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investigations of steric control involving car- The aim of the author has been to inter- seeds comprise a further

comprise a further important section of

banionoid intermediates (1955-1972). Char- pret and translate some of the sophisticated 121 pages.
acteristically no mention is made by Cram of concepts invoked by physicists into language This new volume is a major source of
the very serious illness which he suffered and intelligible to the general polymer physical reference for plant scientists in all fields. It is
defeated in the early 1970s. Off to hospital chemist. This objective has been admirably easy to read though, sadly, certain light
he went with large boxes of CPK models and achieved and the book contains a good ba- micrographs (though not electron micro-
possibly a memory of the remark made by lance between theory and experiment. I can graphs) have suffered in reproduction, so do
Frederick Hawthorne in 1969 (p. 52). He strongly recommend this publication to all not match or extend the understanding of the
returned to his laboratory with a challenging those seriously interested in understanding •terzt.
catalogue of macrocyclic compounds await- the properties of polymer solutions. The enlarged glossary of terms, the well
ing total synthesis. His graduate students R. A. Pethrick over 500 new literature citations, and the
were not interested so he persuaded his ample, well compiled subject and author
postdoctoral fellows to make a truly remark- indexes ensure that this Plant Anatomy con-
able range of compounds which were clas- Bioactive Compounds From Plants. Ciba tinues to hold a secure place on our private
sified as cryptands, hemispherands, corands, Foundation Symposium 154. Pp. 242. and institutional library shelves.
podands, cryptaspherands, cavitands, career- Wiley-lnterscience, Chichester. 1990. Daphne J. Osborne
ands, etc. Thus the principles of host-guest £35.95.
complexation, pre-organisation, and chiral Trophic Relationships in the Marine
People outside a small circle of plant
molecular recognition were established. This Environment, Proceedings of the 24th
biochemists are beginning to realise what a
remarkable story of molecular design led to European Marine Symposium. Edited by
bewildering variety of chemical factories we
the invention of a whole range of new forms Margaret Barnes and R. N. Gibson. Pp.
are surrounded by and what great benefits
of matter and the identification of new che- 650. Aberdeen University Press. 1990.
can be derived from some of the chemicals.
mical phenomena. Donald Cram admits his £65.00.
A select band of 30 participants met in
surprise at some of these discoveries, but his
Thailand to discuss plant constitutents hav- The European Marine Biology Symposia
most important revelation is bow his designs
ing biological activities outside the parent founded in 1966 remain remarkable for their
masterminded his experimental discoveries.
plants. The fruits of this discussion have been high scientific standard and bonhomie. Selec-
Now Cram and others are engaged in the
preserved for those of us not privileged to be tion, editing and publishing arrangements
logical design and the total synthesis of en-
present in the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel, are made by the host institution and, as with
zyme mimics - an appealing development
Bangkok, in this most useful review volume. this volume, normally are excellent. This
from Emil Fischer's lock-and-key analogy for
The price for quite a modest book is equally volume concerns what-eats-what and the
enzyme-substrate interaction.
exotic, which means few individuals will buy consequences thereof; there are seven sec-
W. D. Ollis
it for themselves but rely on libraries, or wait tions - plankton, benthos, fish, top pre-
for it to be remaindered (not very likely). dators, food webs, experimental studies,
Polymer Solutions. By Hiroshi Fujita. Pp.
It includes 14 papers tracing the progress methods, and concluding remarks.
370. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 1990.
from the original selection of the species for Three broad themes emerge. These are:
Paperback US $146.25, Dfl 285.00.
study through to the finer details of chemical (a) the complexity of ecosystems and the
Certain publications stand out as landmarks analysis. There are even papers on culturing need to study the role of micro- and meio-
in the development of a subject. Flory's and biotransforming plant tissues to suit our (or pico- and nano-) sized organisms in the
Principles of Polymer Chemistry, published pharmacological needs. In two papers some benthos and plankton; (b) that, even when
in 1953, brought together much of the basic thought is given to the other side of the coin, dealing with individual species, much remains
theory and experimental information on the the function of bioactive substances in the to be learnt about variability of diet, be-
topic of thermodynamics of polymer solu- parent plants themselves. With plant species haviour, and vulnerability to predation -
tions. In 1971 Yamakawa published his now being lost at an alarming rate this is a well- without such studies understanding of eco-
classic book on Modern Theory of Polymer presented book, to make everyone think. systems will remain incomplete; and (c) the
Solutions. Yamakawa summarized and dis- T. Reynolds light which new or newly-applied techniques
cussed in a scholarly fashion most of the such as fluorescent and biochemical markers
important contributions made to polymer and radio-active tracers may be able to shed
solutions up to the end of the 1960s. Fujita's Plant Anatomy. 4th Edn, By A. Fahn. Pp.
On individual species' and ecosystems'
Polymer Solutions I am sure will form 588. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1990.
trophic relationships.
another landmark in the publications on Hardback £57.50, US $99.00; paperback
Although European in title, about a
polymer solutions. £24.95, US $49.95.
quarter of the forty-four papers are of other
The book is divided into two parts; dilute This updated version of the 1982 third edi- authorship but they integrate with and en-
solution and concentrated solution. As the tion provides 532 pages of detailed descrip- hance the volume's value. Expensive?
author clearly acknowledges, the book is not tion and selected diagrams with light and Maybe, but at £1.50 per paper excellent
intended to be a detailed text or reference electron micrographs to illustrate the salient value for any practising marine biologist.
book for specialists. It is, however, a most features of cell, tissue, and organ structures. P. J. S. Boaden
readable collection of the ideas generated in Chapters on organelles and cellular com-
the area of polymer solutions over the period ponents provide comprehensive information
since 1970 and as such is likely to be referred including details of wall structure in different The Scented Ape, The biology and
to extensively by workers in this field. While cell types. The meristems of lower and high- culture of human odour. By Michael
it is possible to criticise the text in that it does er plants and the long chapter on epidermis Stoddart. Pp. 286. Cambridge University
omit areas of the literature and focuses on are valuable sections. Information on secre- Press. 1990. Hardback £40.00 US $80.00;
certain persons' work at the expense of tory ducts, and especially laticifers, is some- paperback £14.95, US $24.95.
others, it does cover most of the major topics what constrained considering the detailed This book, with a delightful title, is a zoolog-
in this area in a well balanced and authorita- information now available from research on ist's view of Homo sapiens' body smells. The
tive manner. The first part is split into the latex in rubber trees. viewpoints presented range over descriptive
following chapters: some fundamentals, pa- Cell organization and interrelationships anatomy, evolutionary biology, aesthetics,
rameter theory, renormalisation group are considered in full for stem, leaf, and and psychoanalysis, and are related to why
theory, some recent topics, and stiff chains. root. The formation of secondary tissues Homo sapiens, whom he considers to be the
Part two: basic concepts, semidilute solution, during the continued enlargement of the most scented of the apes, has such a blunted
polymer self-diffusion, phase equilibria, and plant body receives major coverage - 100 olfactory awareness of own body smell and,
some other topics. pages. The anatomy of flowers, fruits, and unlike the rest of the animal kingdom, does

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