5039 Assignment-1 Huynh-Tien-Dat GBS210730

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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 6: Management a Successful Business Project (5039)

Submission date 8/10/2023 Date received (1st submission)

Re-submission date Date received (2nd submission)

Student name Huynh Tien Dat Student ID GBS210730

Class GBS1008 Assessor name ThaoPUP

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I
understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature:


Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2
Summative Feedbacks: Resubmission Feedbacks:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 3
BODY............................................................................................................................. 3
II.CONCEPT OF PROJECT MANAGERMENT ................................................................ 3
1.THE PROJECT LIFE CYCLE:.................................................................................................................... 3
1.1.The stages of the project lifecycle (PCL) ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.2.Their importance of the success of a project................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.Examining the factors to be considered when compiling a project management plan (PMP) .......... 4
3.RESEARCH METHOD AND STRATEGIES: .............................................................................................. 5
3.1. Examine a range of research methods and strategies: ........................................................................................... 5
3.2. Their importance to project management: .................................................................................................................... 6

III-PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CSR PROJECT .............................................. 7

1. BACKGROUND: .................................................................................................................................... 7
2. PROJECT SCOPE: ................................................................................................................................. 7
3. PROJECT SCHEDULE:........................................................................................................................... 9
4. PROJECT COST ESTIMATED: .............................................................................................................14
5. PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT: ..................................................................................................15
6. PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT: ..........................................................................................................16
7. PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS MANAGEMENT: ........................................................................................17
8. RESOURCES AND RESEARCH METHODS: ..........................................................................................17
CONCLUSION: ............................................................................................................. 18
WEEKLY LOG BOOK: .................................................................................................. 18
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 20

ANECO is proud of its significant position as the primary consulting partner to the Board of Directors
(BoD) in the implementation of a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, which it has
undertaken in partnership with a well-known Vietnamese business. Our project team is tasked with
creating a well-structured research strategy within the selected focal area in addition to providing
expertise in this endeavor. This research strategy is an essential part of our commitment to assisting the
business in achieving its long-term goals. With more than 20 years of expertise in waste management
and resource utilization technology, ANECO is qualified to promote sustainable practices and change
that are consistent with the mission and core values of the organization (Aneco, 2023).

The important goal of our program is to have a good impact on the neighborhood and the environment.
We created a vision of a promising future in which people do not experience homelessness or financial
hardship. At the same time, we are committed to environmental sustainability and provide
biodegradable goods and services. Our project serves not just a corporate goal but also a social and
environmental responsibility that we are happy to support and take the initiative on.

1.The project life cycle:
1.1.The stages of the project lifecycle (PCL)
Project management is the management skills, tools and processes necessary to successfully execute a project
(Westland, 2006).

According to Westland, project life cycle includes 4 stages: Project initiation, Project planning, Project
execution, Project closure (Westland, 2006).

Project initiation: The first step of a project is the initiation phase. During this stage, a business opportunity or
problem is identified and a business case is defined with a number of possible solutions. The next step is to
conduct a feasibility study to determine the feasibility of each option. Before coming up with a final action
plan, propose to solve the business problem. Upon acceptance of the proposed solution, a project will be
initiated to deliver the selected solution. After completing the terms of reference outlining the objectives,
constraints and structure of the new project, a project manager will be selected. The project manager begins
assembling the project team and establishing the project office. The next step is to obtain permission so that the
careful planning phase can begin (Westland, 2006).

Project planning: After the project has been chosen, it will next undergo rigorous planning, and once a
thorough plan has been created, the project is prepared for implementation (Westland, 2006).

Project execution: This phase involves putting the concepts developed during the project's planning stage into
action, controlling the output to ensure there are no risks or issues, assessing the product's quality, and gauging
each deliverable for manufacturing in accordance with the project's acceptance standards. Finally, once the
customer has authorized the items, the project will be ready for completion (Westland, 2006)

Project closure: Delivering goods to clients, transferring project papers to the business, ending contracts with
suppliers, releasing project resources, and notifying stakeholders of project closure are all parts of project
closure. The project will then be evaluated in order to gauge its level of success and identify any lessons that
may be applied to future endeavors (Westland, 2006).

1.2.Their importance of the success of a project

A project's lifetime stages are essential to its success. The start stage helps in the formation of a thorough
understanding of the project's demands, scope, and objectives. This ensures that everyone involved in the
project has the same understanding and goals. A thorough project plan may be created during the organizing
and preparation phase. Think of the project lifecycle process as being comparable to house housekeeping, for
instance. It's probable that some steps might be missed or disregarded if your team's only goal was to clean the
house, or that some unnecessary tasks would be completed. The actions necessary to complete the project are
then outlined in the project life cycle. This plan contains an overview of the project's scope, timetable, budget,
resources, and risk management strategies. The project plan must be put into practice during the execution
stage. Here, tasks are finished, resources are employed, and development is monitored. Throughout the course
of the project, proactive risk management is particularly possible. Throughout the planning phase, risks are
examined and identified, and appropriate mitigation strategies are developed. Throughout the project, risks are
continuously tracked and controlled, enabling quick response and mitigation. For instance, if you need
cleaning supplies, you should make sure you know which ones to buy and that you get them before you need
them for other tasks (Kanata, 2020).

2.Factors influencing the establishment of Project

Management Plan:
2.1.Examining the factors to be considered when compiling a project
management plan (PMP)
The project management plan is a document that describes how the project will be executed, monitored and
controlled, and closed (Project Management Institute, Inc, 2021).

Management Plan (PMP) will include the following:

- Project aims and objectives: Although the project schedule and budget are often regarded as the most
critical issues, the project scope must be specified first. This is because there can be no project without a
scope, as the scope specifies the project's limitations and parameters. The scope clearly defines what
should and should not be included in the project. This decreases the likelihood of project overruns and
the resulting confusion and dissatisfaction among stakeholders (Project Management Institute, Inc,

- Deliverables: A deliverable is something created or supplied as a result of a procedure. Input to the
process can be anything, including information, documents, plans, equipment, money, and software.
While outputs may include consulting, project plans, tools, applications, software, test results, and
contracts. When working on a project, there will be a due date for delivery as well as specified and
measurable key performance indicators, such as quality, quantity, or quantity (Project Management
Institute, Inc, 2021).

- Milestones: This kind of plan includes milestones and their associated dates (Project Management Institute,
Inc, 2021). They allow you to track and measure the project's progress and determine whether or not it is on

- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): The project team must execute the tasks shown in this diagram in a
hierarchical order in order to meet the project's goals and create the required deliverables. It simplifies the
project's planning, execution, and control by dividing the effort into smaller, more manageable parts (Project
Management Institute, Inc, 2021)

- Schedule: Projects are defined by a start and finish date, therefore project managers prioritize
duration. A project schedule communicates the delivery date to stakeholders and assists the project
manager in managing work progress throughout the project (Project Management Institute, Inc, 2021).

- Cost Estimation: A budget is an officially authorized estimate for the project, any WBS component, or any
scheduled activity (Project Management Institute, Inc, 2021). It entails determining all project expenditures,
such as personnel, materials, equipment, and any other related charges.

- Quality Management: An area of the project or program management plan that describes how relevant
policies, procedures, and guidelines will be used in order to satisfy the quality standards (Project Management
Institute, Inc, 2021).

- Risk Management: A portion of the project, program, or portfolio management plan that describes
how risk management activities are organized and carried out (Project Management Institute, Inc, 2021)

- Stakeholder Communication: According to (Project Management Institute, Inc, 2021) ,Stakeholder

communication is a critical aspect of project management that involves establishing effective channels of
interaction and dialogue with all relevant stakeholders. This process ensures that key information is
shared, concerns are addressed, and expectations are managed throughout the project lifecycle. Effective
stakeholder communication promotes transparency, fosters collaboration, and helps maintain
stakeholder engagement, ultimately contributing to the project's success.

3.Research Method and Strategies:

3.1. Examine a range of research methods and strategies:
- Qualitative:Qualitative research methods are a way of learning about the ideas, ideas, and experiences of a
group of people. Basically, if quantitative research can help you understand objective problems in a general
way, then the knowledge and skills you gain in the subject of qualitative analysis can help you learn and gather
more detailed information. Detailed, in-depth information on topics you don't know about. Some of the
common qualitative research methods you can use are asking questions, looking at literature reviews, and
making verbal observations (Martyn, 2013).

Data collection methods: The goal of qualitative research is to get comprehensive information and insights
about a particular event or subject. Analytical induction, deductive explanation building, pattern matching, and
thematic analysis are a few qualitative analytical methodologies.

- Quantitative: This course provides an in-depth exploration of quantitative analysis and the approaches
to this research methodology, particularly in the areas of mathematics, numbers and graph analysis.
Through the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to this subject, students can test or establish
theories and assumptions, as well as quickly ascertain general facts about a given topic. Furthermore,
the quantitative method necessitates the use of a wide range of objective measurements, such as
experimentation, observation, recorded data, and surveys with closed questions. As a result, students
will be confronted with a vast amount of knowledge, as well as the need to learn about a variety of
measurements. Generally, Quantitative Methods requires students to apply their knowledge of
mathematics, numbers, and graph analysis to solve a variety of complex problems in the financial secto
(Saunders, et al., 2019).

Data collection methods: Quantitative research approaches, such as surveys, experiments, observation,
psychometrics, neuroimaging, and census, use certain data collecting strategies to obtain numerical data
that may be statistically examined.

3.2. Their importance to project management:

Quantitative approach: Quantitative research is a field of study that is familiar to many of us from our
science classes. It involves the investigation of a problem or question by deducing a hypothesis from a
theory. The hypothesis is then tested and confirmed or refuted through controlled, objective testing. Each
step of the process is standardized to minimize any bias in the collection and analysis of data. The
primary benefit of quantitative research is that the findings are valid, dependable and can be extrapolated
to a larger number of individuals. This type of research is beneficial for studies involving numerical
methods, such as the measurement of achievement differences between different student groups or the
evaluation of the efficacy of a novel blood pressure medication(Taylor, 2020).

Qualitative approach: Qualitative research, on the other hand, is frequently used to carry out social and
behavioral research because human interaction is much more complicated than a beaker reaction.
Qualitative research is distinguished from quantitative research by its subjectivity, non-random sampling
and low sample size. A major benefit of qualitative research lies in its capacity to investigate and
generate rich descriptive data on social phenomena through, for example, structured interviews, culture
immersion, case study and observation. Ethnography, narrative and grounded theory are examples of
qualitative research(Taylor, 2020).

Created by Thiên Đức, Nhất Huy, Tiến Đạt

Project name: Life Innovation Group: 1

1. Background:
There are still many tragic parts of society today, such as beggars, homeless individuals, and those
without secure work. To do this while also protecting the environment, ANECO has created a
corporate social responsibility (CSR) project. This initiative aims to contribute to social
development while also developing goods with automatic analysis capabilities, hence reducing
environmental effect.

2. Project Scope:
- Product:
• Wood sawdust straws (100% biodegradable: made from biological materials, AnEco wood
pulp straws can completely decompose into humus, water, and CO2 within 6 months - 1 year.).

• Bagasse cup (100% biodegradable: made from sugarcane bagasse and coated with PLA on the
inside, ANECO hot sugarcane bagasse cup is capable of completely decomposing into humus, water,
and CO2 within 6-12 months)

- Deliverables:
• Creating Eco-friendly products (Wood sawdust straws and Bagasse cups): Creating
environmentally friendly eating utensils.
• Creating jobs and income for the homeless to positively impact Communities: helps them work
and generate income for themselves and make a better living environment. This helps reduce the rate
of unemployed and homeless people → Solve negative problems in society and contribute to
community development.
• Raising awareness: Raising awareness and changing their thinking: having a job can help
homeless people increase their confidence and self-esteem. They have the opportunity to build skills,
contribute, and be evaluated fairly in their work.
• Highlighting branding: Contributes to highlighting the company's brand, motivating
consumers to use eco-friendly products, and making customers feel like they are doing something

meaningful when buying that company's products, which means they are helping with those
• Reduced Reliance on Social Services: When homeless individuals secure jobs, they become less
dependent on social welfare programs. This helps alleviate the burden on public resources and allows
those resources to be redirected to other pressing needs.

3. Project Schedule:
- Work breakdown structure (WBS):
Deliverables No Phases Specific Activities
Product design and model Used on the company's Available
(straws and cups). old models
Looking for suppliers of raw Liaise with suppliers to 11-13/9
2 materials (wood pulp and find reasonable prices
bagasse) to produce products.
using the company's 14/9/2023
Based on the company's high-tech production
Creating Eco- 3 production process and output line and output
friendly quality inspection products will be quality
products checked by authorities.
(Wood 4.1 PRODUCT: Strongly 12/9-
sawdust convey product quality 25/10/202
straws and and its environmental 3
Bagasse cups) friendliness to
Build a 4Ps marketing campaign customers.
4 to market environmentally 4.2 PLACE: Distribution
friendly products. channels, accessing
products with small
local retailers, through
e-commerce platforms,
sales workshops

4.3 PRICE: Competitive
prices with competitors
in the same segment to
attract consumers and
make prices
Cooperate with major
brands to organize
friendly activities to
expand the company's
reputation, sharing the
journey of creating
products to positively
impact society. Create
preferential prices for
retailers so they can
take the company's
Do events and 11-
distribute flyers. 14/9/2023
Creating jobs
Directly invite homeless
and income
people to work. Identify
for the
Determine the way to recruit effective recruitment
homeless to 1
and train homeless people methods to engage the
homeless population,
including partnering
with nonprofits or
social organizations,

using websites, or
hosting recruitment
Use the method from Available
the company. The salary
Set up work processes and calculation model is
payroll models based on the company's
report and Cost
Support: Provides 12-
support, guidance, and 19/9/2023
resources to help
homeless people adapt
to their specific job and
Provide support and supervision work environment.
to new employees to ensure Supervision: Implement
they adapt and thrive in their a supervision process to
work. monitor new
performance and
progress and provide
feedback and further
support as needed.
Build a communication 11-
campaign based on 18/9/2023
Raising Develop a media campaign to
different media such as
awareness create awareness about
1 television, radio, social
and changing homeless employment and its
networks and
mindset benefits.
protection to create

awareness about
homeless employment
and its benefits.
Host events or share 20/9/2023,
success stories of 5/10/2023,
Organize events or share success homeless people who 20/10/202
2 stories to change community have worked to change 3
perspectives. attitudes and make a
positive impact in the
Determine a marketing 20/9/2023
Develop a marketing strategy to strategy to create a
enhance the company's brand company brand based
1 based on working with the on positive interactions
homeless and environmentally with the homeless and
friendly products. environmentally
friendly products.
Evaluate marketing 27/9/2023
campaign performance
Track marketing performance by tracking metrics and
and customer feedback. metrics related to
customer awareness
and engagement.
Work with agencies and 11-
Work with agencies and social social organizations to 13/9/2023
organizations to share share information about
Reliance on 1
information and optimize homeless employment
Social Services
resource use. and optimize the use of
resources and support.

Data Collection: Collect 20-
data related to the 25/10/202
impact of homeless 3
employment on social
service dependency.
Collect data and evaluate the Impact assessment:
2 impact of homeless employment Evaluate the impact and
on social service dependency. effectiveness of a
homeless employment
program on reducing
their dependence on
social services and
improving their lives.

- Gantt Chart:

4. Project Cost Estimated:

Contents Units Price Time Total Note

• 1 recruiter
Recruitment 2 persons 400,000/ person 5 days 4,000,000
• 1 interviewer
• 2 basic trainers
Training 3 persons 500,000/ person 7 days 10,500,000
• 1 technical trainer

100,000 VND allowance

Support for
50 for each person within 7
homeless 100,000/ persons 7 days 35,000,000
employees days (Apprenticeship

Package contract of
50,000,000 for raw
50,000,000/ materials (wood pulp
Materials 1 Contract 50,000,000
contract and bagasse). The two
parties agree on delivery
time and payment terms.
Transport –
Logistic 1 Contract 20,000,000
Media –
marketing 1 Contract 40,000,000

10 weeks
Sales team 100,000/ person 49,000,000
persons (49
Expenses include items
Operation 2 such as electricity,
(Overhead) months machinery, water, etc in
2 months of the project.
Other Estimated 50,000,000
Incurred 7
50,000,000 VND for expenses
Costs weeks
incurred in 7 weeks

TOTAL: 288,500,000 vnđ

5. Project Quality Management:

To manage project quality, the project team needs to evaluate the following contents. Firstly, about
vocational training and skills development. The whole team needs to evaluate the effectiveness of the
training programs for homeless individuals before employment. Whether the training program the
group created is suitable for them, the group needs to review and modify if they feel the program is
not suitable. Secondly, about job placement and connection. We need to evaluate the process of
connecting homeless people with suitable employment opportunities based on their skills, interests,
and abilities. Next, evaluate the mechanisms put in place to supervise and monitor the performance
of employed homeless individuals. Specifically evaluate the work performance of individual
employees after being arranged into the work process, thereby evaluating the overall performance of
the company when applying the program to achieve optimal results. Besides, measuring the project's
ability to support homeless individuals in retaining their jobs and progressing in their careers.
Moreover, Assess their overall satisfaction with the employment opportunities provided, the support
received, and the impact the project has had on their lives. Finally, evaluate whether there are
processes in place to regularly review and improve the quality control measures of the project. Is the
profit generated by the project positive and after the program is in operation, is there any need to
improve any skills to suit the project? We will know whether the project is producing good or terrible
outcomes by reviewing project quality.

6. Project risk management:
Obviously, in order for the project to run smoothly and efficiently, the project team must anticipate
potential hazards ahead of time. Here are some risks that the project team needs to consider and

• Skills Mismatch: There may be a gap between the skills and qualifications of homeless
individuals and the requirements of available jobs
• Lack of Long-term Sustainability: While creating initial job opportunities is crucial, ensuring
long-term sustainability and advancement opportunities for employed individuals is equally
• Financial Constraints: The project's budget may be limited, impacting the ability to provide
comprehensive training, support services, or incentives for employers.
• Potential Stigma and Discrimination: Homeless individuals may face stigma and
discrimination in the workplace, making it difficult for them to integrate and succeed.
• Limited Support Services: Homeless individuals may require additional support services
such as housing assistance, mental health counseling, or transportation assistance to access
employment opportunities.
• Mindset: Due to a lack of social experience and a stable environment in which to develop these
skills, homeless people may have difficulty working in groups, resolving conflicts, or establishing
work relationships. Additionally, homeless people often do not have access to training or
qualifications to develop job knowledge and skills. This can make it difficult for them to adapt to new
jobs and meet project requirements.
• Approach: Reaching the homeless is also a risk that needs to be carefully prepared and
considered. Some homeless people may be unwilling or uninterested in creating jobs for themselves.
The project team should approach with sensitivity and respect for each individual's opinions and

7. Project stakeholders management:

Name Engagement action Channel Frequency

Responsible for managing and
Check and manage suppliers
Đạt checking material deliveries from 7 weeks
and raw materials
suppliers and logistics companies.
Manage recruitment and Responsible for recruitment and 1 week (First
training training of the homeless week)
Responsible for monitoring and
managing the project's operations,
Manage and inspect
Huy working closely with media 7 weeks
marketing agencies to evaluate the
effectiveness of the program.
Together build "social housing"
Carry out construction of from the project's profits and work 1 weeks (last
''social housing'' project with non-profit organizations to week)
call for donations to the project.

8. Resources and Research Methods:

Qualitative research methodologies may be quite useful in the "Life Innovation" project outlined
above, particularly in acquiring a better understanding of the needs, difficulties, and goals of
homeless and jobless people. Interviewing potential workers, homeless people, and members of the
community may give interesting tales and human experiences that go beyond quantitative data.
These interviews might delve into their viewpoints on work constraints, living situations, and
ambitions for a better life. Additionally, focus groups can be created to encourage open dialogues
among stakeholders, allowing for the exchange of project-related ideas, suggestions, and concerns.
Direct observation and immersion within the target group during ethnographic research may give a
full insight of their everyday activities, cultural subtleties, and social dynamics. Qualitative research
approaches provide for a more nuanced knowledge of the project's human side, ensuring that
efforts are adapted to the unique needs of the persons engaged and encouraging inclusion and
empathy throughout the process.

In short, our team has completed and perfected the "Life innovation" project. It includes a project
proposal based on CSR, cost metrics, and project evaluation. Therefore, our team there is a high hope
that this report will be useful for ANECO in developing its brand and boosting the country's economy. At
the same time it will help society.

Weekly Log Book:

Project Logbook Template
Name: Huynh Tien Dat

Project title: Life Innovation

Date: 25/10/2023

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved

Points to consider:
• I completed the tasks including business case, WBS, WBS chart, cost estimate, cost
baseline, financial case, interview, and recommendations based on the interview according
to requirements and set time.
• I added the estimated cost and time section to the WBS.

Any risks and/or issues identified?

Points to consider:
• I was determined to lack the skills to work on Excel software to perform my task, so
when performing the task the cost me a lot of time.
• Sometimes I look at the overall work in no detail. So when it comes to doing the
assigned task, it's not perfect

Problems encountered

Points to consider:
• I was stuck for ideas for a long time and couldn't think about what I was doing.
• I sat down and discussed with our group and everyone gave me ideas that helped

me regain my spirit.

New ideas and change of project direction

Points to consider:

In developing work, and dealing with risks, my direction of work has not

changed and still ensures the progress of the project. So our team's project

was completed on schedule

What have you learned about yourself through your work?

Points to consider:

• The most important thing that my work has revealed to me is not only to see the
work in general but also to see the problems in detail to detect the smallest
shortcomings in time, and edit them. Besides, I need to clearly define the capabilities of
each team member to assign appropriate tasks to them.

• When faced with challenges, I thought that I need to solve them as quickly as
possible and let all team members know because we are a team, and the members
need to know that the problem has been happening.

• I feel I have done my duty quite well. As for the quests, I have done them
perfectly and to the best of my ability. For the team, I listen to the opinions of all team
members and solve problems as quickly as possible so as not to affect the project.

• I can improve teamwork and communication.

Next steps for your work

Points to consider:

• I should prioritize the quality and time of the work.

• When I assigned tasks to team members, I looked at the time to complete them
and the edit time for each task. Thus I feel like I have allowed enough time to get the
job done.

Project plan status to date

Points to consider:

• I feel like I'm on the right track to getting the job done.

• When doing a certain job, I always appreciate the working attitude and the
quality of each job that I do. Through the work that I have done, it is possible to assess
my working attitude and enthusiasm in each job, so my work can show my
achievement in terms of academic results.

Tutor Feedback

Porto: Higher Polytechnic Institute of Gaya.

Aneco, 2023. GIỚI THIỆU CÔNG TY. [Online]

Available at: https://aneco.com.vn/vi/introduction/
[Accessed 3 10 2023].

Bennett, L., 2003. The Management of Construction: A Project Life Cycle Approach. 1 ed. s.l.:s.n.

Bridges, J., 2023. What Is the Project Life Cycle?. [Online]

Available at: https://www.projectmanager.com/blog/what-is-the-project-management-life-
[Accessed 1 10 2023].

Indeed Editorial Team, 2022. What Is Stakeholder Communication? (Plus Strategies). [Online]
Available at: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/stakeholder-
[Accessed 1 10 2023].

Martyn, H., 2013. What is Qualitative Research?. 1st ed. London New York: CC BY-NC 3.0.

Project Management Institute, Inc, 2021. The standard for project management and a guide to the project
management body. 7th ed. America: Project Management Institute, Inc.

Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A., 2019. Research Methods for Business Student. 4th ed. Harlow: Pearson.

Strategic Business Leader examining team, 2018. Planning for success – successful project management. [Online]
Available at: https://www.accaglobal.com/gb/en/student/exam-support-resources/professional-exams-study-

[Accessed 1 10 2023].

Viện Quản lý dự án Atoha, 2019. DELIVERABLE LÀ GÌ? GIAO PHẨM DỰ ÁN LÀ GÌ?. [Online]
Available at: https://www.atoha.com/blogs/kien-thuc/deliverable-giao-pham-du-an-la-gi
[Accessed 1 10 2023].

Westland, J., 2006. Business Case Development. In: The Project Management Life Cycle: A Complete Step-by-step.
London; Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page, p. 6.


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