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Student’s Name : Brayden Level : Super Safari 3

Teacher’s Name : Ms. Pera Suriyati Nst S.Pd Period : Sep-Dec 2022


Speaking B+

Listening B+

Reading B+

Writing B

Grammar B+


Very good A+ : 93 – 100 B+ : 78 – 85 B- : 62 – 69
Good A : 86 – 92 B : 70 – 77 C : ≤ 61

Fair Class Master’s Comment

Brayden is an active kid. He learns things quickly and wants to know more about his
surroundings. He has become much better in terms of speaking. He no longer speaks in
short and elaborates his sentences in full form now. He starts to apply proper grammar to
his conversations too, such as “she is playing now”, etc. He has no issue doing listening
and reading activity. He is now capable of reading basic stories and writing sentences on
his own. Only, he needs to challenge himself to do more difficult discussions and activities
to boost his skills even more. I urge Brayden to keep involving himself in English and
never stop learning.

Batam, Dec, 2022 Teacher

Director of Studies

Erna Leong Pera.S. Nst. S.Pd

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