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Question 1; Fill in the blanks:-

a) We cannot see _______ but we can feel it

b) About _______ of the earth surface is covered with water
c) Rain is the source of _____Water
d) Flowers bloom during ____________
e) Plants need carbon dioxide to prepare their food
f) The oxygen present in air is necessary for ____________
g) Air is a mixture of ___________
h) When we ______ polluted air it causes many health problem
i) We tend to _______a lot during sunny day.

Question 2. Write True or False

a) In winter, we wear woolen clothes –

b) Steam is a gaseous state of water
c) Planting more trees causes air pollution
d) Water pollution is one of the reasons for water scarcity
e) Disposing garbage in water bodies can prevent water pollution
f) As water vapour moves higher into the air, it cools and turns into droplet
g) Water pollution is one of the reasons of water scarcity
h) We should use a hose pipe to clean our car or bike.

Question 3 – Maths the columns

Condition Weather
a. Strong rain with wind i. Cloudy
b. Clear sky with bright sun ii.Stormy
c. Using Umbrella’s and raincoat iii.Sunny
d. Sky full of clouds iv.Rainy

Q. 4. Name the following.

a) A gas present in air which is necessary for burning
b) Moving air
c) The main source of water
d) The thick layer of air surrounding the earth.
e) The amount of fresh water available is not sufficient to fulfill the demand
of water usage in a particular region.
f) Collection of rain water for future use.
Q. 5. Explain the following terms
a). Season
b) Weather
c). Wind

Q. 6. What is air pollution.

Q.7. List of gases present in air.

Q.8. State how water pollution can be prevented.

Q.9. State the factors affecting change in weather.

Q.10 State the two function of water in an animal’s body

Q.11 What do you mean by water scarcity?

Q. 12. Give Reasons:

a) Pond water should be boiled and filtered before drinking

b) Afternoons are the hottest time of the day

Q. 13. Neha kept an ice tray filled with water inside a freezer for 10 hours. She
took another bowl, filled with water and started boiling it. Identify the change of
state of water when:

a) The ice tray is placed in the freezer

b) When the water is boiled.

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