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Honorable judges,

Respectable audiences,

ُ ‫اَلس َََّل ُم َعلَ ٍْ ُك ْن َو َر ْح َوتُ هللاِ َوبَ َركَا تُه‬

ُ ‫صد ِْري َوٌَ ِس ّْر ِلً أ َ ْه ِري َواحْ لُ ْل‬
ً‫ع ْقدَة ً ِه ْن ِل َسانًِ ٌَ ْفقَ ُهىا قَ ْى ِل‬ َ ً‫ب ا ْش َر ْح ِل‬ ِ ّ ‫َر‬
ُ ‫ أ َ َّها َب ْعد‬، َ‫ص ْح ِب ِه أَجْـ َوـعٍِن‬َ ‫لى آ ِل ِه َو‬
َ ‫ َو َع‬،‫ٌّن‬ ِ ‫ َو ِب ِه نَ ْست َ ِع ٍْ ُن َعلَى أ ُ ُه‬، َ‫ب ْال َعالَ ِوٍن‬
ِ ‫ىر الدُّ ْن ٍَا َوال ِد‬ ِ َّ ِ ُ ‫ْال َح ْود‬
ِ ّ ‫َلِل َر‬

Hello everyone. Thank you for having me, my name is Anita Nur Rezkia. I am grade XI from Bhakti
Kencana Ciawi / Vocational High School. In this special occasion, I’m going to be speaking to you / about
“How to get out of comfort zone bubble / for teenagers”.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Not long ago, I asked some of my friends / about what they are going to do in the future. I am a little bit
concerned / because most of their responses / are like, “I don’t know”, / or “I don’t really care, just go with the
flow”, / and so on. However, we are living in an information age, or people call it digital era. In this era,
everything happened and changed rapidly, especially information and technology. This rapid and constant
change / has been affecting human life around the globe, especially them / who have contact with gadget and
The problem with my generation, for example my friends, is that / they are living inside their own comfort
zone. Well, of course they all want to live comfortably, but it is different. In comfort zone, people feel comfort
and secure / because there are no challenge, no risk, nothing. It means / they don’t need any development, no
improvement, no changing, nothing. It is obviously / against the nature of digital era today. This era is like a
snow ball, if we cannot cope with it, we will surely be hit by it.
Distinguished audiences,
It seems like a pebble problem, but it is not. Therefore, I’d like to put forward my opinion / on how to solve
this / on individual level. First of all, we have to be aware / that we are inside a comfort zone, and it is
dangerous. After that, these questions will be asked, “what should we do?” / and “where should we begin?” /
Everyone might have different answers.
The first thing we can do is / realizing our passion. What kind of person we want to be? / What career we
want to pursue? / How to bring them into reality? / After finding the answer to them all, manage our time and
energy to pursue them. Be the best or be an expert / on whatever path we choose. Use the current technology
and information as effective as possible. If we have trouble finding our passion, consult with experts / or do
some tests to find it.
The second thing is balance. In between pursuing our passion, do not forget to put hobby on our schedule.
It will help us relaxed and refreshed. Only then, we can prevent ourselves from burnout. But, be careful about
choosing the hobby. Some could corrupt us, and some could support our passion.
Last but not the least / is writing down all our goals and targets. If we visualize our plan like this, our future
will never be blurry. We will never feel like / we have lost our way / or feel like we are useless. Above all, do
not forget / that the best plan is the one we take action on them. Here, we need to develop / a problem solving
skill along the way. We are going to face various problems, but life must go on.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am aware / those points are easier said than do. But, let me resume my speech that / in this digital era /
where everything is changing rapidly, we cannot stay in comfort zone. For us, who are still not sure how to
adjust to this era, we can start with knowing ourselves. We start to find our passion, using hobby to refresh in
between our activities, and write down our goals and targets.
I’d like to close my speech with this sentence, "Rather than wasting time on yesterday that’s gone, it’s
better to invest our time in tomorrow that is not yet born." Thank you very much.

ُ ‫َوال َّسَلَ ُم َعلَ ٍْ ُك ْن َو َرحْ َوتُ هللاِ َوبَ َركَاتُه‬

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