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B.E. End Semester (2nd Semester AE,CErMi, M"tE, MinE) Examination,20L5

PrrYsrcs (PH - 1201)

Full Marks: 70 Time:3 hrs.

Exam Roll No:

Attach this page with answer script marked as I't Half

Multiple choice type question
1. Encircle the correct alternative. 1 x 10 = 10

(D In an electrical system mass of a mechanical oscillator coresponds to the

a) Self-inductance b) Electric charge c) Electical Resistance d) Electrical capacitance

(ii) The quality factor Q in forced vibration is

a)>1 b)St c)>2 d) always equal to I

(iii) Frequency ofa stretched string propoftional to

a) Proponional to the density of the material b) Proportional to the diameter of the string
c) tnversely proportional to length2 d) Inversely proportional to {ttensity

(iv) For non-dispersive medium

a) group velocity is equal to phase velocity b) group velocity is greater than phase velocity
c) group velocity is less than the phase velocity C) group velocity is double ofphase velocity

(v) Which of the following form represents Faraday's law

a). V.E : p/eo b) v.E: o c) V.i: -0p/0t QVxE =-*
(vi) A scalar field is given as e : xz + y' + zz . The vane ot !1,;1,'li,p. a7 i"
a)0 b)6 c)9 d) t2
(vii) Three vectors are given u, ^,{ : 7,fi =if; and e :'*L*o .The volume of the parallelepiped formed out of
these vectors is
a) I unit b) 2 units c) 3 units d) 4 units

(viii) Which of the following phenomena proves the transverse characteristic of light
(a) Interference b) Dif&'action c) Dispersion d) Polarization

(ix) Mathematical expression of single slit Fraunhofer diffr'action pattern is

a) I:Iosin2Flg'b) I:Iosinp/B c) t:16coszy sin2plg' d) I:Iosin2p/B
(x) The lelation between Einstein's Azr and B21 coefficients is
a) Azr:Bzr (b)Azr: llB2t (c)AzrlBn-- 8nhv3/c3 (d)Az, lBx = c'l8nhv'
B.E. End Semester (2"d Semester AE,CErME,MetE,MinE) Examination, 2015

PHYSTCS (PH - t20t)

Full Marks: 70 Time:3 hrs
l't Half (Use answer script Marked as l't Ilalfl
Answer all questions

2. Consider a particle executing SHM. What should be the form of equation of motion in case of damped oscillation and
find the solution in case of low damping. 1+4:5

3. What are standing waves? Find the expression of superposition of waves of equal amplitude moving in opposite
directions. l*4:5
4. Write Stoke's theorem. Veriff this theorem for a vector I = 12xz + 3y')i + (4y22)ic over the sutface of a unit
square lying on the y-z plane whose left bottom corner is coincident with the origin. 1+4:5

5. Write down the intensity distribution for a double slit Fraunhofer diffraction and plot it. What do you mean by
resolving power of a plane diffi'action grating? Write down its expression. Define a plane polarized light.
2n'r Half ([Jse answer script Marketl as 2nd Halfl
Answer all questions
6.a) Define coupling strength of a coupled osciilator. Wltat do you mean by strong and weak coupling?
b) Show that for two identical oscillators, the oscillation frequencies of the oscillators after coupling are same but their
motions differ in phase by 900. (2+2)+6:10

7. a) Find the total energy of vibrating sffing. The displacernent of the string is defined as
y(x,t):C,,sin(nnx/l)cos(cunt- $,,) where the symbols have their usnal meaning.
b) A transversely sn'etched string vibrates h 3 Ioops lvhen the tension is 200gm-wt. Calculate the tension required to
make the string vibrate in 2 loops.
c) Two identical wires stretched under the same tension of 5 kg-wt entit notes in unison which are of frequency 300
vibrations per sec. one wile has its tension increased by 100 gm-wt. Find the nnmber of beats when they are plucked.
5+2+3:1 0
8. (a) A sinrrsoidal voltage v(t) = 76 sin a;t is applied across a palallel plate capacitor having separation d and area a.
Find the displacement culrent in the capacitor if air is the dielectric medium between the plates.
(b) (i) Write Arrpere's circuital law in integral form. Apply this law to furd out the magnetic field vector (both
rnagnitude and direction) at the point P lying on the surface of a conducting wiLe of radius a and length I under
constant potential difference 7 as shown in the following figure such that a curent / is flowing ttu'ough it. (ii) AIso find
the magnitude and direction of electric field vector at the point P. (iii) Find the direction and magnitude of Poynting
vectol' at the same point P. (iv)Use the expression for the Poynting vector to calculate the power dissipated through the
surface of the wire.

v +<-V

9. (a) What do you mean by popr-rlation inversion in laser system.
(b) With the help of simple energy level diagram discuss the working principalof He-Ne laser.
(c) Describe how an optical resonator works in laser system. Consider an optical resonator with 20 cm. of length.
Determine number of modes present for the wavelength 500 nm.
2+4+(2+2): t0
Indian lnstitute of Engineering Science and rechnoioEy,
B.Tech-M.Tech Dual degree Semester
(1'tSemester ) Examination, 2016
PHYSTCS (P!{ - 12011
Fr-rll Marks: 70 Time: 3 hrs
Answer all questions
An swer of differen D arts of a ouesfio n should not hre disioint

1. a) Define Poynting vector and state poynting theorem

b) Find curl of
c) lf the frequency of the velocity resonance is sought to be reduce to half by the
changing the mass alone, then what will be the new nnass?
d) State Brewster's Law in polarization of light. Find out the angle of polarization if
a light is incident on a glass sudace of refractive index 1.732.
e) Use Heisenberg uncertainty principle to estimate the ground state energy of a
quantum harmonic oscillator.


2 a) state Gauss divergence theorem. Find #, i.7], where i = 4xt. * syj - zk

and s is the close surface of a hemisphere of radius 1 unit.
b) Write down lVlaxwell's equations in electro-magnetic theory. What will be the
form of ftlaxwell's equations in vacuum? Show that electric and magnetic fields
propagate like wave in vacuum, hence find its speed.
c) A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C (of area A and separation distance
between plates d), is discharging through a resistance R. The discharging
potential is V (t1 : Voe-t/Gc). Find the displacement current inside the
[(2+3) + (Z+ 1+3 + 1) + 3]= 1 5

3. a) Two oscillators of masses m1 ?nd rT12 ?re stiffness coupled. Derive the equation
of motion of the system and calcurate the normal frequencies.
b) A thin taut string tied at both ends and oscillating in third harmonic has shape
described by the equation y(x,t) = 5.6 sin(0.034 x) sin(50t) cm where the origin
is at the left end of the string, the x-axis is along the string and the y-axis is
perpendicular to the string.
(l) Find the amplitudes of the two travelling waves that form this standing wave.
(ii) What is the length of the string ?
(iii) what is the fundamental frequency of vibration of the string?
(iv) Find the maximum velocity for a polnt element of the string"

(v) What would be the equation for this string if it were vibrating in lts eighth
[(2+3) t- (2+2+2+2+211= 15
4. a) (i) Distinguish between quarter-wave plate and half wave plate in
polarization of liglit. lf the refractive index of extraordinary and ordinary ray are
1.65 and 1.45, find the thickness of the material required for a quafter-wave
plate at wavelength 5000 Ao.

(ii) A diffraction grating at normal incidence shows second order diffraction at an

angle 300 for a light of wavelength 5.40 x 10-5 cm. Find the number of lines per
cm of the grating.

b) i.Define optical pumping in a laser system. ln a He-Ne laser transition from 3s

to 2p level gives a ia.:er er,ritsion of wavelength 632 nm. The 2p level has
energy 15.2x10-1e J. Assurning nc loss of energy calcuiate the requirec
pumping energy.
ii. Light is emitted from laser source at wavelength 694.3 nm. Find the frequency
and energy of the photon ernitted? Obtain the output power of laser if 1A23
number of photons are emitted per second.
iii. A sensor is exposed to a laser of 1C [VlW power. Assuming all the energy of
the laser is given off as emitted light, find the number of photons entering the
sensor for a laser of wavelength 600nm.
[(3+Z;+ (3+3+4]1=15

5. a) (i) Assuming Lorentz transformation, show that iwo events occurring

simultaneously in an inertial frame S may not be simultaneous in another frame
S'moving with uniform speed along the x axis relative to S.
(ii). Two events occurred at the same time in an inertial frame S and are
separated by a distance of 1 km along x-axis. What is the time difference
between these events as measured in a frame S' moving uniformly along x-axis
with a speed f c relative to S.
b) (i) Consider a particie of mass rn confined in the following potential
Show that the energy of the particle is quantized. Also find the normalized wave
(ii). lf the uridth of the box be 25A, calculate the probability of finding the particle
within an interval of 5A at the centre of the box when it is in the ground state.
[(3+2) + (5+3+2;1 = 15

19-4- t6

Indian Institute of Engineering Scicnce and Technology, Shibpur

B.Tech-M.Tech Du:rl degrce Final
(2"dscmesaer AE, CE,ME, NIetE, lvlinE,) Examination, 2016
PHYSICS (PII - l20l)
Time:3 hrs
Attswer oll questions

(a) A sinusoidal voltage z(t)

= Fosin(i)t is appiied across a pamllel pla1e capacrtor
having separation d and area a. l.ind the djsplacemelt curent
in the capacitor ij-a
dielectric nredium haviog dielectric coDjJtant l0 is kept between the plates.

(b) TakiDg the fluctuating quantity ol a plane wtrve p.opagadng

along the x_axis to he a
funclioi of (cr :t ,) where c is the u,avc vcl(rcity, derive the dillerential
equation of the

(c) Whar is popularion inversion in lasing systenr,l

L\plain why in trvo level system
population inversion cannol be achieved.
(d) Irind de-Broglie wavelengrh ol a bela pal1icle
h.rving kinetic energy T: 110 KeV

(e) Write dow[ rhe dillarettial ard iDtegral lor-rr ofFaraday,s


2. a) Determine tlie tl anslo rm,llion/tra nslorrn a I ioll matrix ilon cylindrioal lo reclanguli{r
b) Write dowll Maxwell,s equations in electro(lynamics in vacuum.
c) wlut is the rimitation in Ampere's oircuital law? tsxplain how
Maxwell corrected this.
d) Obtain fie lvave equations corresponding to electric anrl magneric
lielcls in tiee spaoe.

[5+4 Fl+2'f'j ]

.1. a) A n)ass of 10 gm is acted oll bv a resroring tbrce l0 dyne per om and a resisting
ol l dyne scc./cm. Find
(i) Whether dle modon is apedodic or oscillatory.
(ii) 'lhe value ofthe resisting lbrce uhitlt rvrll rr.rke rlre motion crrteally dampecl.
(iiD The value ofthe mass tbr.which the given l.orces will make the motion criticallv

h)(i) Solve the differential equation ol a lraisverse wave propagaling

along the length
ofa string by ihe method ofsepamlion ol.variables.
(ii) Apply boundary codition lbr a string rigiclry lixed at both
ends and arive at the
geDeral solution ot te wave equation.
(iii) Irind the average kinetic energv ol-a vihr.atiog slring.
[(2 11 s Fl.5) + (] r,l+3)l

4. e)(i) l ind ihc artsular \\idlh ollhc ccntral b ght lringe iDthc Fraurfioltr dilliuction
pa(erno1 ;r singl.slitof wid1h024nrm. lhe 1\alelenglir ol liglrt usccl is 500 nm.
( ii) \\ iral is lhe irta.\irrum Esoh ing lol\'ei o ll glatirlg ilavirg grixirlg elenrcnl i2.5 x

I it ' crr and toLrl nunrhcr oi !i0cs is ll0CC? lhc \i'avclelgth of lighl uscd is 5(X)tun.

b) (i) What is opti.jal resolrator:)L)iscuss its role iD iascr system.

lii) lixphin thc \vo (itg plinciple cfHe-Ne laser with cnergy levcl diagram
(iii) lri4,l thc ratio ol porrrlarion of t$ro states irl thcilllal cqLrilibriurnr at room
tcnrpcrollu-c 27"t1. l'he'r/sveleqth conesponding to the energy clilferencc irctwcel] thc
two slrlcs is 55oirrn.
(iv) |incl lhelatioolEinslein's coel'liciellt of spontaneous to stimulatcd onlissioll of
a two levcl syslcm llavirB gl-ound statc energy El and excited slatc e ergy L'l2 Assunre
thc wavclength ol rtdiation is 600 D . Wlicli ol]e is gredtel spt)ntrnoous or slinltllatcd
emissi,,o'l [(2+3) r(2r]r2rl)l

5. a) (i) l)clinc propcr leog-th.

(iil N'lu(nrs ha\,4 xn averxge lifc time of 2 nlicroseconcls in thcir olvrl lianrc oi
rclcrcr)!c. ln a l.cartt L,fcosrric ra"_ nuons has a speed of0.93c relativc to caih. l'irr(l thc
o\eragc lilc lirl1c o! lhesc'muons \\ith r€spcct to !!r obscli'er on carth surlacc. Als() llnd
rnd thc dislitncc lravellccl b\' the bearn during the lile irtcrl aL.

(h) (i) lrind the rnxxilnrtlrl |ossibie (lornpton shilis of t{a!elength lbr \ m\,S of
wavelcngths L5 A. ((;i!sn rest ira:s energt cf electron = (1 51i lucv. c = 1' l0r lnr's. h -
6 62i10-r".1-:,. I cV - i.r), l0 Jl
(ii) Iriira lhc !t'c"rl-. lclocili olan ele.tLol having energy I l\{e\i.
l iii) /\ qrrn ttulr nrcclr^nical paticie is free to move in a ollc
,:lirnerlsional r igid ll(rx of
lellLlth /-. write d(,u,n thc SclI,.rrilnger ecluiition and solve it b oblairl the uolrnalizcrl lvavc
lirrction rrrrd ,.:rrcr'g1 eigcnvairre's. Plot schemrlically ille probabilit,"-, densily corrcsponding to
tLe ground itlxl firsl excilcclslatcs wilbin the box.
(l+(2+2) + (2 2rIrlr2)l
zr/u lt,l

Indianlnstitute of Engineering Science and Technology

B.Tech. l't Semester Examination, 2011

PHYSTCS (PH - 1201)

Full Marks: 70 Time: 3 hrs.
Answer all the questions:

l. a) What is the significance of V. d = 0?

b) Findthe unit normal vector at the point (1,1,1) on the surface of a sphere having radius V3.
c) Two sinusoidal waves combining in a medium are described by the wave functions y1 = (3.0cm) sin
n(x + 0.601) md y, = (3.0cm) sin n(x - 0.600 where x is in cm and t is in seconds. Determine the maximum
transverse position of an element of the medium at x=0.25 cm.
d) Detemrine the resolving power of a gating of 15000 lines in the first order spectrum.
e) Find the de-Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated through a potential of lV.

2.a) i)Find the flux of the vector field F = tx + iy + [z through the surface of a sphere of unit radius
with centre at the origin.
ii) Prove that JIJ1 F r,{l 4v = IIr lm x,41as
iii) Find the Laplacian of the scalar field I = - 1.

b) i) The vector potential corresponding to a magnetic field is given as A = ty - jx. Obtain the direction
and magritude of the magnetic field at the origin.
ii) Write down Faraday's law in differential as well as in integral form.
iii) Explain how does Ampere's law contradict the equation of continuiry? What was Maxwell's
contibution to remove this conkadiction?
iv) What is Poynting Iector? Stare Poynting's theorem and explain the significance.
(2+2+l)+ (2+2+3+3)l

3. a) Define power in forced vibration. Calculate the average power in forced oscillation. What will be the
average power at resonance?
b) i) From the concept gf group velocity, discuss its dependence on the medium/ phase velocity.
iii A thin taut string tied at both ends and oscillating in its third harmonic has its shape described by the
equation y(x,t) = S.O sinlO.O:+ x)sin(501) cm where the origin is at the left end of the string, the x-axis is
along the string and the y-axis is perpendicular to the string.
Find the amplitude of the two travelling waves that constitute this standing wave.
What is the length of the string? Find the rnaximum velocity for a particle in the string.
write down the equation for this string if it vibrates in its eighth harmonic.
[( I+3+ I )+(3+ l+2+2+2)]

a. a) i) Draw the intensity distribution of a single slit diffraction pattem. Obtain the position of the 2nd
difiaction minimum when light of wavelength 60004 is incident on a single slit of width 0.2 mm'
ii) Light of wavelength 50004. is incident on a double slit of width 0.2 mm separated by a distance 1mm.
OUtaln the positions of the l" and 2nd interference maxima.
b) i) Define optical resonator in LASER and describe briefly its working principle. Calculate the number
of modes when LASER beam of 600 nm is emitted from an optical resonator where the distance between
two mirrors is 10 cm.
ii) Describe briefly the working principle of He-Ne laser drawing energy level diagram
iii) Calculate the relative poputuiion state and the ground state at temperature 300oC when a
oi 1" excited
light of wavelength 550 nm is emitted due to transition befween these states.
5. a) r) State the sipificance of Michelson and Morley's experiment'
ii1 A particte is milng in the laboratory with velocity 0.9c in the z- y plane at an angle of.450 with the
x-axis. An observer is moving along poiitive x axis with velocity0.9c. Find the velocity of the
measured by the observer.
iii) What is proper time?
b) t) A bea6^of X-rays of wave length 0.709 A are allowed to suffer Compton scattering from
t*gi. Calculate the wavelengtr of the photon scattered at angle 30o'
ii) State the significance of Davison-Germer experiment.
iii) Ur" *""rLirty principle to estimate the ground state energy of a one dimensional harmonic oscillator.
irj R tee particleis confined within a rigid one dimensional box of lengthl. Write Schrodinger equation
the expectation
for tUe pariicle and obtain the expression-for norrnalized wave function. Also calculate
value oisquared momentr,rm (P2)'
[( I +3 + I )+(2+ I +2+ t +2+2)7

I -_',

q 0 n'v a}(411t

l,'idian institute of Englneering Scienee and Technology, Shibpur.

B.Tech-lili.Tech Dual degree Semester
{2nd Semester } Examination, 20,17
PHYSICS (P!-i - 120.1)
Full tuarks:70 Time: 3 hrs
Answer all questians
Diiierent parts of each oll esti on should be answered seq uentiallv

i. a) Show that electric field of a static point charge is a conservative force field.

b) 'ind iO ai pcint (2,3,4), vthere @ = r+

c) fa wavegroup consist oftwo harmonic waves of frequencies .,and a +.)0)and
constant k anC k.rdk respectiveiy, show that the group velocity is given by
c) Determine ihe minimum number of rines in a grating that are abre to resorve the sodium rines
of.vavelengths 589 nm and 589.6nm in the first order.
e) ,Vrite the postuiaies of special theory of relativity. L2+2+2+2+21

2. a) State Stoke's theorem. Find lJ V x ,4 . n ds over the curye sufface area of a cone of height
h and base radius r, placed vertically on the 4/-plane, whose axis coincides with z_axis,
b) ii) A voltage y(r) = yo cos(.rr) is applied across a parallel capacitor of thickness d and area
A, flnd the maximum displacement cLtrrent inside the capacitor. plot the displacement
current with time for the time interval < t < 11.
(ii) write down l\/laxwerr equations in free space. Derive wave equation for erectric frerd
free space.
(iii) Find the Poynting vector for the tight wilh Ee,, = 4cos(kz_ _ Zsin(.kz .])t)i
and EQ,t) : sin(kz - (it)t + 2cas (kz
- ,)t')j. 12+31+l(2+2)+(2+2)+21

3. a) What do you mean by sharpness ol resonance? Shovu that the quality factor for
resonance is gi\,/en by Q = (Symbots have their usual meaning).
b) Assuming the difierentiar equatian for harmonic wave arong a periecfly flexibre stretched

str rg to ire of rhe fo,. . * = *, where the symbol have usual meaning, solve the equation
dx .)t
by the rnethod of separation of variabres and applying the boundary conditrons
for a stretched
string rigidly flxed at both encls, show that the string can vibiate only with some
frequencies. 5+10

Flease tern over

4. a) Obtain an expression for the intensity of light dilFracted from a double slit. Hence find the
condition of missing order
b) (i) Find the relation beiween Einstein's A, B coefficients in a h/uo level LASER system.
Hence find the relation between the rate of sponlaneous to stimulated emission

(ii) Calculate the relative populalion of Na atoms in a sodium lamp in the 1't excitecl state
and in the qround state at temperature 300oC. Assume the wavelength of light 590 nm.

(iii) Define optical resonator in LASER. CaLculate the number of modes when LASER
beam cf 600 nm is emitted from an optical .esonator with the distance betweerr tvJo
nrirrors kept at 25 cm. [3+2] + l(--1+2)+2+ (1+2)l

5 :) (i) Whai is the underiying principle that makes Lorentz transforrnahon a linear one?

n meson in its cwn frame of reference is 2.6 x 10-e s. lf the meson

(ii) The average liletime 01'a
moves with a speed of 0.95c, what is the average distance it travels before decaying, as
measured by an observer on Earth?

b) (i) Calculate the fractional change in the wavelength of an X ray of wave length 0.4 A that
undergoes a 90o Compton scettering from an electron.

(ii) Write dov,/n the unceriainty relation for the position-momentunl and time-energy.

(iii) Find the de Broglie wavelength of a 0.01 l(g pellet having a velocity o{ 10 m/s.

.rv,Frndo-rlnce(oectaricnva.ueof <x ' lor wa,/e tunct'on /'r) (;J".p{ -;)

(v) The wave iunction for a particle inside a rigid wall in its ground state is given by {o(r) =
A sin (+) (Symbols have their usuai meaning) Find the position at which the piobability of
ob'raining the particie is n'raxrmum. 12+31+ lir2+)t2-2i


Irdian Institute ofEngineering Sciencc and Technology, Shibpur

B.Tech. l't Semester Final Eximitration, 2018

PHYSICS (PH - l20l)

Full Marks: 70 Time: 3 hrs
Ant|9er all the questions

L a) Show that ir" = nr"-'zi.

b) Write down Faraday's law in ditferential form.
c) an oscillator has a mass of I Og, a relard ing coeffici€nl of I OO dvne.s/cm and a restoring force I 06
dyne/cm. Fhd its quality factor.
d)'lihe polariser pLate and the analyser plate are initrally so adjusted thal their polarizalion direclions are
puruit.t. Wr,,r is !he inrensiry of lighr ar rh( analyser if it is rurned Ihrough.n angle ol45'?
e) obtain the de Broglie wavelength of a relativistic particle ofrest mass mo and kinetic energy Et
2.a) i) Express Canesian coordinate (x,y,z) ofapoint P in terms ofcvlindrical coordinate (p,e,z) Find lhe
ransformaiion matrix which lransforms unit vectors in cyliodrical coordinate syslem to the unit vectors in
Canesian coordinate system,
iitFn)d #s Qri + xzi 7z[) AdS, where S the surface ofa sphere ofmdius 7 unit' centered at (4 5'6).

b) i) Polarizrtion ofa sphere ofradius a is FPoi- Find the electric field al any point inside lhe sphere.
ii) Explain how does Ampere's Iaw conradicl th€ equation ofcontinuity? what was Maxwell's
ronrrilrution to remove this conaadiclion?
iii) Write down the electromagnetic wav€ equations in liee sPace.
Show rhat the electric field, magn€tic field and direction ofproPagalion ofelectromagnetic wave form a
mutuallv perpendicular svstem
((r+2)+2,+{2+(2+2)+(l +3))l

3. a) For a stiflness coupled system oflwo masses attached to rigid walls, find the normal fr€quencies.
'm€y are42 5cm and
b) Two wires ofthe same malerial and diameter are subjected to the same tension
43.ocm respectively and produce firee beats per second when sounded together. Find their frequenci<s
c) A slardi;g-wave pattem is observed in a thin wire with a lengih of3.00 m. The €quation ofthe wave is
y= (0.002m) sin(rx) co(100rr) where x is iD meters and t is in seconds.
i) Irind out th€ wave velocity and how many loops does thh parcm exhibit-'
ii) What is the tundamental frequency ofvibration ofthe wire?
iii) What will be the number ofloops iflhe original liequ€ncy is held constant and the tension in the wire
is increased by a factor of9 ?
ls+4 f6l

4. a) i) wrile down lhe expression ofinteflsity dislribulion for N slit Fraunhofer diffiaction pattem 'nd
derive the condilion ofprincipal maxima for the same.
ii) A paraUel beam oflight of wav€lenglh 5890 A falls normallv on a plane transmission Srating having
4250 Iines/cm. Find the angle ofdiffiaction for maximum inlensity iu the first order.
b) i) What are meant by atimulated ernission and population iiversion? Calculate the relative poprlalion
of l;' ;xcited state and the ground state at temperature 27"C when a light ofwavelength 550 nm is emitted
due to transition between these states.
ii) Define the optical cavity resonator. Obtain th€ relation belween the distance of the mirrors and dre
wavelen8ih ofthe emitted laser light-
Explain lhe working ofa He-Ne laser wjlh energy level diagram
mass mo whose lotal energy is twice ils rest energy collides with an idenlical
5. a) A oarticte ofresl
,ir.rr. [trtreysi.t
rogatter, *tar is ttre mass oiitre resulling composile panicle? whalis its velocirv?
b) i) Oblainihe grou; stat€ enerry ofa simple hamonic oscillalor r'sing Heise'berg's uncertainty
iilWite do*n ttre S"tt.*ainger equation What is called the slationary slate svstem? what simplification
aoes ttre wave nrnction recei;e fo; sucb system? what is the inl€rpretation of square ofthe
modulus of

iii) Consider the motion ofa Particle in an one dimensionat Potential well, wh€re the inlinitelyligh' rigid
,ratts are ptaced at,,=O and x=L. Solve the wave €qualion to obtain th€ eflergy eigenvalues and nomalised
eig€nfunclions for the syst€m.

Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
B.Tech, 2nd Semester Final Examination, 2018

PHYSTCS (PH - 1201)

Full Marks: 70 Time: 3 hrs.

Answer all the questions

l.a) Find -. (V x F) when i = -ty2 + jxz.

b) A sinusoidal voltage v(t) = 7s sin dt is applied across a parallel plate capacitor haying separation t
and area a. Find the maximum displacement current in the capacitor if a dielectric medium having constant e
is kept between the plates.
c) Two sinusoidal wayes, moving in the same direction along a stretched string, interfere with each other.
The amplitude ofeach wave is 9.8 mm, and the phase difference between them is 100 degree. What is the
amplitude ofthe resultant wave due to these two waves?
d) A laser beam can be focused on an area equal to the square of its wavelength. For a He-Ne laser, the
wavelength ofthe emitted light is 632840. lfthe laser radiates energy at the rate of lmW, find out the
intensity ofthe focused beam.
e) The gound state wave function for a particle confined in an infinite well with rigid walls of width L is
given as rp(r) = a sinir. Find the normalization constant A.
2. a) Write down the transformation from cylindrical to rectangular coordinate system.
b) State divergence theorem. An electric fietd is given by E = oo(xzi + y2i), obtain the charge density.
c) What is the limitation in Ampere's circuital law? Explain Maxwell's conection to this law. Write down
Maxwell's equations in electrodynamics.
d) Obtain the wave equations corresponding to electric and magnetic fields in free space
e) Find Poynting vector for an electromagnetic wave where electric and rnagnetic fields are
E= Eo cos(rot - kz) i and-E = Eocos (ort - kz)i, resPectively.
+ (l +2)+ (2 +2+2)+2 +21

3. a) Figure given beside shows a vertical spring mass system. The springs are identical with i
spdng constant k and original Iength L. The mass is slightly displaced along the horizontal i
direction. Neglect effect of gavity and obtain the equation of motion ofthe mass for small
oscillation along the horizontal direction.
b) Two wires-are welded together end to end. The wires are made ofthe same material, but i
The thin wire has a length of40.0 cm and a Iinear mass density of0.02 g/cm. The combination is fixed at
both ends and vibrated in such a way that two antinodes are present, with the node between them being right
at the weld. What is the frequency ofvibration? What is the length ofthe thick wire?
c) Find an expression for the total energy ofa Yibrating stretched string.

4. a) A single slit forms a Fraunhofer diffiaction pattem with white light. The second maximum in the
pattem for red light of wavelength 7000 A coincides with the third maximum of an unknown wavelength.
Find the unknown wavelength.
b)What is missing order? Obtain the condition for missing order in a double slit pattem. Find the missing
orders for a double slit ifthe widths are 0.16 mm and the width ofthe opaque sPace is 0 8 mm.
c) Express resolving power ofa transmission grating using Rayleigh criterion.
d) What is population inversion? How is it achieved practically in laser?
ej Find the'r"iutire population ofthe two states in a He-Ne laser emitting light ofwavelength 6328 A0 at
lir5+2+(2+ l )+2)l

5. a) Show that a moving object gets contracted along its direction of motion. A rod of length 1.0 meter is in
motion along its length with a velocity O.6c with respect to an obseryer at rest. Calculate the length ofthe
rod measured by the observer.
b) Obtain the expression for the change in wavelength ofX-ray due to ComPlon process
c) State Heisenberg's uncertainty plinciple. Estimate the ground state energy and the radius ofthe first
Bohr orbit ofa hydrogen atom using uncertainty principle.
[(3 +2)+5+( I-4)]
L tEf ,1
Indian Institute ofEngineering Science and Technology, Shibpur

B.Tech. 1"r S€m€ster Final Ex.mination, 2019

PHYSTCS CH - l20l)
FullMarks: 70 Time: 3 ks-

A nsw et al I the auest ions :

l.a) What is the curl ofelectric fietd produced by a staric point charge?
b) State Poynling's theorem.
c) Write down the relation between the group velocity (vs) and phase velociry (vp)_ How it depends
lhe medium?
d) Determine the resolving power ofa graling of IOOO0 lines in rh€ first order ofspectrum.
e) Find lhe normalized €ig€ntunction of the opemror - ( I /x)d/dx b€ longing to the ;igenvalue ,
[5 x 2]
2.a) i) Let (x,y,, and (ur,u:,ur) be respecriv€ly the rectangutar and curvilinear coordinates ofa point.
Ifx =3ur+u,-ur, y = ur+ 2u?+2ur, and z=2ur-u,-ur. ts the aystem (u r,u,,ur o(hogonat?

radius on the )ry-plane.

b) i) Explarn ihe limirarron ofAmperes circuirat taw and ils improvemenr given b) Maxelt.
ii) Show that for a plane electromagnetic wave, the elecric field, rh€ magneltic fiel; and the propagation
vector are mutually perpendicular.
iiDfind the displacement current density inside a parallel capacitor ofarea A. separation d, fiIed wirh
dielectric ofdielectric consrant € and connected wirh an ac voltage source vO = Vs sin 0rr_
l(3+2)+ (3+2)+3+2ll
3. a) Two oscillators are connected ihrough a spring ofspring constant 500 dyne/cm. The n)ass and spring
constant are l0g and 1500 dyne/cm for the first osciltator and l5g and 4000dyne/cm, respecrively, foi
second oscillator. Calculat€ the normal liequencies ofthis coupled system.
b) Calculat€ the kinetic energy ofa vibnring string. Whar will be the maximum en€rgy ofthis vibrating
c) A thin taut string ried at both ends and oscillating in its third harmonic has its shape described by th€
equation y(x,t) = 9.6 sin(0.068 xhin(t00r) cm where rhe origin is ar the teft end ofthe string,
the x_axis is
along lhe srring and the )-a\is is perpendrcular to lhe s$ing.
i) Draw a slelch thal shows rhe nanding t\ave parcm.
ii) Find the amplitude ofthe two travelling waves thal make up this standing wave.
iii) Whar is the Iength ofrhe string?
iv) Findihe maximum velocity for a particte in rhe string _

v) w1lat would b€ the equation for this string ifir was vibrating in its sixth harmonic?
4. a) i) Draw the i.tensity distribution ofa singte slit diffraclron patrem. Obtarn the position
of rhe 2d
difEaction minima when light ofwavelength 5000A is rncrdent on a single stit of *iatt O_ZS Inn,.
ii) Light ofwavelength 5000A is incident on a doubte slit ofwidth 0.20;m separared by an oDaque
o[0.J0 mm. Obrainlheposirion,ofihe j',and 2"dinrerference maxima
b) i)-Write down the prope(ies ofabsorption and stimulated emission processes. Find out the ratio
rares ofsrrmulaled emission and sponlaneous emi5\ion
ii) Describe lhe populalion inversion lechnique tora rhreecnergy teve I laser syslem.
ii;JDra\ the energy levet diagram of a He-Ne la\er and erplainir.
iv) Wlat is meant by a circularly polarized light? Comparc between ordinary ray and extraordinary
5. a) Obtiir e orerEsliotr foa 6a kilatic GorrS/ ofi rGldivistic peticle ofrcst mlrs Do noviog with
sp6Gd v. Hadra ob&i! tha aoors/-eoircDfim rlkrim for tie padicle.
b) i) Otd wi.n's dbpla.ce.or hw u3iig PteoL's forEEh 6r bhc& body rdiario. }Irhra do.s thc
Pl&ck's dilribldon fo.Duls rEducG to RryLi$-Jees lsw?
ii) ) Ot ri! r! o,ell.rsiotr for lhs shit ia vlvdeog& of a photm in t€rms of s.dt [ing angh ir Co4lton
scat€.iDg Focaas.
in) ObtaiB .oatrsr oiSanvalu€s rld aoaqor aigaafrndions oft p&ticle ofmals ,r co!fircd io 6 cE
dih€asioi"t, infnib potetrtial val ofbr!.dttr.

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