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Professional Ethics & Professional Accounting System

2019 Batch (July – Dec 2023)

Continuous Evaluation – 2
Dr K. Parameswaran

1 Your Name Yajush Tripathi

2 Your Registration Number 19B170
3 Your Contact Number (optional) +91-8401894169

4 Email ID to submit

Continuous Evaluation-2
5 Last Date for Submission 07th October, 2023

6 Instructions for Submission Time New Roman Title 14,

Time New Roman Paragraphs 12
Total Number of Words: 2000
Spacing: 1
7 Pattern Answer the following context given below
8 Marks 25

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Be, Becoming & Being
Conscious of your Professional Good Conduct & Professional Misconduct
4 Steps for Self Discovery & Professional Excellence
(Dr K. Parameswaran)
1) Purpose of Life 3) T (thought is knowledge)
2) Principles for 4) E (emotion is beleif)
Implementing Your Purpose 5) S (sense is skill)
6) T (Trait is Body Behaviour)

Be Conscious Be Conscious
of Your Self of Your Skills

Be Conscious
Be Conscious of Your
of Your Work Interpersonal
10) Stages in work 7) Harmony (goodwill in
(chunking) relations)
11) Process in work 8) Reconcile (attempt to
(checklist) change)
12) Perfection (seeking 9) Beauty (being/doing clear
feedback) about work/things)

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Aim and Outcome of this Integrated Exercise

Through this exercise you might be able to merge the gaps that exists in our four fold personalities. As a result you might
emerge gradually in achieving your goals through professional excellence, development and personal satisfaction.
Your Professional Misconduct can be prevented and Professional Good Conduct can be enriched.

To work & To work &

merge your merge your
psychological & personal & legal
econmic life professional life

To work & merge your

individual & social life

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(Your Exercise of CE 2 starts from here).

Enriching Professional Good Conduct and Preventing Professional Misconduct

4 Skills of Actualization and Empowerment Needed for Professional Excellence & Individual Accomplishment

(1) Be Conscious of Your Self: (500 words)

1) Purpose of Life – identify them with your legal career or any type of legal profession. It can be court, corporate,
company, psu, govt, research, social action etc.
(Choose the one that is natural to you. Because natural ones align with your T.E.S.T. in the Skills section, artificial or
imposed ones cannot align with your T.E.S.T. skills). Gradually you will grow in skills merging all the skills under

2) Principles for Implementing Your Purpose – identify them with your legal work.
(Choose the one that you are interested in law to have it as your benchmark for work excellence. It could be from a law-
subject or legal or social or justice issues. Choose 1 or 2 principles that are capable for you to perform. Because
capability means you own those skills. You may identify those Skills in T.E.S.T. form. Rank them (T.E.S.T.) in the
hierarchical order they are capable for you. This ranking helps to identify where you need to fine-tune your efficiency

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more and where you need to work ON other dimensions of the skills to develop it and gradually merge all of the four
(T.E.S.T.) to feel good and confident to perform & excel).

Be conscious of Yourself: Purpose of Life & Principles for implementing your purpose
My life's purpose is social action/social service, i.e., bringing about positive change in people’s lives. My principles for implementing my
purpose are Empathy, altruism, selflessness, dedication, and hard work. Empathy, altruism, and selflessness are needed to take up the
cause/issue of other people or recognise their issues. Dedication and hard work are needed to solve their issues/problems. This purpose
aligns with my legal career as law is the means to justice, so social action being the purpose of my life aligns with the legal career as
genuine social action leads to justice which is also the goal of the law, which is recognised as the means to the end, i.e., ‘Justice’. Empathy
and selflessness are the skills that I can perform and identify in T.E.S.T form. Hierarchical order is emotion-body-Thought-sense. I have to
work on fine-tuning for the good ones, i.e., Empathy, dedication, and hard work and work more on the other last, i.e., lesser skills, which
are selflessness and altruism.
Thus, it can be said that if I just fine-tune to the innate qualities that I have, which are empathy, i.e. I am able to feel the pain/problems of
my fellow beings and have the capacity to work upon it in a dedicated manner, but the skills that I have to work upon are altruism and
selflessness as in the process of providing them assistance, I tend to think about my interests too. Hence, these are the dimensions of my
skills, altruism and selflessness, which I need to develop so that ultimately, I can merge all four T.E.S.T to feel confident to perform and

Moreover, the purpose and the necessary skills that are required to achieve that purpose are very relevant to the legal field, as social action,
i.e., the purpose, can be equated with doing what is best for the client, which means the client’s interests shall be protected. For that, the
advocate shall work. This can be achieved by the skills that I have mentioned above, especially the three skills that I only need to fine-
tune, i.e., Empathy, dedication, and hard work. Empathy helps to understand the issues and problems of the client; the other two qualities
help to resolve such issues within a quick span of time. Furthermore, if the other two skills also get developed to a fair bit of an extent,
then the client’s interests would be protected at all costs, which would further improve my credibility as an advocate. Additionally, this

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would enhance my skills, i.e., T.E.S.T, which is necessary for a legal professional to develop if he/she must prevent professional
misconduct and indulge in professional good conduct.

Therefore, if the purpose is achieved by following these principles, then it would lead to personal growth, professional excellence,
satisfaction, and self-actualisation.

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(2) Be Conscious of Your Skills: (500 words)
3) T (thought skill – analytical knowledge – legal knowledge of your career interest)
4) E (emotion skill – belief in oneself – legal work you believe serves your purpose of life)
5) S (sense- skill at the actual functional level and give ability to perform those principles)
6) T (Trait-Body Behaviour which you carry for yourself in life and world while undertaking any legal work)

(Which of these skills in relation to your principles are predominant in you? – identify the predominant ones and the rest
rank them in hierarchical order and explain one by one how they are connected with your principles. Also, find out
where you need to strengthen what more. Keep in mind, one can possess all the four skills ideally speaking, or, one can
gradually develop them one by one as well leading to merging and personal growth, professional excellence,
satisfaction and self-actualization, realization).

Principles predominant in me:

Emotion- I believe that I am the most skilled in emotion. Also, this is the most important skill for achieving the purpose I have mentioned
above. Empathy, selflessness, and altruism can largely be categorised as emotions. These emotions come innate to me, and because of my skill
in having these, I am able to bring about positive social action in people, especially the marginalised communities. This also helps me to
understand the issues better as I approach them as they are of my own due to the skill of having empathy, which largely escalates my
efficiency. So, for all this, i.e., for achieving my life’s purpose through the principles that I have mentioned above, emotion is key.

Body- Trait-body behaviour is also one of my strongest skills and is predominant in me. This comes naturally to me. My body behaviour is
very comforting while interacting with them to know about their issue; I always maintain the right amount of touch, as described in the class. I
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do not get overboard or underwhelmed, whilst interacting with them, which helps them to open up and trust me as a professional and
confidant. Moreover, while carrying out social action/social service, I, through my trait/body behaviour, always ensure that I do not represent
myself to come from a different pedestal. But this skill of mine is still a work in progress and is not like the emotion skill.

Thought- My career interest which is to bring about a positive difference, requires legal knowledge, which falls within the ambit of this
skill, which I have not been able to develop to a great extent and is therefore not predominant in me. The main reason for this is my lack of
practical exposure in court; I have just had three litigation-based internships, thereby I have not garnered enough practical legal knowledge to
bring about justice to the marginalised communities, but in due time, I will be able to develop this skill and fulfil my purpose, as I already
have technical legal knowledge which just needs polishing through practical exposure which most certainly would be done in due course of

Sense- I lack real-life examples, which enhance this skill. This is mostly required in using the principles that I mentioned above. I practice
those principles in my daily life within and around the college's peripheral areas- Koba, Raysan, and Kudasan. However, I lack the practical
experience of solving the issues through the principles mentioned above on a large scale, which has hampered my sense, i.e., skill at the actual
functional level. But this is also a skill, which I will be able to develop in due course of time. Moreover, apart from such practical experience,
a theoretical study, or a more in-depth study of the principles, though they are innate to me, would go a long way in helping me to develop this
skill of ‘sense’ and thereby give me the ability to perform those principles effectively.

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(3) Be Conscious of Your Interpersonal Relations: (500 words)

7) Harmony (goodwill in relations)

8) Reconcile (attempt to change)
9) Beauty (being/doing clear about work/things)

(Which of these are predominant in relations to your skills which you would bring out in professional, external and
interpersonal relations with office colleagues, clients, court, field work and others. Identify the predominant ones and the
rest rank them in order and explain one by one how they are connected with your skills. Also, find out where you need to
strengthen more. Keep in mind, one can possess all the three interpersonal skills ideally speaking, or, one can gradually
develop them one by one as well leading to personal growth, professional excellence, satisfaction and self-development.
Explain this in relation to your legal work and legal work place and space).

Predominant elements in my skills-

Beauty- In pursuance of the goal of bringing about positive change in people’s lives, i.e., social action, I am clear about my work. I am clear
about the intention with which I carry my work out. I set out a plan before doing social action to use my potential to my best, which brings out
maximum assistance for society. Being empathetic and altruistic comes naturally to me; owing to this, I can vouch that I am equipped with
this interpersonal skill, i.e., ‘beauty’. Clearance about one’s actions towards a goal comes when one is very passionate about the cause of
his/her goal, and the same is the case with me, as the cause of my goal is the welfare and development of weaker sections of society, thereby
clearance regarding my work comes naturally to me. There hardly comes ambiguity or iota of doubt in the way in which I intend to carry my
work out.

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Harmony- I have an inherent trait of maintaining goodwill in relations with every person I interact with. I also carry this trait while working
towards achieving my purpose of social action. Maintaining goodwill in relations becomes one of the most important aspects for the purpose
that I seek to achieve, as it is concerned with spreading goodwill and ultimately achieving welfare for them. So, goodwill in relations is one of
the most fundamental steps I need to take to achieve the bigger purpose of social action. Since this interpersonal skill stems from kindness,
this also comes naturally to me. But this skill of mine is not as strong as beauty, as the latter is developed and formulated and is revised from
time to time, and thereby, the margin of error in this aspect is minimal. But in the former, the goodwill in relations can be spoilt in a fraction of
a second, even if a small error in one’s behaviour, thereby to hone it completely. I need more interactions with people, especially those I want
to assist and get welfare.

Reconcile- I find it difficult to reconcile with my purpose and the principles that I have chosen to achieve my goals, as I have just started my
professional journey. I feel that to mend ways this early in the journey would mean not trusting the process. But this thought of mine should be
altered a bit, as reconciling my vision and mission, can also be done by increasing my interaction with my target audience. If there is the
absence of the desired result for many people, then there would be nothing wrong with reconciling my ways. However, it becomes difficult for
me as the principles I follow are primarily internalised and have been developed in my subconscious mind or practice. So, this is an
interpersonal skill that I would like to improve.

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(4) Be Conscious of Your Work: (500 words)
10) Stages in work (chunking)
11) Process in work (checklist)
12) Perfection (seeking feedback)

How do you do your work at the practical level, functionally speaking? Which of these are predominant in relations to your
legal work that you need to bring them out for professional excellence. Some work requires method, some requires
spontaneity, some creativity, and some are administrative and, the work related to papers and materials. Some work depend
on your boss or client approving or initiating to make you go ahead in your legal work. Also, find out the nuances in your
legal work you have chosen and explain them. Also find out where you need to strengthen more. Keep in mind, one can
possess all the three work skills ideally speaking, or one can gradually develop them as well leading to personal growth,
professional satisfaction and development.

Work Procedure-
I follow, process in work (Checklist) mainly, followed by perfection (Seeking feedback), with a vision to develop stages in work (Chunking)-

Checklist: The professional work that I carry out. I always before getting into the work or starting it, make a checklist and a detailed one,
which basically is also the blueprint of the way I am going to achieve the target and as and when I complete one step of that blueprint, I tick
that aspect off from the checklist. Through this method, the work becomes uncomplicated and bears fruitful results for me as well as the
society. The checklist shall always be made in synergy with the team so that it contains all the relevant aspects. This is predominant for the
legal work that I do, which is social action, as working towards welfare in a haywire manner can lead to no larger change if a large change has
to be made in people’s lives, a structured approach is required, and the first step towards a structured approach is a checklist.

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Perfection: This is also predominant in the legal work that I do. It is considered to be important as it would make the process better and
more efficient. After a set of work is done, feedback from the beneficiaries, in my case, would go a long way toward my understanding of
their grievances, and issues and, furthermore, as to how I can make my work better in order to bring about welfare to them in a more efficient
manner. This feedback shall also be taken from one’s fellow team members so that one can improve the approach with which one carries out
their work. Thus, feedback on my work would help me cater to my beneficiaries in a more targeted way, making their progression quicker in
terms of growth and development. Feedback from the team would help me improve my checklist, and thereby, my process would improve,
ultimately resulting in a more improved social action.

Stages: For me, stages in work or chunking have never come naturally to me in my work process or work ethic. The reason for the same is
that my purpose in life and the principles that I have deployed for achieving that do not require me to largely chunk work, and thereby, I have
never learnt that skill or ever put it to best use. As I have kept my work process simple, I just develop and formulate a checklist and adhere to
it and improve my work process by taking feedback from the beneficiaries and my team members; as such, I have never felt the need for
chunking, but when my work reaches to a larger base and when there would a larger group of people to cater, then stages in work would be
required so that effectively the work is done. All the needs of the group of people are catered to, and that could only be achieved if chunks are
created in the work process.

(5)Create Your own Visualization Board of Values & Skills for your Life & Profession

(Note: Fill up your chart below corresponding to your exercises you have done.)
(Time to time keep reviewing, amending, adding new goals, achieve & enjoy your life & profession).

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1) To work towards making a 3) Emotion i use in principles
positive difference to people's lives 4) Body-trait i use in interaction
i.e. social work/action/service ( My 5) Thoughts for my principles
Purpose) 6) Sense for legal work
2) Empathy, Altruism, Selflessness, (My T.E.S.T order is like this)
Dedication & Hardwork (My

Be Conscious Be Conscious
of Your Self of Your Skills

Be Conscious
Be Conscious of Your
of Your Work Interpersonal
10) Checklists create more 7) Utilisation of natural empathy
structured & Fruitful work and altrusimleads to maximise
(Process) assistance (Beauty)
11) To improve efficiency, 8) Goodwill stems from kindness
feedback is necessary (Perfection) (Harmony)
12) Large base requires chunks 9) Aligining Purpose of life is
(Stages) challenging (Reconcile)

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My own Example:
Sharing my own Visualization Board of Values & Skills for my Life & Profession
(Time to time I keep reviewing, amending, adding new goals, achieve & enjoy my life & profession with students &

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1) To work for Ethics & Spirirtuality in L. 3) Emotion i use in thoughts
education / profession / career (MY PURPOSE) 4) Sense from life experiences
2) Sincerity, Hardwork, Peace & Love (MY 5) Thoughts for my emotions
PRINCIPLES) 6) Body Traits (workshops)

Be Conscious of
Your Self
Be Conscious of
(Ethics & Your Skills
Spriituality in L.

Be Conscious of
Be Conscious of Your
Your Work Interpersonal
10) to acquire more new degrees (STAGES) 7) Harmony (from happy learning of
11) segregated more knowledge according to students)
stakeholders (PROCESS) 8) Beauty (clarity, vision, outline)
12) feedback gives openness and readiness to 9) Reconcile (more new knowledge to
learn more and share more fulfilling my acquire)
purpose, principle, using of TEST through (MY iNTERPERSONALITY ORDER IS LIKE THIS)
interpersonal skills (PERFECTION)

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