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Next Wave of Revolution: Embracing AI for All

The years between 2017 and 2023 witnessed significant interest and speculation regarding various
technological advancements that hinted at the dawn of a new era. People were particularly intrigued
by blockchain and cryptocurrencies, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4) technologies, the concept
of the metaverse, and the recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). The stock market booms
and dooms in these areas served as a testament to the growing realization that these technologies
held immense potential to shape the future.

It's important to acknowledge that the blockchain and cryptocurrencies also faced challenges and
scams due to a lack of understanding and difficulty in implementation. This lack of understanding led
to misconceptions and inflated expectations, creating an environment ripe for scams and fraudulent
schemes. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies presented a paradigm shift in the financial landscape,
challenging traditional institutions and their control over financial systems. As a result, regulatory
bodies around the world grappled with how to oversee and govern this emerging field. Concerns
related to money laundering, market manipulation, and investor protection led to the imposition of
regulations, which, in turn, created barriers and uncertainties for businesses operating in the
blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Banks and financial institutions, initially skeptical of these
technologies, exhibited resistance and reluctance to adopt or support them, further hindering their
integration into the mainstream. As a technical person, I don't force myself to believe something which
can't bring any "significant" values but a speculation tool from an investment angle.

According to a June 23, 30 report by Web3 security firm Beosin, the total value of cryptocurrencies lost
in scams, hacks and rug pulls amounted to $656 million during the first half of 2023. (Source:
The metaverse, as proposed by Facebook in 2020, gained significant attention as a potential evolution
of the digital world. It aimed to create a shared virtual space where people could interact, work, play,
and explore in a more immersive and interconnected manner. The concept of the metaverse garnered
significant interest during the pandemic, as people sought new ways to connect and engage remotely.

Facebook's vision for the metaverse involved integrating virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR),
and other technologies to create a seamless and immersive experience. The idea was to build a digital
universe where users could access a variety of virtual environments, socialize with others, and engage
in a wide range of activities, such as attending virtual events, shopping, learning, and conducting

During the height of the pandemic, the metaverse concept gained momentum. Companies and
individuals explored the potential of virtual platforms for remote work, virtual conferences, and virtual
social gatherings. Facebook's announcement added fuel to the discussion, sparking debates about the
feasibility, implications, and potential benefits of a metaverse.

However, as the pandemic began to subside and people gradually returned to in-person interactions,
the hype around the metaverse somewhat cooled down. Other constraints and challenges also
emerged, including technical limitations, privacy concerns, ethical considerations, and regulatory
issues. Critics questioned the practicality of fully realizing a metaverse and raised concerns about the
potential for further isolating individuals and exacerbating existing inequalities.

While the metaverse remains an intriguing concept, the initial fervor has waned as the world navigates
post-pandemic challenges and shifts its focus towards a hybrid model of physical and digital
experiences. Nevertheless, discussions about the future of immersive technologies, virtual
environments, and interconnected digital spaces continue, with various companies and innovators
exploring ways to create more engaging and inclusive digital experiences. As an X-generation
individual who has experienced the IT and Internet era for work purposes, I recognize the value of the
metaverse in various aspects such as sales and marketing, remote meetings, virtual exhibitions, and
online learning, especially during the pandemic. However, there are certain areas that could be
improved to enhance the metaverse experience. One aspect is the need for better graphic images that
can make virtual characters appear more realistic instead of having a Roblox-like appearance.
Additionally, integrating the metaverse with the working environment, including PCs ,machines and
devices would enable remote monitoring and task execution based on given instructions. Finally,
ensuring the affordability of VR headsets is essential for widespread adoption and accessibility.

The application of the metaverse with VR headsets can expand the scope of work and functions in various domains
Next, Industrial 4 technology like Cloud and edge computing, IoT, Big data and cybersecurity, AI & ML
with data analytics, autonomous robot and machines, additive manufacturing, AR, and VR ( I hope I
have put all the technologies at the right sequences). Different suppliers have put their products as
the priority over others and causing a lot of manufacturers confused and reluctant to change their
current processes to be integrated with IR4 technologies. There is no perfect "integrated" solution but
the most suitable option! Radical change is difficult and quite impossible for an organization that
already has its previous system running in place with sticky old method culture. In my opinion, the
first consideration shall be IT infrastructure- like 5G network, storage devices, networking equipment
(routers, switches, firewalls) software components, including operating systems, databases,
middleware, cyber security, applications, and management tools. These software elements facilitate
data processing, storage, safety, communication, and overall system management. In this case,
software like an ERP system is crucial for data sharing, communicating, decision-making, and work
execution. There is no single ERP system can cover perfectly for all department BUT we shall consider
the ERP system which cover and suitable for most departments and follow by integrable information
which can be shared seamlessly with other solution especially those at shop floor level. Most of local
companies already start to invest into cloud computing which have been accelerated by pandemic
treat since 3 years ago.

For the next level, once shall consider connection between existing management system as mentioned
above with production level which need a lot of investments and time. In my opinion, management
shall do a feasible study such as operation reengineering and organization restructure (Take out

whole organization). Next, the company can start outsource suitable contractor to improve their
production system through IR4 technologies in stages.

IoT is wireless sensors embedded with computer control machines & robotics, automated vehicles,
handling systems or other devices. These devices can collect and exchange data over the internet,
enabling them to communicate and interact with each other and with computer systems. Imagine a
workshop for customized production like static equipment fabrication (I am not going to discuss about
mass production, since it is quite common with IR4 technology implementation), each production
section – metal cutting, forming, fitting, welding, testing and inspection work separately and rarely
communicate with each other, hence we need workshop manager and supervisor to coordinate and
arrange the manufacturing processes for different projects from time to time. Any miss
communication and miss out will delay certain project which is quite common in this industry as
normal human cater all up to date status of whole projects within a company and make fast and
accurate decision can be tough, and even sometime have to faced some difficulties like worker errors,
behaviour and out of expection performance. This phenomenon can be seen at other department
such as biding, design, project planning and monitoring, material procurement, QC and QA
department. Just imagine, if all these processes can be detected, analysed, planned and executed
based on highly intelligent and emotionless system – AI. The process can be smooth with minimum
human power involvement. Let say, you have 200 workers in your company with average salary of
RM4500 (include EPF, SOCSO), that mean total annual OPEX in salary payment is RM10.8 million. If a
company success in implementation of IR4 technology, the cost of labour can be reduced to 80% of
previous amount to RM2.5 million (retain high skilled worker with IR4 technology knowledge for
system setting, operation, calibration, rectification, maintenance and troubleshooting). Furthermore,
the human error cost like underestimation, design error/ delay, poor procurement strategy, poor
project planning, production scrap and reworks , liquidate damage cost can avoid about RM5 million
loss per year.
As mentioned, AI is the key item- main brain to make the whole IR4 workable. AI can be implemented
through software applications or systems that utilize algorithms and data to simulate intelligent
behavior. These software applications can run on various platforms, including computers, servers, or
even embedded within hardware devices. The term "AI" encompasses a wide range of technologies
and methodologies, such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics,
and expert systems. These technologies enable AI systems to analyze vast amounts of data, learn from
patterns, make predictions, and make autonomous decisions.

AI chips, also known as AI processors or AI accelerators, are specialized hardware components

designed to enhance the performance and efficiency of AI applications. These chips are specifically
optimized for the computational demands of AI workloads, allowing for faster and more efficient
execution of AI algorithms. Examples of AI chips include Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Field-
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), Tensor Processing Units (TPUs), and Neural Processing Units
(NPUs). These chips are manufactured by companies such as NVIDIA, Intel, AMD, Google, and Apple,
among others.

AI chips play a significant role in accelerating and increasing the success rate of Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4) implementation.

So what is the next market booms after AI technology? It can be any industries who successfully
implement IR4 technology into their business which enhance their competitiveness and profitability.

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