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1.”seek first to understand, then to be understood” is the key to?

A.Life B.Communication
C.Relationships D.Depression
2. What is NOT one of the five poor listening styles?
A. Selective Listening B.Spacing out
C.Word listening D.Genuine listening
3. When someone is talking to you but you ignore them, you
A. Spacing out B.Ignoring them
C.Catching an attitude D.Pretend listening
4. When you aren’t paying attention to other people, but at least
pretend you are by making insightful comments at key junctures,
such as “yeah,”"uh-huh,”"cool,”"sounds great.” you are
A. Selective listening B.Word listening
C.Self-centered listening D.Pretend listening
5.When you actually pay attention to what someone is saying,
but you listen to the words ,not to the body language ,the
feelings ,or the true meaning behind the words, you
A.Pretend listening B.Self-centered listening
C.Selective listening D.Word listening
6. When you pay attention only to the parts of the conversation
that interests you, you are__________?
A. Judging B.Selective listening
C.Word listening D.Pretend listening
7. When you see everything from your own point of view,
instead of standing in another’s shoes, your______?
A. Self-centered listening B.Spacing out
C.Pretend listening D.Word listening
Peter: I had a great time with Katherine last night.
Karl: oh, that’s nice. (Katherine? why would you want to go out
with Katherine?)
Peter: I had no idea how great she is.
Karl: oh, yeah? (Here you go again. You think every girl is
Peter: Yeah.I’mthinking about asking her to prom.
Karl: I thought you were going to ask Jessica. (Are you
crazy!?Jessica is much better looking than Katherine.)
Peter: I was, but I think I’ll ask Katherine now.
Karl: well, ask her out then. (I’m sure you’ll change your mind
8. The conversation above is an example of?
A. Judging B.Spacing out
C.Probe D.Advise
9. What percent of listening includes Tone/feeling?
A.73% B.27%
C.41% D.40%

Constructed Response
Choose one poor listening style. Then create a scenario and
apply that style.


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