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PTR: Prompt Tuning with Rules for Text Classification

Xu Han, Weilin Zhao, Ning Ding, Zhiyuan Liu∗ , Maosong Sun

State Key Lab on Intelligent Technology and Systems,
Institute for Artificial Intelligence,
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Abstract knowledge (Petroni et al., 2019) from large-scale

corpora, which is the key to the success of PLMs.
Fine-tuned pre-trained language models By fine-tuning these PLMs with additional task-
(PLMs) have achieved awesome performance specific data, rich knowledge distributed in PLMs
arXiv:2105.11259v3 [cs.CL] 15 Sep 2021

on almost all NLP tasks. By using additional

can be adapted to various downstream tasks. In the
prompts to fine-tune PLMs, we can further
stimulate the rich knowledge distributed past few years, PLM fine-tuning has shown awe-
in PLMs to better serve downstream tasks. some performance on almost all important NLP
Prompt tuning has achieved promising results tasks. It is now a consensus of the NLP commu-
on some few-class classification tasks such as nity to fine-tune PLMs for specific tasks instead of
sentiment classification and natural language learning models from scratch (Qiu et al., 2020).
inference. However, manually designing lots
Despite the success of fine-tuning PLMs, some
of language prompts is cumbersome and fal-
lible. For those auto-generated prompts, it is recent studies find one of its critical challenges
also expensive and time-consuming to verify is the significant gap of objective forms in pre-
their effectiveness in non-few-shot scenarios. training and fine-tuning, which restricts taking full
Hence, it is still challenging for prompt tuning advantage of knowledge in PLMs. Take Figure 1
to address many-class classification tasks. To for example, pre-training is usually formalized as
this end, we propose prompt tuning with rules a cloze-style task to predict target words (e.g. se-
(PTR) for many-class text classification and
quential language models and masked language
apply logic rules to construct prompts with
several sub-prompts. In this way, PTR is able models), yet downstream tasks in fine-tuning may
to encode prior knowledge of each class into exhibit different objective forms such as classifica-
prompt tuning. We conduct experiments on tion, generation, and sequence labeling. This gap
relation classification, a typical and compli- will hinder the transfer and adaptation of knowl-
cated many-class classification task, and the edge in PLMs to downstream tasks.
results show that PTR can significantly and
To alleviate this issue, prompt tuning has been
consistently outperform existing state-of-the-
art baselines. This indicates that PTR is a proposed to bridge the gap of objective forms in
promising approach to take advantage of both pre-training and fine-tuning (Brown et al., 2020;
human prior knowledge and PLMs for those Schick et al., 2020). As shown in Figure 1, a typical
complicated classification tasks. prompt consists of a template (e.g. “<S1 > It was
[MASK].”) and a set of label words (e.g. “great”
1 Introduction and “terrible”). The set of label words serves as
the candidate set for predicting [MASK]. By fus-
Recently, pre-trained language models (PLMs)
ing the original input with the prompt template for
such as GPT (Radford et al., 2018), BERT (De-
predicting [MASK] and then mapping predicted
vlin et al., 2019), RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019), and
words to corresponding labels, prompt tuning can
T5 (Raffel et al., 2020) have emerged as a pow-
convert a binary sentiment classification task into a
erful instrument for language understanding and
cloze-style task. In other words, by checking that
generation. By applying self-supervised learning,
PLMs predict “great” or “terrible” at the masked
PLMs can capture a wealth of linguistic (Jawa-
position, we can determine whether <S1 > is pos-
har et al., 2019), semantic (Yenicelik et al., 2020),
itive or negative. Besides sentiment classifica-
syntactic (Hewitt and Manning, 2019), and world
tion, existing prompt tuning methods have also

Corresponding author: Z.Liu( achieved promising results on some other few-class
Vocabulary Vocabulary

Class Set

MLM Head MLM Head CLS Head

Pre-Training [CLS] These movies are [mask] as they are well [mask] Fine-Tuning [CLS] I like this .

Label Words Class Set

MLM Head

Prompt Tuning [CLS] I would highly recommend this .

Input Template

Figure 1: The example of pre-training, fine-tuning, and prompt tuning. The blue rectangles in the figure are special
prompt tokens, whose parameters are randomly initialized and learnable during prompt tuning.

classification tasks such as natural language infer- verification. The expensive extra computation costs
ence (Schick and Schütze, 2021; Liu et al., 2021). make auto-generated prompts more suitable for
For instance, by using “<S1 > . [MASK] , <S2 >” as few-shot learning, rather than those normal learn-
the prompt template, and {“yes”, “maybe”, “no”} ing settings with many instances and classes.
as the set of label words, we can also easily use In this paper, we propose prompt tuning with
PLMs to predict the discourse relation (entailment, rules (PTR) for many-class classification tasks. For
neutral, or contradiction) between <S1 > and <S2 >. a many-class classification task, we manually de-
sign essential sub-prompts and apply logic rules
However, for those tasks with many classes, it to compose sub-prompts into final task-specific
becomes challenging to manually find appropri- prompts. Compared with existing prompt tuning
ate templates and suitable label words to distin- methods, PTR has two advantages:
guish different classes. For example, relation clas-
sification, a typical many-class classification task, (1) Prior Knowledge Encoding. PTR can ap-
requires models to predict semantic relations be- ply logic rules to encode prior knowledge about
tween two marked entities in the text. Given the tasks and classes into prompt tuning. We also take
relation “person:parent” and the relation “organi- relation classification as an example, the predicted
zation:parent”, it is hard to pick label words to dis- results are usually correlated to both relational se-
tinguish them. A straightforward solution is auto- mantics of sentences and types of entities. We can
matically generating prompts: Schick et al. (2020); build the prompt for the relation “person:parent”
Schick and Schütze (2021) automatically identify and the relation“organization:parent” with two sub-
label words from the vocabulary for human-picked prompts, one sub-prompt is to determine whether
templates; Shin et al. (2020) utilize gradient-guided marked entities are human beings or organizations,
search to automatically generate both templates and and the other sub-prompt is to determine whether
label words; Gao et al. (2020) propose to generate sentences express the semantics of the parent-child
all prompt candidates and apply development sets relationship.
to find the most effective ones. Although auto- (2) Efficient Prompt Design. Compared with
generated prompts can avoid intensive labor, it is manually designing templates and individual label
not surprising that most auto-generated prompts words for all classes, it is easier to design several
cannot achieve comparable performance to human- simple sub-prompts and then combine these sub-
picked ones. Meanwhile, auto-generated prompts prompts to form task-specific prompts according
require extra computation costs for generation and to logic rules. Moreover, compared with automati-
cally generating prompts based on machine learn- at least one [MASK] is placed into xprompt for
ing models, using logic rules to generate prompts M to fill label words. For instance, for a bi-
is more efficient and interpretable. nary sentiment classification task, we set a tem-
To verify the effectiveness of PTR, we con- plate T (·) = “ · It was[MASK].”, and map x to
duct experiments on relation classification, a typi- xprompt = “x It was[MASK].”.
cal and complicated many-class classification task. By input xprompt into M, we compute the hidden
Four popular benchmarks of relation classifica- vector h[MASK] of [MASK]. Given v ∈ V, we
tion are used for our experiments, including TA- produce the probability that the token v can fill
CRED (Zhang et al., 2017), TACREV (Alt et al., the masked position p([MASK] = v|xprompt ) =
2020), ReTACRED (Stoica et al., 2021), and Se- P exp(v·h[MASK] ) , where v is the embedding of
ṽ∈V exp(ṽ·h[MASK] )
mEval 2010 Task 8 (Hendrickx et al., 2010). Suffi- the token v in the PLM M.
cient experimental results show that PTR can signif- There also exists an injective mapping function
icantly and consistently outperform existing state- φ : Y → V that bridges the set of classes and the
of-the-art baselines. set of label words. In some papers, the function φ is
named “verbalizer”. With the verbalizer φ, we can
2 Preliminaries formalize the probability distribution over Y with
Before introducing PTR, we first give some essen- the probability distribution over V at the masked
tial preliminaries, especially some details about position, i.e. p(y|x) = p([MASK] = φ(y)|xprompt ).
prompt tuning for classification tasks. Formally, a Here, we also take a binary sentiment classification
classification task can be denoted as T = {X , Y}, task as an example. We map the positive sentiment
where X is the instance set and Y is the class set. to “great” and the negative sentiment to “terrible”.
For each instance x ∈ X , it consists of several According to M fills the masked position of xprompt
tokens x = {w1 , w2 , . . . , w|x| }, and is annotated with “great” or “terrible”, we can know the instance
with a label yx ∈ Y. x is positive or negative.
For prompt tuning, with the template T (·),
2.1 Vanilla Fine-tuning for PLMs the set of label words V, and the verbal-
Given a PLM M, vanilla fine-tuning first converts izerPφ, the learning objective is to maximize
the instance x = {w1 , w2 , . . . , w|x| } to the in- |X | x∈X log p([MASK] = φ(yx )|T (x)). In Fig-
put sequence {[CLS], w1 , w2 , . . . , w|x| , [SEP]}, ure 1, we show pre-training, fine-tuning, and
and then uses M to encode all tokens of prompt tuning, which can indicate the connections
the input sequence into corresponding vectors and differences among them clearly.
{h[CLS] , hw1 , hw2 , . . . , hw|x| , h[SEP] }. For a
3 Prompting Tuning with Rules (PTR)
downstream classification task, a task-specific
head is used to compute the probability distribu- As we mentioned before, prompt tuning is well
tion over the class set Y with the softmax func- developed for few-class classification tasks such
tion p(·|x) = Softmax(Wh[CLS] + b), where as sentiment classification and natural language
h[CLS] is the hidden vector of [CLS], b is a inference. Considering the difficulty of design-
learnable bias vector, and W is a learnable ma- ing prompts for many-class classification tasks, we
trix randomly initialized before fine-tuning. The propose PTR to incorporate logic rules to com-
parameters of M, b, and W are tuned to maximize pose task-specific prompts with several simple sub-
1 P
|X | x∈X log p(yx |x). prompts. In this section, we will introduce the
details of PTR, and select relation classification
2.2 Prompt Tuning for PLMs as an example to illustrate how to adapt PTR for
To apply cloze-style tasks to tune PLMs, prompt many-class classification tasks.
tuning has been proposed. Formally, a prompt
consists of a template T (·) and a set of label 3.1 Overall Framework of PTR
words V. For each instance x, the template is PTR is driven by basic human logic inferences. For
first used to map x to the prompt input xprompt = example, in relation classification, if we wonder
T (x). The template defines where each token of whether two marked entities in a sentence have
x is placed and whether to add any additional to- the relation “person:parent”, with prior knowledge,
kens. Besides retaining the original tokens in x, we would check whether the sentence and two
fes (·, ·) feo (·, ·) fes ,eo (·, ·, ·)

Logic Rules
Label Words Label Words Label Words
fes (x, person)^
feo (y, person)^
fes ,eo (x, ’s parent was, y)
! “person:parent”
MLM Head MLM Head MLM Head

[CLS] Mark Twain was the father of Langdon. Langdon Mark Twain
Input Template
Logic Rules
Label Words Label Words Label Words
fes (x, organization)^
feo (y, organization)^
fes ,eo (x, ’s parent was, y)
! “organization:parent”
MLM Head MLM Head MLM Head

[CLS] Google became a subsidiary of Alphabet. Google Alphabet

Input Template

Figure 2: Illustration of PTR. By composing the sub-prompts of the conditional functions fes (·, ·), feo (·, ·) and
fes ,eo (·, ·, ·), we could easily get an effective prompt to distinguish “person:parent” and “organization:parent”.

marked entities meet certain conditions: (1) The entities. Similarly, determining the relation “orga-
two marked entities are human beings; (2) the sen- nization:parent” can be formalized as
tence indicates the parental semantics between the
two marked entities. fes (x, organization)
Inspired by this, for any text classification task ∧ fes ,eo (x, ’s parent was, y)
∧ feo (y, organization)
T = {X , Y}, we design a conditional function
→ “organization:parent”.
set F. Each conditional function f ∈ F de-
termines whether the function input meets cer-
Based on the above-mentioned logic rules and
tain conditions. For instance, the conditional
conditional functions, we can compose the sub-
function f (x, person) can determine whether
prompts of rule-related conditional functions to
the input x is a person, the conditional func-
handle the task T . Next, we will introduce how to
tion f (x, ’s parent was, y) can determine
design sub-prompts for conditional functions, as
whether y is the parent of x. Intuitively, these
well as how to aggregate sub-prompts for tasks.
conditional functions are essentially the predicates
of first-order logic. 3.2 Sub-Prompts for Conditional Functions
For each conditional function f ∈ F, PTR set
a template Tf (·) and a set of label words Vf to For each conditional function f ∈ F, we manually
build its sub-prompt. According to the semantics design a sub-prompt for it. Similar to the conven-
of Y, we can use logic rules to transform the clas- tional prompt setting, a sub-prompt also consists
sification task into the calculation of a series of of a template and a set of label words.
conditional functions. As shown in Figure 2, for The basic conditional function is a unary func-
relation classification, determining whether the en- tion. For binary sentiment classification, unary
tities x and y have the relation “person:parent” can functions can determine whether a sentence is pos-
be formalized as itive or negative; For entity typing, unary functions
can indicate entity types; For topic labeling, unary
fes (x, person) ∧ fes ,eo (x, ’s parent was, y)
functions can be used to predict article topics.
∧ feo (y, person) → “person:parent”,
Here we still take relation classification
where fes (·, ·) is the conditional function to de- as an example. Given a sentence x =
termine the subject entity types, feo (·, ·) is the {. . . es . . . eo . . .}, where es and eo are the subject
conditional function to determine the object en- entity and the object entity respectively, we set
tity types, and fes ,eo (·, ·, ·) is the conditional func- fes (·, {person|organization| . . .}) to determine the
tion to determine the semantic connection between type of es . The sub-prompt template and label
word set of fes can be formalized as Dataset #train #dev #test #rel
SemEval 6,507 1,493 2,717 19
Tfes (x) = “x the[MASK]es ”, TACRED 68,124 22,631 15,509 42
Vfes = {“person”, “organization”, . . .}. TACREV 68,124 22,631 15,509 42
ReTACRED 58,465 19,584 13,418 40
For the object entity eo , the sub-prompt template
and label word set of feo are similar to Eq. (1). Table 1: Statistics of different datasets.
Another important type of conditional functions
is a binary function. For natural language in-
As the aggregated template may contain multi-
ference, binary functions can determine the re-
ple [MASK] tokens, we must consider all masked
lation between two sentences is entailment, neu-
positions to make predictions, i.e.,
tral, or contradiction; For relation classification,
such functions can be used to determine the n
p(y|x) = p([MASK]j = φj (y)|T (x)), (5)
complex connections between two entities. If j=1
we set fes ,eo (·, {’s parent was|was born in| . . .}, ·),
the sub-prompt template and label word set of where n is the number of masked positions in T (x),
fes ,eo can be formalized as and φj (y) is to map the class y to the set of la-
bel words V[MASK]j for the j-th masked position
Tfes ,eo (x) = “ x es [MASK]eo ”,
(2) [MASK]j . Eq. (5) can be used to tune PLMs and
Vfes ,eo = {“’s parent was”, “was born in”, . . .}.
classify classes. The final learning objective of
Normally, unary and binary functions are suffi- PTR is to maximize
cient to compose logic rules for classification tasks. 1 X Yn

For classification tasks with complex semantics, log p [MASK]j = φj (y)|T (x) . (6)
|X | x∈X j=1
these design methods of unary and binary func-
tions can be extended to multi-variable functions,
which can provide more powerful sub-prompts. 4 Experiments

3.3 Composing Sub-Prompts for Tasks We conduct experiments on relation classification

to show the effectiveness of PTR on many-class
Since we transform a classification task into the
classification tasks.
calculation of a series of conditional functions,
we need to compose sub-prompts of various con- 4.1 Datasets and Experimental Settings
ditional functions into a complete task-specific We carry out our experiments on four relaction clas-
prompt. In this paper, we apply a simple strategy: sification datasets: TACRED (Zhang et al., 2017),
we use logic rules with conjunctive normal form TACREV (Alt et al., 2020), ReTACRED (Sto-
and then directly concatenate the sub-prompts of ica et al., 2021), and SemEval 2010 Task 8 (Se-
all rule-related functions. mEval) (Hendrickx et al., 2010).
For instance, in Figure 2, by aggregating the TACRED: one of the largest and most widely
sub-prompts in Eq. (1) and Eq. (2), the complete used datasets for relation classification. It is ob-
prompt template is as follows, tained via crowd-sourcing and contains 42 relation
T (x) = [Tfes (x); Tfes ,eo (x); Tfeo (x)] = types (including “no_relation”).
(3) TACREV: one dataset built based on the origi-
“ x the [MASK]1 es [MASK]2 the [MASK]3 eo ” ,
nal TACRED dataset. They find out and correct the
where [·; ·; ·] is the aggregation function of sub- errors in the original development set and test set
prompts. And the aggregated sets of label words of TACRED, while the training set is left intact.
are given as ReTACRED: another version of TACRED
dataset. They address some shortcomings of the
V[MASK]1 = {“person”, “organization”, . . .},
original TACRED dataset, refactor its training set,
V[MASK]2 = {“’s parent was”, “was born in”, . . .}, (4)
V[MASK]3 = {“person”, “organization”, . . .}.
development set, and test set. ReTACRED also
modifies a few relation types.
As shown in Figure 2, we can also add some learn- SemEval: a traditional dataset in relation clas-
able tokens, whose parameters are randomly initial- sification covering 9 relations with two directions
ized, to make the template more effective. and one special relation “Other”.
Class Label [MASK]1 [MASK]2 [MASK]3
per:country_of_birth person was born in country
per:stateorprovince_of_birth person was born in state
per:city_of_birth person was born in city
per:employee_of person ’s employee was organization
per:parents person ’s parent was person
per:age person ’s age was number
org:founded_by organization was founded by person
org:country_of_headquarters organization was located in country
org:stateorprovince_of_headquarters organization was located in state
org:city_of_headquarters organization was located in city
org:number_of_employees/members organization ’s employer has number
org:members organization ’s member was organization
org:parents organization ’s parent was organization
no_relation entity is irrelevant to entity

Table 2: For some relations of the datasets TACRED, TACREV, and ReTACRED, the relation-specific label words
for the template: hS1i T he[MASK]1 hE1i [MASK]2 the [MASK]3 hE2i.

Class Label [MASK]1 [MASK]2 [MASK]3

Member-Collection(e1,e2) member related collection
Entity-Origin(e1,e2) entity related origin
Cause-Effect(e1,e2) cause related effect
Component-Whole(e1,e2) component related whole
Product-Producer(e1,e2) product related producer
Instrument-Agency(e1,e2) instrument related agency
Entity-Destination(e1,e2) entity related destination
Content-Container(e1,e2) content related container
Message-Topic(e1,e2) message related topic
Other mention irrelevant mention

Table 3: For some relations of the dataset SemEval, the relation-specific label words for the template:
hS1i T he[MASK]1 hE1i was[MASK]2 to the [MASK]3 hE2i.

More details of these datasets are shown in Ta- prompts after reversing a part of relations. For
ble 1. For all the above datasets, we use F1 scores models tuning with some reversed relations, we
as the main metric for evaluation. name them “. . . (Reversed)”.

4.2 Implementation Details 4.3 Comparison between PTR and

Fine-Tuning Methods
Our model is implemented based on the toolkit
Transformers (Wolf et al., 2020) and Open- In this part, we compare PTR with several typical
NRE (Han et al., 2019). Most hyper-parameters models for relation classification, including:
are set following previous works: our model is opti- (1) Learning models from scratch: for rela-
mized with Adam using the learning rate of 3e − 5 tion classification, the typical approach is learning
on RO BERTA _ LARGE, with a linear warmup for neural models from scratch. Here we choose PA-
the first 10% steps. The weight decay is set to LSTM (Zhang et al., 2017) and C-GCN (Zhang
1e − 2. For all datasets, we fine-tune our model for et al., 2018) as our baselines, as these two mod-
5 epochs with the batch size 64. The best model els are the most effective ones based on recurrent
checkpoint is selected based on the performance neural networks and graph neural networks.
on the development set. In Table 2 and Table 3, we (2) Fine-tuning pre-trained models: as PLMs
show some details of relation-specific prompts in have achieved promising results on various NLP
TACRED, TACREV, ReTACRED, and SemEval. tasks, some efforts are also devoted to fine-
In TACRED, reversing some relations, such as tuning PLMs for relation classification. For
reversing (es ,“organization: member_of”, eo ) into fine-tuning vanilla PLMs, we directly select
(eo ,“organization: member”, es ), can lead to better RO BERTA _ LARGE as our baseline.
prompts. Hence, in our experiments, we apply two (3) Fine-tuning knowledge-enhanced pre-
settings for PTR, one is to build prompts without trained models: Considering the entity infor-
changing any relations, and the other is to build mation is quite important for models to under-
Learning models from scratch
PA-LSTM (Zhang et al., 2017) w/o 65.1 73.3 79.4 84.8
C-GCN (Zhang et al., 2018) w/o 66.3 74.6 80.3 -
Fine-tuning pre-trained models
RO BERTA _ LARGE (Liu et al., 2019) w/o 68.7 76.0 84.9 87.6
K NOW BERT (Peters et al., 2019) w/ 71.5 79.3 - 89.1
MTB (Baldini Soares et al., 2019) w/ 70.1 - - 89.5
S PAN BERT (Joshi et al., 2020) w/ 70.8 78.0 85.3 -
LUKE (Yamada et al., 2020) w/ 72.7 80.6 90.3 -
Prompt tuning pre-trained models
PTR w/o 72.4 81.4 90.9 89.9
PTR (R EVERSED ) w/o 75.9 83.9 91.9 -

Table 4: F1 scores (%) on the TACRED, TACREV, ReTACRED and SEMEVAL. For RO BERTA _ LARGE, we
report the results of the vanilla version RO BERTA _ LARGE without adding any entity markers. More adaptions of
RO BERTA _ LARGE for relation classification will be reported in the next tables. In the “Extra Data” column, “w/o”
means that no additional data is used for pre-training and fine-tuning, yet “w/” means that extra data or knowledge
bases are used for data augmentation. The best results are bold, and the best results under normal settings (without
reversing relations) are underlined.

stand relational semantics, a series of knowledge- the knowledge required for downstream tasks.
enhanced PLMs have been further explored, which (3) Within knowledge-enhanced PLMs, LUKE
use knowledge bases as additional information to and K NOW BERT are better than other models.
enhance PLMs. For knowledge-enhanced PLMs, This is because these two models respectively use
we select S PAN BERT (Joshi et al., 2020), K NOW- knowledge as data augmentation and architecture
BERT (Peters et al., 2019), LUKE (Yamada et al., enhancement in the fine-tuning phase. In contrast,
2020), and MTB (Baldini Soares et al., 2019) as S PAN BERT and MTB inject task-specific knowl-
our baselines. And these four baselines are typical edge into parameters in the pre-training phase and
models that use knowledge to enhance learning ob- then fine-tune their parameters without extra knowl-
jectives, input features, model architectures, and edge. All the above results indicate that even if
pre-training strategies respectively. the task-specific knowledge is already contained in
For the above baselines, we report the results of PLMs, it is difficult for fine-tuning to stimulate the
their papers as well as some results reproduced by knowledge for downstream tasks.
Zhou and Chen (2021). Table 4 shows the overall (4) Either for the normal setting or the setting of
performance on four datasets. From the table, we reversing some relations, PTR achieves significant
can see that: improvements than all baselines. Even compared
(1) Conventional methods design complicated with those knowledge-enhanced models, PTR still
models, including various recurrent neural layers, outperforms these models on TACRED.
attention neural layers, and graph neural layers. Al- In general, all these experimental results show
though learning these complicated models from that the pre-training phase enables PLMs to
scratch have achieved effective results, the vanilla capture sufficient task-specific knowledge, how
PLM RO BERTA _ LARGE can easily outperform to stimulate the knowledge for downstream
them, indicating that the rich knowledge of PLMs tasks is crucial. Compared with typical fine-
captured from large-scale unlabeled data is impor- tuning methods, PTR can better stimulate task-
tant for downstream tasks. specific knowledge.
(2) Within PLMs, those knowledge-enhanced
4.4 Comparison between PTR and Prompt
PLMs defeat the vanilla PLM RO BERTA _ LARGE.
Tuning Methods
On the one hand, this shows that introducing ex-
tra task-specific knowledge to enhance models is In this part, we compare PTR with several recent
effective. On the other hand, this indicates that methods using prompts for relation classification,
simply fine-tuning PLMs cannot completely cover including:
Model Input Example Extra Extra TACRED TACREV ReTACRED
Layer Label
Using randomly initialized markers for prompts
ENT M ARKER [CLS][E1] Mark Twain [/E1] was born in w/o w/o 69.4 79.8 88.4
( CLS ) [E2] Florida [/E2] . [SEP]
ENT M ARKER [CLS][E1] Mark Twain [/E1] was born in w/ w/o 70.7 80.2 90.5
[E2] Florida [/E2] . [SEP]
TYP M ARKER [CLS] [E1:Person] Mark Twain w/ w/ 71.0 80.8 90.5
[/E1:Person] was born in [E2:State]
Florida [/E2:State] . [SEP]
Using the vocabulary of PLMs for prompts
ENT M ARKER [CLS] @ Mark Twain @ was born in # Florida # . w/ w/o 71.4 81.2 90.5
TYP M ARKER [CLS] @ * person * Mark Twain @ was born w/ w/ 74.6 83.2 91.1
( PUNCT ) in # ^ state ^ Florida # . [SEP]
A DA P ROMPT [CLS] Mark Twain was born in Florida . Florida w/o w/o - 80.8 -
was [MASK] of Mark Twain [SEP]
PTR [CLS] Mark Twain was born in Florida . the w/o w/o 72.4 81.4 90.9
[MASK] Mark Twain [MASK] the [MASK]
Florida [SEP]
PTR [CLS] Mark Twain was born in Florida . the w/o w/o 75.9 83.9 91.9
(R EVERSED ) [MASK] Florida [MASK] the [MASK] Mark

Table 5: F1 scores (%) of various models using prompts on the datasets TACRED, TACREV, and ReTACRED. All
these models are based on RO BERTA _ LARGE or BERT_ LARGE. For each model, we also provide the processed
input of an example sentence “Mark Twain was born in Florida”. We also provide the information that whether
these models add extra neural layers to generate features or use extra human annotations to provide more informa-
tion. “w/o” indicates that the model does not use additional human annotations or neural layers, yet “w/” indicates
the model requires additional human annotations or neural layers. The best results are bold, and the best results
under normal settings (without reversing relations) are underlined.

(1) Fine-tuning PLMs with entity markers: words selection mechanism for prompt tuning,
for relation classification, some methods add addi- which scatters the relation label into a variable num-
tional entity markers to the input as additional infor- ber of label words to handle the complex multiple
mation, which is similar to prompt tuning. Among label space. The model proposed by Chen et al.
these marker-based models, ENT M ARKER meth- (2021) is named A DA P ROMPT. As A DA P ROMPT
ods inject special symbols to index the positions of has not released its code, we only show its reported
entities and TYP M ARKER methods additionally results on TACREV.
introduce the type information of entities. Intrin- In Table 5, we can find that using the vocabulary
sically, the ENT M ARKER methods are similar of PLMs for prompts can lead to better results. By
to prompting by introducing extra serial informa- designing particular sub-prompts, our PTR method
tion to indicate the position of special tokens, i.e., has the same effect as the TYP M ARKER methods.
named entities. Analogously, the TYP M ARKER Furthermore, PTR establishes the effectiveness in
methods could be regarded as a type of template for experiments without additional human annotations
prompts but require additional annotation of type and neural layers. Note that in the training pro-
information. cedure, TYP M ARKER methods optimize the pa-
“. . . ( PUNCT )” indicates using the vocabulary of rameters of the encoder and additional output layer,
PLMs to build markers. “. . . ( CLS )” indicates us- PTR just optimizes the encoder and several learn-
ing the hidden vector of [CLS] for classification. able tokens in prompts.
Other models use additional neural layers to ag- To further compare the models using the vo-
gregate all entity features for classification. For cabulary of PLMs for prompts, we introduce the
more details of marker-based models, we refer to few-shot learning scenario. Following the few-shot
the paper of Zhou and Chen (2021). setting in Gao et al. (2020), we sample K training
(2) Prompt tuning for relation classification: instances and K validation instances per class from
Chen et al. (2021) introduce an adaptive label the original training set and development set, and
8 16 32 Mean 8 16 32 Mean 8 16 32 Mean
ENT M ARKER 27.0 31.3 31.9 30.1 27.4 31.2 32.0 30.2 44.1 53.7 59.9 52.6
TYP M ARKER 28.9 32.0 32.4 31.1 27.6 31.2 32.0 30.3 44.8 54.1 60.0 53.0
A DA P ROMPT - - - - 25.2 27.3 30.8 27.8 - - - -
PTR 28.1 30.7 32.1 30.3 28.7 31.4 32.4 30.8 51.5 56.2 62.1 56.6

Table 6: F1 scores (%) of various models with different sizes of training instances on the datasets TACRED,

(a) K=8 (b) K=16 (c) K=32

Figure 3: Changes in F1 scores (%) with increasing number of training epochs on the dataset ReTACRED.

Method Normal Reversed indicates the potential positive effect of prompt

ENT M ARKER ( PUNCT ) 71.4 71.6 (+ 0.2) tuning and logic rules on the convergence.
TYP M ARKER ( PUNCT ) 74.6 76.0 (+ 1.4)
PTR 72.4 75.9 (+ 3.5)
4.5 Effect of Reversing Relations
Table 7: The F1 scores (%) of different models before We introduce the reversed setting of TACRED,
and after reversing a part of relations in TACRED.
TACREV, ReTACRED in Section 4.2 and report
the corresponding results in Table 4. Surprisingly,
we find that after manipulating the labels into the
evaluate models on the original test set. We set K reversed version, PTR gains significant improve-
from {8, 16, 32} respectively and use a fixed set of ments on all the three TACRED datasets. The
5 random seeds to sample instances. results demonstrate the tremendous potential for
From Table 6, we find that although PTR per- prompt-based tuning. It suggests that small modifi-
forms poorer than TYP M ARKER ( PUNCT ) using cation of prompts may result in a huge impact on
the full training dataset, PTR achieves comparable whether the prior knowledge distributed in PLMs
or even better results in the few-shot scenario, es- can be stimulated. Specifically, as we only change
pecially in ReTACRED where the data has fewer the direction of the relations and yield such im-
annotation errors. It is worth mentioning that PTR provements, prompts are position-aware. We fur-
does not use extra human annotations to bring en- ther apply the reversed relation setting into an-
tity types, but to stimulate the type knowledge in other two baselines, E NTITY M ARKER and T YPED
PLMs. Compared with TYP M ARKER ( PUNCT ) M ARKER. As shown in Table 7 , these two methods
and A DA P ROMPT, we attribute our success to yield 0.2% and 1.4% absolute improvements on TA-
the use of both human knowledge and model CRED, which are less than the improvements PTR
knowledge. As shown in Figure 3, besides effec- gains (3.5%) but still considerable. The results in-
tiveness, PTR can lead to faster convergence. TThis dicate that PLMs may not encode the bidirectional
relation into “symmetric” representations. Based As a typical prompt consists of two parts: a tem-
on PTR, we believe more efforts about the con- plate and a set of label words, Schick et al. (2020);
struction of effective prompts should be made. And Schick and Schütze (2021) first explore automatic
theoretical analysis to better understand the mech- identification of label words for human-picked tem-
anisms underlying prompting strategies is also ur- plates. Shin et al. (2020) further explore gradient-
gently needed. guided search to automatically generate both tem-
plates and label words. Gao et al. (2020) take seq-
5 Related Work to-seq models to generate prompt candidates, and
then use each of them for prompt tuning and verify
Various recent PLMs like GPT (Radford et al., their effectiveness on development sets. Compared
2018), BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), RoBERTa (Liu with human-picked prompts, most auto-generated
et al., 2019) and T5 (Raffel et al., 2020) provide a prompts cannot achieve comparable performance.
new approach to utilize large-scale unlabeled data Recently, some continuous prompts have also been
for NLP tasks. Although these PLMs can cap- proposed (Li and Liang, 2021; Lester et al., 2021),
ture rich knowledge (Jawahar et al., 2019; Hewitt which directly use a series of learnable continuous
and Manning, 2019; Petroni et al., 2019; Yenicelik embeddings as prompt templates and get rid of the
et al., 2020) from massive corpora, a fine-tuning trouble of designing prompts. These completely
process with extra task-specific data is still required continuous prompts work well on those large-scale
to transfer their knowledge for downstream tasks. PLMs with billions of parameters, yet cannot stably
From dialogue (Zhang et al., 2020), summariza- work on normal PLMs.
tion (Zhang et al., 2019; Liu and Lapata, 2019), In this paper, we propose PTR to conduct prompt
question answering (Adiwardana et al., 2020), to tuning with rules. Based on several human-picked
text classification (Baldini Soares et al., 2019; Peng sub-prompts, PTR can use predefined logic rules to
et al., 2020; Ding et al., 2021), fine-tuned PLMs compose sub-prompts into complete task-specific
have been demonstrated their effectiveness on al- prompts. As compared with the above-mentioned
most all important NLP tasks. Besides fine-tuning prompt tuning methods, PTR achieves a good bal-
language models for specific tasks, recent studies ance among model efficiency, model effectiveness,
have explored better optimization and regulariza- model generalization, and human workload.
tion techniques to improve fine-tuning (Lee et al.,
2019; Dodge et al., 2020). 6 Conclusion
Despite the success of fine-tuning PLMs, there is
In this paper, we propose prompt tuning with rules
a big gap between pre-training objectives and fine-
(PTR) for many-class text classification. By com-
tuning objectives. In the pre-training phase, sequen-
posing sub-prompts into task-specific prompts ac-
tial language models and masked language models
cording to logic rules, prior human knowledge can
are used to learn PLMs. In the fine-tuning phase,
be encoded into prompt tuning. Meanwhile, the in-
the optimization objectives are task-specific and
troduction of sub-prompts can further alleviate the
different tasks may have quite different objective
difficulty of designing templates and sets of label
forms. In GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020), prompt tun-
words. The experimental results on relation clas-
ing has been proposed and drawn much attention.
sification, a typical many-class classification task,
By leveraging language prompts as contexts, down-
show that PTR can significantly outperform exist-
stream tasks can be expressed as some objectives
ing state-of-the-art baselines without introducing
similar to pre-training objectives. Through a se-
any additional model layers, manual annotations,
ries of research work on knowledge probing (Trinh
and augmented data. In the future, we will further
and Le, 2018; Petroni et al., 2019; Davison et al.,
combine the existing exploration of auto-generated
2019), language prompts have been proven to ef-
prompts and our PTR, which will lead to a more
fectively stimulate knowledge from PLMs. More-
practical approach to prompt tuning.
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ing results on few-class classification tasks such as
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