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Background of the study

It has been observed that unskilled labour is a major problem of most

developing Countries. However, if training is probably well administered to

employees, students in training institutions or centers, especially in

organizations (both government and private) adequate and professional skills

can be acquired by training them in their different fields of specialization.

The negative effect of employing unqualified persons to manage some office

and occupy some post is detrimental to organizations (both public sectors and

private firms). This effect could have been the cost of maintenance, low

productivity and efficiency of the organization system, therefore, skill and

specialization are very important for the effective management of any

organization. Secretaries are involved in these spheres of management and they

need to be specialist.

Professionalism has to do with the behavior, skills or qualities that are

exhibited by a professional in any field. Nasw (2012). Professional self-care

and social work. To the layman, a secretary is an employee who can operate

typewriter, and this definition is a long held perception of a secretary which has

really caused serious degradation of the course or profession.

However Green, R et al (2008). A secretary is an executive assistant

possessing mastery of office skills as an ability to assume responsibilities

without direct supervision, which displays initiatives, executes judgment within

the scope of his or her authority in an organization.

Management is the moving and driving force behind the achievement of its

set goals or objectives. In the past, organizations have never attached any

service importance to the person who does the secretarial work. As a result,

roadside typist, uneducated and unqualified persons were employed as

secretaries in Nigeria. Before the civil war, those who read secretarial courses

were seen as drop-outs dunlins, and less privileged in the society. However, in

1970’s there was a tremendous recognition of the benefits of the secretarial

skills achieved in the commercial institutions, which was mostly privately

owned. As a result, both the federal and state government approved most of

them based on some standards and criteria.

The essence of secretarial training basically is to prepare students or trainees

to be productive in any organization set-up, through the exhibition of related


Organizations are fast becoming complex in nature, especially because of

technological interventions, permitting the world of work. As organizations, or

integral part of the society, change in the society has a direct tremendous impact

on them.

The management of an organization has the primary responsibility for making

its policies and ensuring that its objectives or goals are actualized.

The secretaries are therefore perceived as an extension of the boss. In other

words, he or she is to be seen and not to be heard, just as a loyal and obedient


Today, people who occupy these secretarial positions are highly educated as

experienced workers in their own field. Secretaries are now trained

polytechnics, colleges of educations and universities where they are exposed to

relevant courses like computer operations, word processing, office management

and others.

According to Pollitt, C et al (2004). Technology has brought about a shift in the

executive responsibilities for a secretary to be identified as a vital link in all

administrative processes.

Statement of the problem

The main function aimed in an organization is to achieve organizational set

of objectives or goals. This can be effective decision making.

Stevens, m (2008). Management which has the primary responsibility of making

and implementing these policies can not work in isolation or vacuum, but in

relationship with others for the same purpose, through different levels.

Policy can be effective when it has been implemented by putting it into practice.

By achieving it involves the use of human resources, who were trained and

qualified to handle such post. To employ unqualified persons for some post

which needs skills and specialization is detrimental to the organization. But has

these persons been able to achieve the desired objectives in terms of job


Many organizations have failed to achieve set objectives because of the

absence of identified or adequate means to implement these policies. This

attitude has done more harm than good to organizations in the sense that

policies become either wrongly implemented or untimely implemented.

Purpose of the study

The major purpose of this study is:

1. To know whether secretarial profession is required in policy formation or

implementation in an organization.

2. To determine the importance or impact of secretarial practice on the

implementation of organizational policies.

3. To know the benefit of employing professional in an organization.

Significance of the study

The significance of this study is to know the effect of secretarial

professionalism on the implementation of an organizational policy.

If adequate and professional skills can be acquired in training secretaries in their

different fields of specialization, both secretaries and organizations will benefit

tremendously, because there will be promotion for professionals, and on the

other hand, the organization will be very effective. Students taking secretarial

courses will be very good at their profession, because there will be enough

equipment for training them.

Research Questions

The following questions were raised for the study:

1. Does secretarial profession have any role to play in the policy formation

or implementation of an organization?

2. What are the secretarial weakness which hinders the effective

implementation of policies in an organization?

3. What are the benefits of employing professional secretary in an


Scope of the study

The scope of this study covers professionalism in secretarial practice and its

effect on the implementation of organizational policies.

This study also covers some firms and organizations situated in port-harcourt

metropolis as follows:

1. Environmental investigation fund (EIF).

2. Shell petroleum development company (SPDC).

3. Agip oil company.

Operational definition of terms

1. Professional: this can be defined as the competency of someone to do

something as a job than as a hobby. It is a person who belongs to a

particular profession.

2. Specialization: this can be said as s subject or skill in which someone is

an expert on or good at. Who is adapted for a special function.

3. Policies: this is a cause of action adopted or proposed.

4. Tremendous: this is said to be very great, very good or impressive act.

5. Field: this is a course of study or domain of knowledge or specialization.

6. Efficient: making good, thorough, or careful use of resources not

consuming extra, especially making good use of time or energy.

7. Perception: this is the conscious understanding of something.

8. Detrimental: this is causing damage or harm.



This reviews relevant literatures from authors concerning the study. The

chapter is organized under the following sub-headings:

1. Training/qualifications of a secretary.

2. The secretary and the organization.

3. Secretaries public relations/duties.

4. Qualification of a secretary.

5. Relations with printed materials.

6. Importance of secretaries public relations

7. Secretarial weakness which hinders the effective implementation of


8. Summary of literature review.


The training of an effective secretary covers not only skills in short-hand and

typewriting but also skills in advanced private secretarial practices and skills in

the use of various office machines and appliances. The skill should be backed

by appropriate etiquette at all times to be able to produce accrual transcript and

compose mail able letters, an effective secretary possess a good command of

English language. White head, (2003) Onasanya (2001) stated that in Nigeria,

secretarial training is offered in any of the following.

1. Staff department institutions: these are training establishment for clerical

staffs and typists who desire additional training in order to become


2. Federal training centers: these are similar to staff development centers,

but it is controlled by the federal government.

3. Polytechnics and colleges of technology: these are schools which offers

professional secretarial programs leading to the award of ordinary

national diploma(OND) and higher national diploma(HND).

4. Government owned secretarial training centers: such as the united

Christian curatorial college Apapa-Lagos.

5. Non government secretarial centers: these offers professional certificate

programs. Example is the young women Christian association(Y.W.C.A)

It is a common thing to hear a person say with pride I am a professional or

specialist. Being a professional really makes a person different from others.

Therefore what is profession?

Oxford advanced learners dictionary defines it as a paid occupation, especially

one that requires advanced education and training.

Maris Lagon (2002) defines it as a vocation whose practice is found in an

understanding of the theoretical structure of some department of learning scene,

and upon the ability accompanying such understanding. Base on the Geoffrey

Milerson (2005) definition of what profession is all about and how we were able

to analyze the features of professionals, which include:

a. The profession must demonstrate competency by passing a test or re-test.

b. A profession involves a skill, based on theoretical knowledge.

c. The profession is organized.

d. A service for the public good.

e. The skill requires training and education.


An organization is a group of people bound together to provide unity of

action for the achievement of a predetermined objective. The main function of

an organization is to achieve organizational policies and objectives through the

concerted efforts of the management and other workers. It is important to note

that no management works in isolation without incorporating the service of

others and this is where the secretary comes in. A secretary is a part of

management and therefore possess managerial skill. Thomas (2010) in his book

stated that one of the features that differentiate the work of executive secretary

from the mere typist is the extent to which he/she is a part of the management


According to Legafi (2008), the executive perceives secretaries as the central

part of a wheel around which the wheels of the office system rotates. She went

further to say that they are the life wire of the organization, because of the

combination of roles they play for the effective running of the organization.


Deviman (2001) defined public relation in business as the deliberate, planned

and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an

organization and its public. One of the most interesting and challenging duties

of the administrative secretary is handling the public relation aspect of his or her

position. Basically, it is the duty of the secretary to see that the image of the

company is in the most appropriate way.


A secretary is responsible for maintaining a business, like pleasant

atmosphere in the office with pleasant smiles and friendly greetings. His/her

effort in this respect will reflect not only on the company, the office and on

his/her boss, but also on his or herself. If a business reputation will be good or

bad it all depend on the good public relation techniques.

Olusanya (2002) he/she must communicate goodwill, and she must practice

good public relation techniques, if she wishes to be a successful professional



Organizations hold press conference time to time, to announce major policy

decision. Editors of newspapers and appropriate formals are invited to send

reports, so that the information could be circulated both nationally and

internationally. The actual procedure at the press conference is for a statement

to be made and the reporters to ask questions. The secretary at such conference

ought to take down such questions and answers, although officials are careful at

a press conference, there are always the possibility of a speaker being

misquoted or quote-out of context, thus given a wrong impression. A verbalism

note of all that was said would enable the speaker to correct such errors. There

are occasions that the press reporters may enquire from secretaries either about

your boss or a matter connected with the organization. The secretary should find

out exactly what is checked with her boss before saying anything. The secretary

dealing with reporters needs to be supported with diplomacy in order to ensure

that top secrets of his/her organization are not revealed to reporters (Terkins,



Another important duty of the secretary is to ensure that any material or

product reflects the company’s image in best possible way. She/he should make

sure that drafts are produced with the best available modern equipment.

Production of written materials is carried out effectively as he/she applies all the

knowledge he/she acquires in typewriting, this skill promotes her organization

through quality printed materials (Seltal, 2010).



The job of a secretary is mostly done with tools and equipments.

According to Williams (2003), the secretary now performs a key role in the

implementation of the office system, with the increase in the knowledge of

office system, both challenges comes up which were not there in the past.

Hence, working tools are changing with the dynamic times.

Denver (2005) describes a modern office as one with modern tools such as

computers, telephone and telex services, electrical and electronic devices for

carrying out the functions of receiving, recording, reproduction and transaction

and does not do anything expect when it is controlled by the secretary.



To perform effectively, the secretary requires some equipments that will help

in performing his/her duties.

a. Telex or Tele Printer: this is a larger typewriter with a telephone detail.

The operator dials the numbers of the organization to be contacted and

when the signal is received to indicate that the connection has been made,

it tapes the message, which is simuntaneosly reproduced on the distant


b. Electronic/Electrical typewriter: this reduces fatique and keys produe a

more sharp prints as well as faster than the manual typewriter.


The secretary is a part of management team, and therefore possess

managerial skills. The secretary make contribution to the success of the

organization in the following ways:

a. It is the duty of the secretary to see or make sure that the image of the

organization is in the most appropriate way.

b. The secretary is also expected to take down verbalism note of all that was

said and asked by press in a conference that will enable the speaker to

correct errors that was made.

To perform these functions, the secretary requires some equipment that will

help in performing his/her duties, example telephone, computers, electronic

typewriters e.t.c.

There are various training institutions for training secretaries to become

professionals such as staff development centers, federal training centers,

colleges, polytechnics, universities, government and non-government training

centers and institutions.



This chapter describes in detail the various methods and procedures used by the

researcher in carrying out the study.

This chapter is sub-divided under the following headings:

1. Design of the study.

2. Population of the study.

3. Sample and sampling techniques.

4. Instrumentation.

5. Validity of the instrument.

6. Reliability of the instrument.

7. Methods of data administration and retrieval.

8. Methods of data analysis.


The design of this study is a survey research in which questionnaires would

be prepared to gather data for the study. According to Esene (2005) survey

involves the assessment of public opinions, beliefs, attitudes, motivations and

behaviors using questionnaire and sampling methods.


The population of this study covers all the employers in the organization

who are involved in managerial functions and their secretaries in the class of

private, confidential and personal secretaries in Delta State, Asaba and Port-

harcourt metropolis. These companies are as follows:

i. Environmental investigation fund (EIF).

ii. Shell petroleum development company (SPDC).

iii. Agip Oil Company.

This distribution are as follows:
Employees/managers =30
Secretaries =60
Total =90


Simple random sampling method will be used to draw a sample of (60)

respondents for this study.


The instrument that will be used to elicit data for the study is structured

questionnaire which was developed by the researcher. The questionnaire is

divided into two parts. Part (A) was designed for personnel data of the

respondents, part (B) contains the questions meant to enable the respondent

express their opinion, by clicking on the appropriate column, the one that best

describes the level of professionalism in Secretarial Practice, Its Effect on the

Implementation of Organizational Policies(P.I.S.P.I.E.O.T.I.O.O.P).

Using the following rating scale:

Very much needed (V.M.N) -5

Needed (N.) -4
Undecided (U.D.) -3
Rarely needed (R.N.) -2
Not needed (N.N.) -1


The instrument that is used in collection of data for the study is to be

validated by the supervisor and two other experts in the department of Office

Technology and Management. The questionnaire would be subjected to face

validation. The instrument is examined to determine the importance of the

questionnaire items, their clarity and comprehensiveness. This is to ensure that

the items strictly addressed the content of the research work.


The reliability of the instrument for this study will be subjected to test and

re-test. In this method the researcher would administer the same instrument to

the respondents twice under the same condition outside the study population

and if the responses that are found to be the same in the first and second instant

of distribution of the questionnaire to the respondents would be confirmed the



The questionnaire would be administered personally by the researcher to the

respondents in Delta State Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC).

The researcher would retrieve the administered questionnaire within three

weeks (3). This process would be adopted to minimize loss of questionnaire and

delay in return.


The data collected with the questionnaire will be carefully assembled. The

result obtained will be systematically and scientifically organized and presented

in tables. The simple percentage % will be used to analyze the data. The

formula is stated thus:

No of Responses x 100
No of respondents 1



This chapter focuses on the analysis of the data, interpretation and the

discussion of the result.


Research question (1)

What are the secretarial weakness which hinders the effective implementation

of policies in an organization?

Table 1:

Hindrances to effective implementation of policies in an organization.

Hindrances Yes No Total


1 Poor relationship 80 10 90

between the boss and

their secretary

88.89% 11.11% 100%

2 Lack of communication

technology equipment.

90 - 90

100% - 100%

Source: survey field work 2015

Regarding question one (1) which sort to find out whether poor relationship

between the boss and the secretary is a hindrance to effective implementation of

policy in an organization. 80% (88.89%) respondence representing 90% agreed

that poor relationship between boss and the secretary is a hindrance to

secretaries effective implementation of policies, while 10% (11.11%) disagreed.

Therefore 80 respondence which is more than the total respondence, it is safe to

conclude that poor relationship between boss and the secretary hinders effective

implementation of policies in an organization.

With reference to item 2, we are to find out whether lack of communication

technology equipment hinders effective implementation of policies in an

organization , with 90 respondence representing (100% ) agreed that lack of

effective implementation of policies in an organization , with no disagreement

or opposition. So it is safe to say that lack of communication technology

equipment can hinder the effective policy implementation in an organization.

Research question (2)

What are the benefits of employing professional secretaries in an organization ?

Table 2

Benefits of employing professional secretaries.


1 Efficiency 85 5 90

94.44% 5.56% 100%

2 Good record 75 15 90


88.33% 16.67% 100%

3 Good policy 50 40 90


55.56% 44.44% 100%

Source: survey field work 2015

According to item (1) which says efficiency is a benefit of employing

professional secretaries in an organization with 85 respondents representing

(94.44%) agreeing to this fact, while 5 respondence representing 5.56%

disagreed. 85 respondence which is more than the total respondence, so it can

be said that efficiency is a benefit of employing professional secretaries in an


Regarding item (2), which says good record keeping is a benefit of employing

professional secretaries in an organization with 75 representing (88.33%)

agreed to this fact, while 15 respondence representing (16.67%) disagreed that

good record keeping is not a benefit of employing professional secretaries.

Regarding item(3), it says good policy implementation is as a result of

employing professional secretaries with 50 respondence representing (55.56%)

agreeing to this, while 40 respondents representing (44.44%) disagreed that

good policy implementation is not as a result of employing professional

secretaries, therefore, 50 respondence which is more than the total respondence,

it is safe to say or conclude that good policy implementation is as a result of

employing professional secretaries in an organization.

Research question (3)

Does secretarial profession have any role to play in the policy formulation or

implementation of an organization?

Table 3

The role of secretarial profession in policy implementation.


1 Influencing 85 5 90


94.44% 5.56% 100%

2 Assist in 75 15 90



88.33% 16.67% 100%

3 Development 40 50 90

of budget


44.44% 55.56% 100%

4 Document 50 40 90



55.56% 44.44% 100%

Source: survey field work 2015

Regarding question (1) which sort to find out if professional secretaries

influence policy in the organization with 85 respondence representing (94.44%)

saying yes and 4 respondence representing (5.56%) saying No that professional

secretaries does not influence policy in an organization. With this findings we

are sure to say that professional secretaries influence policy in an organization.

With reference to item (2) we are to find out whether secretarial profession help

or assist in policy planning with 75 respondence representing (88.33%) agreeing

to this fact while 15 respondence representing (16.67%) disagreed that

secretarial profession does not help or assist in policy planning. Therefore 75

respondence which is more than the total respondence, it is safe to conclude that

secretarial profession help or assist in policy planning of an organization.

Regarding item (3) which seeks to find out whether secretarial profession help

in the development of budget policy with 40 respondence representing (44.44%)

agreeing while 50 respondence representing (55.56%) disagreed. Therefore it is

safe for us to say that secretarial profession does not help in the development of

budget policy.

With reference to item (4) which sort to find out whether secretarial profession

have any role to play in the document retention policy of an organization, with

50 respondence representing (55.56%) saying Yes while 40 respondence

representing (44.44%) disagreed that secretarial profession does not have

anything to do with document retention policy in an organization.Therefore 50

respondence which is more than the total respondence, with this findings we are

sure to say that secretarial profession plays a role in document retention policy.


Question 1-table 1 gives a clear view that poor relationship between the boss

and the secretary , lack of communication technology equipment hinders

effective implementation of policy in an organization.

Question 2-table 2 clearly point out that good record keeping, efficiency, and

good policy implementation is as a result of employing professional secretaries.

Question 3-table 3 also gives a clear view that assistance in policy planning,

document retention policy and influencing policies are all role that secretarial

profession plays in an the policy implementation of an organization. While

development of budget policy is found not to be implemented by secretaries




This chapter is focused on the summary, findings, conclusion and

recommendation of the study.


This research work is carried out with the aim of finding out the

professionalism in secretarial practice, its effect on the implementation of

organizational policies. In carrying out the study, the researcher asked the

following questions:

1. What are the secretarial weakness which hinders the effective

implementation of policies in an organization?

2. Does secretarial profession have any role to play in the policy

formulation or implementation of an organization?

3. What are the benefits of employing professional secretaries in an



The findings of the study are that:

1. Relationship between boss and their secretary and the lack of

communication technology equipments hinder the effective

implementation of organizational policies.

2. Efficiency, good record keeping and good policy implementation is as a

result of employing professional secretaries.

3. Influencing policies, assistance in policy planning and document

retention policy are all roles secretarial profession plays in an



It is thereby concluded that the professionalism of a secretary plays a major

role in the formulation and implementation of organizational policies. And

efficiency, good record keeping and good policy implementation is as a result of

professional training obtained by secretaries, and that lack of communication

technology equipment and poor relationship between bosses and their

secretaries are hindrance to effective implementation of policies in an



Based on the findings of the study and conclusion, the following are hereby


1. Secretaries should obtain or possess higher qualification so that they can

perform optionality, efficiently and implement.

2. Professional secretaries should be allowed to partake in the

implementation of policies in the organization they work.

3. Communication technology equipments should be made available for the

secretaries to improve their skills and performance.


It is suggested that further research should be carried out on investigating the

relationship between secretaries and their bosses, and the environment where

the secretaries work.


The implication of this study is that a professional secretary can perform

options when been equipped with the necessary equipments, so that the policy

and goals of the organization can be achieved or properly implemented.


Anyabuba (2001) contemporary practice in secretarial science,

the perspective of the year 2000 Nigeria Journal vol.4

Drucker (2000) the practice of management Heinemann l.t.d. London.

Frean, (2004) the board of management development, journal, Business Books.

Harrison (2000) Computer for Secretary Navy charge job Functions Canadian
Secretary, Spring Issue.

Jerkin, (2002) press Relation Practice, London Letertex books.

Mitchell (2001) A Dictionary of Sociology group (E.E) l.t.d

Overfies (2003) The effect of a model simulation and students Forwards work,
interpersonal relations as of processing Principles and concepts.

William (2002) Computer open vista Canadian secretary spring Issue.

Esene (2005) researcher Methodology


Department of Office Technology and

Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro,
P.M.B 5 Ozoro,
Delta State.

Dear Sir/Madam


I am an O.N.D final year student in the department of Office Technology and

Management, in Delta state Polytechnic Ozoro, Delta state.

I am currently conducting a research on the topic “Professionalism in

Secretarial Practice, its Effect on the Implementation of Organizational Policies

(P.I.S.P.I.E.O.T.I.O.O.P). I will be very grateful if you could complete the

attached questionnaire and also provide answers to the questions to enable me

complete the research work/study. All information given will be in strict

confidence as it will be used only for the purpose of the study.

Yours faithfully



To be completed by respondents. Questionnaire on THE PROFESSIONALISM



1. Name of the Organization…………………………………………..

2. Name of respondent……………………………………………………

3. Sex: male( ) female( )

Questionnaire for managers and secretaries.

1. Do secretaries in your organization partake in policy implementation?

a. Influencing policies ( )

b. Assistance in policy planning ( )

c. Document retention policy ( )

2. Which of the following way do you think professional secretary use to

implement policy in your organization?

a. Circulars ( )

b. Personal contacts ( )

c. Computers ( )

3. What hinders effective implementation of policy in your organization?

a. Poor relationship between secretaries and boss ( )

b. Lack of communication technology equipments ( )

4. Does secretaries who are not professionals have any chance of gaining

employment in your organization?

Yes ( )

No ( )

5. What do you think are the benefits of employing professional secretaries

in your organization?

a. Efficiency ( )

b. Good record keeping ( )

c. Good policy implementation ( )

6. Is it the professional secretary that develops budget policy in your


Yes ( )

No ( )

7. Does the professional secretary have any role to play in policy


Yes ( )

No ( )

8. Which of the following qualification do you consider to be academic

qualification of a secretary?

a. O.N.D ( )

b. H.N.D ( )

c. N.C.E ( )

d. B.S.C ( )

9. As a secretary do you possess any discretionary power in the

implementation of policies?

Yes ( )

No ( )


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