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BENLAC REVIEWER evaluate information.

Understanding the machines

that make the Information Age possible.
21st Century skills categories
Learning skills (the four C’s) – teaches students about the Life skills is the final category. Also called FLIPS, these
mental processes required to adapt and improve upon a skills all pertain to someone’s personal life, but they also bleed
modern work environment. into professional settings.

*The four C’s are by far the most popular 21st century skills. 1. FLEXIBILITY: flexibility is the expression of
These skills are also called learning skills. someone’s ability to adapt to challenging
circumstances. Deviating from plans as needed.
1. CRITICAL THINKING: Applying higher order
thinking to new problems and issues, using 2. LEADERSHIP: Leadership is someone’s penchant
appropriate reasoning to effectively analyze the for setting goals, walking a team through the steps
problem and make decisions about the most effective required, and achieving those goals collaboratively.
ways to solve problem. Finding solutions to Motivating a team to accomplish a goal.
3. INITIATIVE: Initiative often means working on
2. CREATIVITY: Creativity is equally important as a projects outside of regular working hours. Starting
means of adaptation. This skill empowers students to projects, strategies, and plans on one’s own.
see concepts in a different light, which leads to
innovation. Thinking outside the box. 4. PRODUCTIVITY: Maintaining efficiency in an age
of distractions. It is the ability to complete work in an
3. COLLABORATION: Collaboration means getting appropriate amount of time.
students to work together, achieve compromises, and
get the best possible results from solving a problem. 5. SOCIAL SKILLS: Meeting and networking with
Working with others. others for mutual benefit. It is ability to communicate
to others to form a connection or a relationship.
4. COMMUNICATION: Communicating effectively
in a wide variety of forms and contexts for a wide GLOBALIZATION AND MULTICULTURAL
range of purposes and using multiple media and LITERACY
technologies. Talking to others. The OECD GLOBAL Competence framework
 Globalization
 Multiculturalism
Literacy skills are the next category of 21st century skills.  Intercultural communication
They’re sometimes called IMT skills and they’re each
concerned about with a different element in digital GLOBALIZATION AND MULTICULTURAL
comprehension. LITERACY
- The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation
1. INFORMATION LITERACY: Understanding and Development) GLOBAL Competence
facts, figures, statistics, and data. Information literacy framework.
is the ability to find, evaluate organize, use, and
communicate information in all its various formats, GLOBALIZATION AND MULTICULTURAL
most notably in situations requiring decision-making, LITERACY
problem solving or the acquisition of knowledge. - Global Competence is a multi-dimensional construct
that requires a combination of knowledge, skills,
2. MEDIA LITERACY: Media literacy is the practice attitudes, and values successfully applied to global
of identifying publishing methods, outlets, and issues or intercultural situations.
sources while distinguishing between the ones that
are credible and the ones that aren’t. Understanding GLOBALIZATION
the methods and outlets in which information is - Globalization is a term used to describe how trade
published. and technology have made the world into a more
connected and interdependent place.
- Globalization also captures in its scope the economic
3. TECHNOLOGY LITERACY: technology literacy and social changes that have come about as a result.
is the ability to safely, responsibly, creatively, and - The term "globalization" began to be used more
effectively use appropriate technology to commonly in the 1980s, reflecting technological
communicate, access, collect, manage, integrate, and advances that made it easier and quicker to complete
international transactions—both trade and financial - Multicultural societies are characterized by people of
flows. different races, ethnicities, and nationalities living
- It refers to an extension beyond national borders of together in the same community.
the same market forces that have operated for - In multicultural communities, people retain, pass
centuries at all levels of human economic activity— down, celebrate, and share their unique cultural ways
village markets, urban industries, or financial centers. of life, languages, art, traditions, and behaviors.
- The characteristics of multiculturalism often spread
GLOBAL LITERACY into the community’s public schools, where curricula
- Global literacy aims to address issues of are crafted to introduce young people to the qualities
globalization, racism, diversity, and social justice and benefits of cultural diversity.
(Guo, 2014). It requires awareness, action, consistent - Though sometimes criticized as a form of “political
with a broad understanding of humanity, the planet, correctness,” educational systems in multicultural
and the impact of a human decision on both.” societies stress the histories and traditions of
- A global citizen should possess the following minorities in classrooms and textbooks.
- respect for diversity and various perspectives - Intercultural communication refers to the
- promote sustainable patterns of living, consumption, communication between people from two different
and production cultures.
- appreciate the natural world and demonstrate - Intercultural communication is a symbolic,
respect on the rights of all living things. interpretive, transactional, contextual process in
which people from different cultures create shared
- Multiculturalism describes the manner in which a - In intercultural communication, people of one culture
given society deals with cultural diversity. try to know the information conveyed to them by
- Multiculturalism is the way in which a society deals other cultures.
with cultural diversity, both at the national and at the - For example, in a hotel establishment, the hoteliers
community level. assess their customers' requirements, tastes, and
provide services accordingly. The customers also
MULTICULTURALISM THEORY inform the hoteliers of their needs.
- The two primary theories or models of
multiculturalism as the manner in which different SOCIAL LITERACY
cultures are integrated into a single society are best - Social cognition and social skills
defined by the metaphors commonly used to describe - Emotional intelligence
them—the “melting pot” and the “salad bowl” - People skills
THE MELTING POT THEORY - Social cognition is a sub-topic of social psychology
- The melting pot theory of multiculturalism assumes that focuses on how people process, store, and apply
that various immigrant groups will tend to “melt information about other people and social situations.
together,” abandoning their individual cultures and - It focuses on the role that cognitive processes play in
eventually becoming fully assimilated into the our social interactions.
predominant society. - The way we think about others plays a major role in
how we think, feel, and interact with the world
- A more liberal theory of multiculturalism than the
melting pot, the salad bowl theory describes a EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE
heterogeneous society in which people coexist but - Emotional intelligence or EI/EQ is the ability to
retain at least some of the unique characteristics of “understand and manage your own emotions, and
their traditional culture. Like a salad’s ingredients, those of the people around you”, according to Daniel
different cultures are brought together, but rather than Goleman an American Psychologist renowned as the
coalescing into a single homogeneous culture, retain Godfather of EQ.
their own distinct flavors.
- People skills, also known as interpersonal skills or
social skills, refer to the ability to effectively interact
and communicate with others.
- It involves understanding and responding magazines. Classifications of Text: fiction and non-
appropriately to the needs, emotions, and motivations fiction.
of individuals and groups. People skills are essential
in various aspects of life, including personal 2. Visual Information and Media: Use of one or more
relationships, professional environments, and social of the various visual media with or without sound.
interactions. Generally, visual information includes still
photography, motion picture photography, video or
MEDIA LITERACY audio recording, graphic arts, visual aids, models,
LITERACY: It is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, display, visual presentation services, and the support
create, communicate and compute using printed and written processes. Types of Visual Information: painting,
materials associated with varying contexts. photo/images, sculpture, cartoon/comic strip,
graphs/charts, billboards, and posters.
MEDIA: It is the physical objects used to communicate with,
or the mass communication through physical objects such as 3. Audio Information and Media: Media
radio, television, computers, film, etc. communication that uses audio or recordings to
deliver and transfer information through the means of
MEDIA LITERACY: It is the ability to access, analyze, sound. Types of Audio Information:
evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms. dialogue/information, lecture/talk, news, podcast,
audio book, and music.
INFORMATION: It is a broad term that covers processed
data, knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction, 4. Motion Information and Media: A form of media
signals, or symbols. that has the appearance of moving text and graphics
on a display. Its purpose is to communicate
INFORMATION LITERACY: It is the ability to recognize information in multiple ways. Motion media in
when information is needed, and locate, evaluate, and essence is visual media that gives the appearance of
communicate information in its various formats. movement. Types of Motion Information and media:
Comedy/humor, Drama, Suspense, Horror,
MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY: Refers to Romance / Love Story, Sci-Fi / Fantasy,
essential skills and competencies that allow individuals to Documentary, Religious / Spiritual, Action, Musical,
engage with media and other information providers Adventure, Inspirational, Historical.
effectively, as well as develop critical thinking and life-long
learning skills to socialize and become active citizens. 5. Manipulative Information and Media:
- MIL is defined as set of competencies that empowers Manipulatives media are tools that are used to aid in
citizens to access, retrieve, understand, evaluate, and hands-on learning. They can be physical objects or
use, to create as well as share information and media computer programs which learners can manipulate in
content in all formats, using various tools, in a order to grasp an idea, and gain understanding or
critical, ethical, and effective way, in order to mastery of given concepts. Two Types of
participate and engage in personal, professional and Manipulative Media: Digital Manipulatives - Are
societal activities – UNESCO. computationally enhanced versions of physical
objects, created in an effort to expand the range of
HOW IS MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY concepts that children can explore through direct
DEFINED TODAY? manipulation. Virtual Manipulatives - These are
- Like digital citizenship, media and information “computer-based simulations of physical
literacy has been explained by a range of definitions manipulatives that are accessed via the internet or
and different terminologies. Whether we use digital computer software”. Under this category, video
media literacy, information literacy, internet literacy games, applications, and other virtual reality
or any of the other different expressions, the main simulations are included.
idea is that literacy encompasses the ability to engage
meaningfully with media and information channels.
6. Multimedia Information and Media: Multimedia
DIMENSIONS OF MIL means that computer information can be represented
1. TEXT INFORMATION AND MEDIA: Are data or through audio, video, and animation in addition to
information sources which exist as references in traditional media. A field concerned with the
textual, numeric, or similar formats. These include computer-controlled integration of text, graphics,
various types of publications as well as unpublished drawings, still and moving images (video),
manuscripts, databases, and documents. Text animation, audio, and any other media where every
information can be found in books, newspapers, and type of information can be represented, stored,
transmitted, and processed digitally. Examples of
Multimedia: LCD projector / PowerPoint
presentation and Pre – recorded lecture

Advantages and Disadvantages of Media and Information

- It educates people.
- People get the latest news in a very short time.
- People get to bring out their hidden talents.
- Children’s knowledge increases
- Great in promoting mass consumer products.
- Serves as a good source of entertainment.
- Television allows electronic duplication of
- Media leads to diffusion of different cultures.
- It helps people around the world to understand each
other and embrace their differences.

- It leads to individualism.
- Some media contents are not suitable for children.
- The increase in advertisements on television and
radio is making them less attractive.
- Internet as a form of media opens possibilities of
imposters, fraud, and hacking.
- Media can be addictive, e.g., some television
programs and the internet. This can lead to a decrease
in people’s productivity.
- Health problems. Prolonged watching of television
can lead to eyesight problems and radio listening
using earphones exposes one to possible hearing
- It can lead to ruin of reputation. It is possible for one
to create an anonymous account. Such accounts can
be used for malicious reasons such as spreading
rumors. This can lead to ruin of the reputation of an
individual or a company.

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