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My name is Nicholas Zeng, and you can call me Nicho. I was born and grew up on a small island near
Singapore called Tanjungpinang. I graduated in 2021, but due to the covid 19 pandemic, I took a gap
year by working at my mom’s company.

As I am growing up, I’m interested in Japanese culture, seeking the history of the country, the language,
and not forgetting the food. I enjoy reading Japanese anime and playing video games with friends. Japan
seems to be an amazing country, which I would love to visit and experience for myself.

As I prepare to move on to college or university, I would love to gain knowledge of the language and
culture through OBKG. Their experience of helping students learn and adapt spans over 30 years.

It would be great if I could pursue a degree in Information Technology or Graphic Design. The reason I
chose Japan was simply that it has one of the most advanced technological systems in the world. There
are also a lot of large technology companies in Japan, such as Fujitsu, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, etc.

After graduating from college or university in Japan, I’ll try to find a job to gain more skills and
experience on my hands. If possible, maybe I’ll continue my studies.


Saya orangtua (Ibu) dari Nicholas Zeng, menyetujui anak saya untuk melanjutkan studinya ke Jepang dan
akan menanggung serta membiayai pendidikan beserta kebutuhannya selama ia di Jepang. Saya
berharap anak saya akan menjadi lebih mandiri dan disiplin dikemudian hari.

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