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The implications of the Court of Appeal decision R v Dimsey

©John Rhodes
investigators. This is what led to the Dimsey, however, submitted that the trial
criminal charges. judge had misdirected the jury on the
test for determiningo whether some of
Some of the untruths related to sums
Chipping's companies were UK resident.
of money which were not disclosed;
some related to the way in which the The Appeal Court agreed that some
business had been started and had no aspects of the summing up could have
impact on tax liability as such. For been misleading o
but took the view that
example, it was claimed that Dimsey the overall result was correct.
contacted Chipping, rather than the
'Thejactual issues in the case centred on
other way round. In particular the
the question whether it was Air Dimsey who
Revenue were able to show that Chipping
managed and controlled the companies, with
had withheld information even when
Air Chipping merely acting as a consultant
John Rhodes givingo a certificate of full disclosure.
o who undertook work in England on behalf oj
These deceptions gave the Revenue the
Dimsey was an accountant resident in the companies. ... So long as the prosecution
opportunity to press criminal charges.
Jersey. He helped an avionics engineer could satisfy the jury so that it was sure that
called Chipping supply equipment to Air Chipping was not a consultant but injact
South Africa in breach of sanctions. COMPANY CONTROL not only undertook the day-to-day running oj
Dimsey, Chipping, Chipping's solicitor Da Dimsey administered 13 companies the business but made all the decisions whilst
Costa and a business associate called Alien for Alien in Jersey. These held a portfolio Mr Dimsey carried out theJunctions of
were all convicted of cheating the public of properties. The question was whether administration in Jersey, no sophisticated or
revenue and sent to prison. Dimsey's and the companies were centrally managed difficult questions oj central management and
Alien's sentences were for 18 months and and controlled by Dimsey in Jersey or control arose.'
7 years respectively. Alien was also ordered Alien in the UK. The text of the
The Appeal Court approved the
to pay £3m, with a consecutive 7 years' judgment speaks for itself on this issue
following passage from the trial judge:
imprisonment in default. and should be read in full, but the
followingo extracts are significant: 'The prosecution case is that Mr Chipping
Dimsey and Alien appealed against o
was really the linchpin of the whole business,
their convictions. These appeals were 'The companies were administered by Dimsey
that he had both the technical expertise and
heard in the Criminal Division of the Jor Alien in accordance with Alien's instructions.
the business andfinancial knowledge to
Court of Appeal, where the appellants Dimsey and his office undertook administrative
negotiate and carry out these contracts. They
were represented by well-known tax work relating to the offshore companies and
say that effectively he simply used Thomlyn
barristers, including Robert Venables QC Alien's personal assets. It was the prosecution
and Glenville to do his business Jor him, that
and James Kessler. Their technical tax case that Alien himself managed and controlled
those companies were just convenient Jacades
arguments did not carry much weight the companies in the UK.
or fronts set up Jor the purpose. The defence
with the criminal judges. By directing
Numerous draft letters were recovered showing case is that those companies were or at least
their attack through the criminal courts,
that Alien was giving instructions to Dimsey to may have been genuine trading companies
the Revenue almost certainly obtained
rulings on several issues which were send letters on behalf of the offshore companies. controlled at least in Jersey and that Mr

more favourable to them than might have Chipping was merely a consultant.'
o When Alien's home was searched there were
been expected had the points been Jbund numerous detailed cash statements ... The court went on to refer to the way
argued elsewhere. cheque books in respect of the companies where in which the business had been done:
The Revenue will not be slow to blank cheques had been signed by the authorised
'It emerged that Air Dimsey signed the
exploit this in a number of areas where signatories, and bank statements of the
contracts, arranged for Air Alien's commission
there has for some time been a stalemate companies annotated by Alien.
to be collectedJrom the bank, chased late
on the technical arguments. The house in which the Alien Jamily lived was payments and dealt with invoices.

This short article summarises the held in the name ofPeche d'Or. Alien and
... The question oj control by shareholders
important issues decided in the judgment members of hisJamily had credit cards in the
oja company was never argued before the
of 7 July 1999 (R v Dimsey (Dermont name oj Meldrette and Peche d'Or which were
jury. It was never mentioned by the judge.
Jeremy) CA [1999] STC 846). used to pay household and personal bills andJor
Accordingly we do not think that it would ever
holidays and education. SchoolJeesJorJour of
have occurred to the jury to conclude that
Alien's children were paid by Peche d'Or.'
DECEPTION because Air Chipping was the benejicial owner
The court found that both appellants Against this damning evidence Alien oj the shares in the company those companies
had positively misled the Revenue did not appeal the question of control. were resident in the UK ...'

Amicus Curiae Issue 21 October 1999

DUTY TO DISCLOSE not therefore extend to corporation tax. company may nonetheless be chargeable
if he comes within the definition of a
The Taxes Management Act 1970 requires It was also pointed out on behalf of the
shadow director i.e. 'someone in
a company which is chargeable to Crown that Venables' argument on this
accordance with whose instructions the
corporation tax to give notice to the point might enable corporation tax owed
company is accustomed to act'. Until the
Revenue that it is so chargeable. Of by a profitable company to be avoided by
Dimsey/Allen appeal, the balance of the
course none of the Chipping or Alien fixing it on an impecunious individual.
argument was running against the
offshore companies had done so, it being
The court realised it might be leading Revenue. In a case before the Special
assumed there was no liability in the first
towards a conclusion which would allow- Commissioners the point was decided
place. This obligation falls on the 'proper
the same income to be taxed twice and against the Revenue on the question,
officer', usually the company secretary or
made the following useful comments: whether the taxpayer concerned could be
the person acting as company secretary.
regarded as a shadow director, but the
' ... There is a theoretical liability to
It was submitted that as neither court went on to say it had no confidence
double taxation. We were told the practice is
Chipping nor Alien was an officer of their in the argument. The Appeal Court's
not to exact tax twice. We wholly accept that
respective companies they could not be decision in Dimsey has changed the
the subject is not to be taxed by discretion.
fixed with any criminal or other liability position dramatically in the Revenue's
Were a situation to arise in which, contrary to
for the failure to comply with this favour. This will lead to considerable
their plain statement to this court, the
statutory obligation. This was dismissed: problems for foreign families who have
Revenue sought in as. 739 case to exact tax
traditionally owned UK property through
'In our judgment this has no merits. It is both from the transferor (or other person with
offshore companies. Each case will have
obvious that anyfailure by the proper officer 'power to enjoy') and the offshore transferee,
to be reviewed on its own facts, but a
to perform his ... duty cannot relieve the the High Court might be invited to prohibit it
number of general points can be made:
company of its obligation to corporation tax. as an abuse of power.'
... If an indhidual having total de facto (1) It may be more difficult for the
control of a company, arranges its affairs so
SHADOW DIRECTORS Revenue to apply their provisions
that the company (a) makes profits but (b) where no member of the family with
Alien and members of his family
does not declare them to the Revenue, he is any real influence over the property
occupied properties owned by some of
obviously cheating the Revenue ..." is currently UK resident.
the offshore companies and the Revenue
"... the offence of cheating is perfectly simple: raised additional assessments against him (2) There should be no problem where
it is constituted by anyform offraudulent on the ground that he was in effect a the only UK resident members of
conduct having the purpose and effect of director of these companies and the family in occupation of the
depriving the Revenue of money due to it. In therefore taxable on the use of the property are not directors and do
any event it is simply artificial, on thefacts we properties as a benefit in kind. not act as if they are directors. This
have recounted, to suggest these were cases cf means making sure that other
The tax at stake here can be significant. people not resident in the UK
mere omission. These were deliberate plots,
It is based on a simple calculation of the positively do act as directors and it
involving oven acts in the way of correspondence
and so forth, to bring about a state of affairs in
cost of the property to the company over can be shown that they make all the
£75,000, multiplied by an interest factor important decisions outside the UK.
which the Revenue was to be defrauded.'
(currently 6.25 per cent). So where, for
example, a company has spent (3) Care should be taken not to convert
SECTION 739 a situation in which the reality is that
£2,075,000 on the acquisition and
The argument was advanced on behalf improvement of the property the the company has been controlled by
of the appellants that, as the offshore additional income will be £125,000, individuals resident in the UK to
income of the companies was potentially taxable at 40 per cent, giving rise to tax of one where it is not. This is because
liable to tax in the hands of the UK- £50,000 p.a.. the actions of a 'shadow director'
resident individuals who had 'power to may have resulted in the company
enjoy' it under the Income and Corporation This is the intended result of becoming treated as UK resident.
Taxes Act 1988 s. 739(2), it should not also provisions introduced to tax a UK The Dimsey tests on this should be
be liable to corporation tax. If so then director provided with the use of borne in mind. If there is a risk of
neither Dimsey nor Alien could be expensive accommodation at the cost of this then there are two more
convicted of any corporation tax offences. his emplover. The Revenue have complications to consider:
attempted for some years to apply this
Robert Venables QC made the point (a) It is a criminal offence for a UK
legislation to offshore property-owning
that if the income is deemed to be that of resident company to be taken
companies, but until now there has been
one taxpayer (the individual), it is only non-UK resident without
great uncertainty as to whether the
logical to assume it cannot at the same Treasury consent. This is a
legislation supported this where the
time be that of another (the company). hangover from exchange
taxpayer concerned was not actually o O

This ingenious line of argument was control, which was withdrawn

appointed a director or other officer of
dismissed by the Court of Appeal on the in 1979. But the section
the offshore company.
narrow ground that s. 739 deems offshore requiring Treasury consent
income in such a case to be the income of In order to recover tax in such remains in force. It now serves
the individual taxpayer 'for all the situations the Revenue have alleged that a an information-gathering
o O
purposes of the Income Tax Acts' and does person who has no formal position in the for the government. 21

Atnicus Curiae Issue 21 October 1999

(b) The change from UK to non- beneficiaries are the Red Cross and Oxfam. You CONCLUSION
UK resident status results in a have seen that the trustees of each trust have The Revenue have collected more
deemed CGT disposal by the power to appoint additional beneficiaries ... you ammunition in the course of this one
company of all its assets, against may think it extremely unusualfor a person who series of cases than could ever have been
which it will not be possible to is really wanting to put money into a trust not envisaged when their investigators first
claim principal private to specify at least the classes of people whom it is began questioning Chipping.
residence (PPR) relief. intended to benefit ...
It is also interesting to note that the
(4) It should be considered in each case ... ifyou were to conclude ... that in investigation was started as a result of
whether the property really was practice Mr Alien used any monies or assets information passed to the UK Inland
owned by the company beneficially or belonging to any of the various companies as Revenue by the German authorities.
whether the company was just a if they were his own then ... that would be an Exchange of information on tax-sensitive
nominee for the real owner. There indication that the various trusts do not set matters has been commonplace within
should be no attempt to rewrite out the true position. An owner of things is Europe for many years, but the pace at
history here, but frequently the the person generally who has the say so about which this happens will undoubtedly
company has acted as no more than a what happens to them. You are entitled to say increase as the G7 and OECD focus
nominee and the value of the property whether you keep your motor car or you sell it more on tax avoidance and evasion.
has never been treated in its accounts for instance ... ifyou concluded that Mr Alien
or otherwise as an asset of the actually did whatever he liked with any of the The use of the criminal courts led to a
company. If this treatment is applied assets or monies of any cf these companies robust no-nonsense approach to abstruse
it should be appreciated that the that would be powerful evidence that these technical tax questions. Points raised by
company will not have provided any documents, lengthy as they are, are ... simply the tax barristers would have been given
protection for a non-domiciled pieces cf paper.' more consideration in the Chancery
owner, or trust made by such a Division, where the argument would have
The Court of Appeal agreed that the taken place had the Revenue not had such
person, from UK Inheritance Tax.
j o
should not have suggested
there clear evidence of deceit. Points scored in
was anything sinister in the drafting of this context will however now be brought
THE SHAM TRUST POINT the documents or the existence of bearer to bear in situations where there is not the
Alien left out of statements to the shares, but concluded that in the context slightest trace of criminal behaviour.
Revenue about the extent of his assets all of the whole situation the right
those held by two offshore discretionary had been given to the jury: The result is that more care than ever
trusts. His argument was that he had no needs to be taken by those who use
'The plain fact is that if the juryfound that offshore trust and company vehicles to
need to disclose these assets because they
Alien was the beneficial owner of the assets in ensure they are real. This means:
belonged to the trusts, not to him.
question, they must inevitably have convicted
The Crown Court judge .had directed using reputable, independent trustees
him ...
the jury in the following terms: and taking the risk that they may not
... there was, in fact, overwhelming evidence always do what is expected of them;
'But here the question is, was Air Alien the that the assets were Alien's to dispose of as he appointing real people, with knowledge
beneficial owner, the true owner of the shares, would, that he treated them as such, and that and business skills, to be directors;
the properties and the bank balances in there was no question of the trustees making sure decisions are taken
question? If he was then clearly the schedule possessing any real power or discretion in the

outside the UK when that is relevant;

of assets which he provided to the Revenue in matter.'
answer to their enquiries was entirely wrong. up minutes in the
avoidingo draftingor
If he appreciated that he should have declared Alien's Counsel had one last try. He UK for use overseas;
them to the Revenue, then he was cheating submitted that if the arrangements
were maintaining careful records of the
the Revenue byJailing to do so ... sham then the existence of the decision-making process overseas;
companies (and thus all the corporation avoiding the use of 'black hole' trusts,
... the assets belonged to the trusts unless
tax penalties) could be ignored on the nominee directors and such devices;
you are satisfied that the various very lengthy
basis that the assets should only be taxed recognising that a purposeful omission
trust deeds you have seen are a sham, that is
as Alien's personal property. This was to act may be held against you; and
to say, documents which purport to show a
dismissed by the Appeal Court, which
legal situation which is other than the real responding truthfully to enquiries.
held that the sham led to Alien being
one; intending to give the appearance of Some people may see all this as the
treated as owning the companies, not
creating legal rights different from the actual bureaucratsmoving the goal posts
their underlying assets. There would
legal rights. If these trust deeds are a sham without warning. Let no one say after
seem to be some inconsistency between
then it is open to you tojind that the reading this that they haven't been
this and the trial judge's views quoted
defendant was the beneficial owner of the warned. Perhaps it is no coincidence that
above about Alien treating the company
various assets, knew that he was, and was my spellchecker wants to change Dimsey
assets as his own. Also there is nothing in
cheating the Revenue in not disclosing ... to DISMAY!
the judgment to indicate Alien was given
... it is said to you that the various deeds are the slightest benefit of the doubt that he
perfectly standard discretionary trusts. Yes and was relying on advice, however John Rhodes
no. No doubt they are in a form veryjrequently misguided, to the effect that these Macjarlanes
used, but you have seen that the only named arrangements might work.

Atnicus Curiae Issue 21 October 1999

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