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School of Advanced Studies Name:Ezekiel A.

Akilith Date: October 15,203

Graduate Program for Engineering
First Semester AY 2023 -2024 Schedule: T 6-9 PM Score: __________
Module 3 Problem Set

This problem set is designed to assess whether you are able to solve problems related to Complex Numbers
(TLO 3)

Show complete solutions on separate sheets. Solve up to 3 significant figures Enclosed all final answers in a

Given the following Complex Numbers, Find the following

Z1 =100+ j 60 , Z 2=75 cis 30 ° , Z 3=45 ∠ 75 ° , Z 4 =75 e

1. FZ total of the given circuit. The final answer should be in polar form.

Note: Consider the values up to three decimal places when doing conversions.

Z4 Z3
Z2 Z1

2. Z1 Z , Final answer in Polar Form


3 Z
3. ln Z , Final answer in Rectangular Form

4. i3756 – i458

1. FZ total of the given circuit. The final answer should be in polar form.

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Note: Consider the values up to three decimal places when doing conversions.

Z4 Z3
Z2 Z1

Z1 = 100 + j60 = 116.67cis30.964

Z2 = 64.952 + j37.5 = 75cis30
Z3 = 11.647 + j43.467 = 45cis75
Z4 = 37.5 + j64.952 = 75cis60

( Z 3+ Z 1)(Z 2)
Ztotal = +Z4
Z 3+ Z 1+ Z 2
(11.467 + j 43.467+ 100+ j 60)(64.952+ j 37.5)
= +37.5+j64.952
11.467 + j 43.467+ 100+ j 60+64.952+ j37.5
(111.647+ j103.467)(64.952+ j37.5)
= +37.5+j64.952
176.419+ j140.967
3371.683+ j 10907.151
= 176.419+ j140.967 +37.5+j64.952
= 41.815+j28.413+37.5+j64.952
= 79.315+j93.365
= 122.507∠49.652

2. Z1 Z , Final answer in Polar Form


Z1 = (100+j60)(64.952+j37.5)
Z 2

= (116.619∠30.964)(64.952+j37.5)
= (116.619ej0.5404)(64.952+j37.5)
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= [(eln(116.69))( ej0.5404)] (64.952+j37.5)
= [(eln(116.69)+j0.5404] (64.952+j37.5)
= e(ln(116.69)+j0.5404) (64.952+j37.5)
= e288.836+j213.559
= (e288.836)(e j213.559)
= e288.836∠12236.029

3 Z
3. ln Z , Final answer in Rectangular Form

ln = ln(Z3)-ln(Z4)
= ln (45∠ 75)-ln(75ej1.0472)
= ln(45 ej1.309)- ln(75ej1.0472)
= ln(45) + j1.309 -ln(75) -j1.0472
= -0.5108+j0.2618

4. i3756 – i458 = (i2)1878 – (i2)229

= (-1)1878 – (-1)229
= 1 –(-1)
= 1+1

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