Classification, Though A Characteristic Trait of The Human Race Is Not All Encompassing. Its

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Classification, though a characteristic trait of the human race is not all encompassing.

Its egalitarian footing fails to take cognizance of the disparity that nature imbibes in each one of us. A communist for example may wish to overturn society as a whole and bring equality to the masses, yet he may not be against his wards taking up a high flying career while his peers look on. People vary in degree of the traits they have and so do us the personnel managers and thus the strategy to manoeuvre people cannot follow a single lane. Being subversive or submissive are two different paths leading to dungeons of non- fulfilment and adopting either of the two is not what Human Resource Management is. If esteem is considered as an extinct animal and we the competing peers in an organization are considered the poachers of the jungles then the whole gamut of hunting for prestige can be compared to the role of Human Resources vying for acceptability in society. The sheer insignificance of the pursuit portrays our aimlessness. The very paranoia of marketing ones status so as not to be branded either as subservient or submissive has caused many a enlightened minds amongst us to meander into darkness and precious resources and forums into oblivion. Impression Management is a key area in the study of Human Resources. However, this is also the area that has been forsaken the most. The question of tagging oneself or ones profession as subversive or submissive is in itself undermining the value of the trade. It is like accepting defeat before participating or practicing the nuances of the game. The world as of today is an intensely competitive place and globalization has been a catalyst in antagonizing any sort of harmony. Our yielding to the fallacious strategy of marketing our prowess by answering these questions or debating the same among ourselves establishes our flippancies and sparsity of focus. Are our senses hibernating? The very uniqueness that we possess, coupled with the paucity of understanding among peers of the differentia which exists between us and other organizational prerogatives, is the reason for people expecting us to justify their frivolous accusations. Why fight at all for petty things? Why waste time confronting frivolous arguments? Why not let our work prove our importance? Why not be magnanimous enough to let the accusers cite adjectives in their stupor? If we feel we deserve better then why not just Go get it rather than wasting our energies citing rationale to any lunatic who may put up a question or an accusation. However, when confronted with a rational person the idea that we the Human Resource managers are neither subversive nor submissive, neither intend to be, must be communicated indubitably. I remember a scene in the movie Chupke Chupke when Dharmendra regretted his making fun of Hindi in front of an elderly person. The person promptly replied that amount of mockery is no match for the reverence a language begets and his gibes can in no way demean the language. A language in itself is so great that it remains unaffected. Let us establish ourselves with our work. We must acknowledge the immense potential we have and believe in our capabilities to overrun any difficulty that confronts us. A rational person would prefer his work to speak about his capabilities and highlight his importance rather than a set of empty words. Therefore let us tread the path of rationality and let not our fallacies denigrate our importance because until the world is wholly run by robots and human beings are

buried under the earth, we the human resource managers have no reason to demean our self esteem. To sum it up I would like to quote an analogy from the teachings of one of our Professors at XLRI. In the context of us giving interviews he remarked that interviewers are stupid enough to ask senseless questions but we would be bigger idiots if we fall into the trap and try to justify ourselves.

Role Of HR Within An Organization - Presentation Transcript

1. role of human resources within an organization tom perrault 2. role of hr within an organization o human capital strategy that is, the people side of business design centered on the selection, deployment, motivation, and management of people is a key driver of business success: almost any significant changes in market dynamics or business design will require changes in a firms human capital strategy o an organizations business strategy is driven by numerous dynamic factors: external market factors that create demand and shape the competitive environment for products and services organizational factors including core competencies, products, structure and composition of the business units, the cultural and political environment within the organization people factors including leadership and management competencies, the ability of the organization to develop and retain talent business strategy

the hr function delivers a range of consulting and program administrative services based on the organizations needs. hrs service delivery strategy must be: responsive to the organizations business strategy explicitly aligned to support the implementation of the organizations human capital strategy

hr service delivery strategy 3. hr structure architects strategists/translators corporate hr line hr compensation benefits hr information systems learning and development staffing hr operations hr compliance and administration business impact organizational effectiveness workforce planning and development performance management employee champion change expert culture work vp of hr 4. o skill areas: o business acumen industry savvy hr aligned with business

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measures contribution builds org capability benchmarks best practices business processes strategic planning human resource professionals are expected to contribute to the planning and strategy of the business of which they are a member. they are responsible for turning future strategies into future work force capabilities and management practices such that the business results will be achieved. hr has the shared responsibility to deliver organizational excellence. an hr business partner should be able to: demonstrate adequate knowledge of the business and industry such that he/she actively contributes to business decisions and planning. identify and achieve priority human resource strategies that are aligned and have material impact on the outcomes of your business. work with the leadership team to ensure employees understand the strategic direction of the organization and create opportunities for management and employees to discuss strategy. demonstrate an ability to identify what organizational capabilities are required to achieve the business results.

line hr: business impact 5. line hr: organizational effectiveness o skill areas: o organizational diagnosis organizational design team building strategies o clear problem identification data analysis systems thinking and application o resolution strategies group facilitation appropriate use of survey tools o consulting skills o an hr business partner should be able to: o consult with the leadership team on how best to improve organizational performance considering all parts of the system (the structure, systems, staff, style, skills and shared values) necessary to position the organization for success. o use appropriate data gathering methods and tools to make an accurate evaluation of the situation. o identify the business problem to be solved, establish objectives of the OD intervention, successfully implement and evaluate its outcome. o provide consultation on appropriate organization design alternatives based on business needs.

6. line hr: workforce planning & development o skill areas: o skill identification skill planning continuous improvement o retention employee development continuous learning o leadership development performance management recruitment o human resources role is to design and drive strategies that build a capable work force that is a competitive and strategic advantage for our company. o an hr business partner should be able to: o create and drive strategies that build a work force necessary to meet the business objectives. o demonstrates an expert ability to assess leadership bench strength and design methods to build the leadership team. o identify skill gaps in current workforce and implement the strategy to close the gaps. o optimize the performance of the workforce by creating retention strategies, productivity improvements, and identity competency upgrade opportunities. 7. o skill areas: o employee growth communication strategies motivational strategies o reward and recognition teamwork build community culture awareness o as an employee champion, human resources complements the line managers work by influencing practices that promote positive employee relations and create a work environment that will enable increased employee contributions to the business. o an hr business partner should be able to: o promote management practices that create and sustain positive employee relations in the organization. o be trusted and have credibility with employees (listens, is perceived as fair, gives appropriate counsel). o strike an appropriate balance between doing what is right for the individual and what is right for the organization. o assess employee morale and influence management to make appropriate improvements. line hr: employee champion 8. line hr: change expert o skill areas:

predict when change is needed re-engineer org/processes manage change process o build commitment creates shared vision o human resources role is to build the organizations capacity to change by influencing the culture to embrace the need for change, reducing the time necessary to adopt the change and increasing the quality of the change process. o an hr business partner should be able to: o influence the organization to reengineer processes and structure to move the organization in the future. o design change strategies and implement against a plan in conjunction with the leadership team. o assess organizational commitment around the desired change and proactively resolve objections. o successfully influence leaders in a way that positively impacts the change efforts. 9. key hr operating principles o customer service is king o there is no such thing as a casual o commitment o always do the right thing o be tenacious!

The world around us is changing and the HR Roles and Responsibilities have to change as well. In the past, the HRM was responsible for developing the processes, which assure the top quality delivered to the organization. The demand from the organization changes. The organization does not expect the HRM Function to react to its requests, it expects HRM Function to proactively propose new solutions, new procedures and new policies to keep the competitive advantage on the market. The HR Roles and Responsibilities needs to react to this basic request by the organization to keep the level of the satisfaction. Unfortunately, when you browse the Internet to find information about the HR Roles and Responsibilities, you usually find the tables describing the split of roles and responsibilities between HRM function and the internal clients.

Nowadays, the HRM has to deliver even more. The HR Roles and Responsibilities have to take the high level recognition of the organization and they need to be adjusted to make a full fit. The HR Roles have to be adjusted to:

keep HRM Function focused on tracking and implementing new trends in the industry keep HRM Function focused on helping the line management to implement improvements keep HRM Function focused on operational excellence keep HRM Function responsible for developing the Human Capital potential in the organization

The HR Responsibilities have to be adjusted to:

demonstrate the Line Management the will to keep the responsibility for the Human Capital costs keep the competitive advantage on the market (and not just the job market) demonstrate the will to drive the main HR Processes to keep the organization in the excellent health keep HRM Function supporting the Business Strategy to reach the business initiatives keep HRM responsible for the tasks resulting from the Business Strategy

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