CNI - Madhur Prajapati - 0723048

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DSE 3 – Colonialism and Nationalism in India

Prajapati Madhur

Roll no. – 0723048

Topic – My Idea of India

B.A.(Hons.) Political Science – 1st year

Submitted to – Haokam sir

My Idea of India
Is Bharat (that is India) only one of the words in a
dictionary or tringle drawn on the world map? if it is that then why
do we feel extremely pride when we hear Bharat, India, or
Hindustan? according to my view, India is not that simple which we
see in a dictionary or map. India is more than that. India's real glory
is in Indianness(bhartiyata). Bhartiyata is not just nationality, but it
is an endless ideology.

After the partition, Britishers questioned whether

India would survive or will be fragmented. they believed that India
would be fragmented because of their diversity, ndia consists of 15
major languages, and different religions such as Hindu, Muslim,
Sikh, Buddhism, Christianity, and different races. It was impossible
for them to understand that these people could form a nation. they
think that India will be fragmented on the basis of languages and
religions and will be divided into several parts but we proved them
wrong. On the basis of unity in diversity, we not only survived but
proved that we are one of the most powerful and influential nations
in the world economically, politically, culturally, and in many ways.
In the 17th century, Bharat contributed approximately 25 % GDP of
the world. but after the colonialism in 1947, it was 3%. it was not a
coincidence but was the result of systematic loot by the British. By
various means, they made India a tool to develop the British. They
destroyed socially, economically, and politically. But we emerged
again with the double strength. so whether talking about the past and
regret. Let's talk about my idea of India in the present with a
powerful future.

My idea of India is India as a superpower or global

leader or global guru. India has the capability to be a superpower. As
dr. Abdul Kalam said India's biggest strength is its youth and the
biggest weakness is youth without wisdom. we know that India's
population is very much, but it would be an advantage or a
disadvantage is in our hands. Till the 1990s Japan had tremendous
growth but now Japan's economy is stagnant because Japan's
population is old. when old ones retire, they are replaced by younger
generation, but Japan's youth population is decreasing. India has
many types of shortages but never of population. It can be the
strength of India and can help India to be a superpower. India's
population is young and energetic. 50% of the population is below
the age of 25. But it is in our hands that this youth population will
benefit us or will be a liability for us. To be an economic superpower
it is important to have growth of infrastructure. and India is also
working on that with its full potential. This large population can be a
significant contributor to serve as labour force, to drive economic
growth and development and also for innovation. Our internet
facility is one of the cheapest in the world which can help a capable
person to work for the biggest company in the world. and can earn in
dollars to spend in rupees. Our defense is also very powerful. Bharat
is the biggest democracy in the world, so we get the help of Western
democracies. India has successfully held fifteen General Elections
with voter participation rates often higher than in Western
democracies. India’s strategic location makes it a significant player
in the world. Bharat is situated in a very important location as it is
connecting south Asia, southeast Asia, and the Middle East. This
strategic importance has led powerful countries such as the USA,
Russia, the Uk, Japan, Australia, and Israel to be a major strategic
partners of Bharat. Our ISRO is very powerful which also helps other
countries. And our geographical location helps to strengthen these
relationships. Bharat is called the pharmacy of the world. we have
seen in the time of COVID-19 that how effective our vaccine was.
There are many favors for India to be a superpower, but we cannot
underestimate the challenges such as corruption. We can say that
corruption is a major problem for India and it is a hindrance to our
growth and development. population can also be challange for us, we
are lacking behind in productivity. Bharat is also a country on which
there is very high impact of climate change. there are also other
many challanges such as poverty, unemployment but weather India
can be a superpower or not is a choice of my, choice of your, choice
of our, choice of our leaders collectively. India can be superpower?
will not be a question anymore if we will be a citizen who is not
promoting a corruption and a one who do something to make India
proud. only we are the one who can make this dream true.

My idea of india -वसध

ु ैव कुटुम्बकम to be superpower.

“Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam” is a philosophy that means

" the world is one family" or "The whole world is one single family"
which represents our foreign policy and shows that we are promoting
cooperation, harmony, peace, unity and universal brotherhood. It
suggests that regardless of any differences such as nationality,
religion, and any other differences we should promote harmony and
respect each other as all are our family members. it is very powerful
philosophy that is helping us in our international relations. this
philosophy also shows that we are in favor of conflict resolution in
peaceful shows that we emphasize on welfare of humanity.
vasudheiva kutumbkam can help India as it is a path through which
we can be a superpower as promoting unity by influencing the world
as global leader.
My idea of india as ववश्वगुरु to be superpower .

The “Vishva guru” concept shows the power of india

in the sense of leadership, to provide wisdom. Vishva guru means
global teacher or global guru. this concept has a historical context.
we have made significant contributions in the fields of mathematics,
astrology, medicine as ayurveda etc. Chanakya, Patanjali, aryabhatta,
maharshi charak, and shusrut have made contributions these feilds.
India ia a place where meditation and yoga were originated which are
very useful for physical and mental health and these practices have
very popularity in the world. we have and had the most influential
spritual gurus which have millions of followers across the world such
as Mahatma Gandhiji, swami Vivekananda, sad guru etc. the world
has nearly accepted the India's role as Vishva guru. and this shows
my idea of India as a superpower.

My idea of India as unity in diversity

Unity in diversity is a unique and very positive

identity that represents India’s diversity as the strength of the nation.
Despite of many languages, religions, races, and castes we are united
and have lived together for more than 75 years which shows that
diversity is the strength of our nation. India is the largest democracy
in the world where people from diverse backgrounds participate In
the political process of India and contribute to nation building. India's
collective co-existence of different faiths, languages, and cultures
makes it a better model for world governance than homogeneous
countries like China, Japan, or the United States. India’s diverse
culture such as yoga, ayurveda, and meditation, our values have
popularity in the world which shows the soft power of India. India’s
ability to manage and accommodate diversity is the strength of India
in the context of the world. diversity helps in innovation in different
fields such as education, business, art, technology etc. I think
diversity is the biggest strength for India in its path of becoming
super power.

My idea of India - non violence

Non-violence is a unique principle which can help us

to be a superpower. Non-violence is the principle which is associated
with the principle of ahimsa given by Mahatma Gandhi. Non-
violence is a significant part of our freedom struggle and it is also a
part of our foreign policy. By the promotion of non-violence in the
world stage / global stage . India can be a moral leader who is
promoting peace, harmony, conflict resolution through peaceful way.
This can help us to build respect for our country in the world context.
By the status on non violent state, India can distinguish itself as
peace promoter nation which can help us to build positive status in
the world. This can help indirectly us towards the aspiration of being
super power.


India is a perfect country to be superpower which

would not dominate the world but cooperate the world. India has a
potential to become a superpower as its large population, growing
economy, powerful military, cultural influence, strategic importance .
Realizing potential we also have to accept the challenges such as
poverty, unemployment, education, global complaxities, international
conflicts such as with pakistan and chaina. If india can overcome this
challenges with its strengths such as youth population, very powerful
culture and its values than it has a bright future as a global
superpower !

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