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Don’t eat heavy meal approximately 2 hours before exercising

Attempt to keep your fluid intake minimal prior to stretching, you can replenish fluid during and after
you complete the program. When doing aerobic exercise, do not wait until you are thirsty. Let us not
forget that the most important nutrients to consume during exercise are water. It is prudent to consume
250ml to 500ml of water about 1.5 to 2 hours before exercise. Doing so promotes adequate hydration
and allows sufficient time for excretion of any excess.

Be aware of your body to recognize whether all parts are smooth working order.

Be aware of how you look after exercising for a period of time, see if you notice any changes in how you
feel and look.

Use proper attire.


Do not suddenly increase your exercise rate, duration, or complexity. Make all such changes gradually as
you become conditioned to handle the exercise.

Do not exercise if you are not well.

Breathe slowly and deeply as you stretch. Be sure to continue breathing during a stretch.

Avoid stretching the ligaments and capsules that surround joints. Pain is an indication that something is
wrong, it should not be ignored.

Ballistic stretching should only be done by those who are already flexible and or accustomed to
stretching and should be done only after static stretching.

Do not bounce, jerk, or force stretches. Stretch only to the point at which tightness or resistance to
stretch or perhaps some discomforts id felt. Stretching should not be painful.

Stretch at your own pace, paying attention to what you’re doing. Stretch gently. Always stretch slowly
and with control.

Stretching from a seated position rather than standing position takes stress off the lower back and
decreases the chance of back injury


WARM-UP – a period of warm-up exercises should take place before the workout. According to Prentice
(1992), warm-up increases body temperature, stretches ligaments and muscles, and increase flexibility.
The purpose is to gradually stimulate the cardio respiratory system to a moderate degree, thus
producing an increase blood flow to working skeletal muscles and resulting in an increase in muscle

The warm-up should last approximately 10-15 minutes

You should not wait longer than 15 minutes to get started in activity following the warm-up

The warm-up should begin with 2 or 3 minutes of light jogging to increase metabolic rate and core

It should be followed by a period of flexibility exercise in which the muscles are stretched to take
advantage of the increase in muscle elasticity.

WORKOUT – you should dress properly for the working clothes that will enable you to move freely and

Workout or conditioning period consists of the following:

10-15 minutes of warm-up

10 minutes of strength exercises

20 minutes of cardiorespiratory exercises

5-10 minutes of cool down

COOL DOWN – this part of the training helps in returning the blood to the heart for re-oxygenation, thus
preventing a pooling of the blood in the muscles of the arms and legs. Such period last about 5-10

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