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The chart shows the average number of hours each day that Chinese, American,

Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent doing leisure activities while on holiday in
Greece in August 2019.

The given bar chart illustrates the average number of hours each day that Chinese,
American, Turkish and Brazil tourists spent doing leisure activities while on
holiday in Greece in August 2019.

Overall, the tourists spend the most their free time with reading books while on
holiday. The Chinese tourists have the highest indicators of reading books with a
total of eight hours per day. Over against, the Brazilian tourists spent the most time
at the beach with a total of six hours during the day.

Looking at the bar chart with more details, the number of hours that American
and Turkish tourists spend doing leisure activities while on vacation have similar
indicators. Both the American and the Turkish tourists spent the same number of
hours every day visiting places with a total of three hours each. Similarly, the
Turkish and Brazilian tourists spent total five hour with reading books.

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