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Criteria awarded

- Academic excellence
- Financial need
- Development potential

Statement should address:

- How you meet the criteria
- What you expect to gain from studying your course
- How you intend to use you experience and knowledge in the future
- Your proffesional experience and aspiration

Evidence ‘development potential’ and explain, specifically and in detail, how you will use the
knowledge and experience gained from your course in the development of your community/
region/nation upon your return to your home country after completing the degree.


Full Scholarship

A detailed outline of your development plan and how you intend to use the knowledge and
experience gained through the course to contribute towards the development of your home

The teaching is mainly through weekly two- or three-hour sessions for each module, which include
tutorials, seminars, practical sessions and workshops. There is also independent self-directed study, and
you will be prepared for the Dissertation via structured sessions in research methodology. Assessment
methods include submitted coursework such as essays, reviews and exercises; there are no formal

theoretical frameworks that can be used to describe the interaction between language and literature.

Pelajaran bahasa inggris merupakan salah satu pelajaran yang sangat populer di dunia tak
terkecuali di indonesia. Meskipun demikian, banyak pelajar yang kesulitan mempelari bahasa
inggris karena materi yang diberikan oleh para guru di sekolah kurang tertata secara sistematis
dan terstruktur sehingga pelajaran bahasa inggris menjadi membosankan dan momok
menakutkan bagi sebagian siswa. Kesulitan yang paling utama para pelajar bahasa inggris di
indonesia bukan pada speaking tetapi memahami dan menggunakan tata bahasa atau grammar
dengan baik dan benar. For example, students who did manage to absorb the categorisation
implicit in the terminology were likely to get confused examining the part of speech of a
sentence, sentence form, language variation and many other though they can speak in english
well. All of this suggest something rotten in the state of grammar teaching which is rarely made
precisely how they work so that it is worth considering what is going on.

By learning Master of Applied Linguistics and english language offered by The Westminister
University, i will enrol in the subjects namely Intercultural communication, Analysing spoken
and written discourse, Current developments in language teaching and many other subjects
which are applicable to: menganalisis kesalahan pembelajaran bahasa inggris yang selama ini di
pelajari para siswa di sekolah, categorisation word so that the students can examine the content
of their sentence correctly, membuat modul dan kurikulum pembelajaran yang lebih sistematis
dengan memperkenalkan dasar-dasar bahasa inggris terlebih dahulu. These are essential when
working as a lecture in STAIN Watampone then becoming national curriculum planner in the
next ten year.

Besides that, to be an english teacher in Star English Course, a lecturer in STAIN Watampone
and public education advisor for Watampone regency will be clearer as i will enrol in the
subjects of Management Consulting or Consulting Practice, Public Sector Financial
Management, Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship which are applicable to: train english
teacher of watampone, educate university students at university and giving the appropriate
material in which suitable for every grade at Star English Course of Watampone.

Oleh karena itu saya memilih westminister university jurusan applied linguistics and english
teaching untuk memberikan solusi berupa rancangan materi pembelajaran bahasa inggris yang
lebih terstruktur, terarah dan memiliki output yang jelas di setiap level kelas yang akan menjadi
fokus utama saya dalam tesis nanti. Hal ini bukan mustahil terwujudkan bagi saya yang pernah
mendalami pelajaran tata bahasa selama 7 bulan lamanya.

In conclusion, i can get the global financial learning in the global atmosphere with global
partners, hence I can prepare and influence at least my students and people around Desa Ungge
to face the escalated level of economic and financial challenges related to the global economic
relationship, such Asian Free Trade Area and ASEAN Economic Community 2015. Thus, I can
support NTB to grow and sustain in economy.

10 tahun puskurbuk

Considering my educational background and experience both as a teacher of english as well as a

curious learner, it is a great hope that i can be received in Westminister university and get the
fully-funded scholarship so that i can contribute for indonesia education.

Identifying structures

Generating categories

English is one of the most popular lessons in the world including in Indonesia. Nonetheless, many
students have difficulties in learning English because the material provided by the teachers at the school
are less organized in a systematic and structured lessons ;thus it becomes boring and frightening time to
learn english for some students. The main problem faced by the english students in Indonesia is not on
speaking section but understanding and using grammar correctly. For example, students who did
manage to absorb the categorization implicit in the terminology were likely to get confused examining
the part of speech of a sentence, sentence forms, language variation and many other though they can
speak in english well. All of this suggest something rotten in the state of grammar teaching which is
rarely made precisely how they work.

By learning English language and Linguistics offered by The Westminister University, i will enrol in the
subjects namely Intercultural communication, Analysing spoken and written discourse, Current
developments in language teaching and many other subjects, which are applicable to: analyze the
mistake of learning English which has been taught up to the present at school, word categorization so
that the students can examine the content of Reviews their sentence Correctly, making the module and
more systematic learning curriculum by introducing the basics of the English language first. These are
essential when working as a lecture then becoming national curriculum planner in the next ten year.

Besides that, to be an english teacher in Star English Course, a lecturer in STAIN Watampone and public
education advisor for Watampone regency will be clearer as i will Enrol in the subjects of Management
Consulting or Consulting Practice, Public Sector Financial Management, Managing Innovation and
Entrepreneurship roomates are applicable to: train english teacher of Watampone, educate university
students at the university and giving the Appropriate material in the which suitable for every grade at
Star English Course of Watampone.

Therefore, I chose Westminister University majoring in applied linguistics and English teaching to
provide a solution in the form of a draft English language learning materials more structured, focused
and have clear output at each grade level will be the main focus of my thesis later. It is not impossible
embodied for me ever studied grammar lessons for 7 months.

In conclusion, i can get the global financial learning in the global atmosphere with global partners, hence
I can prepare and influence at least my students and people around the village Ungge to face the
escalated level of economic and financial challenges related to the global economic relationship, such
Asian Free Trade Area and the ASEAN Economic Community by 2015. Thus Spake, I can support NTB to
grow and sustain in economy

Analyse error curriculum in which taught at primary school than provide a practical solution
to this
untuk membuat modul pembelajaran dan kurikulum yang sistematis, berkaitan, terarah dengan
output materi yang jelas dari satu materi dengan materi lainnya sehingga para pelajar akan bisa
memahami pelajaran bahasa inggris secara keseluruhan dan tidak terputus-putus.

Selain itu, belum ada modul pembelajaran tata bahasa yang salaing kait mengait

At the beginning of the module you will have a series of practical seminars on the different
issues involved in the process of writing a dissertation, such as finding a topic, the role of the
supervisor, research methodology and the conventions of academic writing.

Intercultural communication, Analysing spoken and written discourse, Current developments in

language teaching

Content and language integrated learning

Learner autonomy and strategy training; methodology; neurolinguistic processing and multiple
intelligences; skills lessons and real language; and teacher language and national curriculum

Join puskurbuk
Make curriculum
Create english club
national curriculum

English is a subject that is so appealing to me started when childhood to end up with a degree in
English department.
The ability of humans to pour emotions and ideas with language derived from diverse state
backgrounds that produce varieties of letters of understanding lead me the question about the
uniqueness of the language and desire to explore fully and deeply into the language. Linguistics
as one branch of the English language with its complexity is an opportunity for me to learn and
explore one of the languages which is well-known on the international scene before i finally
explore linkages with other languages.

One of my intra-campus activities is FKI-Ulul Al Bab as a place for the university students to
study philosophy and religion. Whilst I studied philosophy at FKI I found my mind broaden not
only about the general knowledge my friends and I discussed about but the language as well
either as a learner or a speaker. To deepen my knowledge of philosophy, i went to one of the
famous institutions studying philosophy, Rausyan Fikr in yogyakarta for 3 months in 2015. I
learnt the basic fundamentals of epistemology and logic of science at Rausyan Fikr.
I have studied the science of grammar deeply for a year in the land of Java in one of the famous
course, Smart ILC, from the basic language prolog up to high-class grammar level in 2012. After
accomplishing grammar skill by long and full of struggle I ultimately began to comprehend the
patterns of English language grammar and structure analysis thus, general language is now not so
difficult anymore. Extra-campus activity that I struggled after coming from Java is to teach
English in Star English Course of Watampone for more than a couple of years and grammar as
well as speaking are the field that I taught as a result of the migration ground knowledge when in
Java. The activities of English camp every aspect of the schools also become such a routine
yearly held by Star English Course and I got a lot of lessons from it by applying the results of my
reading books I like such as psychology, philosophy, motivation, religion and languages in order
that to become an interesting and fun person as an instructor.

I believe that Warwick University is the best campus for me to deepen my teaching skill and
linguistics because as i read the module related with research, English language description as
well as the currculum is relevant to my interest and educational experince. Thus, i have decided
to place my application for master degree program here. I hope that i can study this course since
it is the perfect place to nurture my passion for a subject which intrigues and captivates me. I
enjoy working with people and love to analyze the thoughts and ideas of my counterparts,
sharing my own knowledge and experiences with them and learning from theirs. Educating is a
topic that has had a significant impact on my life and I yearn to know much more about it. My
experience and devotion to this subject will greatly assist me in any future teaching endeavors.

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