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Gurubhyo Namaha Upagrahas (Non-Luminous Grahas) in Various Houses


Valiant, beautiful eyes, stupefied in Learned, truthful, peaceful, rich, Endowed with wealth, grains and
Miseries, cruel, destructive acts,
1H disposition, unkind, wicked, short- endowed with sons, pure, charitable gold, be grateful, agreeable and
foolish, disposed to his relatives.
tempered. and dear to elders. devoid of all actions.
Sickly, wealthy, devoid of a limb, Morally crooked, be bilious, will Wealthy, charming, will enjoy
Very rich, modest, learned, charming
2H humiliation at royal level, be dull enjoy pleasures, unkind, grateful, pleasures, be happy, very religious
and religious.
witted, eunuch. wicked and sinful. and be a lord.
Intelligent, very bold, delighted, Firm in disposition, warrior, liberal, Fond of his wife, charming, pious, A miser, be versed in many arts, will
3H eloquent and be endowed with men very rich, dear to the king, head of an well disposed to his men, be a indulge in thieving, be devoid of
and wealth. army. servant, respectful of elders. some limb and be unfriendly.
Grieved on account of being given up Wonder-struck, helpful to enemies as Happy, endowed with quadrupeds,
Endowed with relatives etc., But not
4H by his female, be learned in all well, kind, endowed with everything wealth, grains etc., Be honoured by
sons and fortunes.
shastras. and be skilful in singing. the king and be devoid of sickness.
Limited progeny, devoid of wealth, be Poor, charming appearance, Affluent, virtuous, splendourous, Splendorous, far-sighted, pious,
5H great, will eat anything, bereft of imbalances of phlegm, bile and wind, affectionate, religious and dear to his affable and will acquire prosperity in
friends and mantras. be hard-hearted, shameless. wife. all his undertakings.

Strong, will conquer his enemies, be Destroy his enemies, physically Famous and wealthy, be endowed Happy, affectionate, pure and will
6H very brilliant, famous and free from mighty, skilful in all weapons and with sons and pleasures, be helpful to achieve plentifulness in all his
diseases. arts, peaceful in disposition. all and will conquer his enemies. undertakings.

Penniless, be ever sensuous, skilful Bereft of wealth, wife and sons, Devoid of happiness, be of mediocre Wealthy, endowed with all virtues,
7H in going to others’ females and be subdue to females, miserable, intelligence, very hard-headed and learned in shastras, religious and
always devoid of brilliance. sensuous, shameless, friendly. will have a sickly wife. agreeable.
Bereft of courage, enthusiastic, be Deformity of eyes, ugly, unfortunate, Spiritually disposed, peaceful, Interested in others’ jobs, be cruel,
8H truthful, disagreeable, hardhearted spiteful to brahmins,disorders of strong-bodied, firm in decision, interested in others’ wives and have
and selfish. blood. religious and gentle. a defective limb.
Endowed sons and fortunes, be rich, Many kinds of business, many Endowed with sons, happy, brilliant,
Highly learned and be famous among
9H honourable, kind, religious and well friends, very learned, well disposed affluent, devoid of excessive passion,
disposed to his relatives. to his wife, eloquent. honourable, happy with even a iota.
Endowed with sons and fortunes, be Religious, peaceful, skilful in Versed in arts, will enjoy pleasures, Endowed with many sons, abundant
10H delighted, intelligent, happy and religious acts, very learned and far- be strong-bodied and be learned in all wealth, cows, buffaloes etc. And will
truthful. sighted. shastras. be famous among men.
Wealth, grains and gold, beautiful, Extremely opulent, honourable, Virtuous, intelligent, dear to his Free from diseases, very fiery in
11H knowledge of arts, modest, skilful in truthful, firm in policy, many horses, people and will suffer disorders of disposition, affectionate to his wife,
singing. interested in singing. digestive fire. knowledge of mantras and weapons.

Morally fallen, sinful acts, interested Given to anger, associated with many Wicked, very honourable, evil in
A spendthrift, be miserable, firm and
12H in others’ wives, addicted to vices, activities, disabled, irreligious and disposition, shameless, will go to
will dishonour elders.
unkind, crafty. hate his own relatives. other’s females, ever poor.

Astro Toolkit Created by Kishore Kumar Student of EKDK BGNR 05 Batch

Gurubhyo Namaha Upagrahas (Non-Luminous Grahas) in Various Houses


Skilful in all branches of learning, be Afflicted by diseases, be lustful, Weak, sickly, dumb, lunatic, dull
1H happy, efficient in speech, agreeable sinful, crafty, wicked and very witted, defective-limbed, miserable
and be very affectionate. miserable. and emaciated.
Affable speaker, splendourous, poet, Unsightly in appearance, miserable,
Abundant grains, wealth, attendants,
2H scholarly, honourable, modest, mean, given to vices, shameless and
children, fortunate.
conveyances. penniless.
Charming in appearance, will head a Injurious (or mischievous), proud,
Miserly, cruel acts, thin-bodied, poor
3H village, be fond of virtuous men and hard-hearted, very dirty and be
and will incur severe diseases.
be honoured by the king. devoid of respect for elders.
Charming, very virtuous, gentle, Sickly, devoid of happiness, sinful
Happy, friendly, attached to females
4H interested in vedic knowledge and be and afflicted due to windy and
and elders, soft and truthful.
always happy. bilious excesses.
Happy, enjoy pleasures, versed in Praise-worthy, be poor, short-lived,
Happy, will do good acts, be kind and
5H arts, skilled in expedients, intelligent, spiteful, mean, eunuch, subdued by
very affectionate.
eloquent, respect elders. his wife, heterodox.
Subdued by his relatives and
Ominous for material relatives, win No enemies, friendly, strong-bodied,
enemies, sharp, defective digestive
6H enemies, many relatives, valiant, splendorous, liked by wife,
fire, wicked, sickly, affluent, short-
splendourous, skilful. enthusiastic, helpful in disposition.
Interested in gambling, be sensuous, Sinful, will go to others’ females, be Green-eyed, ever libidinous, fierce in
7H will enjoy pleasures and will befriend emaciated, devoid of friendship and appearance, be not worth respect and
prostitutes. will live on his wife’s wealth. be ill-disposed.
Base acts, be sinful, shameless, Troubled by hunger, miserable, cruel, Afflicted by diseases, be troubled and
8H blame others, lack in marital short-tempered, unkind, poor, bereft will incur misery on account of the
happiness, will take other’s side. of good qualities. king, relatives, servants and sons.
Wear badges, be delighted, helpfully Emaciated, will perform evil acts, be Sons, very rich, fortunate, charming,
9H disposed to all and he will be skilled very unkind, sluggish and be a serve others, be not wicked, be
in religious deeds talebearer. skilful.
Happiness and fortunes, fond of Endowed with sons, happy, will Heroic, intelligent, skilful, be an
10H females, be charitable, befriend enjoy, fond of worshipping gods and expert in carrying out royal orders
brahmins. fire, meditation and religion. and will worship gods.
Interested in sinful acts, valiant, A leader of men, be helpful to his Famous, virtuous, learned, wealthy,
11H untrustworthy, unkind, interested in relatives, be short stature and be an fair-complexioned and attached to
others’ females, short-tempered. emperor. mother.
Mean, wicked, defective-limbed, will
Bereft of happiness from his own
Sinful, defective-limbed, unfortunate, hate brahmins and relatives and
12H sons, will have an adopted, or
indolent and will join mean people. suffer from eye diseases, or be one-
purchased son

Astro Toolkit Created by Kishore Kumar Student of EKDK BGNR 05 Batch

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