Transformation W1

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1. Due to complications, Quang had to go back on his word, which put me

in a very difficult situation. (dry)
 Due to complications,
 Due to complications,
2. Throughout his life, he has experienced many successes and failures.
 Throughout his life,
3. Minh is extremely familiar with the law. (knows)
 Minh
 Minh
 Minh
4. The accommodation was simple but good enough for us to stay. (rough)
 The accommodation
5. We have moved most of our furniture to the new house, there is still some
trivial things though. (odds)
 We have moved most of our furniture to the new house, ____
6. By chance, I met your mom. (happenstance)

7. You have to work harder to be the valedictorian of the contest. (socks)
 You
8. The drug was so effective that there was no pain left the instant I took it.
 The drug
9. He was so kind that he did everything he could to help us. (lengths)

10. He made an effort to teach the wayward boy. (trouble)
 He
11. You have to play football frequently in order not to forget how to handle
it. (hand)
 You have to
12. You are at fault! (wrong)

13. The murder was just a small part of crimes in this county. (iceberg)

14. Don’t you ever say that to anyone! (breathe)

15. The list was extremely long. (arm)

16. Why not realize your ideas? (practice)

17. The performance was extremely arresting for us. (imagination)

18. Don’t remember all those bad memories. (dwell)

19. Many athletes cannot maintain their speed at around 20 miles. (hit)

20. Our friendship is long-standing and inseparable. (deep)

21. They were arguing about the decoration and somehow I was in the
middle of them. (crossfire)
 I was
22. I strongly detest arrogant people. (airs)
23. After waiting for an hour, I ran out of patience and strength. (rope)

24. He looks really worried – I wonder what happened. (ease)
 He was
25. I tried to persuade him to come to my team. (win)

26. It was lucky for him that he was not terminally ill and recovering.
 He should count
27. After playing outdoor games for 8 hours straight, I was so sick I couldn’t
get up the next day. (sorts)
 After playing outdoor games for 8 hours straight,
28. He was cheating on me behind my back. (sly)

29. I decided to ally myself with him as he is the biggest player in the court.

30. He was off sick so I had to do his job. (slack(
 He was
31. After a month of working as a teacher, I started to become more
efficient. (steam)
 After a month of working as a teacher,
32. I stayed with him despite many seemingly insurmountable difficulties
and problems. (through)
 I stayed with him
33. Feel free to make use of the library. (avail)
 You are at
34. Compared to the other countries in the region, Thailand’s national
football team is the best. (head)
 Thailand’s national football team
35. I disagreed strongly with my boss so we had a heated argument.
 I was
36. The findings were rather questionable. (dispute)

37. He was known to be extremely generous. (middle)
 Generosity
38. I need to discuss this with my wife first. (over)
 I need to
39. He didn’t even want to spend energy on washing the dishes. (bothered)
 He
40. As a mom and a legal secretary, I am always busy and active. (go)
 What with
41. Please watch carefully for the guy in red. (keep)
 Please
42. She was really choosy about food. (particular)

43. He started to prepare for the scut work. (sleeves)
 He
44. She marched into my store with a smug look on her face. (brass)
 She marched into my store,
45. He decided to spend a lot on his summer trip in Dubai. (splashed)

46. I was allowed to conduct the research by the board of directors. (go-
 The board of directors
47. She does not think of Quang highly. (low)
 She has
48. After a period, I am accustomed to the way how things work here.
 After a period, I
49. Many started to state that the property was theirs after the auction. (laid)

50. Don't assume something will work out well until it actually happens.

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