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*Static Intro*


>NA1: Good morning and mabuhay you’re tuned in to SN Radio where the news is always
New..another blessed day for our sienan listeners! In top of this week’s recent News here is
Erick ready to deliver our headline for the day…Erick?

*Music Intro*
>NA2: A blessed day indeed Andrei, speaking blessed the schedule for this years FRC has
just been released including the Arrival time 7:00 – 7:15 as well as the shortened class
schedules sparking the official start of our yearly family crusade this also includes the
students parade wherein they walk with their advisers from holy rosary building to mother
francisca hall. It certainly is a sienan tradition of Love and Faith as it marks the 7 days of
praying the holy rosary accompanied by a mass wherein sienans can practice and hone the
adequate values our beloved school has yet to teach us.

*look over at R2*

>R2: Right you are erick, with that being said, sports events are now on fire! The
CSANPRISA event is on!


>R1: CSANPRISA is just around the corne!, have you ever thought that our athletes, boys
and girls, are now on their way to their respective training in Volleyball, Basketball,
swimming, and indoor competitions such as Chess and Badminton.

>R2: the CSANPRISA season is just kicking off and every student on campus is buzzing
with excitement and anticipation with the upcoming competition saga that would determine
our participants capability and prowess as competing athletes. With winning and
championing in everyone’s minds.

*Music transition*

>R1: Going to our broadcaster 3 for the weather forecast of the day, what is the condition of
our weather for the week micahella?

M: Thank you Andrei! Many athletes have frowned upon the changes at the schedule of their
training due to the storm named Jenny. Practices and training are limited in the days of
Tuesday and Thursday, while the remaining days will be allotted for regular classes.

A: That’s unfortunate news, Micahella. I hope the players will conserve themselves and their
time responsibly, considering that CSANPRISA is just right around Oct. 16 to 20. Best of luck
to the players, go for gold!

R3 :This year's examinations have taken the senior high school students by surprise as
teachers announced a new change to this year's examination periods. because unlike last
year, instead of the usual whole day classes with subject teachers handing out exams in
their own periods this time it only lasted two days with the students answering it for half a
day and a shortened time period. Nevertheless students still adjusted with this change and
gave it their best shot as per the latest update said. This is Erick for SN NEWS stay tuned
we will resume after a short break.

R4: Regarding this year's newly elected officers after the 2023-2024 student council
elections since then they have been actively implementing and working hard to push through
their planned projects as they have said during the campaign period. The elected Governor
Mr.Balbuena together with his elected candidates have been working non stop talking to
superiors and taking an initiative to set their projects into one stone. It is great to see our
new school leaders taking an action to put their words into plan just like they have promised
us as they appealed to our votes. Students answered it for half a day and shortened the time
period. Nevertheless students still adjusted with this change and gave it their best shot as
per the latest update said.

R4: Regarding this year's newly elected officers after the 2023-2024 student council
elections since then they have been actively implementing and working hard to push through
their planned projects as they have said during the campaign period. The elected Governor
Mr.Balbuena together with his elected candidates have been working non stop talking to
superiors and taking an initiative to set their projects into stone. It is great to see our new
school leaders taking an action to put their words into plan just like they have promised us as
they appealed to our votes.
Majorette first screening happened last monday october 16 at 3:00 p.m inside the IMTC hall
where they were given numbers that serves as a queing and were asked to march in order
to show their innate skills regarding the basic skill set required to be a majorette...and on that
day the results regarding if the auditionee's have passed or not. This wednesday the second
screening would be held at the mother francisca hall the audtionee's who have passed are
asked to bring a baton of their own to see if they can execute the simple baton twirling
techniques afterwards if the audtionee's have passed they will be the new official members
of the Drum and Lyre band of Siena College San Jose.
[Opening Theme Music]

Host: Good evening, dear listeners, and welcome back to the [Your Radio Station Name]!
We have a special treat for you tonight. Our very own broadcaster, [Broadcaster's Name],
has an exciting message to share about a place very close to their heart. Take it away,
[Broadcaster's Name]!

[Broadcaster's Name]: Thank you, [Host's Name]! Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you
about a hidden gem right here in our community - Siena College of San Jose Inc. It's not just
a school; it's an experience!

[Background Music: Uplifting Melody]

[Broadcaster's Name]: Picture this: a sprawling campus with lush greenery that seems to
stretch as far as the eye can see. It's a haven of serenity and inspiration.

[Sound Effect: Birds Chirping]

[Broadcaster's Name]: And when it comes to your well-being, we've got you covered. Our
caring nurses and fully-equipped medical clinic are always there to ensure you're in good
health. Your safety and health are our top priorities.

[Sound Effect: Heartbeat Monitor Beeping]

[Broadcaster's Name]: But what truly sets Siena College of San Jose Inc. apart is our
community. It's a place where faith, love, and education come together. Our God-loving
community provides a nurturing environment for students to grow not only academically but
also spiritually.
[Background Music: Inspirational Choir]

[Broadcaster's Name]: So, whether you're looking for a place to expand your knowledge,
enjoy the beauty of nature, or simply be a part of a loving community, Siena College of San
Jose Inc. has it all.

[Host]: Wow, [Broadcaster's Name], that sounds like an incredible place! I'm sure our
listeners will want to know more about it. How can they get in touch or learn more about
Siena College of San Jose Inc.?

[Broadcaster's Name]: Absolutely, [Host's Name]! To learn more about us or schedule a visit
to experience the campus firsthand, you can visit our website at or give us a call at [Contact Number]. We'd love to
welcome you into our Siena family.

[Background Music: Uplifting Melody]

[Broadcaster's Name]: Thank you all for tuning in, and remember, Siena College of San Jose
Inc. is not just a school; it's a place where dreams take root and flourish. Come and be a part
of our vibrant community!

[Closing Theme Music]

Host: Thank you, [Broadcaster's Name], for that inspiring message. We'll be back with more
fantastic content for the news broadcasting. Stay tuned!

[End of Script]

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