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Introduction – opening:

Alright, good afternoon, everyone. I thank you all for sparing your time joining me today.

So, what I'm going to discuss with you today might be a topic that some of you have in common of, it is
one of the main characteristics of youngsters these days. Have you ever wondered why some people
you met, or even your friends, always seem to be comfortable in doing things much preferably on their
own, whether it be a small problem, or a crucial one, they seem to be opposed to the idea of getting
help from someone else? Yes. I will explain to you briefly about individualism and the impact it has on
today’s generation, precisely on the college environment. And without further ado. Let us learn more
about the impact of individualism on the younger generations, specifically on the college environment.

What is individualism? Read text... continue with..

Individualism includes a variety of qualities in life, such as freedom, self-reliance, and personal
independence. It is contrasted with collectivism, which prioritizes the needs and interests of the group
or community over those of the individual. And the examples of individualism will be explained by

What are the examples?

- Individual approaches to problem solving: students may bring their own unique methods for
problem-solving and individual opinions to the group projects and contributing to ideas and
- Extracurricular activity: personal hobbies and interests motivate extracurricular participation.
Students can join organizations or clubs that support their interests, ideals, or ambitions.
- Academic freedom: academic freedom allows students to pursue studies that match their
interests and present their own unique viewpoints in their work.

More examples: freedom to choose our major, to select our courses, independent research project, self-
learning. (nggak dibaca, buat just in case ada yang nanya)

The negative impact

- Social isolation: read text.. continue with..

This can result in feelings of loneliness and a lack of emotional support. This is one of the common issues
that we find in college or even outside of the institute.

- Limited collaboration: read text.. continue with..

Students who ignore collaborative projects might miss out on beneficial opportunities. One of the
common issues as well. This problem cannot only distress the person but the people around them.
Other examples: stressful competitive behavior ‘win at all costs’ mentality, lack of responsibility for the
group, lack of concern/passiveness to global issues. (nggak dibaca, buat just in case ada yang nanya)

The positive impact

- Leadership development: read text.. continue with..

One of the essential skills that we must practice in order to master. One of the key advantages to being
individualistic is that a person has a sense of familiarity with leading and being independent. They learn
to lead, make decisions, and take initiative.

- Personal fulfilment: read text.. continue with..

Free from the pressure of anyone else and being able to think in one’s own mind can result in personal
satisfaction that can help their academic pursuits.

Other examples: personal growth, self-development, broad perspective, critical thinking, encourage to
creativity. (nggak dibaca, buat just in case ada yang nanya)


In conclusion, individualism in the college environment has both positive and negative influence, and
how it affects us depends on how we can balance them. Individualism allows students to pursue their
own interests and encourages personal development.


And that is all for today, are there any questions from one of you?

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