Empowerment Technologies

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Digital Rights and Responsibilities –freedom that

FINALS – REVIEWER extend to everyone online with limitations.
 Knowing that you have a freedom of speech
WEEK 6 – DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP but with limitations.
 Being Responsible, Respectful and Reputable
Digital Citizenship – acceptance and upholding of the norms of 7. Digital Law – understanding and complying with
appropriate, responsible behavior regarding the use of digital online rules and policies.
technologies.  electronic responsibility for actions and
deeds. In other words, digital law refers to
Digital Citizen – has the knowledge and skills to responsibly what you are and are not allowed to do while
use the internet and other digital technologies. Protects 3 using the Internet.
aspects of life – oneself, family, and friends & community.  Ex. You as a student must not watch and
share R13 contents.
9 ELEMENTS of Digital Citizenship 8. Digital Security – electronic precautions to bolster
1. Digital Access – equitable distribution of technology. online safety.
Understand limitations.  You are practice proctecting your digital
 GLOBAL DIGITAL DIVIDE – unequal access to information from unauthorized access, use,
digital technologies, such as the internet, disclosure, disruption, modification, or
computers, and other digital devices, destruction to prevent Computer Threats.
between different regions, countries, 9. Digital Wellness – maintaining sound technological
communities, and individuals around the practices to promote wellness.
world.  pursuit of an intentional and healthy
 The digital divide encompasses several relationship with technology.
dimensions, including:  If you are a gamer or fond of browsing the
 Access to infrastructure internet, you must know when to stop
 Affordability because inappropriate computer use can
 Digital literacy cause muscle and joint pain, overuse injuries
 Language and content barries of the shoulder, arm, wrist or hand, and eye
2. Digital Commerce – buying and selling of goods. It strain. You can also experience particular
focuses on making safe and informed decisions. physical and psychological problems if they
 You are knowledgeable enough in play computer games too much.
purchasing online by checking and verifying
the seller to prevent scams. THE POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA
3. Digital Communication – understanding the different  Global Reach – enable people from all over the world
modes and mediums and when appropriately use to connect and interact with each other.
them.  Amplifying voices – gives individuals a platform to
 You understand the difference of medium by express themselves and have their voices heard.
choosing what’s best to your project.  Influencing public opinion – it has the ability to shape
 Ex. Gem Herald uses facebook to publish one public narratives, sway opinions, and potentially
article in one post. While they uses tabloid influence political and social movements.
for physical dissemination of information  Business and marketing opportunities – provides a
where they present a collection of articles. free cost-effective and targeted way to promote
 Conclusion: Types of media are different products and services, reach new audiences, and
channels through which information and build brand loyalty.
entertainment reach an audience.  Real-time connection and support – this has
4. Digital Literacy – process of understanding facilitated the growth of online communities, support
technology. (How to use, How to adapt) groups, and forums where individuals can find
 You are well-informed enough in data comfort, advice, and understanding.
literacy, information literacy, visual literacy,
media literacy, and metaliteracy, as well as THE POWER OF ICT IN 4 SECTORS OF THE SOCIETY
related capacities for assessing social and Government/
ethical issues in our digital world. Education Entertainment Industry
5. Digital Etiquette – understanding appropriate code of An online A student uses A teacher Jollibee
conduct and procedures. student telegram to applies an fires a lot
 the basic rules of conduct users of technology uses Neo pass the online of
should follow in order to be responsible LMS as his pictures on her appointment employees
citizens online. platform. cellphone. in applying because of
her passport. jolly-bot.
iv. Context – focus on one combinations of
Advocacy – Action of supporting or promoting a cause, issue, contexts such as social, economic, political,
or group of people. Key aspects: or cultural context.
 Raising awareness v. Project Justification – rationale of the
 Influence and persuasion project.
 Amplifying voices vi. Scope and Constrains – extent and
 Policy and systemic change boundaries of the project.
 Collaboration and coalition-building vii. Objectives – intends to achieve. Must be
 Long-term commitment written SMARTly: Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound.
By advocating for causes we believe in, we can make a viii. Target beneficiaries – who the target
difference and contribute to creating a more just and inclusive audience of participants are.
world ix. Project implementation schedule –
allocation of resources: timeline, budget,
ROLE OF ICT in RECENT HISTORY members, monitoring and evaluation.
1. EDSA Revolution ii. DEVELOPMENT
 1983 – 1986  Actual creation of the media
 Cardinal Jaime Sin – Archbishop of Manila  Contains the production of images, infographics, text,
 Radyo – Radyo Veritas as primary medium. videos, audio or website.
 Promotes Political Growth.  Review the definition of the following elements.
 Marcos Regime.
 January 17 – 21, 2001  The actual release of the media for the public view
 Text Brigades as primary medium. and promote it.
 J. Estrada Regime.
3. Million People March iv. MAINTENANCE
 August 22 – 23, 2013  Involves responding to feedback from your site
 Change.org – as primary medium visitors and continuing to improve your campaign
 Uses Facebook and Twitter for more
 Abolish The Priority Development Assistance
Fund scam Publishing ICT Project
4. YOLANDA  Choosing right platform
 Typhoon in Leyte  It may be a website, social media and the like
 People Finder by Google – database to track depending on your target audience.
situation of their relaties.  Effective Marketing – to have a greater chance to
 Not working in todays year – because not publicize your project.
relevant.  Good user experience – to have a good user interface
for them not to get bored when visiting your
WEEK 7-8 – ICT PROCESS advocacy.

ICT Process Sustaining ICT Projects

Planning > Development > Release and Promotion >  Regular updates and maintenance
Maintenance  Building a community
 Financial sustainability
i. PLANNING  Publishing an Advocacy doesn’t end there you need to
 Project Proposal – summary of project. sustain through various process to serve it’s natural
 Elements of Proposal purpose.
i. Cover Letter – formal letter addressed to the
concerned person, office, or organization Website/ SocMed Uploading
that approves the project.  PUBLISHING means that the web pages and their
ii. Project Title – what the project is to be accompanying contents are now readily available in
called. Must be short enticing and relevant the World Wide Web.
to its object.  WEB PUBLISHING can be made possible through web
iii. Abstract – summary of the project which hosting which can be free or paid.
discusses in general details. o Because when you upload a website, even
though you uses a template website creator,
you still need to use a web hosting for it will iv. Websit Hit – HIT actually refers to the number of files
be public to people. downloaded on your site, this could include photos,
 Examples of Free webhosting graphics, files, and more.
o Hostinger
o 000WebHost WEEK 10 – Reflections on the ICT Learning Process
o InfinityFree
o Sites, Google ICT, Myself, and the Society
o Awardspace  The 21st century is a knowledge revolution. It is the
o FreeHosting era where information and digitalization prosper.
o FreeHostia The use of IT has impacted all domains of society.
 As a student, you must realize that learning ICT is a
THINGS TO REMEMBER ON HAVING A WEBSITE responsibility. Students must also observe the ethical
 Clean Up any Post Launch Task and legal standards using ICT.
 Create and Execute Marketing Strategies
 Search Engine Optimization – making the best or  Concrete Experiment – This is the stage where one
most effective use of a situation or resource. has conscious and physical experience that triggers
Ex. After uploading your social media, you want that him or her to reflect systematically for him/her to be
when they search your advocacy or project, it must be better.
on the top list. By achieving that, you need to ensure o Example: An award winning filmmaker
that every aspect of your website is improving from trying to share his knowledge by
time to time. conducting a symposium to aspiring
 Content Marketing – strategy used to attract, engage, directors.
and retain an audience.  Reflecting Observation – This is the stage where
Ex. You need to create and share relevant articles, deeper reflection is done. This means asking oneself
videos, podcasts, and other media questions, such as: What went wrong? Why did that
 Social Media Promotion – digital marketing that situation happen? How did I or others react? Why
leverages the power of popular social media networks did I behave that way? Why did other people
to achieve your marketing and branding goals. behave that way?
Ex. Rosmar’s Kagayuku sends PR to famous people o Example: A basketball player trying to
from Tiktok and Facebook for them to review it. figure out why he failed as a MVP. He tries
 Email Marketing – use of email within your marketing to dig where he did not well.
efforts to promote a business's products and services,  Abstract Conceptualization – Thus is the stage to
as well as incentivize customer loyalty. resolve some issues encountered in the reflective
Ex. You are receiving email list of items from shopee observation. This stage does not encourage one to
making you aware of their new products, discounts, be alone, but instead allows him/her to interact and
and other services. consult his/her trusted ones. questions to ponder
include: How could I have acted better or
WEBSITE TRACTION – progress and momentum of your differently? What improvements should I do?
website/ project. You have a clear indicator that your product o Example: A class mayor giving feedbacks to
or service is viable, that you've found some level of his classmates tries to look at the situation
product/market fit, you're getting attention from your target as a regular student by identifying the
audience, and you're growing your brand. There are many positive and negative things he
ways of measuring traction: encountered so far.
 Active Experimentation – This is the stage where the
i. Website Statistics – are log files that measure the new learning and realization on the process of
behavior of visitors and track details of your website, reflecting are being put into practice. The solutions
this Web Statistics will help you in managing and are tried and the knowledge gained is practiced.
improving your website, in order to cater the Eventually, this stage will become the new concrete
different needs of the audience. experience
ii. Website Analytics – the collection, reporting, and o Example: Students of Empowerment
analysis of website data. technologies submitted an advocacy
iii. Web Traffic – the amount of data sent and received project but they want to push through with
by visitors to a website. those activities to combat the problems we
are currently facing.

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