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Miss-en-scene is important to us since it makes a scene what

it is. for example miss-en-scene includes stuff such as
characters, props, setting, angles, shots etc that set the
mood for the scene and makes it significant
The colour blue is associated with
emotions such as sadness, loss and

The colour blue is used alot in the

titanic to represent the tragedy that is
taking place and sets a cold mood .
The colour red in movies is
associated with the
connotations of blood, danger
death for example carrie starts
killing everyone after blood is
poured onto her head at prom
however red is also associated
with love and romance for
example in titanic when rose
and jack meet ata the staircase
and jack sees her with her red
gown on wich is the start of
their romance journey.
The colour yellow is associated
with the connotations of
happiness and joy for example
joy in the movie is inside out is
yellow because she represents
innocence and enjoyment.
the colour black in movies or
shows is associated with the
connotations of evil .for
example in the vampire
diares katherine pierce is
portrayed as one of the
biggest villains in the whole
show and she is mostly
always wearing black same
with Klaus or other villains

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