Psychoactive Plants

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Bio 4C  When chewed, coca acts as a mild

stimulant and suppresses hunger, thirst,
PSYCHOACTIVE PLANTS pain, and fatigue.
 Absorption of cocaine from the leaf is
 are plants that people ingest in the form of much less rapid and efficient than from the
simple or complex preparations in order to purified forms of cocaine, and it does not
affect the mind or alter the state of cause the euphoric and psychoactive
consciousness. effects associated with use of the drug.
 Stimulants  Some proponents have claimed that
 Hallucinogens cocaine itself is not an active ingredient
 Depressants when unprocessed. Coca leaf is chewed or
brewed as an infusion.
PLANT AS STIMULANTS  studies have shown that small but
 excite and enhance mental alertness measurable amounts of cocaine are
 and physical activity present in the bloodstream after
 reduce fatigue consumption of coca tea. Addiction or
 suppress hunger other deleterious effects from the
consumption of the leaf in its natural form
Coca (Erythroxylum coca) have not been documented.

 Traditional medical uses of coca are
foremost as a stimulant to overcome
fatigue, hunger, and thirst. It is considered
particularly effective against altitude
 It also is used as an anesthetic to alleviate
 source of cocaine the pain of headache, rheumatism, wounds
 relieves hunger and fatigue by chewing the and sores, etc.
leaves  Before stronger anesthetics were available,
 coca tea is used for altitude sickness it was also used for broken bones,
 Main ingredient of coca cola childbirth, and during trephining operations
 TRIVIA; on the skull.
 When launched, Coca-Cola's two key  Cocaine constricts blood vessels, the
ingredients were cocaine and caffeine. action of coca also serves to oppose
 The cocaine was derived from the coca bleeding, and coca seeds were used for
leaf and the caffeine from kola nut (also nosebleeds
spelled "cola nut" at the time), leading to  Cocaine medicinally a potent constrictor of
the name Coca-Cola. In 1902 Coca-Cola’ local blood vessel
name was change to Coke  Local anesthetic that blocks nerve
Pharmacology  Powerful stimulant that inhibits dopamine
reuptake, prolonging a sense of well –
 The pharmacologically active ingredient of being
coca is the alkaloid cocaine, which is found  The cocaine found in coca can cause an
in 0.8% in fresh leaves. increase in brain activity and have
 Besides cocaine, the coca leaf contains a numbing (anesthetic) effects. Cocaine is
number of other alkaloids, including highly addictive
methylecgonine cinnamate,
benzoylecgonine, truxilline, Coffee( Coffea arabica)
hydroxytropacocaine, tropacocaine,
ecgonine, cuscohygrine,
dihydrocuscohygrine, nicotine and
decrease to half of its starting dose in the
 All parts are poisonous except dried ripe
 The dried leaves (tambaku) contain one to
eight percent of nicotine and are used in
the form of smoke or snuff or chewed.
 The leaves contain active principles, which
 Coffee is made by roasted seeds
are the toxic alkaloids nicotine and
 main stimulant is caffeine
anabasine (which are equally toxic);
 off drowsiness
nornicotine (less toxic). Nicotine is a
 restoring alertness
colorless, volatile, bitter, hygroscopic liquid
 as a laxative
Work and effects
Uses of Tobacco
 heart burns problems
 Juice of leaves is sedative, antispasmodic
 mineral absorption
and a powerful insecticide.
 Acrylamide in coffee
 The ashes, mixed with oil, are applied to
 *Well-roasted, dark, fresh coffee beans
bleeding sores.
have likely to have the lowest amount.
 Leaves have been used for pain and
 Stress and tension
rheumatic swelling, syphilitic nodes and
skin diseases.
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) History in Medical Use
 Reported as curative for skin ailments,
goiter, broken limbs, headaches, ulcers,
worms, syphilis and dropsy by Jean
Liebault (1536-1596).
 In Europe, first reported as a remedy for
wound healing and headaches by Jean
Nicot Sieur de Villemain (1530-1600)
 Nicolas Monardes of Spain advocated its
used as an enema and tobacco syrup for
 as a relaxant , depressant or tranquilizer asthma and coughs.
 nicotine main stimulant
 An American plant (Nicotiana tabacum) of HALLUCINOGENS
the Nightshade family, much used for  Produce changes in perception
smoking and chewing, and as snuff.  Often induces dreamlike state
 As a medicine, it is narcotic, emetic, and
cathartic/purgative Morning Glory ( Ipomoea violacea)
 Tobacco has a strong, peculiar smell, and
an acrid taste.

 The nicotine alkaloid is rapidly absorbed
from all mucous membranes, lungs and
skin, but more commonly enters through
the lung alveoli, quickly reaching the heart
and brain receptors, and largely eliminated
by oxidation through the liver (80 to 90%),
a small amount metabolized in the kidneys
and lungs. Elimination half-life is 2 hours.  Seed contain an alkaloid, D-lysergic acid
 (elimination half life is the length of time (LSD is a synthetic form)
required for the concentration of a  Causes hallucinations similar to peyote
particular substance (typically a drug) to
 quiet and dreamy state accelerating the formation of "Alzheimer
 new insights plaques" in the brain more effectively than
 great interest in the things around them commercially marketed drugs.
and a dreamy awareness  THC is also more effective at blocking
clumps of protein that can inhibit memory
Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) and cognition in Alzheimer’s patients, as
reported in Molecular Pharmaceutics

 Constituents
 Tetrahydronicotinic acid derivatives and
we have shown that nipecotic acid,
'hexahydronicotinic acid', is a potent
inhibitor of the uptake of the central
inhibitory transmitter Nipecotic acid
potentiates the depressant
 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) formed when
plant is dried Peyote (Lophora williamsii)
 Common form here is an escapee used for  Eaten as mescal buttons or dried portion of
hemp with 0.2 to 1% THC plant
 Asian forms contain 3.4 to 6% THC  Active compounds are mescaline and
 Treatment for nausea and glaucoma other alkaloids

Pharmacology DEPRESSANTS
 The major psychoactive chemical  dull mental awareness
compound in cannabis is  reduce physical performance
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).  induce sleep or trance-like state
 At least 66 other cannabinoids are also
present in cannabis, including cannabidiol Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum )
(CBD), cannabinol (CBN) and
tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) among
many other, which are believed to result in
different effects than those of THC alone.

Medical Benefits
 Investigators at Columbia
University published clinical trial data in
2007 showing that HIV/AIDS patients who
 Opium
inhaled cannabis four times daily
 It is a well known fact that the opium poppy
experienced substantial increases in food
is a very powerful plant, and its superior
intake with little evidence of discomfort and
powers have been known even from the
no impairment of cognitive performance.
year 3000 BC, at which time it was known
 They concluded that smoked marijuana
as the ‘joy plant’ by the Sumerians who
has a clear medical benefit in HIV-positive
apparently used it quite frequently.

 Alzheimer's disease
 In 1804, morphine from poppy became one
 Research done by the Scripps
of the first alkaloids in the history of
Research Institute in California shows that
chemistry to be isolated successfully
the active ingredient in marijuana, THC,
 Native to Western Asia, the opium poppy is
prevents the formation of deposits in the
today cultivated all across the world, as a
brain associated with Alzheimer's disease.
real source of morphine and codeine.
 THC was found to prevent an enzyme
 Codeine -is an opiate used for its analgesic,
called acetylcholinesterase from
antitussive, and antidiarrheal properties.
 Morphine - is a potent opiate analgesic rate, particularly in the irregular (and often
medication and is considered to be the fast) atrial fibrillation.
trototypical opioid.
Contituents of foxglove
Constituents 
 Opium poppy contains over 40 opium  Foxglove contains cardiac glycosides
alkaloids, including codeine (about 1%), (including digoxin; digitoxin, and
morphine (up to 20%), narcotine (about lanatosides), anthraquinones, flavonoids,
5%), and papaverine (about 1%). It also and saponins.
contains meconic acid, albumin, mucilage,  Digitoxin rapidly strengthens the heartbeat
sugars, resin, and wax. but is excreted very slowly.
 Almost all the alkaloids of opium poppy are  Digoxin is preferred as a long-term
found to have a well established medication.
therapeutic action. 
 Morphine is used as a powerful analgesic Ergot Claviceps purpurea
to relieve pain, especially in cases of
terminal illness, while codeine, a milder
analgesic, is often used for milder pains
like headaches, and for the symptomatic
treatment of diarrhea.
 Opium is strongly addictive.

Morphine Mechanism of Action

 Ergot or ergot fungi refers to a group of

fungi of the genus Claviceps.
 impact both the CNS (brain/spinal column)
 The most prominent member of this group
and the peripheral nervous system
is Claviceps purpurea.
 enter body through: oral ingestion,
 This fungus grows on rye and related
injection, absorption through membranes
plants, and produces alkaloids that can
 psychoactive plants have chemicals
cause ergotism in humans and other
that inhibit (antagonists) or mimic (agonists)
mammals who consume grains
the behavior of neurotransmitters.
contaminated with its fruiting structure
(called ergot sclerotium).
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
 The ergot sclerotium contains high
concentrations (up to 2% of dry mass) of
the alkaloid ergotamine, a complex
molecule consisting of a tripeptide-derived
cyclol-lactam ring connected via amide
linkage to a lysergic acid (ergoline) moiety,
and other alkaloids of the ergoline group
Pharmacology that are biosynthesized by the fungus.
 A group of medicines extracted from  Ergot alkaloids have a wide range of
foxglove plants are called Digitalin. biological activities including effects on
 The use of Digitalis purpurea extract circulation and neurotransmission.
containing cardiac glycosides for the
treatment of heart conditions was first  Medical Benefits
described in the English speaking medical Ergotamines constrict blood vessels and
literature by William Withering, in cause the muscle of the uterus to contract.
1785,which is considered the beginning of  Used and very useful for the treatment of
modern therapeutics. migraine
 It is used to increase cardiac contractility (it  They have also been used and misused as
is a positive inotrope) and as an abortifacients (agent for abortion).
antiarrhythmic agent to control the heart
 In the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia
Betel and China they are used to relieve
toothache. In the Philippines, they are
used specifically as a stimulant and was
believed to strengthen the teeth and gums.

 A green leafy vine growing as a ground

cover or small climber, very similar in
growth habits to pepper.
 The betel leaf plant is a branching vine,
that may climb as high as 10-15ft, although
it often grows as an understory ground

Betel (Piper betle)

 A green leafy vine growing as a ground

 cover or small climber, very similar in
 habits to pepper.
 The betel leaf plant is a branching vine,
 may climb as high as 10-15ft, although it
 grows as an understory ground cover.

 Betel nut chewing is a custom or ritual
that dates back thousands of years from
Asia to the Pacific, a tradition very much a
part of modern life in many parts of the
Coral Triangle.
 This custom is very much alive that it is
hard to ignore betel nut chewing if you visit
a country such as Papua New Guinea
when the first thing you notice while talking
to a local is the bright red-stained teeth
and lips of the men and women.
 The chewing of three items betel nut,
mustard stick dipped in lime powder acts
as a mild stimulant which help locals
suppress their hunger, reduce stress and
heighten their senses

Medicinal Benefits

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