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Member’s Book

Leaders and Members’ Basics
House Church Training Materials for Central Asia
See page 47 for the full curriculum


Table of Contents
WORKING WITH THE FATHER ....................................................................7
What do Muslims Believe?.................................................................................9
The Five Pillars of Islam..................................................................................10
What is the Camel Method? .............................................................................11
How Jesus Worked...........................................................................................12
How Jesus Worked...........................................................................................13
How Jesus Worked...........................................................................................14
The Man of Peace ............................................................................................15

THE MAN OF PEACE ......................................................................................17

How Do I Find the Man of Peace? ..................................................................19
Identifying the Man of Peace ...........................................................................20
Summary of Key Principles..............................................................................21
Getting Beyond the Wall ..................................................................................22
Should We Use the Quran? ..............................................................................23
Surah Al-Imran 3:42-49 .................................................................................24
Surah Al-Imran 3:50-55,59..............................................................................25

ISA MASIH .........................................................................................................27

Why Call it the Camel Method? .......................................................................29
Introducing the Camel .....................................................................................30
Isa Masih – The Righteous One .......................................................................31
Isa Masih – Born of a Virgin ...........................................................................32
Isa and The Prophet Adam...............................................................................33
Riding the Camel..............................................................................................34
The “Hadiths” .................................................................................................35

ISA AND THE BIBLE .......................................................................................37


Where Is Isa Right Now?................................................................................. 39

Review of the Camel Method........................................................................... 40
Before You Ride The “Camel”........................................................................ 41
The Quran and Arabic .................................................................................... 42
The Big Question............................................................................................. 43
Using the Bible with Muslims.......................................................................... 44
The Perfect Scripture ...................................................................................... 45


How to Read and Study this Book

Greetings. We would like to express our thanks to the believers
from Bangladesh who developed “The Camel Method.” With their
permission, we have changed a few words and the book style to fit
various people groups in Central Asia.
As you start your study of “The Camel Method,” you will see that
the book can be read in one month. The book has 28 chapters, which
are divided into 4 units. As you study, let us call your attention to three
parts of the book, which are as follows:
Meditation: At the beginning of each unit, you will see two verses
on which to mediate and apply to your life during the week.
Personal Thought Questions: There are seven chapters in each
unit. You can read a chapter a day or as many as you feel you have
time. Usually, there are questions near the end of each chapter about
which you will want to think and pray.
Discussion Guide: At the end of each unit, you will find questions
for church or small group discussion. These will help you and your
church better evaluate what you have learned during the week. One
method is for one person to read a question then have the group
discuss the question.
As disciples of Isa Masih, we want to be complete, equipped for
every good work. God has “prepared in advance” good works for us
to do (Ephesians 2:10). These are His good works, which He
continually works in and through us. However, in order to do any
good work, we must know God’s Holy Word and apply His Word in
our lives. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,
rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of
God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy
No matter how much we know about God’s Word, if we do not
apply what we learn, Scripture will never benefit our life. The
Scripture is “God-breathed.” We are to read it, memorize it, meditate
upon it, and use its teachings to guide our conduct.





Meditate upon and apply these Scriptures to your life this week:

1. John 5:19 – “Jesus gave them this answer: ‘I tell you

the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can
do only what He sees His Father doing, because
whatever the Father does the Son also does.’”

2. Luke 10:2 – “He told them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the
workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to
send out workers into His harvest field.’”



It is not the purpose of this book to give extensive teaching about
the religion of Islam. However, we need to understand some very
basic things about what Muslims believe.
Islam is the religion passed down from Mohammed. A Muslim is
one who practices the religion of Islam. “Muslim” literally means one
“who is submitted” or “surrendered.” Thus, a Muslim is one who is
surrendered to the will of Allah. Muslims would say that all who have
followed God, from Adam until now, are Muslims.
Muslims believe there is only one God (“Allah” in Arabic means
“God”). They believe in all the prophets, in the Bible and in the Quran,
but they believe that Mohammed is the last and greatest of the
Muslims believe there is a coming Day of Judgment at which time
good Muslims will enter paradise [called the “Garden of Delights”]
and unbelievers will be cast into hell.
Muslims believe there are four holy books – the Taurat (Torah), the
Zhabur (Psalms), the Injil (Gospel) and the Quran.
Muslims believe that the Quran is the final Word of Allah. They say
it was given by revelation to Mohammed and later written down by
others because Mohammed was illiterate. This is the only miracle
Muslims attribute to Mohammed. They say he read the sacred book
that was given by revelation to him, even though he was illiterate. Al-
Quran in Arabic means “the reading.”
The one who wants to do his duty to Allah and go to heaven must
perform duties that are called the Five Pillars of Islam.

Do Muslims in your area have similar beliefs? Do they have

different beliefs? Do you see any similarities in your beliefs as a
follower of Jesus and someone who practices Islam?



As we study Muslim beliefs, let us consider what Islam calls its

“Five Pillars.” Can you memorize them? They are as follows:
1. The confession - “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed
is His Prophet.” When, in sincerity, one makes this confession, he
becomes a Muslim.
2. Prayer - A Muslim is supposed to pray five times a day, at a
mosque if possible. The prayers are memorized and repeated.
3. Ramadan Fasting - For thirty days during Ramadan, a Muslim
is to fast from sunrise to sunset. (He may eat as much as he desires
from sunset to sunrise.)
4. Alms - Giving to the poor. A Muslim is to give 2.5% of his
income to the poor and for Islamic religious activity.
5. Hajj - The pilgrimage to Mecca. At least once in his life, if he
can afford it, the Muslim is to make a pilgrimage to Mecca and
perform the rituals of Islam there in Saudi Arabia.
However, even if a Muslim performs these duties to Allah perfectly,
he cannot know that he will go to heaven. He will go to heaven only if
Allah wills. In simple terms, Islam is a religion of works. If you do
enough good works to outweigh your bad works and if Allah wills,
then you will go to heaven.
Muslims say the Quran is the final Word of Allah, but most of what
they believe and practice is based on writings called the Hadiths.
“Hadith” means “story, news, or report.” While the Quran is
supposedly the Word of Allah, uttered by Mohammed when he was
inspired, the Hadiths are the reported sayings and practices of
Mohammed. They were passed on by word of mouth. They were not
written down until about 250 years after Mohammed’s death. Often,
Muslims will admit there are mistakes in the Hadiths. Sometimes they
contradict the Quran.



An effective way of reaching Muslims is using the Quran as a

bridge. Believers use passages in the Quran to begin speaking with
Muslims about Jesus. Then, when they find those who are interested in
hearing more about Jesus, they take them from the Quran to the Bible.
Using the Quran as a bridge is not just a theory about what might be
effective among Muslims. It is a method that has been proved in actual
practice in strict Muslim areas.
The Camel Method is a simple method using one particular
passage in the Quran as a means to confront Muslims with
important truths about who Jesus is. This method came into being out
of practical experience in Bangladesh. The main purpose of this book
is to teach the Camel Method. It is a simple tool. You can use it to
begin to speak to Muslims in a non-threatening way.
We will begin by looking at how Jesus worked and how He taught
His disciples to do the work of the Kingdom. He taught them to look
for a “man of peace.” In order to use the Camel Method, it is essential
that we understand this concept of looking for a man of peace. Then we
will learn the Camel Method itself. In the remainder of the book, we
will consider what to do with this man of peace once God has drawn him
out and revealed him to you.
Muslims seem so resistant to the Gospel. If we want to reach
Muslims with the Gospel, how do we begin? How can we possibly
begin to tell them about Jesus? Jesus has shown us how!
Jesus came into a world that was very hostile to Him. Most rejected
Him. The Bible says, “He came to that which was His own, but His own did
not receive Him”(John 1:11). In that hostile environment, Jesus found
those who did receive Him. We see this in John 1:12: “Yet to all who
received Him, to those who believed in His Name, He gave the right to become
children of God.” He took those few who did receive Him and built His
Church. His Church then spread very rapidly, even in a hostile world
though persecution tried to stop it. Let us then look and see how Jesus
planted His church in a hostile place.

First three principles
We find the pattern for how Jesus worked in John 5:17-20. As we
read these verses, we see 5 principles of how Jesus worked.
First Principle – Jesus knew the Father was at work. Since sin
came into the world, God has been working to restore men to Himself.
He has been seeking those who are lost. God is already at work in your
area, preparing hearts to hear about His Son Jesus. He is preparing a
harvest and it is “plentiful” (Luke 10:2).
Second Principle – Jesus was committed to joining the Father
wherever He was working. Jesus always worked together with the
Father. He was committed to join Him wherever He was at work.
Thus, He always knew and followed the will of God completely. How
can you know for sure that you have understood the will of God?
Many do not find the will of God because they are not committed to
join God wherever He works. They do not “choose to do God’s will”
(John 7:17). We usually want God to show us His will and then we
will decide if we will do it. But unless your heart is committed to do
the will of God, no matter what He asks you to do, you will never
clearly know His will for you. You will not be able to join God where
He is at work because you will not be able to see where He is at work.
If your will is surrendered to the will of God, so that you are willing
to join God wherever He is at work, He will make it clear to you
where He is working.
Third Principle – Jesus knew that apart from the Father He
could do nothing. (Read John 15:4-5.) If you are not abiding in a
close relationship with Jesus, how much can you do for God? If a
branch is separated from the tree, it cannot bear any fruit. The same is
true for us spiritually. Unless we are abiding in a close relationship
with Jesus, we cannot bear any fruit for God.
Carefully read again the Scripture passages listed in this chapter.


The Fourth Principle
Fourth Principle – Jesus watched with His spiritual eyes and
listened with His spiritual ears to know where the Father was
working. We need to look and see where God is at work!
In Ephesians 1:18, Paul prayed that we would be able to see with
our spiritual eyes, not just our physical eyes. If you look with spiritual
eyes, you will see where God is at work. Read 2 Kings 6:14-17 - What
difference did it make to Elisha’s servant when he saw with spiritual
Jesus saw where the Father was at work and joined Him where He
was working. Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing. In the
discussion guide on page 16, consider the three stories about Jesus.
Think about how He saw with spiritual eyes where the Father was at
work and then joined Him. Are your spiritual eyes open to see where
God is working now?
If you have a close relationship with Jesus, He will show you where
God is working, and how you can join Him. If your wife calls on the
phone, she does not have to identify herself. You recognize her
immediately. Why? Because you are familiar with her voice. You spend
much time with her. In the same way, we must become familiar with
the voice of Jesus. Consider these statements:
„ “I feel bad for the sins that I have done” (John 16:8-11)
„ “I had a dream” (about Jesus, the Bible, etc.) (Acts 10:30-
„ “I want to know what the truth is” (John 16:13, 17:17)
„ “I understand what the Bible is saying” (Matthew 13:10-11)
„ “I think that Allah is speaking to me” (John 10:26-27)
„ “What happens to me when I die?” (Hebrews 2:15).
If you hear someone say things like these, your spiritual ears should
tell you that God is working inside him or her. The Bible tells us that
only God can do these things. Are your ears open to hear when God
tells you where He is working?

The Fifth Principle
Fifth principle – When Jesus saw where the Father was at
work, He joined Him (He began to work where the Father was
at work).
When God shows you where He is at work, it is His invitation for
you to join Him. When you join Him, you will see the hand of God at
work and you will marvel at what He does. You can do nothing apart
from God. As you join God in what He is doing, God does the work.
Therefore, it will always be successful in the truest sense (John 5:20,
14:10-12, 15:4, Ephesians 1:11).
John 5:19-20 shows how Jesus did the works that He did. He saw
what the Father was doing and joined Him. This is how God wants to
work in you.
God wants you to join Him in starting a church among Muslims
where you are. He is already at work to start a church. It will start as
God draws out people [like Zacchaeus, the woman at the well, and the
disciples] whom He will use to begin a church.
Jesus always found that person [or persons] in whom God was
already at work. Then he invested Himself and His time in those
people. He knew they were the key people to reaching a community or
a group of people. He joined the Father where He was at work.
Jesus taught His disciples to work just as He did. In Luke 10,
before He sent His disciples out to do ministry, He taught them how
to look for those people in whom God was already working. Then
they could join God and work with those people.
First, Jesus taught His disciples how to look for a “man of peace.”

Would you desire to find that “man of peace” and work with Jesus
to start a new church in your own area? “Nothing is impossible with
God” (Luke 1:37).



As Jesus looked across the crowd, He was looking for someone.

There was one particular individual there who held the keys to the
heart of the whole city. As Jesus looked for the unusual (where the
Father was at work), He saw a short rich man who had climbed up a
tree to see him (Luke 19:1-10).
This man, Zacchaeus, was well known in this city because he was a
hated tax collector for the Romans. Zacchaeus was changed that day
through faith in Jesus. The city was also changed because of
Zacchaeus’ testimony about the change Jesus had brought about in
him. Jesus was a stranger in that city but Zacchaeus was not. Jesus was
going to leave, but Zacchaeus would remain. He would be a powerful
witness of Jesus long after the Messiah had left.
Jesus is our model for finding where God is at work. He took the
time to show His disciples how to find where God is at work. In a
crowd of people, or in a city or village, God has been at work in
someone. That “someone” is called the “man of peace.” When you find the
man of peace, you have found where God is at work. Usually, this man of
peace is the one chosen by God to establish a church in that area. Let us
now look at how the Messiah teaches us to find the man of peace.
In the next unit of the book (the next 7 chapters) we will begin by
studying Jesus’ instructions for finding this “man of peace.” You may
want to look at the passage of Scripture from Luke 10:1 – 20.


Discussion Guide

1. In these first seven chapters, what was most helpful for

you to learn and understand?

2. What questions do you have about what you have


3. Has something in these chapters really spoken to your


4. Did anything surprise you in these chapters?

5. Did you disagree with anything in these chapters?

6. Consider these three stories about Jesus:

„ He visits Jericho and Zacchaeus’ house– Luke 19:1– 10

„ He talks with a Samaritan woman – John 4:1 – 42
„ He heals a sick woman – Luke 8:40 – 56
„ Think about how Jesus saw with spiritual eyes where the
Father was at work and then joined Him. Do these stories
clearly reveal this?

7. What other Bible stories would you use to illustrate the

principle of joining the Father where He is working?




Meditate upon and apply these Scriptures to your life this week:

1. Luke 10:5 – 6 – “When you enter a house, first say,

‘Peace to this house.’ If a man of peace is there, your
peace will rest on him; if not, it will return to you.”

2. John 5:24 – “I tell you the truth, whoever hears My

word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life
and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from
death to life.”


(Luke 10)
1. Go “two by two” if possible (verse 1).
2. Believe in the harvest (verse 2).
3. Watch out – be careful (verse 3).
4. Go “needy” (verse 4). God has given you an assignment – find
the man of peace. God has also given the man of peace an assignment –
find the man of God. He will find you because you are the needy
stranger who has come to town. His job is to take care of you. Do not
rob him of his God-given assignment.
In Central Asia, many offer food and drink to strangers. How do I
know who is the man of peace when I am overwhelmed with hospitality?
Simply identify the purpose for which you have come. If the offer for
food, drink, or shelter remains, you may be in the presence of the man
of peace.
5. Make your presence known (verses 5 – 6). How do I do this?
Historical background: To understand this passage, we must
understand the historical setting. In that time, usually there were no
hotels. Strangers had no place to stay when they came to a town or
village. Often, someone would show hospitality to the stranger and
invite him to stay in his home. If no one invited him in, he would
have to sleep out in the open. The stranger would go to the city gate
or to the center of town and wait for someone to invite him to his
home (Genesis 19:1-3). God has taught His people to take care of
strangers. In Hebrews 13:2, believers were taught to entertain strangers.
Jesus sent His disciples into the cities and towns where He was going
to come later. He sent them to preach the coming of the kingdom of
God. When they went into a city, they went in proclaiming that Jesus
was coming and that He was bringing in the Kingdom. If someone
invited the two disciples into his home, he already knew what these
disciples were going to talk about. He was saying by his invitation, “I
want to hear more about Jesus.”
Is this kind of hospitality practiced in your area?


This is what you will be learning when you learn the Camel Method.
It is a way to find the man of peace, so that you can talk with him about
Jesus. This man of peace will:
Desire to hear more about Jesus.
Make “spiritual hunger” statements like “As I listen, my heart is
burning,” or “I like what you are saying, I want to hear more.”
Often be known as a “sinner.”
Eventually believe in Jesus as the Messiah.
What do I do when I find the Man of Peace?
The answer to this question is very simple –
3. STAY (verse 7) - A busy schedule is your worst enemy.
If God gives you a man of peace, He will also give you
the time needed to work with him.
4. EAT and HEAL (verses 8 – 9) - Finding needs and
praying about these needs, in the name of Jesus, is
often the key to more discussion about Jesus. This will
ease tense situations and will open the door to spiritual
matters. It will also arouse appreciation in the hearts of
those for whom you pray.
What do I do if I do not find a Man of Peace?
God’s Word simply says for us to shake the dust off our feet and
go on (verses 10 –16).
What are the results of finding the Man of Peace (verses 17-
The happiest believers are those who are hearing God, seeing
where He is working, and joining Him (Luke 2:20, Luke 10:17 and
Acts 2:41 - 47).
First, pray that God will lead you to the man of peace.



Here are the key principles from Luke 10 for seeking and finding
the man or woman of peace. Read them aloud slowly.
Go in faith with one or two others. Search for where God is working.
Look for the man or woman of peace. Go expecting to encounter
Muslims whom God has prepared in a dream or in some other
way to hear your witness.
Depend on God to supply your physical and spiritual needs. The
more you give up your self-dependence and trust in God, the more
likely you are to find a man of peace.
Depend on God’s guidance. He will show you where to stop. He will
show you how to begin to make your presence known.
Begin to talk about Jesus. Those in whom God is working will be
drawn to you. They will want to hear more about the Messiah.
Offer peace. If they accept, stay. If they do not, move on. You may
not find the man of peace until you walk away. He will pursue you.
If your peace is not accepted, move on.
When you believe you have found the man of peace, go to his home.
Stay with him. He will provide everything you need. He will open
doors of opportunity for you to share with others.
Eat and drink what is given to you. Thank God for His provision
Whether accepted or rejected, remember that God is with you. The
kingdom of God is near. You have not failed if you have done
what God has asked and talked with them about Jesus.
Remember that your mission is to lead the man of peace to receive the
Messiah and to share with his family and friends. He then will
share with many more in that region.
Depend on Jesus to show you the way. You will see signs that God
was ahead of you, planting seeds and laying a foundation.
Will you begin to look for a man or woman of peace?


Few are venturing over the wall and joining God at work among
Muslims. These few are experiencing great joy. They have found
where God is at work. They have found God Himself. How do you
feel when you think about witnessing to a Muslim?
Beyond the Wall is a harvest field. Beyond the Wall is where God
is at work. It is where you will find some of the happiest believers. If
you want to climb over the wall, you need to learn how to evangelize
Muslims. Using the Quran as a bridge is the most effective method
being used by believers and church planters working among Muslims
Why do we use the Quran as a bridge to the Gospel?
We must start where they are. We cannot be blamed for making
converts when we use their holy book to confront them with who
Jesus is. Using the Quran helps a Muslim background believer to relate
to his family and friends and minimizes persecution. We can use the
Quran to lift Jesus out of “prophet” status and closer to “Savior”
status in the mind of a Muslim.
In the Camel Method, we use one particular passage from the
Quran - Surah 3:42-55.
Why don’t we try to use all of the other verses in the Quran
that deal with Jesus?
We must be careful not to misuse Quran verses. When we witness
to a Muslim, we may be nervous. We may not remember all of the
verses. We are familiar with the Bible, so we can use many different
Scriptures. However, we are not familiar with the Quran. We only
need verses from the Quran to draw him out. There are many anti-
Christian verses in the Quran and therefore we must be careful.
Would you like to go “Beyond the Wall?”



Since we believe that only the Bible is the true Word of God, is
using the Quran as a bridge an acceptable means for believers?
First, there is a great gap between Muslims and followers of Jesus.
A Muslim has been taught from childhood that the Quran is the only
true word of God. They may not know the meaning of the Quran’s
text but they believe it is true. When approached with the Bible,
Muslims usually become defensive. A confrontation may happen. It is
your holy book versus his holy book. A Muslim cannot and will not
deny the Quran. If you relate to a Muslim from the Quran, he will
listen. If you begin with verses in the Quran that talk about Jesus, then
you and your new Muslim friend can enter into dialogue on neutral
and friendly ground.
Secondly, is truth any less true if it is found somewhere other than
the Bible? When the Quran says that Jesus was born of a virgin
without an earthly father, is it any less true than when the Bible says
the same thing? A valuable piece of paper money placed between two
counterfeit pieces of paper money does not make the valuable piece
less valuable, so long as you know which is real. We know what truth
is because we have the standard for truth in the Bible. However, we
must start where they are and then bring them to the Bible where they
can see the full truth for themselves.
We use the Quran as a bridge. No one lives on a bridge. It is only
a means of getting over an obstacle. To stay “on the bridge” too long
is fruitless. Our goal is to move our Muslim friend quickly into the
Book, the Word of God. To effectively communicate with Muslims,
we also need to adopt the language of the Quran that they will
The Quran is divided into 114 separate sections or books. Each
book is called a Surah. Each Surah has a name. Chapter 3, for instance,
is called Al-Imran. One verse is called an ayat.
Is there a proverb that you know that speaks about a bridge?



42 And when the angels said: O Maryam! Truly Allah has chosen
you, and made you pure, and preferred you above the women of
creation. 43 O Maryam! Be obedient to your Lord, prostrate yourself
and bow with those who bow. 44 This is of the tidings of things
hidden. We reveal it unto you (Mohammed). You were not present
with them when they cast lots to know which of them should be the
guardian of Maryam, nor were you present with them when they
45 (And remember) when the angels said: O Maryam! Truly Allah
gives you glad tidings of a word from Him, whose name is Isa Masih,
son of Maryam, illustrious in this world and the Hereafter, and He will
be one of those brought near (unto Allah).
46 He will speak unto mankind in His cradle and in manhood, and
He is of the righteous. 47 She said: My Lord! How shall I have a child
when no man has touched me? He said: So it will be. Allah creates
what He will. If He decrees a thing, He says unto it only: Be! and it is.
48 And He (Allah) will teach Him the Scripture and wisdom, and the
Taurat and the Injil.
49 And will make Him a messenger to the children of Israel saying:
Lo, I come unto you with a sign from your Lord. Lo, I fashion for you
out of clay the likeness of a bird and I breathe into it, and it is a bird,
by Allah’s leave. I heal him who was born blind and the leper, and I
raise the dead, by Allah’s leave. And I announce unto you what you eat
and what you store up in your houses. Surely herein is a sign for you, if
you are to be believers.
Note: Allah” = God; “Isa Masih” = Jesus the Messiah
“Taurat” = Torah (first 5 books of the Old Testament)
“Injil” = Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)

What truths do you find about Jesus in this passage?


SURAH AL-IMRAN 3:50-55,59

50 And I come confirming that which was before me of the Taurat

to make lawful to you some that which was forbidden unto you, and I
have come unto you with a sign from your Lord. So keep you duty to
Allah and obey Me. 51 Truly, Allah is My Lord and your Lord, so
worship Him. That is the straight path.
52 But when Isa knew of their disbelief, He said: “Who will be My
helpers in the cause of Allah? The disciples said: We will be Allah’s
helpers. We believe in Allah and bear witness that we have surrendered
unto Him (Arabic: “we are muslims”– meaning “those who
53 Our Lord! We believe in that which You have revealed and we
follow Him (Isa) whom You have sent; so write us down among those
who witness to the truth. 54 And they (the disbelievers) schemed and
Allah schemed against them; and Allah is the best of schemers. 55 And
remember when Allah said: O Isa, I am gathering You and causing
You to ascend unto Me and am clearing You of those who disbelieve
and I am setting those who follow You above those who disbelieve
until the Day of Resurrection. Then unto Me you all will return and I
shall judge between you in that which you used to differ.
59 Truly, the likeness of Isa with Allah is as the likeness of Adam.
He created him of dust, then He said to him: Be! And he is.
Now let us begin to more closely examine the Camel Method in
the next unit of seven chapters. However, first think carefully about
these past seven chapters and discuss some of the questions on the
next page with your church.


Discussion Guide

Note: Bible names you will need to know: Adam = Adam; Eve =
Hawa; Abraham = Ibrahim; Mary = Maryam; David = Daud

1. Who are some people in the Bible who overcame

barriers of prejudice and fear to witness to those from
other cultures?

2. How did these people overcome the barriers of

prejudice and fear and not knowing what to say?

3. How do you “offer peace” to someone?

4. How do you interpret Hebrews 13:2 where the Word

speaks of “entertaining strangers?”

5. Discuss the idea of the Quran as a “bridge.”

6. Do you see anything in Surah Al- Imran 3:42 – 55 that

could be used to lift Isa up in the mind of a Muslim
man of peace?

7. Did it surprise you that the Quran says these things

about Isa Masih?

8. Do you think that these truths might help you to begin

to talk to a Muslim about Isa?




Meditate upon and apply these Scriptures to your life this week:

1. John 1:14 – “The Word became flesh and made His

dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory
of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full
of grace and truth.”

2. Revelation 1:18 – “I am the Living One; I was dead,

and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold
the keys of death and Hades.”



An ancient Muslim tradition says that Allah has 100 names, but a
man can only know 99 of them. Only the camel knows the 100th
name of Allah. This is only tradition, but we want Muslims to know
what the camel supposedly knows – that unknown name of God. We
want them to know that 100th name of God – Isa!
The Camel Method uses one particular passage in the Quran (Surah
Al-Imran 3:42-55) to open the door with a Muslim so that you can
begin to share Isa with him.
It is critical that you understand the purpose of the CAMEL
METHOD. It is not to lead a Muslim to salvation in the Messiah. It is
only to find a man (or men) of peace. Our purpose is to find those
who want to know more about Isa so that we can take them to the
Bible and show them the full truth about Him. The Bible says, “Faith
comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of
the Messiah.” – Romans 10:17
We will use Surah 3:42-55 in the Quran to do two things:
FIRST, by questions and comments about Surah Al Imran 3:42-55,
you will begin raising Isa up in the mind of the man of peace.
SECOND, without ever mentioning Mohammed, his status will
begin to be lowered in the mind of the man of peace as you lift up Isa.
The CAMEL METHOD covers three steps to raising Isa up in
the mind of a Muslim man of peace. We will break the passage (Surah
3:42-55) down into three sections, with each section making a
particular point about Isa. Thus, we have three steps.
Do not mention Mohammed as you discuss Surah 3:42-55. Later,
you will learn what to say if those to whom you are talking ask you
what you think about Mohammed.
Would you like your Muslim friend to know what the camel knows?



Step 1 – Isa is Holy

After a friendly introduction, there are several possible ways to

begin a fruitful discussion. You can say:
“I have read some amazing truths in the Quran. Would you read
Surah Al-Imran 3:42-55 so I could ask you some questions about it?”
Or, you might say:
“The Quran says some very interesting things about Isa. Would you
read Surah 3:42-55 so that we could talk about it?”
You will ask your Muslim friend to break the passage up into three
separate sections as he reads it. First, ask your Muslim friend to
read Surah 3:42-47. Then discuss with him or her what it says about
What would you say about these verses? You want to focus on
verses 45, 46 and 47. These verses talk about how holy Isa is.
3:45: Isa is “a word from Allah” and Isa is the “Masih.”
Question: “What does it mean that Isa is a word from Allah?”
This verse says that Isa is “a word from Allah.” Notice that it does
not say that Isa will only speak the words of Allah, but that He is a
word from Allah. Muslims call Isa the Kalim Allah, which means
“word of Allah.” You can say, “I believe that Isa is called “Kalim
Allah.” Most have heard this title for Isa and they will agree with you
that He is the word of Allah.
Question: “Isn’t Isa called the “Ruh Allah (Spirit of God)?”
The Quran tells us in Surah Prophets (Nabis) 21:91:
“We (Allah) breathed into her of our Spirit and made her
(Maryam) and her son a token (sign) for all peoples.” In the next
chapter, we will discuss this very interesting statement from the Quran.
What else do you see in Surah 3:42 – 47?



We have seen that the Quran teaches us that Isa is the “Ruh
Allah,” which means Isa is the Spirit of Allah. Allah spoke and His
word became flesh in the form of a baby. Thus, Isa is called the Word
of God or “Kalim Allah.” Allah breathed on Maryam by His Spirit and
she conceived a child who would be a sign for all people. Thus, Isa is
called the Spirit of Allah, or the “Ruh Allah.”
QUESTION: “Isa is called ‘Masih.’ What does that mean?”
You may get many answers to this question, but all of them will
help you focus on whom Isa is. Muslims may say, “Messiah,” “the
One who brings us from dark to light,” “the One who heals,” “the
One who releases,” etc. All of these lift up Isa. Point out that in all the
translations of the Quran the word “Masih” is translated “Messiah.”
Focus on Isa being the Messiah. God promised His people a Deliverer
and Savior– a “Messiah.” Isa was that promised Savior of God’s
people. No other prophet is called Masih. It is a very special and
unique title. According to verse 45, Isa will not only be held in honor
in this world but also in the world to come.
QUESTION: “In verse 46, Isa is called ‘righteous.’ Did Isa ever
sin?” The answer will always be, “No, Isa never sinned.” However,
someone may say, “None of the prophets ever sinned.”
Note: This idea that none of the prophets sinned is a common
belief among Muslims, even though the Quran does not teach this. In
fact, we see in the Quran that Adam sinned, and that several of the
prophets asked forgiveness for their sins (Noah, Moses, David,
Solomon) and that Mohammed himself needed forgiveness of his sins.
Still, Muslims are taught that there were 124,000 prophets and that
none of them sinned. They may admit only that the prophets “made
mistakes.” You may ask, “What is the difference between a mistake
and a sin? Whether you planned to or not, disobeying Allah is still sin.”
However, it is probably better at this point to focus not just on the
fact that Isa never sinned, but upon how righteous He was. What
verse from the Bible explains this?


As you discuss the righteousness of Isa Masih, you may point out
that He never killed anyone; He never married; He was poor; He went
about doing only good – healing people and teaching them to love
even their enemies. When Isa fasted, He fasted for forty days and forty
nights. Without mentioning the name of Mohammed, you are pointing
out how the righteousness of Isa exceeded that of Mohammed or any
of the other prophets.
QUESTION: “What does verse 47 say about Isa?”
Your Muslim friend will answer that Isa was born of a virgin. All
Muslims believe this. Now, try to get them to think about why Isa was
born of a virgin. Muslims believe there were 124,000 prophets, so use
this number for emphasis.
QUESTION: “Of the 124,000 prophets, only Isa was born of a
virgin, without a human father. Why was only Isa born this way?”
Lead your Muslim friend to consider what is the significance of Isa
being born without an earthly father. He may say, “This was just
Allah’s special sign for Isa to confirm that he was a prophet.” Keep
asking the question, “Yes, but why was only Isa born of a virgin,
without an earthly father?” Do your best to make him think about
why Isa is unique among all the prophets.
At this point, you need to point out to your Muslim friend why Isa
had to be born of a virgin.
QUESTION: “Do you know of any other prophet that came into
existence without an earthly father?”
The answer, of course, is Adam. The reason why Adam had to
come into existence without an earthly father is rather obvious. God
formed Adam from dust and breathed life into him. In the Quran, in
Surah Al-Imran 3:59, it states that Isa is like Adam. This is true, because
neither of these prophets had an earthly father.



God placed Adam and Hawa in the Garden. It was a perfect place.
God forbid them from doing only one thing – to eat of the fruit of
one tree. Adam walked and talked with God in the garden. Adam
could live and talk with God because he did not have any sin.
Adam was righteous and holy. Then he disobeyed Allah.
“Adam disobeyed his Lord and so went astray” [Surah Ta Ha
20:121]. Adam and all of his descendants became unholy and could no
longer live together with the holy God.
Adam’s disobedience had brought judgment on all of his
descendants. None could go back into the Garden with God.
Moreover, Adam’s sin had corrupted all of his descendants.
Note: Since Islam is a “works-based” religion, it is good to note
that Adam and Hawa were banned from the Garden and from the
presence of God because of one single sin. Explain what this means:
that anyone who has committed only one sin has become a sinner and
cannot go to heaven and live in the presence of God. Trying to do
enough good works to cover every sin committed is an impossible task.
Adam committed one sin. He was cast out of God’s presence without
any hope of returning there.
From that moment, Adam’s race became bent toward doing what is
wrong; bent away from obedience to Allah. We all, as Adam’s
descendants, have a sin nature (or, a heart) that is bent away from what
is right and holy. This is obvious. We do not have to teach our
children to do wrong. We all have a natural pull to that which is wrong.
In fact, we must work very hard to try to teach our children to do right.
Moreover, here is the key point:
Since we are all descendants of Adam, we have all inherited his
sinful nature. However, in Isa, that bloodline of Adam was cut!
Isa was not a descendant of Adam, for He had no earthly father. Isa
was different from all the other prophets. Isa Masih was very different
from all people who have ever been born. Do you know of any other
prophet as holy as Isa?


Step 2 - Isa has Power over Death

Now let us focus on verses 49 – 50 in this section. Verse 49 tells us

about the power of Isa.
QUESTION: In verse 49, what did Isa do?
Allah demonstrated His power through Isa. The Quran says that
the lepers were healed; the blind received their sight. Even now, with
all the advances of modern science, there is still no cure for leprosy
and blindness. Isa even raised the dead to life again!
QUESTION: What is our greatest enemy? Answer: Death.
Take the time to discuss the fact that Isa has power over our
greatest enemy. No one overcomes death – but Isa did! This is
amazing. Before, we all thought that death was the strongest enemy in
the world. However, the Quran says that Isa has been given power
over death. The world has been waiting for a prophet who could
conquer our greatest and final enemy – death!
QUESTION: In verse 50, what does Isa tell us to do?
Isa said that to do our “duty to Allah,” [or, “to fear Allah”] we
must obey Him (Isa).
QUESTION: In the Quran, Isa is mentioned many times, but the
Quran does not tell us what Isa commanded us to do. In the Injil, (see
3:48 again) we can read the commands of Isa. The Quran says it is our
duty to obey Isa. How can we obey Him if we do not know what He
told us to do?
You can use this opportunity to encourage your Muslim friend to
read the Injil (Gospel/New Testament) so that he can find out what
Isa told him to do. [Note: Often, Muslims have agreed to receive a
Bible because of this verse.]
QUESTION: “Do you know of any other prophet who was as
powerful as Isa?



Throughout this discussion, especially when you ask the question

about other powerful prophets, you may hear some very interesting
stories. They may begin to tell you about how this prophet did this or
another prophet did that. Very few of these stories will actually be in
the Quran. Most of them come from what are called the “Hadiths.”
Muslims say that the Quran came to Mohammed by direct revelation,
whereas the Hadiths are later comments of Mohammed and others
about the Quran. When you begin to hear these stories of things the
prophets did or said, use this question:
“Is that in the Quran, or is that in the Hadiths?”
Most of the time, they will say that is in the Hadiths. Simply say
something like this: “You believe that the Quran is the revealed and
final word of Allah, so let us focus on what the Quran says.”
If they tell you that the story is in the Quran, you can simply say:
“That is very interesting; could you show me where that is in the
Quran. I would like to read that.”
Usually, they will not know where it is. Often this is because it is
not in the Quran. If they cannot show you where it is, say: “Let’s keep
looking at what we see right here in the Quran.”
You will soon discover that there is no other prophet in the
Quran who was as powerful as Isa.
Important note: It’s better that you not walk into a conversation
with a copy of the Quran. This is likely to offend Muslims. Instead, ask
them to open their Quran and read the passages in question. This will
draw them into the conversation while preventing you from offending
them. In your conversation, it is better to ask questions and draw the
truth out of them than to preach the truth at them. As they read what
the Quran says and try to answer your questions, they are forced to
think about whom Isa is. Always keep a gentle spirit. That is the key
to keeping the conversation open and avoiding hostility.


Discussion Guide

1. Do you think it is helpful to know a few Arabic terms

that your Muslim friend might know, such as “Kalim
Allah?” What are other useful terms to know?

2. If Isa was born without an earthly father, can He

inherit His father’s (Joseph’s) sinful nature?

3. What do you think is the difference between “making a

mistake” and “sin?”

4. How will you explain “sin nature” to your friend?

5. Would you prefer to give your Muslim friend just the

“Injil” (the 4 Gospels) or the entire New Testament?
Which is better to start?

6. In your Christian faith, what compares to the


7. Consider the following comments that many followers

of Isa believe:

Muslims believe that all of the Old Testament characters were

Muslims. Therefore, you can introduce yourself as an
“Isahi Muslim.” “Isahi” means, “follower of Jesus.” The
purpose of introducing yourself like this is because:
First, it causes Muslims to ask, “What is an Isahi Muslim?”
This allows the opportunity to tell them that you are a
follower of Jesus.
Second, many Muslims like it when we identify ourselves with
Do you and your house church agree with this thinking?





Meditate upon and apply these Scriptures to your life this week:

1. Luke 24:27 – “And beginning with Moses and all the

Prophets, He explained to them what was said in all
the Scriptures concerning Himself.”

2. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – “All Scripture is God-breathed

and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness, so that the man of God may
be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”


W H E R E I S I S A R I G H T N OW ?

Step 3 – Isa Knows the Way to Heaven

Look carefully at verse 55 and make sure your Muslim friend
notices what this verse says about those who follow Isa. You showed
him in verse 50 that the Quran says he should obey Isa. Here the
Quran tells him that if he obeys and follows Isa he will be set above
those who disbelieve – not until Mohammed comes, but all the way
until the Day of Resurrection. We have seen from the Quran, in
Surah 21:91, that Isa is a sign for all people, including Muslims (see
p.30). Here we see that those who follow Isa will be set above those
who disbelieve, even after the days of Mohammed. Now, you need to
ask a very important question:
According to verse 55, where is Isa right now?
There are only two possible answers. First, he might say, “Isa is
with Allah.” Then you can ask, “Where is Allah?” Second, he can say,
“Isa is in heaven.” Either way, he must admit that the Quran says that
Isa is in heaven with Allah. At this point, you may find this example
QUESTION: Suppose I wanted to get from here to the
capital city. Whom should I choose to help me? Should I choose
someone who has never been there or someone who knows the
way and lives there now?
According to the Quran, Isa came from heaven and is in heaven
today. Therefore, Isa knows the way and can help us get there.
CLOSING QUESTION: “I want to go to heaven; you want to go
to heaven. Isa is in heaven and knows the way to heaven. Of all the
prophets, which one is best able to help us get to heaven?”
Now what should you do? At this point, thank your Muslim friend
or friends for taking the time to talk with you about what the Quran
says. Then look to see where God is at work.
Is there a man of peace here?


1. Opening Statement: “I have read some amazing things in the
Quran. Would you read to me Surah Al-Imran 3:42-55 so that I could
ask you some questions about it?”
2. Three Steps to Raising Isa up in the Mind of a Muslim
Isa is holy. – Surah 3:42-47
ƒ He is the word of Allah. – 45
ƒ He is the Messiah, held in honor. – 45
ƒ He is near to Allah. – 45
ƒ He is righteous. – 46
ƒ He is virgin born. – 47
ƒ Do you know of any other prophet as holy as Isa?
ƒ Isa has power over death. – 3:48-54
ƒ He gave sight to the blind. – 49
ƒ He healed lepers. – 49
ƒ He raised the dead to life again. – 49
ƒ Your duty to Allah is to obey Isa. – 50
ƒ To know what Isa told us to do you must read the Injil.
– 48
ƒ Do you know of any other prophet as powerful as Isa?
ƒ Isa knows the way to heaven. He can show us the way.
– 3:55
ƒ Those who believe in Isa are set above those who
ƒ Isa is in heaven and knows the way.

3. Final Question: “I want to go to heaven when I die. You want

to go to heaven when you die. Isa is in heaven and knows the way to
heaven. Of all the prophets, which one is best able to help us get to

B E F O R E YO U R I D E T H E “ C A M E L”

Before you go, pray! Pray in faith expecting results. Realize that
God is already at work in your community and that there are already
“men of peace” who are open to hear more about Isa.
Before you go, remember these things:
There is not enough light in the Quran to bring people to salvation,
but there are enough flickers of truth to draw out God’s man of peace
from among them.
As long as you stay in the Quran and ask questions, they cannot
blame or attack you for teaching Christianity. However, once you have
drawn out the man of peace, you will be able to leave the Quran
behind and teach the Word of God.
Before you go, remember that you are not trying to win arguments.
You are trying to find the man of peace!
Many times, believers receiving this training give this type of
objection: “But, they will say” and then they state arguments that they
think Muslims will use against them. Always remind them to
remember the purpose of the Camel Method.
The purpose is to present truth about Isa and let God show you
where He is at work. Let God show you the man of peace. When you
fish with a rod or a pole, you are not trying to catch all the fish in the
lake. You are trying to catch one particular fish.
With the Camel, you are trying to find one person – the man of
peace. Try to answer objections, but remember you will never see a
Muslim brought to faith in Isa by our brilliant arguments.
Isa Masih said, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who
sent Me draws him…”(John 6:44). Therefore, simply present truth and
let God do the drawing.
Do you think that perhaps God has already prepared “men of
peace” in your area?



When you mention the Quran, you should be aware that Muslims
believe the only true Quran is the one in Arabic. They believe that any
translation of the Quran is a paraphrase or deviation from the original.
Therefore, you may want to say:
“I want to give special thanks to King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and the
Islamic Foundation for directing that the Quran be translated into
local languages all over the world for clear understanding.” Then you
might tell the following story:
“A foreigner owned a garment factory in your country. All of the
workers were from your country and spoke only your language. The
factory owner spoke only English, so he hired a manager who could
read and write both your language and English.
For months, the workers had been making only red T-shirts. Then
the owner received a new order for yellow T-shirts. The owner wrote a
letter to his factory workers telling them to begin on Monday making
yellow T-shirts. If they did this successfully, they would all receive a
bonus. The owner gave the letter to the manager. The manager called
all of the workers together and told them that they had a letter from
the owner. Then he set it on the table in front of them and left. The
workers were very excited that the owner had written them, but they
did not know what he said to them. On Monday, as usual, they
continued to make red T-shirts. The manager was fired and the
workers didn’t get their bonuses. Was it of any help to the workers to
receive a message from the owner if they didn’t understand it?”
Then say: “How fortunate we are that King Fahd has paid to have
the Quran translated into all the languages of the world so that we can
understand what it says!” This story should help prepare the way for
your Muslim friends to read the Quran in a local or English language



You may be asked: “Who do you say Mohammad is?” Muslims feel
a strong sense of obligation to protect Mohammad’s honor. Here is a
suggested answer to this difficult question:
“I say Mohammed is who he said he was in the Quran. Let’s look at
Surah 46:9 to see what Mohammed said about himself.”
Surah 46:9: “I am nothing new among the prophets; what will
happen to me and to my followers, I do not know; I am only a plain
Take the time to point out the three parts to this verse:
1) He is not any different from the prophets before him. He is
not the greatest; 2) He does not know where he or his followers are
going; 3) He is only a “warner.”
Note: Contrast what Mohammed says with what Isa says:
John 6:47: “…he who believes (in Isa) has everlasting life.”
John 14:2,3,6: “…I am going there to prepare a place for you. And
if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be
with Me that you also may be where I am. …I am the way…No one
comes to the Father except through Me.”
Isa knows where He is going and He knows where His followers
are going. They are going to heaven to be with God. He told His
followers exactly how to get there – through faith in Him.
When you find a man of peace, you must then get him into the Bible
so you can present the Gospel to him. There are some verses in the
Quran to help your friend understand that Allah’s Truth is perfectly
revealed in the Bible. In the Quran, the Bible is called “the Scripture
before.” Look at Surah Yuunus 10:94:
“And if you (Mohammed) are in doubt concerning that which We
reveal unto you, then question those who read the Scripture before
you. Verily the Truth from thy Lord hath come unto you. So be not of
the waverers.”


As we saw, Allah tells Mohammed, that if he had doubts, he should

question “those who read the Scripture before you,” because the
Truth is found in those Scriptures. Allah urges Mohammed not to be
among the waverers. Now, ask your friend to read in the Quran,
Surah Women 4:136:
“O you who believe! Believe in Allah and His messenger and the
Scripture which He has revealed unto His messenger, and the
Scripture which He revealed aforetime. Whosoever disbelieves in
Allah and His angels and His Scriptures and His messengers and the
Last day, he verily has wandered far astray.”
Point out to your friend that, according to the Quran, if he does
not believe the “Scripture which He (Allah) revealed aforetime” that
he has wandered far from Allah. If your friend asks, where does the
Quran say that the Taurat and the Injil are the “before Scriptures,”
then ask him to read Surah 5: 65-66.
“If only the People of the Scripture (the Jews – see verse 64) would
believe and ward off evil, we would remit their sins from them and
surely We would bring them into Gardens of Delight. If they had
observed the Taurat and the Injil and that which was revealed unto
them by their Lord, then they would have been nourished from above
them and from beneath their feet.”
It is common for Muslims to say that the Scriptures “that came
before” [which is our Bible], have been changed and corrupted and are
therefore unreliable. If this issue arises, refer them to the Quran,
Surah Cattle 6:114-115 which reads:
“ …Those unto whom We gave the Scripture (aforetime)
know that it is revealed from your Lord in truth. So be not (O
Mohammed) of the waverers. Perfected is the Word of the Lord
in truth and justice. There is nothing that can change His
words. He is the Hearer, the Knower.”



We saw that Allah assured Mohammed that the Scripture He gave

(before the Quran) was perfect. No one can change it. God assured
Mohammed that no one could change His Word.
Be sure to point out that the Taurat and Injil that you are sharing
with your friend have been translated from their original languages and
from the oldest manuscripts, which were in existence long before
Mohammed was born. You can also tell your Muslim friends that
when Mohammed received the “before Scriptures,” he was satisfied
that they were uncorrupted. Say, “Maybe they were corrupted
sometime between the time of Mohammed and the present day.
Therefore, we should use a translation of the Bible that is based on
manuscripts from the time before Mohammed. The translation of the
Bible that I have comes from manuscripts that were in existence
before the time of Mohammed.” [Note: Use a Bible that is a literal
translation from the earliest manuscripts, rather than a paraphrase.]
Once you have drawn out God’s man (or woman) of peace,
you should shift completely from the Quran to the Bible. As we
have seen, the Quran makes a good bridge for Muslims to the
Gospel, but don’t camp on the bridge! Once you have crossed
the bridge, leave it and move on.
Many of the objections and arguments that Muslims bring up will
only be overcome as they go to the Bible. Although there is some
truth about Isa in the Quran, there is not enough to explain to a
Muslim why he needs a Savior and how he can be saved.
Now, what do we do with the man of peace? As we have seen, very
rarely will a Muslim be ready to receive Isa after his first encounter
with the truth about Him. We have also seen that once you find a man
of peace you stay and work with him until he comes to faith in Isa.
How do you do that? In the discussion guide on the next page, we will
look at those questions.


Discussion Guide

1. Read Luke 24:27. How did Isa bring these two disciples to
saving faith in Himself?
2. Read Luke 24:45 – 47. What else did Isa do for the two
Note: Qurban is the Islamic word for sacrifice. Each year Muslims
are supposed to offer a sacrifice after Ramadan. The sacrifice can
be a goat, sheep, cow or camel. It can be offered for an individual,
but is usually offered for a family. Whether Muslims do this or not,
often depends on whether they can afford it. A Muslim is
supposed to do this every year, but at least once in his lifetime.
Abraham is seen as the father of Islam. The qurban is based on
Abraham’s offer to sacrifice his son and the substitute sacrifice he
offered. Just as Abraham offered a sacrifice to God, so the Muslim
sacrifices this animal and pours out its blood. Since Muslims do
the sacrifice, they have some realization that their sin has a penalty
and that there must be a death for their sin. They have some
understanding that the blood has power or they would not bother
with this ritual. Therefore, we can use the qurban as a way to
convey to them the meaning of Isa’s death as the substitute for the
penalty of their sins, and His blood as having power to save them.
3. Abraham – Who was he and what did he do?
4. Sacrifice (Qurban) – Why do they have to do it?
5. Blood – What does blood represent? Why did the
followers of Isa stop the animal sacrifice?
6. Why do we consider the blood of Jesus to be the
most powerful blood in the world?
7. Discuss the three steps in raising up Isa.


For Further Study and Training in Righteousness

Doctrine Bible
2. Pastoral Letters
1. Servant Leadership
(1 - 2 Timothy, Titus)
3. Personal Evangelism I
4. Romans
(The Camel Method)
5. Personal Evangelism II
6. Theology of Genesis
(Chronological Storying)
7. Believer’s Lifestyle 8. 1 Corinthians
9. Spiritual Warfare 10. Ephesians
11. Church Planting 12. The Gospel of John
13. Doctrine of the
14. Acts 1 – 12
Holy Spirit
16. Acts 13 – 28
15. Bible Interpretation
(The Ministry of Paul)
17. Doctrine of Salvation 18. Exodus
20. The Journeys of Jesus
19. The Godhead
(Synoptic Gospels)
21. Spiritual Disciplines 22. Galatians
23. Old Testament Survey 24. Hebrews
25. Stewardship 26. Psalms
27. Personal Evangelism III

A program of:
CA SALT: Servant and Leadership Training
February 2005


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