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PointLink Release Notes


Copyright © 2014 by Ceragon Networks Ltd. All rights reserved.

PointLink Release Notes Release

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Ceragon Networks Ltd. This document is provided as is, without warranty of any kind.

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Ceragon Networks® is a registered trademark of Ceragon Networks Ltd. FibeAir® is a registered
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Other names mentioned in this publication are owned by their respective holders.

CeraMap™, ConfigAir™, PolyView™, EncryptAir™, and CeraMon™ are trademarks of Ceragon Networks
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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Ceragon Networks Ltd.
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Open Source Statement

The Product may use open source software, among them O/S software released under the GPL or GPL
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Information to User
Any changes or modifications of equipment not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment and the warranty for such equipment.

Revision History
Rev Date Author Description Approved by Date
1.0 3/7-2014 Kjetil Alvestad First issue – SW main release Eirik Nesse 3/7-2014

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Purpose and scope ........................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Release timeline ............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Determining your software release ................................................................................ 5
1.4 Type of release .............................................................................................................. 5

2. What’s new in release 2.3. ............................................................................... 6

2.1 PointLink release highlights ............................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Alarm Logging ................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.2 4+0 Evolution Radio support .......................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Evolution Redundant GIC support ................................................................................. 8
2.1.4 Acknowledgment of Manual Muting ............................................................................... 9
2.2 Bug fixes in release .......................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Configurable GIC Ethernet switching delay ................................................................. 10
2.2.2 GIC Switch Status on Slave PC ................................................................................... 10
2.2.3 GUI text on Radio Indicators ........................................................................................ 10
2.2.4 1+0 Node Configuration ............................................................................................... 10
2.2.5 Context Help Improvements ........................................................................................ 10
2.2.6 Manual System Control ................................................................................................ 10

3. Radio compatibility ........................................................................................ 11

4. Functionality – cumulative list of features.................................................... 11
5. OS compatibility ............................................................................................. 12

6. Known issues ................................................................................................. 12

6.1 Windows 7 new installation .......................................................................................... 12

7. Installation ...................................................................................................... 13
7.1 PointLink Software Installation Procedure ................................................................... 13
7.2 Preparing File Locations .............................................................................................. 16
7.2.1 Copying .ini files (for new installations only) ................................................................ 16
7.2.2 Preparing access rights (applicable for WIN7 operating system) ................................ 17
7.2.3 Startup folder ................................................................................................................ 18
7.2.4 Windows Security Settings .......................................................................................... 19

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List of Figures
Figure 1 – PointLink version number .................................................................................. 5
Figure 2 - Dual Sector with Main and Space Antennas ...................................................... 7
Figure 3 - Dual Sector Single antennas .............................................................................. 7
Figure 4 - Radio tab ........................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5 - Redundant GIC IFU configuration ...................................................................... 8
Figure 6 - IFU tab ............................................................................................................... 9
Figure 7 – PointLink Crash Report ................................................................................... 12

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1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose and scope

This Release Note provides information about the latest release of Ceragon’s
stabilized antenna control program PointLink. The PointLink is a specialized
product for microwave point-to-point communication between moving
vessels/platforms offshore.
PointLink releases are cumulative. This release note includes modifications specific
to the release For additional information please see release notes for earlier

1.2 Release timeline

SW package Version Release date
SW-POINTLINK- 2012-10-16
SW-POINTLINK- 2013-08-20
SW-POINTLINK- 2013-08-20
SW-POINTLINK- 2013-10-04
SW-POINTLINK- 2013-10-30
SW-POINTLINK- 2014-02-21
SW-POINTLINK- 2014-07-03

1.3 Determining your software release

To determine the version of software package installed on your unit, see the front
panel window of PointLink.


Figure 1 – PointLink version number

1.4 Type of release

There are two types of releases. Main releases and patch releases. Software release is a main release.
X. X. Y. Y

Patch Release
Main Release
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2. What’s new in release 2.3.

This section summarizes the new features in the 2.3 release

2.1 PointLink release highlights

2.1.1 Alarm Logging

The Alarm Logging feature in PointLink has been improved. The Alarm log is a clear
text file located in the C:\Program Files\Nera\Log files\Events\ and the log file
name is PointLink Events – mm-yy.log where “mm” is the month number and “yy”
are the two digit year.
The following alarms and status are logged:
 GPS Com Error Raised | Cleared
 AHRS Com Error Raised | Cleared
 Remote GPS Com Error Raised | Cleared
 Radio Master IFU Com Error Raised | Cleared
 Radio Slave IFU Com Error Raised | Cleared
 Emergency Switch Raised | Cleared
 Az CW Limit Raised | Cleared
 Az CCW Limit Raised | Cleared
 Az Pointing Error Raised | Cleared
 EL Limit Upper Raised | Cleared
 EL Limit Lower Raised | Cleared
 El Pointing Error Raised | Cleared
 Antenna Com Error Raised | Cleared
 Az controller in Manual State Raised | Cleared
 El controller in Manual State Raised | Cleared
 Standby – Auto state
 Standby – Manual state
 Radio Main set to Transmit | Mute
 Radio Space set to Transmit | Mute

2.1.2 4+0 Evolution Radio support

The PointLink v2.3 software version supports up to 4 radio units per IFU. The
PointLink.ini file settings are Radio Type=4+0.
The following system configurations are supported:

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Port Stb
Main Main
Antenna Antenna

Slave IFU

Master IFU


Port Stb
Diversity Diversity
Antenna Antenna

Figure 2 - Dual Sector with Main and Space Antennas



Master IFU

Figure 3 - Dual Sector Single antennas

PointLink MkII also supports 4+0 configuration per antenna by the use of the 4+0
Branching Box

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Figure 4 - Radio tab

The radio indicators in a 4+0 system have been changed from other (1+0/1+1/HSB)
systems. The Master PC is showing the 4 radio units on the Master IFU, while the
Slave PC is showing the slave IFU (in a multi sector system). The Master PC is still
managing all radio muting/unmuting and GIC switching in a multi sector system.

2.1.3 Evolution Redundant GIC support

The PointLink software v2.3 support Evolution radio configuration with Redundant
GIC. In this radio configuration, two GICs are used for redundancy, only one is active
at the time. Each GIC has its unique IP address and a new entry in the PointLink.ini
file is introduced:
Master Redundant IP=x.x.x.x (and Slave Redundant IP=x.x.x.x if applicable).
If this entry is missing or is used for the redundant IP address, this redundant
GIC feature is ignored. The PointLink software will monitor the active GIC status and
switch to the active IP address if there is a GIC switch-over (manual or automatic).

Figure 5 - Redundant GIC IFU configuration

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Figure 6 - IFU tab

The IFU IP addresses has been moved from the Radio tab to the IFU tab. The Master
/Slave IFU IP2 is the IP address of the redundant GIC is IFU shelf no 2 (upper). It’s
important that the IP1 is the IP address of the lower shelf GIC and that the IP2 is the
IP address of the upper shelf GIC. The status of each GIC is shown in the field behind
the IP address.

2.1.4 Acknowledgment of Manual Muting

In the Standby Tab it is possible to mute all radios manually and set the antenna to
Standby (no movement). A new user dialog with user confirmation of manual
muting is introduced.

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2.2 Bug fixes in release

2.2.1 Configurable GIC Ethernet switching delay

The user configurable delay setting for the GIC Ethernet port switching was causing
incorrect behavior. The delay caused an incorrect delay in the radio monitoring
function. This defect is now corrected. The switching delay is used to enable a dual
sector system to establish the link on the recently active sector radio before
switching the traffic to the Ethernet ports to the other IFU/GIC.

2.2.2 GIC Switch Status on Slave PC

The GIC switch status indicator on the Slave PC showed incorrect status (red when
status was correct). This is now corrected in this version.

2.2.3 GUI text on Radio Indicators

In certain configurations the radio indicators had incorrect or misleading text or
names. This is now corrected in this version.

2.2.4 1+0 Node Configuration

The 1+0 Node configuration showed intermitted Evolution COM error at start-up.
This is now corrected in this version.

2.2.5 Context Help Improvements

The Context help has been updated with corrections and clarifications

2.2.6 Manual System Control

Manual System Control is improved. The button now shows Manual Sector Switch
and may be used to test the Sector switching without the need for vessel heading

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3. Radio compatibility
This table lists all supported radio variant in the system. The software revision
shows the first PointLink version to support this variant, and the Embedded
Software revisions shows the minimum required embedded radio software. Legacy
radio variants are not included in the overview.

Unit First PointLink Radio

Software revision Software revision
Evolution METRO/XPAND R1A00
Evolution XPAND IP R1A00

4. Functionality – cumulative list of features

This section lists all functionality for the PointLink starting from release 2.1.0.
PointLink release 2.1.0 supports:
PointLink Radio Configuration
 1+0
Evolution  1+1 HSB
Single IFU / Single Sector  2+0
 1+1 FD/SD
 1+1 FD (PointLink only on one side of the hop)
Single IFU / Dual Sector
Evolution METRO / XPAND
 1+1 HSB
Single IFU / Dual Sector
 1+1 HSB
 1+1 FD
Dual IFU / Dual Sector
 Single sector operation
 Dual sector operation
Evolution  Offset between GPS antenna and PointLink
 Horizontal plane tilt in installation

In addition the following PointLink release 2.1.3 supports:

PointLink Radio Configuration

Evolution XPAND IP
System  1+1 HSB
Single IFU / Dual Sector

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In addition the following PointLink release 2.2 supports:

PointLink Radio Configuration
Features  Support for Nomadic & Automatic Standby Mode

In addition the following PointLink release 2.3 supports:

PointLink Radio Configuration
Features Evolution XPAND IP  4+0 configuration
 Redundant GIC configuration

5. OS compatibility
This table lists compatibility between PointLink Software revisions and Operating
Systems of the PointLink Console Computers.

PointLink PointLink Console

Software revision Computers OS and earlier XP and later XP
Windows 7 32bit
Windows 7 64bit

6. Known issues

6.1 Windows 7 new installation

PointLink Program crashes at first startup after new installation on some WIN7 64
bit computers.

Figure 7 – PointLink Crash Report

Run PointLink program as Administrator once. This will prevent the program from
crash at later startups.

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7. Installation

7.1 PointLink Software Installation Procedure

Start the installation by starting the setup application found in the “Volume” folder
under folder with the version number.


Press Next

Press Next or select other installation directories

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Select “I accept the above 2 License Agreement(s)” and press Next to start the

Press Next

The Installation progress will be shown during the installation.

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When the installation is complete, press Finish.

Press Restart to complete the installation.

Applicable for new Installation only

Next install the COMDisable program found under the COMDisable directory. This
program fixes situations when Windows incorrectly detects a serial device that is
connected to your computer as a serial mouse, causing erratic behavior for the
scree cursor.

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7.2 Preparing File Locations

7.2.1 Copying .ini files (for new installations only)
1. Create a new directory under C: (if it’s not existing): “C:\Program Files\Nera”
2. Create two new directories inside the “C:\Program Files\Nera” directory : “Log
files” and “Log files\Events”
3. Copy the “COM.ini”, “Template PointLink.ini” and “Template LocalSite.ini” files
from the PointLink installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Nera) to the
C:\Program Files\Nera directory.
4. Rename the “Template PointLink.ini” to “PointLink.ini”. The values are explained
in the User Manual.
5. Rename the “Template LocalSite.ini” to “LocalSite.ini”. The values are explained in
the User Manual.

Files in the installation directory.

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7.2.2 Preparing access rights (applicable for WIN7 operating system)

1. Right click with the mouse on the C:\Program Files\Nera directory.
2. Select the Properties and select the Security tab
3. Press Advanced
4. Select “Users” and press Change Permission
5. Select the “Full Control”, “Create files”, “Create folders” and “Write attributes”
check boxes under the “Allow” column and press OK

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7.2.3 Startup folder

Copy a shortcut for PointLink application to the Windows Startup folder. It also
convenient to create a shortcut to the PointLink application on the desktop.

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7.2.4 Windows Security Settings

The PointLink program is designed to operate on a continuous mode. It’s important
the others settings or programs on the compute do not automatically shut down the
computer. The security settings on the computer are typically subject to company IT
policies, but it strongly recommended that the Windows Update function is managed

Select “Windows Updates” settings under the Control Panel and select “Never check
for updates”.
The Windows updates should be done in a controlled manner, where updates and are
installed when the administrator has full control over the system and when a
computer restart does not seriously affect the radio link operation (i.e. calm water and
no heading change, or when the system is shut down for maintenance purpose.

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In addition make sure that the Windows power option does not suspend or put the
computer in sleep mode. Open the Control Panel and select Power Options.

Select “Change plan setting”

select “Never” on “Put the computer to sleep”

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