Expenses (TheHUB)

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The Hub

Expenses Sheet
Sr No Date Particulars Amount Remarks
1 06-07-2023 R.L Enterprises ₹10,000.00 Token Amoun
2 09-07-2023 Ashlesha Kamble ₹55,000.00 Deposit Amou
3 14-07-2023 Ashlesha Kamble ₹300,000.00 Deposit Amou
4 14-07-2023 Tushar Enterprises ₹7,900.00 Regestriation fees for
5 14-07-2023 Prime Real Estate ₹123,500.00 Brokerage of The
6 22-07-2023 Spacecraft LLP ₹10,500.00 Payment for the in
7 31-07-2023 Spacecraft LLP ₹15,000.00 Payment for the in
8 01-08-2023 Spacecraft LLP ₹75,000.00 Advance for the
9 01-08-2023 Spacecraft LLP ₹27,150.00 Retainer Cleara
10 01-08-2023 My Plylam ₹92,970.00 Carpentary Equipm
11 01-08-2023 Prism Electronics and Technologies ₹25,134.00 Switch and Network Card
12 01-08-2023 Kirti Hardware ₹15,443.00 Hardware for The
13 01-08-2023 Kirti Hardware ₹12,216.00 Hardware for The
14 02-08-2023 Aadesh Dayama ₹17,500.00 AC Installations
15 02-08-2023 Abhishek Rathod ₹17,500.00 AC Installations
16 02-08-2023 Airtro Coolings System ₹119,040.00 AC Deductable mach
17 08-08-2023 Wendors Innovations Private Ltd ₹50,000.00 Wending Machine Atlas
18 08-08-2023 Kirti Hardware ₹1,903.00 Hardware for The
19 09-08-2023 Amar Decor ₹36,701.00 The Hub Furnit
20 10-08-2023 Wendors Innovations Private Ltd ₹167,460.00 Veinding Mach
21 11-08-2023 Ganpati Transport ₹20,900.00 Veinding Machine T
22 14-08-2023 Aadesh Dayama AC fitting clearance ₹15,000.00 Ac fitiing cleara
23 12-08-2023 Electricals equipments ₹21,134.00 Electricals equpiments
24 12-08-2023 Wendors Innovations Private Ltd ₹15,000.00 Veinding machine cl
25 12-08-2023 Auto Electricals the HUb ₹290.00 Transport for Elec
26 13-08-2023 40 Pcs Pipe ₹1,800.00 Electricals equpiments
27 13-08-2023 50 mm Pipe 15 M ₹750.00 Electricals equpiments
28 13-08-2023 Tempo for transport ₹900.00 Transport for Elec
29 14-08-2023 Spacecraft LLP ₹21,034.00 Steel Vendor expe
30 15-08-2023 Spacecraft LLP ₹51,000.00 3rd installmen
31 16-08-2023 Electricals equipments ₹16,573.00 Electricals equpiments
32 18-08-2023 Shankarlal Bhudaji Oswal ₹16,938.00 Carpentary Equipm
33 18-08-2023 Spacecraft LLP ₹35,000.00 Electrical Labo
Total Amount 1396236
Token Amount
Deposit Amount
Deposit Amount
Regestriation fees for The Hub
Brokerage of The Hub
Payment for the invoice
Payment for the invoice
Advance for the Hub
Retainer Clearance
Carpentary Equipments
Switch and Network Cards for the Hub
Hardware for The Hub
Hardware for The Hub
AC Installations fees.
AC Installations fees.
AC Deductable machine fees
Wending Machine Atlas For the Hub
Hardware for The Hub
The Hub Furniture
Veinding Machine
Veinding Machine Transport
Ac fitiing clearance
Electricals equpiments for the hub
Veinding machine clearance
Transport for Electricals
Electricals equpiments for the hub
Electricals equpiments for the hub
Transport for Electricals
Steel Vendor expenses
3rd installment
Electricals equpiments for the hub
Carpentary Equipments
Electrical Labour

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