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Presenter: Dr. N.C. Trinh, Vietsovpetro JV
March 2022; Tel.: +84764147113
Table of contents

1. Introduction. Learning outcomes

2. Basic components of a furnace
3. Furnace types
4. Furnace operation
5. Furnace design procedure

 Charles_E._Thomas]_Process Technology Equipment and

 API 12K (for indirect Heater)
1. Introduction

❖ For what purpose a furnace is used?

Nhiệt độ thải ra càng thấp càng tốt
(vì tận dụng tốt nhiệt)

Khí thải gồm CO2,NOx, SO2 gây

ô nhiễm môi trường ống xả

Đối lưu
ở tháp này thì cần duy trì nhiệt độ ở 390

Điều khiển nhiệt độ bao giờ cũng có độ

Nguyên liệu đốt trễ
là dầu mazut
(FO: Fuel oil)
Khí cháy sạch hơn
dầu nhiệt trị cao nhưng
k cháy hoàn toàn

Bức xạ gần ngọn lửa

1. Introduction

 A furnace is a fired heater, which is a device used

to heat up chemicals or chemical mixtures.
 Fired heaters transfer heat generated by the
combustion of natural gas, ethane, propane or fuel
1. Introduction

 Furnaces are used in

crude processing,
cracking, olefins
production, and many
other processes.
 Furnaces heat up raw
materials so that they
can produce products
such as gasoline, oil,
kerosene, chemicals,
plastic and rubber
Learning outcomes

❖ After this lecture you should be able to:

• Describe the various types of direct fired heaters
• Explain the operation of an indirect fired heater
• Describe the basic components of a furnace
• How to design a furnace
Principles of heat transfer

❖ Heat transfer
2. Basic components of a furnace

 Firebox gồm burner

 Radiant tubes or coils

 Convection tubes 1
ống khói
 Damper and stack
điều khiển lượng khói nhả ra

 Burners and air registers

phối trộn

 Fuel system NG , FO + STEAM

 instruments thiết bị điều khiển

Tận dụng nhiệt tốt nhất là cho dầu đi từ trên xuống

 induced- or forced-draft fans.

Cháy thông gió tự nhiển hay cháy thông gió cưỡng bức (gắn thêm quạt)
(1) từ nơi có nhiệt độ thấp nhất đến nhiệt cao nhất
vào ở đối lưu ra ở bức xạ
2. Basic components of a furnace

Fire box
➢ The section in a furnace that contains the burners and open flames is called the

➢ The firebox is lined with a refractory layer, a brick lining that reflects heat back into
the furnace. The refractory brick is classified as firebrick or insulating brick, both of
which are specially designed to withstand and reflect heat.

➢ Typical heat loss from a furnace is between 2 and 3% of the total heat release.

➢ Temperatures inside the firebox range from 1,600 to 2,000°F (871 to 1,093°C).

➢ Furnace pressures usually run below atmospheric pressure in the range of 0.4 to 0.6
inches of H2O draft (negative pressure) at the bottom of the furnace.

khí nóng nó giãn nở và bay lên

2. Basic components of a furnace

Radiant tubes
➢ The tubes located along the walls of the firebox are called the radiant tubes or
coils. Dầu quá nhiệt thì dễ tạo thành cốc làm giảm hiệu suất
truyền nhiệt

➢ Radiant tubes receive direct heat from the burners.

➢ These tubes operate at high temperatures and are constructed of high alloy

➢ steels. Radiant tubes may be mounted parallel or perpendicular to

fix something to a wall

➢ the furnace wall.

➢ Radiant heat transfer accounts for 60 to 70% of the total heat energy picked up
by the charge in the furnace.

➢ A color chart of steel tubes shows 10 tube color variations associated with
2. Basic components of a furnace

Convection tubes
➢ Convection tubes are located in the roof of the furnace and are not in direct contact
with burner flames.

➢ Hot gases transfer heat through the metal tubes and into the charge. Convection
tubes usually are horizontal and are equipped with fins to increase efficiency.

➢ Convective heat transfer to the process charge accounts for about 30 to 40% of the
total heat energy picked up in the furnace. This area is often referred to as the
convection section.

➢ Feed is introduced into the furnace through these tubes and exits out the radiant

cái phin giúp tăng diện tích trao đổi nhiệt

2. Basic components of a furnace

Stack damper
 Combustion gases leave the furnace through the stack and are dispersed into the
atmosphere at a height to ensure against any immediate deleterious effect such as
carbon monoxide poisoning. As the hot air rises in the stack, it entrains combustion
by-products and carries them out of the stack. This natural draft creates a lower
pressure inside the furnace that is essential to good operation.
 A damper in the stack permits adjustment of stack drafts.
 Some dampers resemble huge butterfly valves and require only one-quarter turn to
be 100% open or closed. Other dampers resemble ordinary window blinds. Any rise
in furnace pressure keeps secondary and primary air out of the furnace. The damper
can be positioned to increase or decrease airflow.
 The stack diameter is often sized for 4.6 to 6.1 m/s stack gas velocity.
2. Basic components of a furnace

Stack damper
 Controlling excess oxygen in the furnace is the single most important variable
affecting efficiency. For heat transfer in the firebox or radiant section, the greatest
efficiency is obtained when maximum furnace temperatures are achieved.
Decreasing excess air in the furnace maximizes radiant heat transfer.
 Excess airflow will decrease furnace temperatures around the burners and force the
automatic controls to increase natural gas flow rates to the burner, wasting money. As
hot combustion gases rise, cooler air is entrained causing the temperature to
decrease. Excess air enhances this process. When excess air is increased to the
burner through the primary and secondary air registers, a temperature shift occurs as
heat is moved away from the burners. Higher temperatures are found in the upper
section of the firebox due to the reduced heat transfer in the lower section of the
firebox. Temperatures in the convection section and stack will also rise significantly.
This will reduce the amount of heat available for heating the hot oil and more fuel will
be burned in order to maintain process specifications.
 To be on the safe side, more air than is theoretically required for combustion is used.
When this occurs, it is referred to as utilizing “excess air.” The percentage of excess
oxygen by volume in the flue gas can be measured using a graph.
2. Basic components of a furnace
 Raw gas burners. Some of the air required for combustion is pulled in by a venturi. The rest of
the air is admitted through a secondary air register. These burners have larger turndown ratios,
require lower gas pressures, and are also quieter
 Oil burners set the proportion of fuel and air and mix them by atomizing the fuel with high-
pressure steam or air. Premix steam-atomizing burners are internal-mix atomizing burners that
can handle almost any fuel and are widely used by industry because of this feature. They
produce short, dense flames that are unaffected by wind gusts.
 Combination burners make furnace operation and fuel distribution more flexible because they
combine two burners: gas and oil. This type of burner can use either gas or oil or both at the
same time.. An oil burner is added to the gas spider so that fuel oil can also be used. One-
tenth kilogram of steam per kilogram of fuel is usually required to atomize the oil.
 Low nitrogen oxide (NOx) burners are designed to be operated with lower amounts of excess
air than typical burners. The use of a tertiary air register reduces nitrogen oxides in the flue
gas stream.. The addition of a tertiary air register reduces the amount of nitrogen oxides in
the flue gas. This type also can be operated with less excess air than the above types.
 Burner alarms are located on each burner and will immediately alert a technician when a
burner goes out or is functioning outside normal parameters.
2. Basic components of a furnace

Air to Fuel ratio

 Some process heaters utilize advanced control
instrumentation that maintains a preset ratio of air to
fuel. For example, a ratio of 11 means that for each
weight unit (kilograms or pounds) of fuel, there are 11
similar units of oxygen being supplied. Higher ratios
indicate that there is more excess air—a lower ratio
translates to less excess air.
 When the air is specified in terms of air-to-fuel ratio,
the amount of combustion air is calculated by adding 1
to the ratio and multiplying the results times the fuel
rate. If the ratio is 11and the fuel rate is 4 pounds per Modern burner design
minute, this can be expressed as follows: consumes 100% of the fuel
with a nominal excess of 10
Fuel rate: 4 lb. per minute
to 15% oxygen.
Air rate: 11 + 1 = 12 Trong ống khói có oxygen analyser để đánh giá sự khuấy trộn của nhiên liệu

That is, 4 x 12 = 48 pounds of flue gas produced by Nếu thiếu O2 sẽ cháy k hết, tạo CO2 gây độc hại
Nếu nhiều O2 thì sẽ gây giảm nhiệt của lò (hiệu suất) nên phải gia nhiệt
combustion Sự cố có thể gặp trong lò đốt là burnout (tắt ngọn lửa)
trước bằng cách tận dụng nhiệt đầu ống khói, và gây NOx gây nưa axit
2. Basic components of a furnace

Fuel system
 Located under or on the side of the furnace is a complex network of lines that
provides fuel gas and air to the burners. The fuel is stored in a tank located a safe
distance from the furnace.
 In an oil-burning system, atomizing steam and an oil preheating system are added to
the network of pipes.
 Feed composition is best described as the composition of the fuel entering a
furnace, which must remain uniform or furnace operation will be affected. The charge
composition must also remain uniform or variations in process variables will occur.
Fuel pressure control utilizes a pressure control loop located on the natural gas fuel
line to the furnace that is designed to maintain constant pressure to the furnace
 Furnace flow control is a critical feature in furnace operation, temperature, and
pressure control that regulates fluid feed rates in and out of the process furnace.
2. Basic components of a furnace

 Combustion is a rapid chemical reaction that occurs

when proper amounts of fuel and oxygen (O2) come
into contact with an ignition source and release heat
and light. Furnaces use this principle to provide heat.
 Fuel Heat Value:

-H2: 274 Btu/foot3

-CH4: 909 Btu/foot3
2. Basic components of a furnace

 Heat Transfer:
▪ Radiation
▪ Conduction
▪ Convection
3. Furnace types
3. Furnace types

 Furnaces can be classified by several features: type

of draft, number of fireboxes, number of passes,
volume occupied by combustion gases, and shape.
Tự nhiên Cưỡng bức
3. Furnace types

 Number of Fireboxes:
A furnace can have one or two fireboxes. A double-
firebox furnace has a center wall that divides two
combustion chambers. Hot gases leaving the two
chambers meet in a common convection section.
A space of 1.5 to 2 feet is considered to be a safe
distance between the open flames and the radiant
tubes. The burners’ flame pattern should be less than
60% the height of the firebox.
3. Furnace types

 Number of Passes
The charge—that is, flow—entering a furnace is often
split into two or more flows called passes. These passes
usually are referred to as the east, west, north, or south
pass. As the names suggest, each goes to a specific
section of the furnace before they all enter a common
discharge header.
Furnace operators balance the flow rate of these
passes equally before starting the furnace. Balanced
fluid flow is critical during furnace operation.
3. Furnace types

 Direct Fired and Indirect Fired

➢ direct fired heater (vary in size from 0.15 MW small package
regeneration gas heaters to 300 MW steam hydrocarbon reformer
heaters. In the gas processing industry, the usual range is 0.3 to 6
➢ indirect fired heater (Firetube heaters range in duty from 17.6 kW
glycol reboilers to 3500 kW oil or gas pipeline heaters. The design,
controls, and operation of firetube heaters vary widely from those
used in simple, unattended “wellhead” equipment to those used in
complex, well-instrumented, gas plants.)
 Cabin and Cylindrical
➢ Cabin furnace
➢ Cylindrical furnace
3. Furnace types

 Cabin furnace

recycle khi lượng nhiêt liệu dùng kh hết và dư

giảm độ nhớt để cháy

tốt hơn
 Cabin furnace


The cabin furnace is a very popular

direct-fired heater used in the
chemical-processing industry for
large commercial operations. Most Air tần dụng nhiệt bằng cách
trao đổi nhiệt tiếp xúc với vòi xả
để khi xuống dưới sẽ k lấy
cabin furnaces (Figure 10.10) are nhiệt phía dưới nữa
located above the ground, making
it possible to drain the tubes and
provide easy access to the burners

A space of 1.5 to 2 feet is

considered to be a safe distance
between the open flames and the
radiant tubes. The burners’ flame
pattern should be less than 60%
the height of the firebox

Highly efficient, ranging from

90 to 95%
3. Furnace types

 Cylindrical furnace
The net thermal efficiency
is around 60% for a H của cabin lên tới
90 phần trăm
standard cylindrical
furnace; however, if a
convection section is added
this rating jumps to 80%.

cylindrical Nhỏ gọn, chi phí sx chế tạo thấp

3. Furnace types

 Cylindrical furnace
Compared with other designs, cylindrical furnaces cost 10 to 15% less to
construct, require less space and money to operate, have a higher firebox,
have more parallel tube passes, and have higher flue gas velocity. A major
disadvantage of cylindrical furnaces is that they have a lower efficiency than
other designs because stack temperatures are higher (stack gas temperature is
650°C or more. T).
There is a short stack that usually has no damper. The design is low cost and suited for
low cost fuel.
3. Furnace types

 Helical coil heater

3. Furnace types

Water Bath Heaters  Indirect heater

expansion tank
để đảm bảo bình bên
dưới ngập 100% nước

xả khói
chứa liquid medium ( water or glycol) ống đỏ là chứa
nhiên liệu được đốt cháy
ống cam thì chứa dầu thô

UPS: Uninterrupted power system hệ thống điện khẩn cấp

Trong heat exchanger có 2 kiểu truyền nhiệt là đối lưu và truyền nhiệt

4. Furnace operation
Typical Industrial Furnace
Burner Management System
Fuel Control

Flue Gases to Stack

Safety Shutoff
Pressure Valves
Switches Vent Valve

Air Flow

Air Fan


Hot Gases
Flame Sensor
Typical Industrial Furnace
Combustion Control System
Fuel Control
Oxygen Valve
Analyzer AT

Flue Gases to Stack

Safety Shutoff

•Fuel-to-Air Ratio Air
• O2 Trim
Air Flow
Valve FT
Combustion Transmitter
Air TT

Air Fan

Hot Gases
Furnace efficiency
➢ Running furnaces efficiently is a major operating concern because two thirds of a
plant’s fuel budget is needed for furnace fuel cost. Furnace efficiency is linked to
environmental regulations that stipulate a clean operation.
/ˈstɪp.jə.leɪt/, Quy định
➢ Most furnaces use fuel gas or fuel oil. Natural gas burns cleaner and more efficiently
than oil. In a natural gas furnace, oxygen and natural gas combine in the right
proportions at the burner. In an oil-burning furnace, steam is used to atomize the oil
and mix it with air at the burner tip.
➢ Primary air enters the furnace through air shutters located on the burner that premix
air and gas within the burner. Secondary air enters through air registers located on
the burner. Air also can enter the furnace through idle burners, open peepholes,
leaks in the furnace casing or casing joints, or damaged header box gaskets.
➢ Ensuring proper air concentrations is critical to efficient furnace operation because
the fuel burns cleaner and hotter. Incomplete combustion reduces heat output,
produces waste gases, and creates a potentially hazardous condition as unburned
fuel collects in the firebox. Safe, efficient furnace operation requires an operator to
closely monitor and control the combustion process.
Options to Improve the Thermal Efficiency

➢ Option I. Add Convection Surface

1. Stack temperature is reduced.
2. Furnace efficiency is increased.
3. Heat release is decreased.
4. Flue gas pressure drop in the convection section is increased.
5. Draft is decreased.
6. Tube side pressure drop is increased.
7. NOx is reduced.
Things to consider:
1. Increasing stack height.
2. More weight from added convection tubes.
3. Check structure and foundation to see if added weight can be supported. 4. If not, design
adjacent structure to house convection tubes and support stack. 5. Consider increased
pumping cost for process stream. 6. If fuel is to be changed, some existing convection tubes
may have to be removed to accommodate soot blowers
Options to Improve the Thermal Efficiency

➢ Option II. Add Economizer for Waste Heat Recovery

Waste heat options: Steam generation; Steam superheating; Boiler feedwater heater
1. Stack temperature is reduced.
2. Furnace efficiency is increased.
3. Fluegas pressure drop in the convection section is increased.
4. Draft is decreased.
5. No change in process stream operation.
6. No change in NOx.
Things to consider:
1. Study increased load on structure and foundation as in Option I.
2. Will added boiler capacity lower efficiency of existing boilers?
3. Check possibility of a temperature cross.
Options to Improve the Thermal Efficiency

➢ Option III. Install Air Preheat System

1. Stack temperature is reduced.
2. Natural draft is decreased.
3. Furnace efficiency is increased.
4. Firebox temperature is increased.
5. Heat flux rates are increased.
6. NOx increases unless burners are changed.
Things to consider:
1. Induced draft and forced draft blowers must be installed.
2. Burners must be replaced.
3. Check if tube supports and refractory will withstand higher temperatures. 4. Plot space near
furnace must be available. 5. System is self-contained. 6. Considerably more instrumentation must
be installed
Economical and environmental considerations may lead to the use of waste heat recovery systems.
Flue gases from fired equipment, combustion engines and gas turbines are common heat sources
for consideration to use waste heat recovery. The recovered heat may be used in the same
equipment to increase its thermal efficiency and to supply heat to other equipment. Fired
equipment also may combine the heating of several process streams at different temperatures.
Typical applications include combustion air and/or fuel preheating in the same equipment.
Burners can be self-recuperative and self-regenerative. Some applications include additional
heat input by refiring. Heat transfer systems may have: • Streams contact, as in bubbling flue
gases in water heaters. • No contact of streams, as in shell and tube heat exchangers. • An
intermediate heat transfer fluid by forced circulation as in pumped oil systems, or by natural
circulation as in thermosyphons. The intermediate fluid may have a phase change as in heat
pipes. • A solid heat transfer media, such as in rotary or alternating regenerative devices.
Theory summary

Direct Fired Heater | Furnace | Refinery | Oil&Gas – YouTube

Furnaces - YouTube
5. Furnace design procedure

 Please see attached guideline

Calculation examples
Calculation examples




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