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Inspiration- Soul buddies.

Theme- Mental illness, Religion, Substance Abuse, Sexuality & Poverty

The story is about a lower-class family of 3 that lives in a township in Johannesburg and has financial
difficulties and struggle to make ends meet. A lady named Mma Mthembu is a staunched Christian
and imposes her Christian beliefs on her children. Her 17-year-old daughter (Ntombi) is queer
(lesbian) and suffers from mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. Her mental illnesses are a
result of her home financial situation and the fact that she has not disclosed her sexuality to her

At school Ntombi, makes it seem as though she is good and is very quirky with her mates but in the
storyline, we show scenes where she would have panic attacks at school and her close friends
Nthabiseng tries to help and encourage her to open up as she has been struggling to keep up with
school work. She thereafter falls into substance abuse as an attempt to numb her pain. The story will
explore the symptoms of

As the story progresses Ntombi attempts to open up and she is rejected by her mother tells her that
homosexuality is a sin and expresses her disappointment in her.

As Ntombi tries to explore her sexuality she is faced with a lot of challenges and is not educated on
how to manoeuvre her sexuality. Faces discrimination and she gets tangled in romantic affairs.

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