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Estudante: Ens. Fund.

I – ano: 4º T:
Componente Curricular: Language Prof.: Mariza/Holmes Data:


1) Read the definitions below and add the correct name to each of the levels.

a) Provides energy for everything on the planet: _____________________

producer b) Organisms that get energy from dead or waste

primary consumer organic material: _____________________

secondary consumer
decomposer c) All organisms that are dependent on other organisms

sunlight for food, not plants: _____________________

d) The producers utilise the energy from the sun to make food:

e) All organisms that are dependent on plants for food: _____________________

2) Mark (T) for true or (F) for false in each sentence below:

( ) The source of energy is the sunlight.

( ) The final consumer eats plants.
( ) Producers can make their own food.
( ) Decomposers use the sunlight to get energy.
( ) Primary consumers eat other animals.
3) Look at the food chain below and
answer the questions that follow:

a) What is the source of



b) Which is the producer?


c) Which is the final consumer?


d) In this food chain, the small fish is a ______________________________

e) Which environment does this food chain belong to?

( ) Ocean ( ) River ( ) Desert ( ) Mountain

The poles magnets below attract ou repel each other. Color the North pole red
and the South pole blue. Then, write “N” for North and “S” for South inside the circles
(0,8 points – 0,4 each):



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