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The following text is for questions 1 to 3

1. What is the name of the product?

A. Mustika Jaya.
B. Ingredients.
C. Yogyakarta.
D. Co-milk.
2. What are the ingredients of the product?
A. Coffee and milk.
B. Coffee and sugar.
C. Coffee, milk, and salt.
D. Coffee, milk, and sugar.
3. According to the label, the product should be used . . .
A. any time
B. on fifth of March two thousand twenty-three
C. after fifth of March two thousand twenty-three
D. before fifth of March two thousand twenty-three
The following text is for question 4 to 9
May cause drowsiness or impair alertness. Avoid alcohol and drugs with sedative and/or relaxing
effect, especially before driving a motor vehicle.
Drug dependency
May cause a drug habit. Must not be taken over a prolonged period.
Talk to your pharmacist
Talk to your pharmacist before using this product. He/she must explain the specific instructions
to be followed when taking this medication.
Maybe hazardous to your health if you suffer from hypertension, prostatic hypertrophy,
hyperthyroidism (goitre), or if you are taking antidepressants.
Not recommended for diabetics. This medication may cause adverse effects.
Contains aspirin. Must be avoided if you suffer from gout, stomach ulcers, asthma, or if you are
taking an anticoagulant agent (blood thinner).

4. What is the synonym of "drowsiness"?

A. Sleepiness.
B. Happiness.
C. Tiredness.
D. Laziness.
5. "May be hazardous to . . .”(Contraindication)
The antonym of the underlined word is
A. cheap
B. high
C. safe
D. low
6. If the medicine is labelled "Drug dependency", this means that . . .
A. it makes people sleep
B. it is dangerous for children
C. it can cause drug addiction
D. it should be taken for a long time
7. Why are people with diabetes not recommended to use the medicine? Because . . .
A. it may cause adverse effects
B. it will make the people thin
C. it can kill the people
D. it is very expensive
8. What kind of drug should be avoided by a person who suffers from gout?
A. The drug which contains aspirin.
B. The drug which can cause migraine.
C. The drug which makes people sleepy.
D. The drug which is sold on the free market.
9. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
A. It is important to ask for suggestions from a pharmacist before taking a drug labelled
talk to your pharmacist.
B. If you are taking antidepressants, it is suggested that you take a drug with the label
drowsiness on it.
C. It is suggested to take a drug with the label Drug dependency for a long period.
D. It is alright to ride a motorcycle after taking a drug with the label drowsiness on it.

10. Look at the picture

The notice means . . .

A. we have to shake the medicine well before using it
B. we have to shake the medicine well after using it
C. we have to prepare a shaker to use the medicine
D. the medicine is very liquid

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