of his blindness is debated but bilateral
retinal detachment or glaucoma are most likely. His blindness forced him to dictate his verse
and prose to amanuenses who copied them out for him; one of these was poet, Andrew

Cristina Blind
23 Março 1940 19,00 H
Tupã São Paulo

Dorina Nowill
28 Maio 1919 12,00 h (Desconhecido)
São Paulo Brasil.

Aparecida Blind
26 Março 1954 16,00h
Tupã SP

Ademar Itajobi
6 de Julho 1948 12,00h
Rinopolis SP

Blind Willie McTell

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Born: May 5, 1898
In: Thomson (GA) (United States)
Sun: 15°11' Taurus
Moon: 7°22' Scorpio
Taurus, Gemini, Aries
Dominants: Mars, Venus, Saturn
Air, Fire / Fixed
Numerology: Birthpath 9
Popularity: 3,459 clicks, 28,516th man, 39,964th celebrity
Biography of Blind Willie McTell
Blind Willie McTell (born William Samuel McTier May 5, 1898 – August 19, 1959), was an
influential Piedmont and ragtime blues singer and guitarist. He played with a fluid, syncopated
fingerstyle guitar technique, common among many exponents of Piedmont blues, although, unlike his
contemporaries, he came to exclusively use twelve-string guitars. McTell was also an adept slide
guitarist, unusual among ragtime bluesmen. His vocal style, a smooth and often laid-back tenor,
differed greatly from many of the harsher voice types employed by Delta bluesmen, such as Charlie
Patton. McTell embodied a variety of musical styles, including blues, ragtime, religious music, and
hokum. Born blind in the town of Thomson, Georgia, McTell learned how to play guitar in his early
teens. He soon became a str...

Deputado Rafael Silva

5 Setembro 1945

Jardinopolis S.P Brasil


Marta de Carvalho
16 de Maio 1968 14h30
Santo André SP Brasil

Right eye cancer in 2014


Jeff Healey
25 de Março 1966 (Desconhecido)
Toronto Canada.

Arthur Tatum Jr (Art Tatum)

13 de Outubro 1909 12h00 (desc.)
Toledo, Ohio, EUA.
Art Tatum was born in Toledo, Ohio and despite being blind in one eye and only partially
sighted in the other he became arguably the greatest jazz piano player...

Herbie Hancock
12 Abil 1940
Chicago Illinois USA

Charlie Parker
29 Agosto 1920
Kansas City (MO) USA

Michel Focault
15 Outubro 1926
Poitiers, França (FR)

Geofrei Gurrumul Yunupingu - (Born Blind)

6 Setembro 1969 12,00 pm
Australia Plains Australia (sul)

The first of four sons born to Ganyinurra (Daisy), of the Gumal clan, and
Nyambi (Terry) Yunupingu, a Gumatj clansman,[8] he was born in
Galiwin'ku, Elcho Island in 1971,[9] situated off the coast of Arhem Land in
northern Australia, about 530 kilometres east of Darwin. He was born
blind, never learned Braille and did not have a guide dog or use a white
cane, and was said to be acutely shy.[10] When he was four years old, he
learned how to play a toy piano and an accordion by teaching himself. A
year later he began to play a guitar; despite being a left-hander, he played
a right-handed guitar, holding it upside down, which he would continue to
do throughout his career.[

George Schearing (Born blind)

13 Agosto 1919

Sir George Shearing, OBE (13 August 1919 – 14 February 2011) was a
British jazz pianist who for many years led a popular jazz group that
recorded for Discovery Records, MGM Records and Capitol Records. The
composer of over 300 titles, including the jazz standard "Lullaby of
Birdland", had multiple albums on the Billboard charts during the 1950s,
1960s, 1980s and 1990s.[1] He died of heart failure in New York City, at the
age of 91.
Sir George Shearing, OBE (13 August 1919 – 14 February 2011) was a
British jazz pianist who .... He was appointed OBE in 1996. In 2007, he
was knighted. "So", he noted later, "the poor, blind kid from Battersea
became Sir George Shearing.

Lennie Tristano (Born Blind)

19 Março 1919 12,00pm
Chicago - Illinois (IL) USA

Brian McKeever
18 Junho 1979 12,00 (am)
Calgary (Alberta) Canada

McKeever began skiing at the age of three and started competing at

thirteen. At 19 he began losing his vision due to Stargardt's disease.[3] At
the 2002 and 2006 Winter Paralympics he competed in both cross-country
skiing and biathlon. He won two gold medals and a silver in cross-country
the first year and bronze medal for biathlon plus two gold medals and a
silver for cross-country skiing in the later year.[4][5]

Jeef Healey
25 Março 1966 12:00
Toronto, ON, Canada

Richard H. Bernstein
9 Novembro 1974
New York (NY) USA

Abraham Nemeth
16 de Outubro 1918
Detroit Beach (Monroe) Michigan

Nils Gustaf Dalén

30 Novembro 1869 12,00 am
Stenstorp, Sweden
Blind by Car Accident

Marla Runyan
4 de Janeiro 1969
Santa Maria California USA

Thomas Gore
10 Dezembro 1870
Webster,MS, USA

Willian Prescott
20 Fevereiro 1726
Groton , MA , USA

John Stanley (Born Blind)

17 Janeiro 1712
London Eng- UK

Thomas Rhodes Armitage

2 Abril 1824
Sussex,England UK

Frederic Delius
29 Janeiro 1824
Bradford England ,UK
Became blind and paralyzed

Rahsaan Roland Kirk

7 de agosto de 1935,
Columbus, Ohio, EUA

Tilly Aston
11 Dezembro 1873
Victoria Park Australia

Tilly was born in the town of Carisbrook, Victoria in 1873, the youngest of eight children born
to Edward Aston, a bootmaker, and his wife, Ann. Vision-impaired from birth, she was totally
blind by the age of 7.

Arthel Lane “DOC” Watson

03 Março 1923
Deep Gap, North Caroline USA
(Infecção ocular com menos de 1 ano)

Al Hibbler (Born Blind)

16 Agosto 1915
Tyro, Mississipi, USA
(was blind from birth)

Susan “Sue” Lillian Johnstone (Sue

02 Abril 1946 –
Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
(Suffered from diabetes for many years, as a result of which she was registered blind in 2001)

Erik Weihenmayer
23 September 1968 –
New Jersey, NJ, USA

Clarence Carter (Born Blind)

January 14, 1936 (age 80)
Montgomery, Alabama, United States

Wilma Mankiller
18 de novembro de 1945,
Tahlequah, Oklahoma, EUA

Não confirmado o problema de seus olhos.


Ronnie Lee Milsap

January 16, 1943 (age 73)

Robbinsville, North Carolina, U.S.

José Montserrate Feliciano García

September 10, 1945 (age 70)
Lares, Puerto Rico
His blindness is a result of congenital glaucoma.

Richard H. Bernstein
9 de novembro de 1974 (41 anos),
Detroit, Michigan, EUA
Legally blind [7] since birth, as a result of retinitis pigmentosa

Tommy Edison (Born Blind)

July 17, 1963 (age 52)
Greenwich, Connecticut, United States

Blind 3703 (Born Blind)

10 September 1896
Doncaster, England

Alicia Alonso (Alicia Ernestina de la Caridad del Cobre Martínez del Hoyo)

21 Dezembro 1921
Havana, CUBA

Dr. Jacob Bolotin

3 de Janeiro 1888
Chicago USA

Jacob Bolotin (January 3, 1888 – April 1, 1924). Born in 1888 to a poor immigrant
family in Chicago, Jacob Bolotin fought prejudice and misconceptions about the
capabilities of blind people in order to win acceptance to medical school and then into
the medical profession. He fought his way into and through the Chicago College of
Medicine, graduated with honors at twenty-four, and became the world's first totally
blind physician fully licensed to practice medicine. He was particularly recognized for
his expertise on diseases of the heart and lungs. Bolotin used his many public speaking
engagements to advocate for the employment of the blind and their full integration into
society. When Jacob Bolotin died at the young age of thirty-six, five thousand people
attended his funeral.[1][2]

Elizabeth Garret (Born Blind)

12 October 1880
Eagle Creek, Lincoln County,NM USA


David Paterson (Born Blind)

Brooklyn NY , USA
20 May 1954

Governor of New York State

At the age of three months, Paterson contracted an ear infection which spread to his optic
nerve, leaving him with no sight in his left eye and severely limited vision in his right.

Aldous Leonard

26 de julho de 1894
Godalming, Inglaterra

Filho de uma família de classe média alta, Aldous Huxley teve uma educação privilegiada.
Devido a um problema na retina, quase ficou cego aos dezesseis anos. Parcialmente
recuperado, aprendeu braile. Estudou no Eton College e no Balliol College, em Oxford,
graduando-se em inglês em 1916.

Diane Schuur (Born Blind)


10 de December 1953
Tacoma ,Washington, USA

Like Stevie Wonder, Schuur was blinded at birth due to retinopathy of prematurity.

Índice dos cegos


1 Stevie Wonder
2 Blind Tom Wiggins
3 Galileo Galilei
4 Andrea Bocelli
5 Helen Keller
6 Ray Charles
7 Dana Elcar
8 Jorge Luis Borges
9 Louis Braille
10 Claude Monet
11 James Thurber
12 Jose Feliciano
13 Leonhard Euler
14 Joseph Plateau
15 John Milton
16 Cristina Blind
17 Dorina Nowill
18 Aparecida Blind
19 Ademar Itajobi
20 Blind Willie McTell
21 Deputado Rafael Silva
22 Marta de Carvalho
23 Jeff Healey
24 Arthur Tatum Jr (Art Tatum)
25 Herbie Hancock
26 Charlie Parker

27 Michel Focault
28 Geofrei Gurrumul Yunupingu - (Born Blind) Aborigene
29 George Schearing (Born blind)
30 Lennie Tristano (Born Blind)
31 Brian McKeever
32 Jeef Healey
33 Richard H. Bernstein
34 Abraham Nemeth
35 Nils Gustaf Dalén
36 Marla Runyan
37 Thomas Gore
38 Willian Prescott
39 John Stanley
40 Thomas Rhodes Armitage
41 Frederic Delius
42 Rahsaan Roland Kirk
43 Tlly Aston
44 Arthel Lane “DOC” Watson
45 Al Hibbler
46 Susan “Sue” Lillian Johnstone (Sue Towsend)

47 Erik Weihenmayer

48 Clarence Carter
49 Wilma Mankiller
50 Ronnie Lee Milsap
51 José Montserrate Feliciano García
52 Richard H. Bernstein

53 Tommy Edison

54 Blind 3703
55 Alicia Alonso
56 Dr Jacob Bolotin
57 Elizabeth Garret
58 David Paterson
59 Aldous Leonard Huxley
60 Diane Schuur

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