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The interpretative

Learning Targets:

I can describe the construction of society through

the hidden rules of society.

I can analyze the different forms of interaction

present in society.
Social Dynamics
can refer to the
behavior of groups that
results from the
interactions of
Society as a Concept
the word ‘society’ was
coined by social
scientists to facilitate
their exploration of
social phenomena
change through their
changing meanings and
interpretations or
disappear from non use
Role of society
it is a tool grasp the
complexity of the
phenomenon, it represents
and a means to explore its
many other dimensions
hidden by its normative use
Society as a Facticity

“ facticity” the quality or

condition of being fact
society is formally defined
as constituting a fairly
large number of people
who are living in the same
relatively independent
of people outside their
area, and participate in
a common culture
society only exist if there
are people interacting
and their interactions
constitute the process
that defines society
the mechanics of
operation of society as a
factual entity are the
twin concepts of social
forces and social facts
Society to a deity

Society to a deity

shared by or involving three parties.

consisting of three parts


the quality of
having unlimited or
very great power.

Omniscience comes from the Latin omnis
meaning "all" and scientia meaning
"knowledge." Omniscience is a state of
possessing all the knowledge there is —
pretty impressive. In a religious sense,
people believe in a higher being that has

Present in all places at all times.
Something that is omnipresent
is present everywhere or seems
to be always present.
-All-and-in present always-
The analogy of society to a
God suggests the immense
power of society to make or
unmake lives of people.
Society is all powerful
because it ‘agents’ control
and runs the machinery of
social control.
It is all-knowing because its
‘library’ keeps all the
possible knowledge and
collects all the memories of
the people who form it.
Society controls the laws
made and to be made and
even the lawmakers.
Society is present even in
the most personal fibers
of our individual lives, in
falling in love for example,
and even in the way we
choose to die.
Society robs us of our
freedom and will, just like
when eating in the
restaurants, we can only
order what is on the
menu, no more no less.
Society is not at all bad news
rather it is good news because
by knowing how society
behaves, we can find ways to
at least lighten the load it puts
on us and pursue our
individual agenda and purpose
in life.
What is

What is society?

What is facticity?

What is the role of a

What is deity?
Deity is the quality of being divine or a
term for god. Within Christianity, the
quality is possessed by God alone, and it
distinguishes Him from every other thing.
It is the essential nature that makes
What are those
features of society as a

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