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Compiler Design(BTCS601)

Assignment-03 Date: 8-September-2023

Q.1 What is Syntax Analysis? Explain the Role of Parser.
Q.2 Write a short note:
(a) Polish and Reverse Polish notations.
(b) Ambiguous Grammar.
(C) Operator Precedence and Associativity.
Q.3 Describe the classifications of Parsing techniques along with a suitable block
Q.4 Explain the leftmost and rightmost derivations with suitable examples.
Q.5 Difference b/w Parse tree and Syntax tree?
Q.6 Describe Brute-Force Parser.
Q.7 Explain the Recursive-Descent Parsing & Predictive Parsing.
Q.8 What is Left Recursion? How is it removed? Explain the need and process of
Left Factoring.
Q.9 Explain the Rules for generating the FIRST and FOLLOW sets of the symbols
for the Grammar.
Q.10. Consider the following Grammar and Construct the LL(1) Parser:
S -> A A -> BC | DBC B -> Bb | ε C -> c | ε D -> a | d
(1) Check left recursion.
(2) Check left factoring.
(3) Transition Diagram
(5) Parsing Table.
(6) Block Diagram.
(7) Parsing Algorithm.
(8) Parsing with String dbb.

Date of Submission –15-September- 2023

Mr. Abhishek K.C. Sharma
Subject Teachers {Sections: VII Semester (B, E, I) & V Semester (J)}

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