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How to install and run bots for the Matrix

Matrix is a fun and exciting federated protocol that we’re using more and more at /tmp/lab.
If you want to join the discussion, head to our riot channel and check it out!
Riot is a well-known web GUI for the Matrix protocol which could be defined as “a chat interface
between IRC and Slack”. It’s cooler than IRC to some extend – backlogging is easier- and it is free
software, not like Slack ? Still, IRC, Slack and Riot have in common a capacity to use bots, and
that’s what we’ll be drilling today: Matrix bots. Onward, my mechanical steed!
Note: Our privacy-aware assistance might interject here with some well founded critics of the
Matrix ecosystem, which is not free enough as of now. Find here a list of concerns as a github issue
tracker for more information.
Anyway, which bot to choose? There are many available bots for matrix and even a page dedicated
to them on the project’s website. We chose maubot.

The maubot homepage on github

Why maubot?
Well, first, it’s python, which we like. Also, it’s actually well coded: Tulir Asokan -the author- did
an impressive work at providing his own implementation of the matrix api which he plans to use to
provide a number of bridges. It is modular, meaning that you can extend the functionnalities in a
clean manner. And that leads us to hackability, writing your own plugins should be easy with
maubot, more on that soon hopefuly.

Deploying Maubot on a server

Though maubot proposes a docker install, we were not fans of that for system administration
reasons. So we’ve made an install script in bash you can find in this git project.

The maubot installer project

This install script should really simplify your job. Assign in the DNS a subdomain name -say to your server IP address and the installation should be as simple as
git clone
cd maubot-installer

After indicating your chosen subdomain, you can go for default answers, including the
homeserver, and should be fine for the rest of this tutorial.
Et voilà ! You should have a maubot instance running with Letsencrypt on
Creating your first bot
Once the maubot instance is up, understanding the maubot concepts will help you configure it.
Plugins are the bots “brains”. They are python code and configuration files, ran in background by
maubot. Ther are stored on the server as mbp files, which are archives using a zip compression.
Clients are the bots “physical presence”. They are in fact user accounts on matrix servers, no more
no less.
Instances are associations of a plugin and a client. Once you have an instance, you have a bot!
So let’s start creating our first instance!

Add a plugin
The project page lists a number of plugins based on the maubot framework.
To install a plugin, you have two options.
Option 1. Use the web interface
Log in your maubot instance, click on the plugins “⊕” button. A big UPLOAD button (cf.
screenshot) shows up, click on it, select a plugin zip file on your disk, and there you go !
The maubot plugin menu
Easy right?
Well except one thing: where do you get that zip file in the first place? From the github “Get a zip
copy of the project” button of a plugin page? Well, nuhuh, nope, that won’t work. Maubot will
reject that zip file. Why?
The github zip file contains the file “in a directory” called “$projectname-$branch” and maubot
expects files to be at the root of the zip archive.
So, the right way to go is:
‫ ٭‬Download a zip file from a plugin repository home page
‫ ٭‬Extract it locally
‫ ٭‬Enter the newly created directory
‫ ٭‬Select all its files and sub-directories
‫ ٭‬Create a new zip archive with these
‫ ٭‬Upload that zip file to maubot.
Or if you will, plugins might available as “mbp” files in the “release” section of their github page.
Sadly, they’re not always up to date, so you might be left with a manual job to do.
Option 2. Use the command line interface
Well seeing this could be a bit complex and annoying to repeat we came up with a script in the
“maubot installer” project, called
You will need to use a config file or edit the variables at the beginning of the script for it to work
Once you’ve done it you just have to
‫ ٭‬Run the script
‫ ٭‬Select a plugin in the list
‫ ٭‬Login (once only) with your maubot user and password
‫ ٭‬And the script will call the “mbc” executable provided by maubot.
It is worth mentioning that some plugins might require a few additional dependencies. For example
the trump plugin required to run an install command in the virtualenv of the project:
cd /opt/maubot
source bin/activate
pip install Pillow

But now, you should have at least one plugin available. Let’s head to the next stop.

Add a client
We won’t cover here the run-your-own-bot-factory approach, which requires running your own
synapse server, in other word running your own matrix instance. So we will create an account on an
existing server and retrieve its token used for interacting with the API.
We will use the default web interface and request a free account.
You have to pick a username, for example rook_the_bot, which will provide a matrix
identifier/address such as “” after creation.


panic(){ echo -e "$@"; exit 2; }

info(){ echo -e "\e[0;32m$@\e[0m"; }

which zip &>/dev/null || panic "Please install zip and unzip."

basePath=$( cd `dirname $BASH_SOURCE[0]` && pwd )

cd "$basePath"


# Use a config file

[[ -f ./config ]] && source ./config

# Or set the following variables manually

# install_dir=/opt/maubot
# server_address=https://your.maubot.domain
# maubot_user=maubot
# maubot_pass=maubot

[[ -z "$install_dir" ]] || [[ -z "$maubot_user" ]] || [[ -z "$maubot_pass" ]] ||

[[ -z "$server_address" ]] && panic "Please set variables"

declare -A botList
botList[]="A simple bot that replies with an
image when you say "jesari"."
botList[]="A bot to do sed-like replacements."
botList[]="A bot to calculate unexpected
botList[]="A bot that replies with the MXC URI of
images you send it."
botList[]="A combined dice rolling and calculator
botList[]="A user karma tracker bot."
botList[]="A bot to view xkcd comics."
botList[]="A bot that echoes pings and other
botList[]="A bot that posts RSS feed updates to
botList[]="A bot that condescendingly
corrects a user when they enter an r/subreddit without providing a link to that
botList[]="A bot that generates a gif
(from giphy) given search terms"
botList[]="A bot that generates
a Trump tweet with the given content"
botList[]="A bot that will create a
simple poll for users in a room"
botList[]="A bot that fetches definitions
from [Urban Dictionary]("
botList[]="A bot to remind you about things."
botList[]="A bot to translate words."
botList[]="A bot that responds to messages
that match predefined rules."
botList[]="A bot that executes code."
botList[]="A bot to view CommitStrips."
botList[]="A bot to manage customer
support on Matrix."
botList[]="A GitLab client and webhook
botList[]="A GitHub client and webhook


while [[ "$install" == "y" ]]; do

unset indexedArray
declare -A indexedArray
echo -e "\nAvailable bots:"
for k in ${!botList[@]}; do
echo " $n: ${botList[$k]}"
let $(( n++ ))
read -e -n 2 -p "Please enter a number or x to stop: " REPLY

case $REPLY in
[[ -z "$URL" ]] && echo "Invalid choice. Try again." &&
tempDir=$(mktemp -d)
projectName=$(basename $URL)
cd "$tempDir"
info "Downloading file"
wget -q "$zipURL" &>/dev/null
info "Converting"
unzip &>/dev/null
cd "$projectName-master"
zip -r archive * &>/dev/null
mv "$tempDir"
info "Ready to upload"
cd "$install_dir"
read -e -n 1 -i y -p "Do you want to login in maubot
[Y/n]? " login
[[ "n" != ${login:-y} ]] && echo -e "Here are your
config credentials: \n Username $maubot_user\n Password $maubot_pass\n
Server $server_address\n" && "$install_dir/bin/mbc" login
"$install_dir/bin/mbc" upload "$tempDir/" -s

rm -rf "$tempDir"
echo "Unknown choice '$REPLY'. Try again."

The riot account creation interface
One your mail is validated, log in the web interface and head to the settings page to retrieve the
A Riot settings menu link
You will find it token at the end of the “Help & About” page: click on the <click to reveal> link,
and copy the string that appears.
Riot token finally shows up!
Time to head back to your maubot instance, and click on the Client “⊕” button. Fill the requested
informations : the username you created and the access token are mandatory. Validate.
The maubot client menu
And that’s it. You’re ready for the last stage.

Add an instance
Head your maubot instance and client on the Instances “⊕” button.
The maubot instance menu
Just pick a client and a plugin before validating.
And now you should have your first bot ready! Congratulations!

How to use your bot

Now if everything went well, you should be able to invite your bot in a room, using the matrix
handle you created earlier, as in our example
Let’s say you created an “Instance” associating the dice “Plugin” to the rook_the_bot “Client” .
Once you invited rook_the_bot to your channel, simply type a !dice command. Your bot should
after a while reply to you.
Each plugin has its own commands, and you can attach multiple plugins to a single client. But all
commands use the front ! mark.
That’s it, have fun. And for questions or anything else… see you on matrix!
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