HSK 3 - Lesson 6 Flashcards Quizlet

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hsk 3 lesson 6 怎么突然找不到了

Terms in this set (53)

1. To recognize all the vocabulary

Learning Objective

glasses. used with measure word 副 fu (yǎnjìng)


suddenly-tū rán


to leave, depart- lí kāi


clear; distinct; be clear about- qīng chǔterm-0


to help- bāng máng


hsk 3 lesson 6 怎么突然找不到了

just now; a moment ago- gāng cái


Especially (tè bíe)


to speak; to tell (jiǎng)

to understand- míng bái


to do physical exercise- duàn liàn


music- yīn yuè


hsk 3 lesson 6 怎么突然找不到了

park- gōng yuán


to chat- liáo tiān


to fall asleep- shuì zháo


even more- gèng

1. To understand the usage of V得/不 + Complements of

Learning Objective 2. To understand the usage of "N+呢" used to ask about
3. To understand the comparison of "刚" and "刚才"

Verbs can take potential complements to indicate whether

V得/不 + or not an action is possible.
Complements of
Potential complements contain a 得 (dé) or a 不 (bù)
Possibility immediate after the verb being modified

你 没 戴 眼镜 ,看 得 清楚 吗 ?
Subj. + Verb + 得 + Nǐ méi dài yǎnjìng, kàn de qīngchu ma?

You didn't wear glasses. Can you see clearly?
hsk 3 lesson 6 怎么突然找不到了
He'a so careless. Can he do it well?
他 这么 粗心 ,做
得 好 吗 ?
Tā zhème cūxīn,
zuò de hǎo ma?

You're so smart. You can definitely learn this.

你 这么 聪明 ,肯定
学 得 会 。
Nǐ zhème
kěndìng xué de

The mountain is so high. Can you climb to the top?

这么 高 的 山 ,你
爬 得 上去 吗 ?
Zhème gāo de
shān, nǐ pá de
shàngqù ma?

Subj. + Verb + 不 + Complement

Negative form -
swapping a 得 for a

hsk 3 lesson 6 怎么突然找不到了

Your voice is too soft. We can't hear you.
你 的 声音 太 小 了
,我们 听 不 见 。
Nǐ de shēngyīn
tài xiǎo le,
wǒmen tīng bu

It's too dim here. I can't see clearly.

这里 太 暗 了 ,我
看 不 清楚 。
Zhèlǐ tài àn
le, wǒ kàn bu

Her leg is injured. She can't stand.

她 的 腿 受伤 了 ,
站 不 起来 了 。
Tā de tuǐ
shòushāng le,
zhàn bu qǐlái

Objects in sentences with potential complements can occur

either after the complement or at the beginning of a
Complement with sentence.


hsk 3 lesson 6 怎么突然找不到了

You can't buy this type of cell phone now.
这 种 手机 现在 买
不 到 了 。Zhè
zhǒng shǒujī
xiànzài mǎi bu
dào le.

She's so young. Can she really understand this book?

她 这么 小 ,看 得
懂 这 本 书 吗 ?
Tā zhème xiǎo,
kàn de dǒng zhè
běn shū ma?

I can definitely finish reading this book within one week.

这本书 我 一个星期
肯定 看 得 完 。
Zhè běn shū wǒ
yī gè xīngiqī
kěndìng kàn de

The particle 呢 (ne) can be used to ask reciprocal

questions, also known as "bounce back" questions.
呢 (ne)
呢 (ne) can also be used to form simple questions asking
"what about...?" or "how about...?"

Asking where someone or something is, and they expect

"N+呢" used to ask
that you know what they're talking about and know where
about location that person or thing is.

hsk 3 lesson 6 怎么突然找不到了

Where's the money?
钱 呢 ?
Qián ne?

Where's my cell phone?

我 的 手机 呢 ?
Wǒ de shǒujī ne?

Where's your mom?

你 妈妈 呢 ?
Nǐ māma ne?

刚 (gāng) and 刚才 (gāngcái) have similar meanings of "just

Comparison of

刚 is actually an adverb, and it is placed in front of the verb.

刚 as "Just
It emphasizes that the action just happened a short time
Happened" ago.

For this reason, 刚 can indicate that something "just"

The key here is
happened 1 second ago, 5 minutes ago, 2 hours ago, 3
that "a short time weeks ago, or even a year ago.

ago" is relative The absolute time is flexible, but from the speaker's
and determined by perspective, it feels recent.

the speaker.

Tā gāng dào.
刚 Before a Verb,
you normally don't He just arrived.

need 了 This gives the impression that not only did he just get here,
but he should still be here.

hsk 3 lesson 6 怎么突然找不到了

We just arrived yesterday.
我们 昨天 刚 到 。
Wǒmen zuótiān
gāng dào.

刚, as an adverb,
Tiān gāng qíng.
can also be placed
The sky just became clear.
in front of an
adjective, while 刚
才 can't be used
this way.

The beef just got cooked.

牛肉 刚 熟 。
Niúròu gāng

刚才 is a time noun (like 今天 and 现在), and it expresses

that the time elapsed is really short, in near-absolute terms.
刚才 as "Just Now"
We're talking no more than 1-30 minutes in most situations,
and often less than 5 minutes.

他 刚才 哭 了 。 (He was crying a moment ago but he

When used before a
verb, 刚才 Tā gāngcái kū le.

emphasizes He was crying just now.

something happened
"just now."

hsk 3 lesson 6 怎么突然找不到了

Sounds like he's not here anymore; I just saw him, but don't
我 刚才 看到 他 了
see him now.

Wǒ gāngcái
kàndào tā le.

I just now saw him.

I feel a little better now than just before.

现在 我 感觉 比 刚
才 好 一点 了 。
Xiànzài wǒ
gǎnjué bǐ
gāngcái hǎo
yīdiǎn le.

刚才 的 事情 太 让 人 生气 了 。
刚才can be used at
Gāngcái de shìqing tài ràng rén shēngqì le.
the beginning of
What just happened is really upsetting.
the sentences.

了 is not usually required in sentences with 刚, but it is

刚 and 刚才 with 了 usually required in sentences with 刚才.

hsk 3 lesson 6 怎么突然找不到了

我 刚才 看 了 。
刚才 refers to a
Wǒ gāngcái kàn le.
time in the recent
I looked at it just now.
past, and you're
usually indicated
that something
happened just now
(started and

我 刚 看到 。
我 刚 看到 。
Adding a 到 to 看 gives the verb a meaning of the result of
Wǒ gāng kàndào. "looking at."

I just saw it.

我 刚才 看到 了 。
我 刚 看到 了 。(x)
Wǒ gāngcái kàndào le.
Wǒ gāng kàndào I saw it just now.

le. 了 is needed with 刚才 because it feels so recent and


了 is not needed
here as 看到
includes the result
of "looking at."

To NOT use 刚 in sentences where you use 没 to negate

the past.

刚 and 刚才 with 没 The deal here is that you can say something didn't happen
just now (刚才), but you can't say that something just didn't
happen (刚).

hsk 3 lesson 6 怎么突然找不到了

我 刚才 没 看到 。
我 刚才 没 听懂 。
Wǒ gāngcái méi kàndào.
Wǒ gāngcái méi
I didn't see it just now.

I didn't understand
just now.

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