21st Century Lit

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21st Century

1. Which literary period in the Philippines is characterized by the use of Philippine mythology and folklore –
2. Which literary period in the Philippines is characterized by the use of Spanish language in literature –
3. Which literary period in the Philippines is characterized by the use of English language in literature –
4. Which of the following factors contributed to the success of Philippine revolution against Spanish Rule – The
unity of the Filipinos and their willingness to fight for Independence
5. How did the Spanish Era in the Philippines contribute to the formation of Filipino National Identity – By
creating a sense of shared experience and struggles against colonialism
6. When did the Pre-Colonial period in the Philippines starts – 1521
7. Which of the following is an example of a theme – The importance of a family is a recuring motif
throughout the story
8. Which of the following is an example of a main idea in a non-fiction text – The article discusses the history
of jazz music
9. What is the difference between a static and dynamic character – A static character remains the same over
the course of the story while a dynamic character changes
10. How does historical context impact the meaning of a text – It helps the reader understand the societal
norms and values of the time period
11. How does cultural context impact the meaning of a text –
All of the above (It influences the reader interpretation of the text based on their cultural background,
It provides information about the authors cultural identity, It helps the reader understand the cultural
preferences and symbols in the text)
12. How does personal context impact the meaning of a text – It influences the readers interpretations on the
text based on their personal experiences and beliefs
13. Which of the following best defines imagery – The use of sensory details to create a mental image in the
reader’s mind
14. Which of the following is an example of a visual imagery – The sight of a bright red rose
15. (30) In the poem Padre Faura witness the execution of Rizal, why padre faura expected that they would talk
about the stars – Because padre faura work in the observatory
16. Which of the following statements is true – Integration of multimedia in studying literature enhances
learners ICT skill
17. The following statements about anecdote are true except which one is not true – People share an anecdote to
deal with serious issues in the community
18. Before presenting a lecture on a teenage pregnancy, the speaker tells a story about a young girl who got
pregnant, she explain…. What is the purpose of the speaker in a given situation – To reminisce
19. In which story John Jack Wigley shared his insights and experiences when mount pinatubo erupted in 1981 –
Home of the Ashfall
20. Where is John Jack Wigley’s hometown - PAMPANGA

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