The Relation of PH and Skin Cleansing: Jürgen Blaak Peter Staib

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pH in Cosmetic Products/Topical Formulations

Surber C, Abels C, Maibach H (eds): pH of the Skin: Issues and Challenges.

Curr Probl Dermatol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 54, pp 132–142 (DOI: 10.1159/000489527)

The Relation of pH and Skin Cleansing

Jürgen Blaak · Peter Staib
Research and Development and Regulatory Affairs, Kneipp GmbH, Würzburg, Germany

What Is Already Known? factant composition and cutaneous physiology,

especially epidermal barrier function and skin
■ A lot of work has been done to understand the im-
pact of cleanser on skin surface pH. Skin surface pH
is stated to increase up to +3.0 units and pH recov-
ery requires several hours. Cleansing-induced alter-
What Does This Text Add?
ation of the slightly acidic skin surface pH decreas- ■ The present article reviews the current research
es epidermal barrier function. state on the topic “pH and skin cleansing,” includ-
■ Different negative effects on skin microflora and ing novel results and strategies regarding acidic
antimicrobial defence mechanisms are described skin care and cleansing for specific skin conditions.
after skin cleansing due to a neutral-to-alkaline ■ All relevant skin conditions and disorders with skin
product pH. surface pH alterations are listed, and linked to ben-
■ Especially in skin conditions with enhanced skin efit from cosmetic products with a given pH of 4–5.
surface pH, and therefore negatively affected epi- ■ The interrelation of the given product pH and the
dermal barrier function and skin microflora, used surfactants is discussed and defined as re-
maintaining and stabilizing of the slightly acidic quired research for the future, to raise skin cleans-
skin surface pH are crucial to keep skin ing product compatibility.
■ Providing the market with acidic skin care and
cleansing products is an important challenge Abstract
within the cosmetic industry for the future. How- Several epidermal barrier functions, like skin barrier re-
ever, further research is required to understand generation and antimicrobial response, are related to the
the interrelation between product pH level, sur- acidic nature of the skin surface pH (ss-pH). However, the - 9/10/2018 4:29:31 PM
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epidermal acidification is known to be fragile and it is pact of skin cleansing products on skin and skin
commonly accepted that cosmetic products, especially surface pH (ss-pH) was the topic of a number of
soaps and skin cleansing products, can induce significant clinical studies and research is still going on. To-
changes in ss-pH. As a consequence, epidermal barrier day, the advantage of acidic synthetic detergents
function and skin microflora are affected negatively. ss- compared to alkaline rinse-off products is com-
pH even increases after a single washing procedure or monly accepted, especially in skin disorders or
after rinsing the skin with water alone. The skin pH recov- skin conditions with disturbed epidermal acidifi-
ery needs time up to several hours before it can reach the cation [2]. Various intrinsic and extrinsic altera-
physiological level. For cosmetic-relevant skin condi- tions of the physiological ss-pH are evaluated and
tions, skin disorders and specific consumer groups, main- described to reduce epidermal barrier function
taining of the acidic ss-pH is beneficial for epidermal [2, 3]. Important exogenous factors are occlusive
physiology and cutaneous microflora. In this context, dressings, topical irritants, skin care products and
cleansing and skin care products with a pH level of 4.0–5.0 skin cleanser, which is the focus of this study. Be-
may be helpful. In addition, combining the acidic product sides cleansing effects on ss-pH, this chapter re-
pH level with the ideal mix of surfactants, thereby en- views related studies regarding the general as-
hancing product compatibility and minimizing skin irrita- pects of skin cleansing and surfactants impact,
tion and intolerance, is a major challenge for the future. epidermal barrier functions and involvement of
Beyond innovative cleansing technology, further multi- the skin microflora.
faceted cosmetic research is a prerequisite to get deeper
knowledge on the interrelation of product pH level, sur-
factant composition and corneobiology. General Aspects on Skin Cleansing
© 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel
Skin cleansing products are not only developed to
remove unwanted materials from the skin but are
Skin cleansing is generally understood as remov- also part of our daily skin care routine. When they
ing dirt from the skin surface, whereby dirt in- are skin compatible, they do not compromise cor-
cludes dust, sebum, sweat, residues of cosmetics neobiology and are safe for the consumer in gen-
and pollutants carried by air. Furthermore, body eral. On the other hand, interactions between the
odour regulation or inhibition and physical relax- epidermal barrier (i.e., stratum corneum [SC])
ation or pleasure are also reasons for skin cleans- and cleansing products are widely evaluated, es-
ing applications, for example, shower or bath. pecially regarding surfactants. This discrepancy
From a historical point of view, vegetable oils and between positive and negative effects, also known
potash were used to produce soap by Sumerians. as cleansing paradox [4], implicates thoughtful
Since 2500 B.C., skin cleansing has changed enor- and purposeful usage of skin cleansing products,
mously from being a process that was only for re- especially for cosmetic-relevant skin conditions
moving dirt. Skin cleansing became part of me- and skin disorders.
dicinal washing in the 19th century and later was Investigations on this topic can be divided into
integrated into the daily body care routine. Now- studies on single surfactants or a combination
adays, skin care and skin cleansing are areas that thereof via exposure models (in vitro; in vivo) and
are increasingly overshadowing each other. As a the clinical evaluation of cleanser as a finished
milestone in the history of skin cleansing, the pro- product in a (nearly) real-life setting. Indepen-
hibition of using soap on eczematous skin by der- dent from this differentiation, the level of impair-
matologists, in Germany known as “Seifenver- ment at least depends on type, concentration and/
bot,” should be mentioned [1]. Since then the im- or mix of surfactants, the used exposure model, - 9/10/2018 4:29:31 PM
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Surber C, Abels C, Maibach H (eds): pH of the Skin: Issues and Challenges.

Curr Probl Dermatol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 54, pp 132–142 (DOI: 10.1159/000489527)
measured skin parameter, application frequency the lipid bilayer structure [12], thereby causing
and duration, cleansing conditions, as well as skin bilayer destabilization and increased SC perme-
type and skin condition. ability [14]. The impact on SC lipids has often
To understand the impact of skin cleansing on been raised to be the main harmful cleansing ef-
SC, it is important to reflect the skin penetration fect, but nowadays the interaction between sur-
behaviour of surfactants. Surfactants are basic factants and epidermal proteins is also accepted
compounds of skin cleansing products because of as key mechanism in skin irritation and epider-
their detergent and foaming properties. Nowa- mal barrier damage [11]. Cleanser surfactants in-
days the “surfactant monomer skin penetration teract with SC proteins (i.e., keratin), and thus
model” is more and more reviewed. Formerly, it cause proteins to denature [15], resulting in SC
was supposed that surfactant monomers can pen- swelling [16]. In addition to keratin denatur-
etrate in the epidermis, whereas micelles are too ation, surfactants are also able to damage func-
large, and hence skin irritation would be mainly tional proteins, like enzymes, which lead to im-
linked to the critical micelle concentration [5, 6]. paired SC lipid and protein maturation, reduced
Meanwhile, however, it was shown that depend- bilayer formation, dysbalanced desquamation,
ing on the size, surfactant micelles can also pen- altered keratinocyte differentiation and abnor-
etrate in the epidermis, likely via aqueous pores mal antioxidative defence [6, 9]. In general, the
[7, 8]. This finding may explain the irritative ef- extent of interaction between surfactants and SC
fects of cleansing products with a typical concen- proteins depends on net charge and head-/polar-
tration of surfactants (5–15 wt%) in which almost group size [14]. Due to their ability to permeate,
all surfactants are ordered in micelles, whereas the SC surfactants can reach stratum granulo-
monomers are scarce. In short, cleansing prod- sum, spinosum and basale, that is, living cells. In-
ucts interact with the outermost layer of the skin teraction with epidermal cells (keratinocytes,
due to the penetration of surfactant monomers Langerhans cells) can result in cell membrane
and micelles. The risk for skin barrier irritation perturbation, cell stimulation and cell lysis, fol-
increases dose-dependently at elevated surfactant lowed by the release of several proinflammatory
concentrations [6–8]. mediators, like interleukins or tumour necrosis
Due to their physicochemical properties, sur- factor alpha [9]. Effects of surfactants on neuro-
factants can interact with several functional and/ receptors are also listed by Jackson et al. [9] and
or structural components of the epidermis. The described as sensory irritation due to interaction
impact of surfactants is described and roughly di- with the chemical sensitive type-C nociceptor.
vided by Jackson et al. [9] into interactions with Nevertheless, this type of interaction requires rel-
epidermal (a) lipids, (b) proteins, (c) living cells ative deep surfactant permeation through all epi-
and (d) neuroreceptors. It was demonstrated by dermal cell layers. The described effects on the
Froebe et al. [10], that cleansing products remove molecular level may result in severe functional
useful lipids from the outermost skin layer, a and structural changes, which are clinically visi-
phenomenon known as delipidation or degreas- ble or perceptible as dryness, tightness, irritation,
ing [11]. The impact on epidermal lipids by sur- redness and itch. In addition to type, combina-
factants is characterized by disruption, solubili- tion and concentration of surfactants, the cleans-
zation and disorganization of SC lipids [10, 12, er’s pH, which is the point of focus in this study,
13]. Recently, it was clarified that sodium lauryl is another key factor that contributes to skin ir-
sulfate damages the epidermal barrier by modify- ritation and SC damage, which is reviewed in the
ing the SC long lamellar structure, and that following sections.
charged surfactants could be incorporated into - 9/10/2018 4:29:31 PM
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Surber C, Abels C, Maibach H (eds): pH of the Skin: Issues and Challenges.

Curr Probl Dermatol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 54, pp 132–142 (DOI: 10.1159/000489527)
Skin pH and Corneobiology after exposure of a neutral or alkaline pH-buff-
ered solution to experimentally damaged SC [24,
Over more than 120 years ago the acidic nature 27].
of the skin surface was discovered, and later in
1928 established as “acid mantle” by Schade and Skin pH and Microflora
Marchionini. Just about 10 years ago, 2 research Since the beginning of research on the “acid man-
groups defined the physiological ss-pH as just tle,” the interaction between ss-pH and skin mi-
below 5 [17, 18]. In the last 2 decades, a lot of in- croflora, especially bacteria, was a major topic of
vestigations were performed on the process of dermatological investigations. Over the years, the
skin surface and SC acidification and the rele- relevance of the physiological acidic ss-pH as a
vance thereof for epidermal barrier physiology. regulating factor and antimicrobial barrier has
At least 3 epidermal barrier functions are associ- been demonstrated by many in vitro and in vivo
ated with skin surface acidification and dis- investigations. The growth of the resident micro-
cussed in the following paragraph [19]: SC integ- organism Staphylococcus epidermidis is inhibited
rity/cohesion, SC recovery and antimicrobial re- at alkaline in vitro conditions (pH 8.5) compared
sistance. to pH 5.5 [28]. This observation is in line with
that made by Lambers et al. [17], detecting in vi-
Skin pH and Epidermal Barrier Function tro higher growth of S. epidermidis under pH 4.7
The cutaneous desquamation process depends on and growth inhibition at neutral pH conditions,
the activity of different kallikrein-related pepti- whereas the pathogenic bacterium S. aureus was
dases [20], such as kallikrein-5 (KLK5) and kalli- strongly inhibited at pH 4.7. Similar results were
krein-7 (KLK7). This process is closely related to shown for the pathogenic Propionibacterium
the degradation of corneodesmosomes, like des- acnes, the growth of which was strongly inhibited
moglein 1, desmocollin 1 and corneodesmosin, at pH values below 5.5 [28, 29]. The relationship
by KLK5 and KLK7 [21]. Both these serine prote- between ss-pH and skin microflora was also sup-
ases are characterized by a slightly basic pH opti- ported in vivo by a cross-over study using alkaline
mum but they showed to be still active at acidic soap compared to a pH 5.5 syndet. The growth of
pH conditions [22]. The epidermal serine prote- P. acnes was increased after soap usage and re-
ase regulation is reviewed by Ovaere et al. [23], duced after 4-week syndet application [30]. To
where desquamation is described as enzyme con- verify these results, and especially to demonstrate
trol of KLK5 and KLK7 via acidic pH by reducing that the pH itself and not the chemical composi-
activity but not completely inhibiting these 2 pro- tion of the cleansing product impacts bacterial
teases. Consequently, the epidermal desquama- growth, 2 succeeding in vivo studies were per-
tion process and in turn SC integrity/cohesion, is formed. The impact on ss-pH and skin microflora
maintained and balanced through a pH below 5. under long-term usage of 2 syndets was com-
In addition, SC recovery and regeneration are pared: pH 5.5 vs. 7.0 [31] and pH 5.5 vs. 8.5 [32].
also closely related to the slightly acidic ss-pH Regarding skin bacteria adhesion, it was shown
[24]. Skin barrier restoration is mainly associated that the dissociation of resident bacteria is en-
with the 2 lipid-processing hydrolases hanced after treatment with an alkaline solution
β-glucocerebrosidase and acid sphingomyelin- (pH 11.0) compared to an acidic solution (pH 3.0)
ase, which exhibit an acidic pH optimum to trans- [17], thereby confirming that early results from
fer polar lipids, such as glucosylceramide and 1942 were confirmed [33]. Aside pH-dependent
sphingomyelin, to the non-polar barrier lipid bi- regulation of bacterial growth and adhesion, the
layer [25, 26]. As a result, SC recovery is delayed slightly acidic skin surface also provides skin de- - 9/10/2018 4:29:31 PM
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Surber C, Abels C, Maibach H (eds): pH of the Skin: Issues and Challenges.

Curr Probl Dermatol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 54, pp 132–142 (DOI: 10.1159/000489527)
fence by supporting antimicrobial peptide pro- after single standardized washing and the highest
duction and activity [34], whereas interaction be- pH shift was shown for the alkaline soap (pH 9.5)
tween epidermal cells, resident microflora, im- group (+0.453 units). Moreover, a solid and liquid
mune response and ss-pH is still not fully acidic syndet (pH 5.5) was tested, resulting in low-
understood. Summarizing this section, it be- er pH shift (+0.294 and +0.291) immediately after
comes clear that ss-pH matters significantly in washing. Recovery time for the ss-pH was not as-
corneobiology by maintaining SC formation, reg- sessed. A vastly higher pH shift after single soap
ulating desquamation, supporting SC regenera- usage was shown by Tamburic [37], where 5 soaps
tion and maintaining a healthy skin microflora by (pH 10.2–10.5) increased the ss-pH for more than
affecting bacterial growth, adhesion and antimi- +2.0 units. The same work demonstrated a pH
crobial defence. shift of up to +0.5 units after usage of 3 more acid-
ic products (pH 6.9–7.5). In case of the alkaline
soaps, ss-pH recovery was not reached on the lat-
The Role of pH in Skin Cleansing est measurement time point: after 60 min. A dou-
ble-blind comparative study was initiated by Barel
Factors influencing ss-pH can be categorized into et al. [38] to evaluate long-term cleansing effects
3 classes: (1) endogenous factors, unrelated to under normal home-use conditions in 2 product
pathological situations; (2) endogenous factors, groups: soap (pH 9.6) versus syndet (pH 6.9). Dif-
related to pathological features and (3) exogenous ferent biophysical measurements were taken be-
factors [19]. As exogenous factors, occlusive fore, during (every 2 weeks) and after usage (week
dressings, skin irritants, topical antibacterials, 10). Regarding ss-pH measurement, a significant
cosmetic products and the soaps and skin cleans- increase (up to +0.6 units) was noticed on the up-
ing products discussed here are known to influ- per arm, neck and legs after 10 consecutive weeks
ence ss-pH [2]. of washing in the soap group. Another study com-
A literature survey performed by the “skin pared soap and syndet, noticing a pH shift of +1.7
cleansing” group of the German Society for Scien- units (soap, pH 9.1) and +0.8 units (syndet, pH
tific and Applied Cosmetics in 2013 demonstrated 5.5) directly after a single standardized hand
that the influence of skin cleansing on ss-pH has washing procedure [39]. Furthermore, recovery of
been intensively evaluated, especially in the last 4 the baseline ss-pH was reached 1 h after the wash-
decades [35]. However, they stated out the diffi- ing procedure for the syndet area, but ss-pH was
culty of comparing these investigations due to still enhanced 1 h after using the alkaline soap
marked differences in the experimental setting, (+0.4 units). A further study compared 6 com-
used devices, time points, statistics and applied mercially available cleansers to identify their im-
product amounts, wherefore final conclusions pact on different skin parameters [40]. After sin-
should be made carefully (Table 1). Regarding the gle product use, ss-pH changes significantly in all
impact of skin cleansing on ss-pH, it appears to be test sites: +2.1 to 2.4 units (soap types), +1.3 (com-
important to differentiate between “pH shift” (ss- bar) and +1.0 units (syndet). Additionally, after 90
pH change in units after washing procedure) and min, ss-pH was decreased to the normality inter-
“pH recovery” (time required to reach baseline ss- val, but baseline level was still not restored.
pH). Interestingly it was shown that even washing Based on the literature survey from Assmus et
the skin with tap water can increase ss-pH up to al. [35], pH shift is stated to range between ±0.0
approximation +1.0 unit [35, 36]. To evaluate [41] and +3.0 [42] units and pH recovery time
product pH effects on ss-pH shift, measurements varies from 45 min [41] to 8 h [43] and 12 h, re-
were taken by Gfatter et al. [36] before and 10 min spectively, in a repetitive cleansing procedure - 9/10/2018 4:29:31 PM
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Surber C, Abels C, Maibach H (eds): pH of the Skin: Issues and Challenges.

Curr Probl Dermatol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 54, pp 132–142 (DOI: 10.1159/000489527)
Table 1. Relevant investigations from the last two decades on skin surface pH influenced by a single washing proce-

Changes in ss-pH after single application Description of subjects Year Reference

pH shift n = 40 (10 per product) 1997 [36]

+0.20 ss-pH units (water) Age: 2 weeks to 16 months
+0.29 ss-pH units (detergents) Sex: f/m
+0.45 ss-pH units (alkaline soap) Skin: infant skin

pH recovery
Recovery time was not assessed
pH shift n=8 1999 [37]
+0.5 ss-pH units (product pH: 6.9–7.5) Age: 17–40
+2.0 ss-pH units (product pH: 10.2–10.5) Sex: f
Skin: healthy skin
pH recovery
ss-pH was restored after 60 min (product pH: 6.9–7.5)
ss-pH was still enhanced after 60 min (product pH: 10.2–10.5)
pH shift n = 48 2007 [39]
+1.7 ss-pH units (soap) Age: 17–59
+0.8 ss-pH units (syndet) Sex: f
Skin: healthy skin
pH recovery
ss-pH was restored 60 min. after washing (syndet)
ss-pH was still enhanced after 60 min (soap)
pH shift n = 120 (20 per product) 2010 [40]
+2.1 to 2.4 ss-pH units (soap types) Age: 20–25
+1.0 and + 1.3 ss-pH units (syndet and combar) Sex: f/m
Skin: healthy skin
pH recovery
ss-pH was still enhanced after 90 min (all products)
pH shift n = 63 2013 [35]
+1.07 ss-pH units (water) Age: 40–65
+1.23 ss-pH units (syndet: pH 7.0) Sex: f/m
+1.03 to +1.17 ss-pH units (syndet: pH 4.5) Skin: healthy skin

pH recovery
Recovery time was not assessed

ss-pH, skin surface pH; f, female; m, male.

[44]. It becomes clear that pH shift and pH recov- multicentre study, the test products were devel-
ery are closely linked to the given pH value of the oped on 2 types of surfactant systems. For one of
used cleansing product. Furthermore, it is shown these, 2 products were adjusted to a pH of 4.5 and
that the impact of the product pH on ss-pH is also 7.0. The third product, with the different surfac-
influenced by the product ingredients, especially tant system, was adjusted to pH 4.5. After single
by the composition of surfactants [35]. In this application, ss-pH was significantly increased in - 9/10/2018 4:29:31 PM
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Surber C, Abels C, Maibach H (eds): pH of the Skin: Issues and Challenges.

Curr Probl Dermatol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 54, pp 132–142 (DOI: 10.1159/000489527)
all test sites, with the highest pH shift after wash- washing per day or long-term usage over weeks
ing with the pH neutral cleanser (+1.23 units). In- can exacerbate ss-pH changes [39, 44]. Moreover,
terestingly, the 2 products with the pH of 4.5 were cleansing-induced ss-pH enhancement is nega-
significantly different in their impact on ss-pH, tively correlated to several epidermal barrier
an observation that led to the conclusion that functions, especially SC integrity/cohesion, re-
both issues affect ss-pH: product pH and the giv- covery and skin microflora, including antimicro-
en surfactants [35]. However, the interrelation of bial defence. From a clinical perspective, changes
formulation (surfactant) chemistry, product pH in ss-pH may reduce epidermal barrier function,
and ss-pH in the context of skin irritation is not which in turn is usually followed by dryness, (af-
yet clarified and direct or indirect impact of the ter-wash) tightness, scaling, roughness, redness,
formulation pH is not differentiated and evalu- itch and low-grade inflammation [14]. Further-
ated in detail [14]. A first step to evaluate direct more, a positive significant correlation between
pH effects was provided by Ananthapadmanab- cleansing product pH and skin irritation index
han et al. [45], since they have demonstrated that was also demonstrated [47].
the pH of a buffered solution itself induces skin
irritation and therefore SC damage may be a
function of pH, also in the absence of surfactants. Conclusion
In detail, SC protein swelling is enhanced and lip-
id fluidity is reduced at alkaline pH buffer appli- Concerning compatibility of skin cleansing prod-
cation (pH 10.0) compared to slightly acidic con- ucts, replacement of alkaline soaps by slightly
ditions (pH 4.0 and pH 6.5). The relation between acidic syndets in the late 1950s was the most im-
skin cleansing and SC function is also supported portant development step taken with regard to
by a controlled, long-term cleansing study, ac- shifting focus from just rinsing skin to removing
companied by biophysical measurements to ob- dirt. Nowadays, skin cleansing has become more
jectivate the impact on SC physiology parameter. and more a part of the daily body care routine. A
Focusing on the water-treated control site, it was lot of work has been done to understand the im-
shown that a 21-day washing procedure with wa- pact of cleansers on ss-pH shift and recovery, and
ter only significantly increases ss-pH from ap- also to clarify the consequences of ss-pH changes
proximately pH 4.8 to almost 5.1 [46]. In addi- on various skin parameters, like SC hydration,
tion, the increased ss-pH was accompanied by a epidermal barrier function and skin microflora
slightly enhanced transepidermal water loss and (Table 2).
significantly reduced SC hydration. Regarding SC It is well known that perturbation of the slight-
functional assessment, a slight decrease in SC in- ly acidic ss-pH by cleansing products with a given
tegrity and a significant decrease in SC cohesion pH higher than 5.5 decreases epidermal barrier
was observed. This study confirms the impact of function by negatively influencing essential en-
skin cleansing on epidermal barrier function, that zyme cascades within the SC [35]. A pH shift of
is, SC integrity/cohesion, and the relation thereof +0.5 units already results in functional SC abnor-
to cleansing-induced changes in ss-pH. malities, for example, reduced SC cohesion [48].
In summary, skin cleansing attended by using Moreover, different negative effects on skin mi-
soaps and pH neutral to alkaline syndets leads to croflora are postulated after cleansing-induced
an ss-pH shift of up to +3.0 pH units and could be increase in ss-pH, like reduced growth of resident
followed by an ss-pH recovery time over many microflora, increase in pathogenic flora coloniza-
hours; such ss-pH shifts can occur after single tion, loss of bacteria adhesion to the skin surface
washing procedure [35]. In addition, repeated and impact on antimicrobial defence mecha- - 9/10/2018 4:29:31 PM
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Surber C, Abels C, Maibach H (eds): pH of the Skin: Issues and Challenges.

Curr Probl Dermatol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 54, pp 132–142 (DOI: 10.1159/000489527)
Table 2. Impact of cleansing on skin function and structure

Affected part Alteration in skin function Reviewed in

Skin surface pH Increase of skin surface pH [35]

Decrease in pH-related epidermal barrier functions
Epidermal lipids Delipidation of surficial and intercellular lipids [14]
Disorganization of SC lipid lamellae
Epidermal proteins Denaturation of keratins [14]
Damage of functional proteins
Living epidermal cells Cell membrane perturbation and lysis [9]
Cell stimulation and proinflammatory release
Neuroreceptors Chemical irritation [9]
Sensory sensations
Skin microflora Removing resident flora [34]
Changing microflora composition and growth
Decrease in resident bacteria adhesion

nisms [34]. In contrast to Schmid-Wendtner and Table 3. Cosmetic-relevant skin conditions, disorders
Korting [49], who claimed higher irritation po- and consumer groups, benefiting from acidic skin cleans-
ing in particular
tential of cosmetics with a given pH of below 5.0,
other authors recommend developing skin care Group of subjects, characterized by skin surface pH alterations
and cleansing products in the range of pH 4.0 and
5.0 [35, 50]. Skin compatibility of slightly acidic Age groups Newborn
skin care and cleansing products was shown by 2
Skin inflammation Atopic dermatitis
recent long-term studies, even in epidermal bar- Seborrheic dermatitis
rier compromised skin [51, 52]. Diaper dermatitis

Especially in skin with enhanced ss-pH, and Skin infection Fungal infections
Bacterial infections
therefore negatively affected epidermal barrier
function and skin microflora, maintaining and Special patient Acne-prone skin
populations Diabetic skin
stabilizing of the slightly acidic ss-pH are crucial Dialysis patients
to maintain skin healthiness. Just recently, the
benefits of ss-pH “normalization” by pH 4.0 skin Frequent skin cleansing Wet working people
Sportsmen and athletes
care and cleansing treatment were shown by
Specific skin conditions Sensitive skin
Blaak et al. [51, 53] in aged skin and was support- Xerotic skin
ed by Behm et al. [52] for diabetics and elderly via
topical application of a pH 4.0 w/o emulsion. Re-
versing and stabilizing ss-pH via acidic skin care
and cleansing treatment enhance SC integrity/co- sensitive skin [56] or inflammatory skin disor-
hesion and recovery [51] and could improve SC ders, like atopic dermatitis [57] and acne [58]. In
lipid lamellae, spectrum and ratio as well [54]. addition to these groups, wet working people or
Apart from aged skin, endogenous elevation in athletes are characterized by exogenous elevation
ss-pH is also discussed for newborns’ skin [55], in ss-pH due to frequent washing procedure [49]. - 9/10/2018 4:29:31 PM
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Surber C, Abels C, Maibach H (eds): pH of the Skin: Issues and Challenges.

Curr Probl Dermatol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 54, pp 132–142 (DOI: 10.1159/000489527)
For these cosmetic-relevant skin conditions, skin paradox that the majority of commonly available
disorders and specific consumer groups main- skin care and cleansing products still reveal neu-
taining or restoration of SC acidification could tral to alkaline product pH values, or at least
benefit epidermal barrier function, skin microflo- above pH 5.0 [39, 47, 50, 59–61]. For that reason,
ra and disease state as well (Table 3). In the con- providing the market with acidic skin care and
text of atopic dermatitis, ss-pH is even described cleansing products is an important challenge
as “therapeutic goal” and establishing a sufficient within the cosmetic industry for the future. An-
“pH management” seems to be the challenge [57]. other key challenge for skin cleansing producers
Since skin cleansing today is a versatile part of may be the combination of the acidic product pH
the daily hygiene routine, the choice of the right between 4.0 and 5.0 with the optimal composition
cleanser is not only important for patients with of surfactants [35] and thereby enhance product
specific skin conditions but also for consumers compatibility and minimize skin irritation and
with healthy skin. Therefore, it appears reason- damage. However, further research is required to
able to recommend cleansing products with a giv- understand the interrelation between product pH
en pH of below 5.0 for “normal” healthy skin, and level, surfactant composition and cutaneous
using more acidic products, that is, pH 4.0, for physiology, especially epidermal barrier function
specific skin conditions and disorders, character- and skin microflora. However, the important
ized by disturbed SC acidification. Considering message is the cleansing of the skin with respect
the research of the last 2 decades, it seems to be a to pH.

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Dr. Jürgen Blaak

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Surber C, Abels C, Maibach H (eds): pH of the Skin: Issues and Challenges.

Curr Probl Dermatol. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 54, pp 132–142 (DOI: 10.1159/000489527)

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