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An Artifical Immune Algorithm to Minimize Ordered Kronecker Functional

Decision Diagrams usin in FPGA

Conference Paper · January 2007


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1 author:

Erkan Duman
Firat University


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INISTA 2007 International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications
©Yıldız Technical University

An Artificial Immune Algorithm to Minimize Ordered Kronecker

Functional Decision Diagrams using in FPGAs

Erkan DUMAN1 Hayrettin CAN2 Erhan AKIN3

1, 2, 3
: Department of Computer Engineering in Firat University, 23119-ELAZIĞ/TURKEY
erkanduman@firat.edu.tr 2: hcan@firat.edu.tr 3: eakin@firat.edu.tr

Abstract gates. The number of nodes in the graph varies

from linear to exponential depending on the
In this study, we introduce the use of one properties of variable ordering and decomposition
Artificial Immune System (AIS) algorithm called type list detailed in later. But, the choices of an
Clonal Selection Algorithm (CSA) in order to optimal variable ordering and a suitable
minimize the size of an Ordered Kronecker decomposition type list for an OKFDD is a NP-
Functional Decision Diagram (OKFDD) which hard problem [7]. Here, we address a heuristic
represents a Boolean function as a graph. The size approach to solve this optimization problem which
of such a graph is a critical factor by reason of will be the focus of this study.
OKFDDs are used to derive circuits by The dynamic variable ordering methods had
substituting the each nodes with AND/XOR and been tested to solve this problem and shown that it
NOT gates. This data structure is very useful could be applied here [14]. However, it was not
representation tool especially in a popular efficiency about the time consuming and requires
technology called Field Programmable Gate an addition process for choosing decomposition
Array (FPGA) implementing the Boolean type list. Thus, the same researchers have decided
functions as real hardware gate arrays by to apply genetic algorithm due to need of a
mapping and routing them. Here, CSA was heuristic approach [6]. In this paper, we evaluated
applied to construct this representation data another alternative approach, one form of AIS,
structure by choosing its variable ordering and which has some advantages in comparison with
data type list automatically because the number of genetic algorithm and others.
nodes in an OKFDD varies from linear to AIS algorithms are new computational
exponential depending on these properties. In techniques inspired from biologically systems like
experiments, the proposed algorithm based on AIS genetic algorithms or artificial neural networks
was evaluated in a test environment developed in and they are belong to the set of general purpose
MATLAB using the logic synthesis and heuristic methods [1]. While solving engineering
optimization benchmarks distributed by MCNC. problems, the efficiency of these optimization
techniques constituted by summarizing and
Index Terms— Artificial immune system, modeling the defense mechanism of the biological
clonal selection algorithm, circuit design systems have been studied [4,5]. The interest of
optimization, FPGA AIS and its applicability for many examples in
different areas is increasing over the last decade
1. Introduction because it has some advantages which will be
explained in the following over genetic algorithms
OKFDD has been introduced as a very useful and neural networks. However, it seems that
data structure in order to use in computer-aided choosing the best suitable technique among these
design systems for efficient representation and is depending on the application characteristics.
manipulation of Boolean functions in form of a AIS algorithms exhibit similarities with genetic
graph [8]. As understood from its name, OKFDD algorithms in aspects of encoding search space,
is a general form of Ordered Binary Decision defining an objective function, having a mutation
Diagrams (OBDD) and Ordered Functional operator and a resembling flow diagram. They
Decision Diagram (OFDD) and allows a more convergence the local optimums more quickly but
compact representation than both of them. The do not have the same speed about global optimum
size of such a graph is a critical factor by reason of as genetic algorithm. Addition, they have been
OKFDDs are used to derive circuits by used to get better performance according to the
substituting the nodes with AND/XOR and NOT other optimization techniques in the areas of
pattern recognition, computer and network

security, dynamically task-scheduling, etc [5]. The Let consider a Boolean function f = x1 x 2 + x3 .
immune and nervous systems are sharing the The two example OKFDDs of this function and
capabilities of memory and learning and both are the corresponding circuit constituted only by
using the threshold values for definite recognition. AND, OR and NOT gates are shown in Figure 1
If you had investigated their constructions then that they are explaining the way how to construct a
you would be able to observe easily that they were circuit from such a graph. This translation process
suitable for different areas at same performance. can be learned in detail Becker’s study [9].
In this study, CSA was applied to construct f

OKFDDs by choosing the variable ordering and

the data type list automatically because the x1 pD x1

number of nodes varies from linear to exponential x2

nD x2
depending on these properties. We pointed out that x1
x3 x3 x3
this optimization technique could be an alternative S S

heuristic approach in the problem of the 0 1 1

minimization of OKFDDs. x3

The rest of the paper is organized as follows.

Section 2 gives an introduction of the problem Figure 1: OKFDDs of a function
domain. Section 3 describes the structure of CSA f = x1 x2 + x3 and derived logic circuit from these
and section 4 presents the adaptation of this graphs.
algorithm for our optimization problem. Section 5
shows the experimental results of the proposed We used a few exams in the following of this
method and the last section includes the section which were selected from the previous
conclusions. basic studies for explaining the size of the graph
and consequently the size of the corresponding
2. The Problem Domain circuit are influenced by the choices of DTL and
variable ordering list. In the figures of all these
Firstly we have to answer the questions of what exams, the right and left outgoing edges of each
are OKFDDs and then how can they be used to node xi denote f xi =1 , f xi =0 respectively. For
derive logic circuits: instance; in Figure 2 it is shown that the number of
The kronecker functional decision diagram nodes in an OKFDD may be changed by choosing
could be imagined in form of a graph that each a good DTL. The both graphs in Figure 2
node carries out one of the following three
represent the same function f = x1 .x3 + x 2 with
decompositions in where f is an arbitrary Boolean
the same variable ordering but the OKFDD on the
(B) function and f : B n → B over the variable set right-hand side has small graph size with DTL =
of X n = {x1 , x 2 ,...., x n } ∈ B n . {nD, pD, nD}in comparison with on left . In the
other words, it means that the choice of DTL on
f = xi f i0 + xi f i1 Shannon (S) the left-hand side OKFDD is not suitable for this
function as much as on the right.
f = f i0 ⊕ xi f i 2 Positive Davio (pD)
f = f i1 ⊕ xi f i 2
Negative Davio (nD) nD

x2 x2 nD x2
If this graph is ordered then the corresponding 1
1 0
x3 nD
kronecker functional decision diagram is called an x3
OKFDD. These definitions had been examined 0 1

detailed in Drechsler’s study[7].The term of 1 0

f i0 (x ) = f (x1 , x 2 ,..., xi −1 ,0, xi +1 ,..., x n ) denotes the Figure 2: OKFDDs of a function

cofactor of f with respect to xi = 0 , similarly f i1 f = x1.x3 + x2 with different DTLs.
denotes the cofactor for xi = 1 and f i 2 is defined
The second factor influencing the size of
as f i 2 = f i0 ⊕ f i1 ( ⊕ and being the exclusive OKFDD circuits is variable ordering. The OBDDs
OR and NOT operation respectively). A of a function f = x1 x 2 + x3 x 4 + x5 x 6 with
decomposition type list (DTL) in an OKFDD is variable orderings of x1 x 2 x3 x 4 x5 x 6 and
denoted by d = (d1 , d 2 ,..., d n ) where
x1 x3 x5 x 2 x 4 x 6 are shown in Figure 3 which had
d i ∈ {S , pD, nD} 1 ≤ i ≤ n and this list ( d i ) is been used to examined this situation in a previous
associated with variable list ( xi ). study [6]. The both graphs represent the same

function but the number of the nodes on the right- • The probability of maturate (generally it
hand side is greater then on the left due to is chosen smaller then the value used in
choosing unsuitable variable ordering list. genetic algorithm)
• The probability of re-production
• The terminated conditions (max. iteration
x3 x3
or desired straightness)
x5 x5 x5 x5


x3 x2 x2 x2


x5 x4 x4

x6 x6

1 0 1 0

Figure 3: OBDDs of a function

f = x1 x 2 + x3 x 4 + x5 x 6 with different variable

We tested to adapt an optimization technique

based on AIS called CSA so as to find the optimal
variable ordering list and DTL automatically for
an OKFDD representing an arbitrary given
Boolean function f with the minimum number of
the nodes as far as possible.

3. The Optimization Algorithm

The steps of a CSA had been defined and Figure 4: Block diagram of CSA.
examined by Castro as shown in Figure 4 and each
step of this diagram could be explained in detail in 4. The Proposed Method
the following[2,3]:
In the following, we describe the proposed
(1) Generate a set (P) of candidate solutions, optimization method that is applied to the problem
composed of the subset of memory cells (M) added to the
remaining (Pr) population (P = Pr + M); of OKFDDs minimization mentioned above. The
(2) Determine (Select) the n best individuals of the details of our method can be explained easily by
population (Pn), based on an affinity measure; using a simple example function f = x1 x 2 + x3 x 4
(3) Reproduce (Clone) these n best individuals of
the population, giving rise to a temporary population of clones with four variables.
(C). The clone size is an increasing function of the affinity with The first step in a CSA algorithm is to define
the antigen; how to encode a whole candidate solution into one
(4) Submit the population of clones to a
hypermutation scheme, where the hypermutation is
clone then to construct a random population
proportional to the affinity of the antibody with the antigen. A containing a set of such clones. As seen in Figure
maturated antibody population is generated (C*); 5 (c) that one clone is composed of three blocks:
(5) Re-select the improved individuals from C* to variable ordering, decomposition-type and
compose the memory set M. Some members of P can be
replaced by other improved members of C*;
neighbor lists. This example clone represents an
(6) Replace d antibodies by novel ones (diversity example OKFDD graph showed in Figure 5 (a)
introduction). The lower affinity cells have higher probabilities and also the way how to derive this structure as
of being replaced. seen in Figure 5 (b). This graph could be
The designer has to define the values of some considered basically as a binary three in order to
parameters listed below in this algorithm in order understand the means of the assigned number of
to get effective results. It is a general each node.
disappointment subject for many heuristic The mains of variable ordering and d-types list
approaches like genetic algorithms, fuzzy systems, are explained with their effects in the previous
neural networks and so forth. sections. Now, we have to make a statement about
• The size of the population what neighbor list indicates. The size of this list is
• The definition of affinity measuring
( )
computed by 2 * 2 n − 1 where n is the number
of variables so in this example clone it is equal to
• The value of n

1 x1 pD 1
3 x2 pD
2 3

0 1 4 5 6 7
5 x3 S
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 11 x4 S

0 1
0 1

(a) (b)

Variable Ordering Dec.-type List Neighbor List

1 2 3 4 pD pD S S 5 3 - - 0* 1* - - 0* 11 - - - - - -

- - - - 0* 1* - - - - - - - - - -

Figure 5: An example clone and its encoding.

30 with n = 4. The inside of the root node is stored in aspects of the problem: correctness and size. Firstly,
the first element of the variable ordering list. The left a clone is used to construct a graph automatically
and right outgoing edges of ith node are linked to the then we test this graph should provide the achieving
elements of 2 * i − 1 and 2 * i respectively of the desired function otherwise it will get a very
where 1 ≤ i ≤ (2 n − 1) . For example the left (right) small affinity value. In all of the experiments we
used a truth table of related function in which each
neighbor of the root node (i = 1) is storing in the row represents a relation case between inputs and
2*1-1 (2*1) element of the neighbor list. The outputs like the logic synthesis and optimization
notations of 0* and 1* in the neighbor list indicate a benchmarks distributed by Microelectronics Center
terminal node with values of 0 and 1 respectively. of North Carolina (MCNC). If the graph guarantees
In our method, the all values in a clone are also the desired correctness, its affinity value that
encoded as a bit-string array similar to the previous depends on its number of nodes will be defined as
studies. In the above example, the size of the exam shown on equation 2 where C is a constant
clone is computed by the equation 1 with variable
indicating the maximum number of nodes so our
number n = 4. The first term denotes the size of
problem will be transformed to a maximization
variable ordering list and it is considered that if there
problem by this objective function. The best solution
are n variables and each one is encoded by log 2 (n ) having the minimum number of the nodes in a
bits then the sum of them is equal to n * log 2 (n ) . It is population gets the maximum affinity value.
described in the second term that the each variable (2)
requires only 2-bits to represent own decomposition the affinity of a graph = C − (number of nodes)
type so the dec-type list spends only n * 2 bits
The selection step of our algorithm was done by
totally. The last multiplication means a statement
roulette wheel technique known from GA that each
that one node in the above graph is encoded using
( )
log 2 2 n − 1 bits and also each node has two child
individual in a population can be able to choose with
a probability proportional to its affinity value. The
links so the each of the (2 n
−1 ) nodes needs parameter of n that mentioned in the previous
( n
2 * log 2 2 − 1 bits to show its relations with others.
section is very critical in order to convergence
quickly. The genetic operators in CSA are
(1) reproduction (clone) and maturate. The first is
size = n * log 2 (n ) + n * 2 + 2 * 2 n − 1 * log 2 2 n − 1 ) ( ) performed by copying the n individuals in current
[ ( n
n = 4 → 4 * log 2 4 + 4 * 2 + 2 * 2 − 1 * log 2 2 − 1 = 136 ) ( n
)] population into the next generation and the maturate
step proceeds by randomly changing a few bits in
random positions in a clone with given mutation
In the each iteration of CSA, the decision about
whether one clone will survive in the next iteration
or not is made with respect to its affinity measure. To
measure the affinity of a clone, we considered two

5. Experimental Results would be developed under an object oriented
development environment.
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proposed optimization method with previous
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would be developed not only bit based but also it


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