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Veritas NetBackup 8.


Lesson 6: Configuring Disk Pools

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This is the Configuring Disk Pools lesson in the Veritas NetBackup 8.2: Administration

Lesson introduction
• Lesson 0: Course Introduction • Lesson 10: Performing VMware Restores
• Lesson 1: Introducing NetBackup • Lesson 11: Protecting Hyper-V Environment
• Lesson 2: Configuring NetBackup Storage • Lesson 12: Duplicating Backups Using Storage
• Lesson 3: Configuring Policies Lifecycle Policies
• Lesson 4: Performing File System Backups • Lesson 13: Managing and Protecting the
NetBackup Catalog
• Lesson 5: Performing File System Restores
• Lesson 14: Optimizing File System Backups
• Lesson 6: Configuring Disk Pools
• Lesson 15: Collecting Logs and Diagnostic
• Lesson 7: Configuring Media Server Deduplication
• Lesson 8: Configuring and Managing Tape Storage
• Lesson 9: Performing VMware Backups

This lesson is the sixth lesson in this course.

Lesson objectives
Topic Objective
Understanding Disk Pools and Describe disk-based storage, including disk pools and AdvancedDisk
AdvancedDisk storage.
Configuring AdvancedDisk Configure storage servers, AdvancedDisk disk pools, and
AdvancedDisk storage units.
Managing AdvancedDisk Storage Monitor and report on configured AdvancedDisk disk pool devices,
as well as perform common AdvancedDisk management tasks.

The table on this slide lists the topics and objectives for this lesson.

Topic: Understanding Disk Pools and AdvancedDisk

After completing this topic, you will be able to describe disk-based storage,
including disk pools and AdvancedDisk storage.

This is the Understanding Disk Pools and AdvancedDisk topic.

NetBackup disk storage types
BasicDisk Uses a directory to store backup data.
• Lesson: Configuring NetBackup Storage
• Document: NetBackup Administrator’s Guide Covered in this lesson
• License: None required
AdvancedDisk Uses a disk pool (a collection of disk volumes).
• Lesson: Configuring Disk Pools
• Document: NetBackup AdvancedDisk Solutions Guide
• License: NetBackup Data Protection Optimization Option
OpenStorage Used with storage supporting Veritas OpenStorage API.
• Lesson: Configuring Disk Pools and Duplicating
• Ease Backups Using
of management: Storage
Manages Lifecycle
multiple diskPolicies
volumes as one logical
• Document: NetBackup OpenStorage Solutions Guide
destination for Diskstorage lifecycle policies
and supports
• Robust
• License: NetBackup Data Protection Optimization
set: Support media server load balancing and spanning disk
PureDisk volumes
Uses a Media Server Deduplication Pool (MSDP).
• Scalable: Easily expand capacity; Handles unlimited theoretical capacity
• Lesson: Configuring Media Server Deduplication
• Document: NetBackup Deduplication Guide
• License: NetBackup Data Protection Optimization Option

The slide reviews disk storage types in NetBackup (listed by the corresponding disk type
identification categories used in NetBackup), including BasicDisk, AdvancedDisk,
OpenStorage and PureDisk. This lesson discusses the AdvancedDisk storage type,
specifically using simple disk pools of multiple disk volumes, on a single media server.
Creating disk pools in NetBackup offers several benefits over basic disk storage units.
Resources are used more efficiently by logically combining disk resources on a single
server or across multiple servers. Using disk pools unlocks a number of additional
features, including capacity management, data classifications, storage lifecycle policies,
and media server load balancing. Disk volumes can be added to a disk pool to increase
capacity, and there is no inherent limitation for capacity size of the disk pool.

AdvancedDisk and NetBackup licenses


Many licensed options in NetBackup are capacity-based; this means that these options
license a specific amount of data storage of a particular type. The Flexible Disk Option,
which tracks space usage for AdvancedDisk pools, is capacity-based.
Access the NetBackup License Keys dialog box, select Help > License Keys, and
determine if you have the Flexible Disk Option. Capacity-based licensing applies only to
the used capacity (active backup images), rather than the total capacity of the storage
units or disk pools. To report on the actual disk space usage and NetBackup capacity
compliance, you will need to run the nbdeployutil command.
For assistance, refer to nbdeployutil in the NetBackup Commands Reference guide at:

Disk storage terminology
Storage server

Technology (OST)

Disk volume
Disk pool Media

This slide describes basic disk backup terminology.

• A disk enclosure is a physical container with disk storage, such as a disk array.
• A disk volume is a logical unit of disk storage, as presented by the host operating
system, such as a partition or Volume Manager volume.
• A disk pool is a collection of disk volumes administered in NetBackup as a single
entity. Storage units are configured to target a single disk pool for backup.
• A media server is a NetBackup system that manages the writing of backup data to
storage media. Traditionally, the storage media may be either disk or tape media.
• OpenStorage Technology (OST) is a Veritas API that allows NetBackup to
communicate and manage various storage implementations to integrate backup
functionality, including share disks, balance load and performance, use the disk
appliance capabilities such as deduplication, provision storage, and optimize
duplication and replication.
• A Storage server is an entity that was created in NetBackup to write the data to and
read the data from the disks that support OST. In some cases, such as NetBackup
AdvancedDisk, the storage server and the media server reside on the same
NetBackup system. In other cases, the NetBackup media server communicates with
a storage server provided by Veritas or another storage vendor using NetBackup

Using third-party OpenStorage vendors
• Use vendor-supplied software plug-in, installed on media servers that communicate with the OST server
• To find supported functionality and capabilities:
– Refer to the NetBackup Compatibility List for all versions at
– Includes OpenStorage - Supported Functionality:

– Includes OST Storage Servers - Vendor Compatibility:

OpenStorage is a Veritas API that enables NetBackup to communicate with the storage
implementations that conform to the API. Disk appliance vendors participate in the
Veritas OpenStorage Partner Program. Veritas qualifies their storage solutions for the
OpenStorage API. The vendor's storage controls the storage format, the location where
the images reside on the storage, and the data transfer method. As a result,
performance and storage utilization are highly optimized.
Third-party OpenStorage servers include disk appliance vendors that provide a software
plug-in that is installed on the NetBackup media server. NetBackup media servers use
the plug-in to communicate with the disk appliance. From the NetBackup master server,
a disk pool is created that points to the disk vendor’s appliance, which is now known as
a storage server. NetBackup determines when backup images are created, copied, or
deleted. Images are moved, expired, or deleted on the storage when NetBackup
instructs the appliance to do so through the API.

Topology with third-party OpenStorage vendors

OpenStorage Media Master

vendor servers server

• Disk pool • NetBackup Plug-in

• Disk enclosure installed
• Storage server • Media server

In the event that third-party OpenStorage vendors are being used in a NetBackup
environment, the OpenStorage vendor’s disk array is considered the disk enclosure and
the disk pool. The disk array is also the storage server, since it is responsible for the I/O
to and from disk. To be able to communicate correctly with the OpenStorage vendor’s
disk array, the NetBackup media server need to ensure that a NetBackup plug-in, which
is provided by the third-party vendor, is installed. This is an environment where the
media server and storage server are not contained in the same server.

Using cloud storage vendors
• Use vendor- or Veritas-supplied software plug-in, installed on media servers that communicate with the cloud
• To find supported functionality and capabilities:
– Refer to the Hardware and Cloud Storage Compatibility List (HCL) at
– Includes Cloud - Supported Technology Methods and OST Cloud - Vendor Compatibility :


OST Cloud Storage plug-ins enable Veritas NetBackup to access Cloud Storage Solutions.
Either the storage vendor or Veritas provides a software plug-in, which is installed on
each NetBackup Media Server that is connected to the cloud solution. Supported
vendors may include ACP, Amazon, AT&T, China Mobile, China Telecom, Chunghwa
Telecom, Cloudian, Datish Systems (OpenDedup), Deutsche Telekom, Dell EMC, Fujitsu,
Google, HGST, Hitachi, IBM, Microsoft, NetApp, Oracle, Quantum, Rackspace, Red Hat,
Scality, StorReduce, SUSE, SwiftStack, Telefonica, and Veritas.
OST Cloud support information, including a detailed list of supported vendors, solutions,
and functionality, is listed in the Hardware and Cloud Storage Compatibility List (HCL) at:

NetBackup cloud storage topology

Cloud storage
Media Master
servers server

Cloud storage data

• Disk pool
• Disk enclosure
• Storage server


In an environment using a cloud storage vendor, the storage server is the cloud vendors
server. The data movers are the NetBackup media servers, which are assigned to the
storage units that target the disk pool with the cloud storage server. Multiple cloud
storage data movers can target the same cloud storage disk pool, to assist with load
balancing the client’s data.

Topic: Configuring AdvancedDisk

After completing this topic, you will be able to configure storage servers,
AdvancedDisk disk pools, and AdvancedDisk storage units.


This is the Configuring AdvancedDisk topic.

AdvancedDisk disk pools and storage units
Storage servers Media NetBackup
servers appliance

Disk M1 M2 5340-1


Disk pool: M1_SANdp Disk pool: M2_INTdp Disk pool: 5340-1_advdp

Storage unit: M1_SANstu STU: M2_INTstu STU: 5340-1_advdisk_stu

Veritas recommends pooling disks with similar characteristics


The NetBackup AdvancedDisk storage option lets you use the disk storage that is
exposed to NetBackup as a file system for backups. Storage can be direct attached
storage (DAS), network attached storage (NAS), or storage area network (SAN) storage.
NetBackup requires exclusive access to the storage for capacity management and load
An AdvancedDisk disk pool enables several disk volumes to be combined into one
logical storage destination in NetBackup. The pool is accessed by a single storage server,
which must also be a NetBackup media server. These disk volumes may exist across
multiple physical disk arrays or internal storage disk volumes on a storage server.
Generally, pooling disks from a server into a single pool is a good idea, however, Veritas
recommends placing disks of significantly different sizes or speeds into separate pools.
Even though high-performing SAN disks and slower drives could go into the same pool,
separating them into separate disk pools allows for predictable performance behavior.
An AdvancedDisk storage unit must be configured to target a single disk pool, and it
cannot specify individual disk volumes in a pool. However, more than one storage unit
can be configured for a single disk pool. This may be performed to allow higher priority
policies to have additional concurrent write streams. NetBackup assumes exclusive
control of all disk volumes configured within a disk pool, enabling NetBackup to manage
and report disk capacity accurately. A disk volume cannot exist in more than one disk
pool. If NetBackup is unable to write an image to a single disk volume in a disk pool, the
backup spans to the next available disk volume. Spanning can occur from any volume to
any other volume in that disk pool. It is not possible for a single backup image to span
multiple disk pools, even if the disk pools exist in a storage unit group.

AdvancedDisk configuration overview

Determine whether an Create a new storage Create a new disk pool Configure one or more
AdvancedDisk storage server if necessary storage units for the
server is already disk pool


The slide provides an overview of the steps involved to configure a usable disk pool and
corresponding AdvancedDisk storage server.
1. First, determine whether or not the target media server is already configured as an
AdvancedDisk storage server. This process only needs to be performed once per
media server, regardless of the number of AdvancedDisk storage pools hosted on
the media server.
2. Run the Configure a Disk Storage Server wizard if the host needs to be configured as
a storage server, or in other words, if this is the first time the host is being
configured for AdvancedDisk storage.
3. If this host is already a storage server, run the Configure Disk Pool wizard to create a
new disk pool. Note that the storage server wizard will automatically start the disk
pool wizard for you after you configure a new AdvancedDisk storage server.
4. Finally, configure one or more storage units for the disk pool. Both the storage
server and disk pool wizards will allow you to create the storage unit as part of those
wizards, but this can also be performed manually in the NetBackup Administration
Console or using NetBackup commands.
You will learn how to perform each of these steps, in more detail, in subsequent topics.

Storage Server Configuration Wizard: Selecting AdvancedDisk
storage type


Unix: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
Windows: <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\

nbdevconfig -creatests [-noverbose] -storage_server
storage_server_name -stype server_type -media_server [-st
storage_type] [-setattribute attribute] [-reason "string"]


Before you can create an AdvancedDisk pool, you must configure an AdvancedDisk
storage server. To do this, use the Storage Server Configuration Wizard. You can also
use the nbdevconfig -creatests command to create a storage server from the
command line. The nbdevconfig command and syntax is discussed in the NetBackup
Commands Reference Guide. The nbdevconfig command is found in the following
• UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
• Windows: install_path\bin\admincmd
The Disk Pool Configuration Wizard can be started by clicking on Configure Disk Pool,
however this requires that the media server has already been configured as a storage
server first. The first screen of the Storage Server Configuration Wizard requires you to
select the disk type. Select AdvancedDisk and click Next.

Storage Server Configuration Wizard: Adding the storage server

Each media server will

only need to be
configured once as an
AdvancedDisk storage
server (even if multiple
disk pools are created).


In the Provider storage server details screen you need to select the media server you
are configuring as the storage server. Each media server will only need to be configured
once as an AdvancedDisk storage server, even if multiple disk pools are created for that
storage server.

Storage Server Configuration Wizard: Performing tasks and
starting the disk pool configuration wizard

By default, completing the

wizard starts the disk pool
configuration wizard


The Storage Server Configuration Status will then show if the storage server is
configured successfully. By default, the wizard will then go on to help you create a disk
pool for that storage server. You can alternatively close the wizard without this
checkbox, and run the disk pool configuration wizard manually, at a later time.

Disk Pool Configuration Wizard: Volume selection



Unix: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
Windows: <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\ The entire volume is used for
the AdvancedDisk. No
directory can be specified
nbdevconfig -createdp [-noverbose] -dp disk_pool_name -stype
server_type -storage_servers storage_server... [-hwm
high_watermark_percent] [-lwm low_watermark_percent] [-
max_io_streams n] [-comment comment] [-dvlist filename] [-M
master_server] [-reason "string"]


The Disk Pool Configuration Wizard is automatically started, by default, when you click
Next at the end of the Storage Server Configuration Wizard.
To create a disk pool outside of the wizard, from the NetBackup Administration Console,
expand Media and Device Management > Devices. Right-click Disk Pools and select
New Disk Pool. The Disk Pool Configuration Wizard is displayed. You may also access
the Disk Pool Configuration Wizard by clicking the master server in the Administration
Console. You may also use the nbdevconfig command to configure a new disk pool
from the command line.
No disk pools exist by default. Select the disk volumes to be included in the disk pool. A
disk volume must be formatted and mounted within the operating system before it can
be selected for an AdvancedDisk storage unit. Do not select disk volumes that have
already been configured in another pool. Note that the entire disk volume will be used
by the AdvancedDisk pool, and that no directory or folder can be specified in the

Disk Pool Configuration Wizard: Additional disk pool information

Does not work correctly if the volume file

system is shared with other applications

• Limit I/O streams to manage performance (default = no limit).

• Alternatively, set the maximum concurrent jobs at the storage


Assign a name to the pool and optionally add comments about its function. Configure
additional disk pool information as follows:
• High water mark: The percentage of used capacity at which NetBackup considers a
disk volume in the pool to be full. A disk volume within a disk pool is assigned fewer
backup jobs as it approaches the high water mark.
• Low water mark: The percentage of used capacity at which a clean-up operation
stops purging backup images in order to create space. The purging was initiated
because the High water mark was reached. The Low water mark setting cannot be
greater than the High water mark setting.
• Maximum I/O Streams: Limits the number of streams that can be directed to a disk
simultaneously. It is used to avoid disk thrashing, which is the result of too many
jobs writing to the same disk simultaneously. The default is that there is no limit, at
the disk pool, however there are limits that are enforced at the storage unit. A
storage unit supports up to 4096 streams, with a default of 1 concurrent job
running. However, because you can setup multiple storage units for one disk pool,
this value allows you to control the maximum I/O streams to the disk pool,
regardless of any storage unit limits.
For more information on these properties, click the Help button in the Wizard.

Disk Pool Configuration Wizard: Configuration status and initiating
storage unit creation

By default, completing the

Disk Pool wizard starts the
storage unit configuration


The Disk Pool Configuration Status displays the status of the disk pool configuration. By
default, the wizard will then go on to help you create a storage unit for that disk pool.
You can alternatively close the wizard without this checkbox, and create a storage unit
manually in the NetBackup Administration Console.

Disk Pool Configuration Wizard: Storage unit creation

• In most cases, increase the maximum

concurrent jobs from the default of 1
• Consider increasing this further as
you gauge actual disk performance


Next, configure the properties of the storage unit for this disk pool. A Media Server
option is available to limit the storage unit to specific media servers. In most cases, you
must increase the Maximum concurrent jobs setting from the default setting of 1. For
example, on the slide we have changed the maximum concurrent jobs to 3, to
correspond to the number of jobs that the three separate disk volumes (G:\, H:\, and
I:\) in this pool should be able to concurrently run without issue.
The Maximum fragment size setting normally does not need to be changed. Changing
this value may impact backup and restore times, and should be tested if any changes
are made. If you chose to configure the storage unit, no additional configuration is
required. The storage unit created for the disk pool may now be selected as a
destination within a backup policy. The disk pool configuration is complete.

Verifying AdvancedDisk storage server information

Unix: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/
Windows: <install_path>\NetBackup\bin\admincmd\

nbdevquery -liststs [-l | -U] [-stype
server_type] [-storage_server storage_server]
[-EMM emm_server]


After a storage server has been configured, it may be viewed in the NetBackup
Administration Console by expanding Media and Device Management > Credentials >
Storage Servers. Notice that the Administration Console does not list BasicDisk storage
servers because all media servers support BasicDisk, by default.

Verifying and modifying AdvancedDisk disk pools

Unix: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/

nbdevquery -listdp | -listmounts [-l |
-U | -D] [-stype server_type] [-dp
disk_pool_name] [-M master_server] [-
EMM emm_server]


To view disk pools using the NetBackup Administration Console, expand Media and
Device Management > Devices and select Disk Pools to list all configured disk pools.
The columns display the general configuration for the storage unit, in addition to a
percentage full value, showing the total used capacity of the disk pool. Right-click the
disk pool and select Change to modify disk pool settings, such as water marks, and
limiting the number of I/O streams.

Verifying and modifying AdvancedDisk storage units


After an AdvancedDisk storage unit has been configured, it can be viewed in the
NetBackup Administration Console by expanding NetBackup Management > Storage
and selecting Storage Units. Notice that the media_advdisk_pool_stu AdvancedDisk
storage unit is displayed with a Storage Unit Type of Disk. Right-click and select Change
to modify storage unit settings, such as maximum concurrent jobs.

Topic: Managing AdvancedDisk Storage

After completing this topic, you will be able to monitor and report on
configured AdvancedDisk disk pool devices, as well as perform common
AdvancedDisk management tasks.


This is the Managing AdvancedDisk Storage topic.

Understanding disk volume selection and capacity management in
disk pools
Disk volume selection Capacity management
• Estimates backup size based on prior backup + 20%
• Uses disk volume with most free space
• Uses disk spanning, if no volumes meet estimated
size criteria Disk volume
• Reserves space for the job on selected disk volumes Free

High water Potential

mark: 90%
15 GB 35 GB free
free free space
Low water
Disk pool mark: 65%
25 GB 80 GB



For backups targeting a disk pool, NetBackup estimates the size of a backup before
selecting a backup destination. The estimate is based on the size of the most recent
similar backup using the policy, schedule, client, and stream (the file list for a specific
job) as criteria. NetBackup adds 20 percent to this size, and it seeks an appropriate
storage destination.
The disk volume in the disk pool with the most free space is used. If the disk does not
have enough space to store the entire image, the job still runs, and the backup image
will span across multiple disk volumes in that disk pool. After a disk volume is selected,
the estimated backup size is reserved on the selected volume within NetBackup. If new
backup jobs are initiated while all disk space is reserved, the new backup jobs queue
until the reserving jobs complete.
A disk pool is configured with high and low water mark values, affecting both the pool
as a whole and its individual disk volumes. At the disk volume level, when the used
capacity percentage exceeds the high water mark value, jobs are no longer assigned to
that disk volume. NetBackup considers a pool to be full when all of its disk volumes
have reached the high water mark value. When a disk volume contains staged backup
images (from a Storage Lifecycle Policy), the images are considered potential free space
if they have already been duplicated. This is discussed in further detail in the Duplicating
Backups lesson. Images that are staged, but not yet duplicated, are considered used

AdvancedDisk disk pools and disk volume status

Disk pool Disk pool Disk pool

Disk volume 1 UP Disk volume 1 DOWN Disk volume 1 UP|DOWN

Disk volume 2 UP Disk volume 2 UP Disk volume 2 UP|DOWN
Disk volume 3 UP Disk volume 3 UP Disk volume 3 UP|DOWN
Disk pool UP Disk pool UP Disk pool DOWN

Backup jobs should run; Jobs return status 2073:

restore jobs may fail Disk pool is down


NetBackup tracks status information for all disk volumes in a disk pool, and a status for
the disk pool itself. When everything is working properly, the disk volumes will be in an
UP state, and the disk pool will also be in an UP state. If there is a problem with one disk
volume, it will be put into a DOWN state. This can also be performed manually by the
administrator in the case of disk volume maintenance. The disk pool can still be in a
usable UP state as long as there are other, available disk volumes. Backups jobs should
run normally, as long as there is available space, however restore jobs that use those
specific DOWN volumes will fail.
If the entire disk pool becomes unavailable it will be in the DOWN state. This can also be
performed manually by the administrator in the case of disk pool maintenance. In this
case the state of the disk volume is irrelevant, and any backup or restore jobs using this
disk pool will return with a status 2073: Disk pool is down. Note that if the disk pool is
brought down manually by an administrator (for maintenance for example), the disk
volumes will normally still appear in the UP state, despite the fact that they cannot be
accessed for backups.

Monitoring and managing disk pool state


The state of both disk pools and disk volumes can be set UP or DOWN, which is similar
to the state of a tape device. To change the state of a disk pool using the Administration
Console, right-click the disk pool in the Device Monitor, and select Up Disk Pool or
Down Disk Pool. You can also use the nbdevconfig command to change the state of disk
pools or disk volumes as follows:
nbdevconfig -changestate
-dp pool_name
-stype storage_type
nbdevconfig –changestate
-dp pool_name
–dv disk_volume_name
-stype storage_type
–state [UP|DOWN|RESET]
When a disk pool or disk volume is in a DOWN state, NetBackup considers it to be
unavailable to receive new backups. Typically, this feature is used to prevent backups to
a disk pool, or to prevent backups to an individual disk volume in a disk pool during

Running disk reports on AdvancedDisk storage

bpimmedia –stype AdvancedDisk

bperror –DiskPool
nbdevquery –listdp
nbdevquery –listdv


There are a number of disk-based reports in the NetBackup Administration Console. For
example, as shown on the slide, you can use the Disk Pool Status report to view the
status of your disk pools. To access this report, in the Administration Console, select
NetBackup Management > Reports > Disk Reports > Disk Pool Status. Some of the
reports, including the commands that correspond to them, include:
• Images on Disk: Shows which backup images reside on NetBackup disk storage. This
is equivalent to running bpimmedia –stype AdvancedDisk.
• Disk Logs: Shows log messages related to NetBackup disk activity. This is equivalent
to running bperror –DiskPool.
• Disk Storage Unit Status: Shows storage unit information. This is equivalent to
running bpstulist.
• Disk Pool Status: Shows disk pool status, such as whether the disk pool is in an UP or
DOWN state. This is equivalent to running nbdevquery –listdp for disk pool
status and nbdevquery –listdv for disk volume status (which cannot be seen
in the NetBackup Administration Console).

Understanding media server load balancing storage unit groups
ms1 ms2 ms3

Server rank based on CPU,
processes, and memory

Fewest number of NetBackup
jobs ms1_advdisk_stu ms2_advdisk_stu ms3_advdisk_stu
Least reserved space

Least recently used Job


When a backup jobs is sent to a storage unit group, NetBackup must decide on which
storage unit to use for that job. Storage unit group methods include Prioritized, Failover,
Round Robin, and Media Server Load Balancing. The first three of these methods were
discussed in the Configuring NetBackup Storage lesson. Media Server Load Balancing
chooses the best available media server based on a ranking system. NetBackup chooses
the server based on various criteria. If two or more servers share the best available
rank, NetBackup continues to apply additional criteria until one media server remains.
The order of examined criteria is:
1. Server rank: Rank categories determined by number of processes running on each
CPU and memory thresholds.
2. Fewest number of jobs: The server with the fewest NetBackup jobs scheduled.
3. Least reserved space: The server with the least amount of reserved space, based
upon the job size estimation by NetBackup.
4. Least recently used: The least recently used storage unit.
For example, of five available media servers in a storage unit group, three have a server
rank of Idle. Of those three, two are running a single job each. Of those two, the server
with the least amount of reserved space is chosen. Alternatively, if only one server had
the best rank, that server is automatically chosen.

Configuring a storage unit group with media server load balancing

• Implies that NetBackup selects a

storage unit based on a capacity-
managed approach. It avoids sending
jobs to busy media servers.
• Media server load balancing cannot be
selected for a storage unit group that
includes a BasicDisk storage unit.


When configuring a storage unit group, the Storage unit selection area defines how the
storage units will be selected during a backup:
• Prioritized: Choose the first storage unit in the list that is not busy, down, or out of
• Failover: Choose the first storage unit in the list that is not down or out of media.
• Round Robin: Choose the least recently selected storage unit in the list.
• Media Server Load Balancing: Choose the best available media server based on a
ranking system.
The first three of these methods were discussed in more detail in the Configuring
NetBackup Storage lesson.
Note: Media Server Load Balancing selection supports most storage types including
AdvancedDisk, tape storage, and deduplication storage, but does not support basic disk

Disk pool management tasks
Task Procedure

1. Source a new disk volume that is not used by another process or application
Add volumes to a
2. Add the disk to the disk pool using the command:
disk pool
nbdevconfig –adddv

1. Remove any backup images on the disk volume

Remove a
2. Place the disk pool and volume in a DOWN state.
volume from a
3. Delete the disk volume using the command:
disk pool
nbdevconfig –deletedv

1. Remove all backup images in the pool.

Remove a disk 2. Remove any storage units targeting the pool.
pool 3. Delete the disk pool using the NetBackup Administration Console or the command:
nbdevconfig –deletedp


The slide displays some other disk pool management tasks that you may need to
perform, such as adding volumes to a disk pool, removing volumes, or removing the
entire disk pool. To add a volume to an existing disk pool, simply source an empty disk
volumes (ensuring it isn’t used by any other process or application), and use the
command shown on the slide to add it to the disk pool. Prior to NetBackup 7.5, an
option to add disk volumes did not exist. Instead, a procedure to create and merge disk
pools was required. Refer to the documentation for your version of NetBackup for
Alternatively, you can increase the storage space in a disk pool by resizing the existing
disk volumes. NetBackup will recognize the additional storage the next time the disks
are scanned by the NetBackup processes. You can manually trigger NetBackup to
reexamine the storage by running an Inventory Disk Pool in the NetBackup
Administration Console, or with the nbdevconfig –inventorydp command.
Removing disk volumes can be performed as long as no current NetBackup backup
images exist on the disk volumes, and the disk pool and disk volume are in a DOWN
state and not in use. In addition, before you remove a disk pool, you must remove all
associated storage units. To delete an entire disk pool, you must remove all active
backup images, and all associated storage units.

Reporting on disks summary
Type of Information Administration Console Command Line OpsCenter
Storage servers Credentials > nbdevquery -liststs
Storage Servers

Disk pools Devices > Disk Pools nbdevquery -listdp –U Monitor > Devices > Disk
Reports > Disk reports > Disk Pools
pool status Reports > Report Templates
> Backups > Disk Pool
Reports > Report Templates
> Disk Based Data
Protection > Current Disk
Disk volume status nbdevquery -listdv -U
-stype disk_type
-dp pool_name
-dv volume_name


The table on this slide summarizes the advanced disk and disk pool reporting tools using
the NetBackup Administration Console, NetBackup commands, and OpsCenter.

Lesson summary

• Key points
– You learned what disk-based storage is and how it is used.
– You also learned about disk pools, AdvancedDisk, and OpenStorage.
– You learned how to configure and manage storage servers, AdvancedDisk disk pools, and AdvancedDisk
storage units.
– Finally, you learned to monitor the status of configured devices and view reports for configured devices.
• Reference materials
– Veritas NetBackup™ Administrator's Guide, Volume I
– Veritas NetBackup™ Commands Reference Guide
– Veritas Support


For more information about the topics discussed in this lesson, refer to the resources
listed on the slide and remember to check the Veritas Support Web site frequently.

Lab 6: Configuring Disk Pools
• Exercise A: Identifying AdvancedDisk storage
• Exercise B: Configuring AdvancedDisk
• Exercise C: Verifying AdvancedDisk configuration
• Exercise D: Configuring a policy to write backups to AdvancedDisk storage
• Exercise E: Performing and monitoring backups to AdvancedDisk storage
• Exercise F: Monitoring and managing AdvancedDisk disk pools


What did you learn?
You are about to be asked a series
of questions related to the current


The next section is a quiz. In this quiz, you are asked a series of questions related to the
current lesson.

Question 1: Understanding Disk Pools and AdvancedDisk
A disk volume is a ________________.

A. Logical unit of disk storage

B. Collection of media in a volume
C. Pool of volumes
D. DataStore pool


Answer 1: Understanding Disk Pools and AdvancedDisk
A disk volume is a ________________.

A. Logical unit of disk storage

B. Collection of media in a volume
C. Pool of volumes
D. DataStore pool

The correct answer is A. A disk volume is a logical unit of disk storage, as presented by the host operating system, such
as a partition or Volume Manager volume.


Question 2: Understanding Disk Pools and AdvancedDisk
A disk pool is a ___________________.

A. Disk enclosure
B. Logical grouping of media servers
C. Collection of disk volumes presented as a single entity
D. None of the above


Answer 2: Understanding Disk Pools and AdvancedDisk
A disk pool is a ___________________.

A. Disk enclosure
B. Logical grouping of media servers
C. Collection of disk volumes presented as a single entity
D. None of the above

The correct answer is C. A disk pool is a collection of disk volumes administered in NetBackup as a single entity. Storage
units are configured to target a single disk pool for backup.


Question 3: Understanding Disk Pools and AdvancedDisk
In an environment with a NetBackup appliance, which machine can be a storage server?

A. NetBackup appliance performs the role of storage server and media server.
B. A separate NetBackup Media Server.
C. A separate NetBackup Master Server.
D. A system with the NetBackup plugin installed.


Answer 3: Understanding Disk Pools and AdvancedDisk
In an environment with a NetBackup appliance, which machine can be a storage server?

A. NetBackup Appliance performs the role of storage server and media server.
B. A separate NetBackup Media Server.
C. A separate NetBackup Master Server.
D. A system with the NetBackup plugin installed.

The correct answer is A. NetBackup appliance deployment consists of the complete installation and configuration of all
appliance components to create a backup environment that is ready to use. NetBackup appliances can be easily
integrated into an existing NetBackup environment.


End of presentation


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