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1. I will never forget that ___ day when I first set foot in the most prestigious school in America.

2. Nothing can beat a freshly-made ___ glass in the middle of the summer, not even lemonade.
3. Military soldiers must have the stomach to fight and under no circumstances should they be
___ upon getting into a battle. (YELLOW)
4. In 2018, the multi-million company Starbucks was allegedly accused of ___ by including a
built-in non-recyclable drinking straw that contained more plastic than its previous drinking
cups. (GREEN)
5. She considered herself a ___ fan of Cardi B; she has never missed a single of the singer's
concert despite getting her skull crushed by a microphone. (BLUE)
6. There still exists an antediluvian belief about women that nursing and secretarial work are ___
jobs and are often undervalued in our modern society. (PINK)
7. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness about social efforts in reclaiming and
developing ___ sites, turning them into inhabitable land for homeless people to rebuild their
lives. (BROWN)
8. The deceivingly rewarding policies are an attempt by the factory to lure ___ into continuing
working in spite of the strike. (BLACK)
9. With our new partnership, we are now able to offer the long-awaited five-star, ___ service,
which ensures that every minute detail is considered, providing our customers the fullest pleasure
they deserve. (WHITE)
10. The fall left her leg all ____. (BLACK)
11. Disarmament is not a _____ issue for me. (BLACK)
12. Peak usage periods, such as extreme cold weather, have been known to spark ___. (BROWN)
13. Every one of them is _____ and has a pedigree in the herd books as long as a man's arm.
14. Even a profitable team like the Cowboys can’t keep all their _____ players. (BLUE)
15. The problem is that the manager always favors the ____ boys. (BLUE)
16. He says he's a _______ American male. (RED)
17. We caught the ____ from Hanoi and got to Ho Chi Minh at 3 in the morning in order to
celebrate the victory. (RED)
18. I will never forget that ____ day when I got into LHP. (RED)
19. As a ____ worker, he always has to deal with the grunt work. (BLUE)
20. _____ crime today includes anti-trust violation, bank fraud, insider stock trades and so on.
21. It was a ____ ride in the theme park. I still vividly remembers the fright it gave me. (WHITE)
22. The ____ monster growled in my stomach when he got the highest mark in the class.
23. The campaign was a ____ attempt to improve the company’s image. (GREEN)
24. The official report of the shady incident has been denounced as a ____. (whitewash)
25. ____ is a weather condition in which snow and clouds change the way light is reflected so
that only very dark objects can be seen. (WHITE)
26. The _____ for economic reform was stolen by the counter-revolutionaries. (BLUE)
27. The woman was attractive and brilliant, the definition of a ___ (BLUE)
28. ___ is a plant, bush or tree that has leaves for the whole year. (GREEN)
29. There are still some ___ sites that haven’t been bought by anyone. (GREEN)
30. She was a ___ so the failure wasn’t unexpected. (GREEN)
31. He was so ____ that he couldn’t even draft the subpoena. (GREEN)

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