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Business Studies
Nature of business

Students learn about:

r___ of business
● the n______ of b_________
– producing g_______ and s_________
– p______, e_________, i________, c______, i___________, e________________
and r___, w______ and q_______________

types of businesses
● c____________ of b_______________
– size – S_______to M____________ e____________ (SMEs), l______
– l______, n_________, g________
– i________ – p_________, s__________, t__________, q____________,
– l______ s________ – s______ t__________, p_____________, p_________
company, p_________ company, g___________ enterprise
● factors influencing c_______ of l_______ s___________
– s_______, o_____________, f______________

influences in the business environment

● e____________ i____________ – e___________, f__________, g___________,
s_______, l_________, p_________, i_________, t_____________, c_________
situation, m_________
● i___________ i___________ – p___________, l___________, r___________,
m___________ and b___________ c___________
● s___________

business growth and decline

● stages of the business l___________ c___________
– e___________
– g___________
– m___________
– p___________
● r___________ to c___________ at each stage of the b___________ ___________
● factors that can c___________ to b___________ d___________
● v___________ and i___________ c___________ – l___________
Business Studies
Business planning

Small to medium enterprises

● d___________
● r____
● e___________ c___________
● s___________ a___/o_ f_______

influences in establishing a small to medium enterprise

● p___________ q___________ – q___________, s_____, m___________,
e_____________, c___________, g_______
● s___________ of i___________
● the ___________ i_____ – c_______
● establishment o_____ – n___, e________, f_________
● market – g___________or/and_____________, p_____, l_________
● finance – s______, c_____
● legal – b________________, z_________, h_________ and other r___________
● human resources
– s____
– costs – w_____ and n_____________
● taxation – f_________ and s_______ t_____, l_____ r_____ and c_______

the business planning process

● s_______ of p___________ i______
– s______________________
● vision, goals and/or objectives
– v___________
– b___________ g_____
– l___________ g_______
● organising resources
– ___________
– ___________
– ___________
– ___________
● forecasting
– t________________, t___________
– b___________ a________
– c_____ f______ p___________
● monitoring and evaluations
– s_____
– b__________
– p______
● taking c___________ a__________

critical issues in business success and failure

● importance of a ______________________
● management – s___________ and t___________
● t______ a_________
● i___________ and s___________ c___________ a___________
● avoiding over-extension of f________________and other r_________________
● using t___________
● e___________ c___________
Business Studies
Business management

nature of management
● features of e___________ m________________
● skills of m________________
– i________________, c________________, st_________t_______g, v________,
p_________-s_______, d_______-m_______, f__________, a___________ to
c_______, r__________the c____________ interests of s________________
● achieving business goals
– p________, m___________s_____, g_______, s_____ p_____, s____,
– achieving a mix of the above goals
– staff involvement – i________________, m________________, m___________,

management approaches
● c__________a ______
– m________________ as pl________________, o________________ and
– h________________ o________________ s___________
– a_____________ leadership style
● b________________
– m______________ as l___________, m________, c______________
– t_________
– p______________/d______________ l______________ style
● c________________
– a______________ to c______________ c______________

management process
● c______________ key business functions and resources
● o______________
– g_______ and/or s________
– the p______________ p_________
– q________ m______________
● m______________
– i______________ of the t___________m__________
– m___________ m___
● f________
– c_____ f_____ s______________
– i________ s_________
– b_______ sheet
● h____________r________________
– r______________
– t______________
– e______________ c______________
– s______________ – v______________/i______________
● e_________b______________ b______________

management and change

● r______________ to i______________ and e______________ i______________
● m______________ c______________ e______________
– i______________ the need for c__________
– b______________ i______________ s______________
– s______________ a______________ g_______
– r______________ to c______
– m______________ c______________

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