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“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.”
1 Corinthians 3:19.

“An evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings
forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart
his mouth speaks.”
Luke 6:45.

Diabolic Tools
by A.V. Thomas

Copyright © 2018 by A.V. Thomas

First Indian Edition - 2018

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, digital,
photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in printed
reviews, without prior permission of the publisher.

Published by:
A. V. Thomas,
Bethel Products,
3362, 13th Main, 8th Cross,
Indiranagar, Bangalore - 560 008.

Publisher’s Disclaimer: This book is intended for general information only, and
is not intended to be a final authority of the reader’s perception on various issues

Printed and bound in India by

GS Media, Secunderabad 500 067

Universal History in Nutshell......................................................15
A Few Diabolic Tools..................................................................25
Paul Varghese As I Know.............................................................33
Fall of Paul Varghese from the Grace of God...............................49
The Holy Bible of ‘Paurasthya Christava Darshanam’..................65
Spiritualiity—a Class by Paulos Gregorios—Orthodox TV.........83
“Will” Of Paulos Gregorios Orthodox TV...................................93
“Wise And Learned” As A Fool.................................................111
Integrity of Paulos Gregorios.....................................................117
Lone Spiritual Experience of PG...............................................133
APPENDIX ‘A’ Unquotable Quote of Paulos Gregorios............144
APPENDIX ‘B’ Luciferian Quotations of PG...........................148
APPENDIX ‘C’ A Few Denials of PG.......................................150

Please open your eyes!

I was deeply wounded when a ‘wise and learned man’ ridiculed the
Holy Bible. I consider the Bible as my Father’s sacred book and
cherish it as my greatest possession and my inheritance. If at all I
possess any wisdom or knowledge, it is only through the Holy Bible.
I was further wounded when my beloved Church praised such a
person as greater than the greatest and, that he was made a bishop
and principal of our theological seminary. How deeply will it hurt
a common man?
I am blessed by God on several counts and, I am indebted
to Him lock, stock and barrel for everything, particularly for two
things. 1. The Loving God gave me a God- fearing mother who
taught me how to pray. 2. The Holy Spirit dealt with me when I was
19 years old directly. He spoke to my mind several times. He gave
me the “word of wisdom” and the “word of knowledge.” He taught
them to me by the examples of beautiful revelations at the age of 65.

8 Diabolic Tools

He also prompted me to write the books, “Rebellious House,”

“Christians sans Christ” and “Latent Thumb Impression of God”
for the glory of God. All these books are available in my blog ‘Bethel
A. V. Thomas’, in English and Malayalam. All these revelations He
did through a common man like me, ‘dust and ashes’! I did only one
thing: prayed in the name of Jesus and nothing else!
About seven years back the Holy Spirit prompted me with a
question, “If your father is ridiculed by someone will you tolerate it?”
Promptly I answered, “No.” “Then how did you tolerate when your
Heavenly Father was ridiculed?” I knew it was about the derogatory
comments on the Holy Bible by Paulos Gregorios (PG) through
his book, Paurasthya Christava Darshanam. I pretended that I did
not follow the message. After a gap of seven months, the question
was repeated. It pained me when I realised that ‘dust and ashes’
is prompted to do a job and this disobedient vermin is ignoring
it. I felt sad. Jonah was a beloved prophet of God, here is a flea,
yet disobeying God! Tearfully, I took the pen to write ‘DIABOLIC
TOOLS.’ May the Good Lord forgive me for my imprudence!
Even then I was having two minds because he was dead and
gone. Now what is the use of writing about his books? See how the
Lord works! Immediately, a friend of mine gave me a book titled, ‘In
His Master’s Path’ written by John D. Kunnath. As I took the book,
I was prompted by the Holy Spirit that in a few seconds you are
going to see a blasphemy! Believe me in ten seconds I read, “Paulos
Gregorios was a second coming of Jesus Christ.”9 What a blasphemy!
This book reveals another feature, although he died about 21 years
ago, he is still doing his work in Denmark as a devil. “Anne Schandorf
asserts that she often feels the spirit of Gregorios comes around and
gives her advice in difficult matters.” She continues, “I went around
my secret telephone (invoking the devil) to Paulos. What shall I do?
Foreword 9

They are brothers and sisters” he said.10 From this I knew that he is
not dead and gone to hell but active with “the prince of this world.”
Your eyebrows may be raised when I use the word hell. What the
above mentioned lady is doing is nothing but necromancy, forbidden
for Christians. Paulos Gregorios (PG) turned out to be a devil,
according to John D. Kunnath as certified by Anne Schandorf. Be
aware, when you die, if you are a child of God, all your weaknesses
and sins even like crimson will be set aside till judgment. However,
as regards your body, “dust thou art to dust returns.” Your soul and
spirit will be hidden in Christ until the second coming of Jesus. You
will be at perfect rest, safe and sound. According to the Holy Bible,
you can pray silently to God with God but only for yourself and
not for anyone else including your own sons and daughters (Ezekiel
14:14, 18, 20). Dead saints are praying for us, ploughing our
fields, catching fishes for us, protecting our children and the like,
are taught by church fathers like PG, who knew nothing about the
teachings of the Holy Bible. If any saint does what he has done will
be called a demon. If you’re a child of Lucifer, you will be acclaimed
by him and he will detail you to do all sorts of rubbish because you
are already a devil. Now, on three counts, you decide where PG is?
1. He certified himself to be a multi faceted wicked. 2. He does
not want to be forgiven. Then he is not entitled to be redeemed
by the blood of Jesus; not eligible to be justified by God; not
qualified to be atoned; not eligible to be glorified. Unless you have
attained these entire steps how would you reconcile with God? If
you are not reconciled with God, there is no adoption, if there is
no adoption where is your sonship? If you are not a son where is
the question of entitlement according to the ‘Will’ executed by our
Lord Jesus Christ? 3. See the appendix A, B, and C and identify the
greatest liar you have ever heard. Tell me where is he now? Deserved
10 Diabolic Tools

royal and glorious resting like Parumala Mar Gregorios or working

as a slave of Lucifer?
We generally fail to understand that philosophers are
philosophers and they are not theologians. Take the case of Socrates,
Plato or Aristotle. They were great philosophers but, they never
claimed to be theologians. Paulos Gregorios was a great philosopher
while he erroneously claimed to be a great theologian. He also
claimed to be an authority of interpreting the Holy Bible while he
knew nothing about it. The moment he talks about the Holy Bible
it becomes blasphemy. He was a very good friend of mine and I
admired his ability since 1961. 1) He fought single handed and
successfully against all adversities, and came up in life and shined
almost alone as a star in the Church. 2) Great people have said, “all
cannot be fooled all the time” but without giving an iota of doubt
he fooled everyone in his time. 3) He left an indelible impression in
theological seminaries by introducing a plethora of Christian books
and imposing them on innocent students.
Communist people in general are agnostics and atheists. They
cannot believe in any religion or God. If at all there is a god, they
are against him because he does not know how to distribute wealth
equally. Karl Marx in his ‘Das Capita’ said, “Religion is opium
of the people.”3 That is the bible of the Communists and Paulos
Gregorios. My church is the Church of God established by disciple
St. Thomas even when Antioch was still a gentile nation. Out of all
denominations this church only has the semblance of the absolute
faith taught by Jesus and St. Thomas, although people like “Bishop
sans Humility & Red Bishop” had ruined it.
If you are a secular man, you are a carnal man, you are worldly
and you are far away from a spiritual man, who is a disciple of
Christ. A secular man is always related to worldly things and he can
never be sacred. He will be egoistic and talks very high of himself.
Foreword 11

“Therefore, come out from them and be separate, says the Lord”
(2 Corinthians 6:17). “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my
sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:18).
Such people would not like to be addressed as “Next Prime Minister
of India,” “Gregory of India,” “Apostle of Christ,” “Hasyo deelan,”
“Our healer,” “A light too bright” This is the name of Lucifer and
such self bestowed names. If you have a ‘dialogue’ he will teach
you to address your god as Eswaran; Eswaran is not our God! Our
Father in heaven has taught us how to address Him. Our Bishops
and priests are treated as our prince and they should be treated with
great honour for the glory of God because they are the glorious
servants of God; but they shall not call our God Eswaran. Originally
Shiva was addressed as Eswara because he sits on the ‘Ishanamoola’
that is the North Eastern side of Mt. Everest. You call him Eswara
but never dare to call our God. In my ‘Latent Thumb Impression
of God’ I have categorically stated with proof that Indra, Bhrama,
Vishnu and Maheswara are addressed as Eswara and all of them are
fallen angels, not only these four but 33 Crores of them! Club not
our God with them. Our God’s loyal angels defeated and chased
them away from heaven. PG addressed our God as Eswara and other
bishops obediently followed suit! They may be Eswara for you but
not for the believers of the Church. This person suggested them
and they are using the word Eswaran inadvertently, thinking of our
God. Very fervently, with tears I plead, please stop it forthwith.
Devil’s synonym does not suit our God!
Jesus never asked us to be a Christian. As far as caste is concerned,
there is no difference between ‘a Dalit’, a Christian or a Brahmin in
the eyes of the Lord. All will come in the category of gentiles; since
we are not Hebrews. Jesus asked us to follow Him. He also asked us
to make all people his disciples. Unfortunately, the Christians did
not understand what discipleship is and they ignored my books also.
12 Diabolic Tools

Jesus asked us to make all people his disciples not Christians. In my

book, ‘Christian Sans Christ,’ there is a chapter devoted exclusively
for discipleship titled, “Follow me.” The Theologians gave much
weight to religion and the word Christians. Alas! Both are absurd!
If you are a religious man, you can never be a disciple of Christ
because you are not a spiritual man. If you claim to be a Christian,
thieves, prostitutes and murderers are also included in that category.
Be a disciple of Jesus and satisfy the commandment of our Lord
God, Jesus Christ! (Matthew 28:19, 20) Your sweet name will be
entered in the ‘Book of Life.’
A theological seminary should not appoint such people as their
principals or professors if they are communists, secularists, atheists
and, necromancer or freemasons. We were forced to appoint a person
with all these traits as the principal of our theological seminary much
against the wishes of our Synod and he caused irreparable damage to
our church. It is quite strange that we did not realise it till date. If
we allow such a thing, they will teach the innocent incumbent their
perverted thoughts and imaginations and ruin their lives and make
them to praise them in all forms and desecrate the glorious name
of our God. Finally these innocent people will be instrumental for
creating ‘super saints’ in the Church which is nothing but a curse
for the Christendom. The relics (a piece of discarded cloth) of such
people will be venerated in the church by the innocent people.
This is the work of our enemy and he is delighted by our foolish
activities. Actually we are saints and we cannot make any one a
super saint. We are not authorised to do that. Don’t you know that
you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in you?
According to Paul and the Holy Bible, you are a saint. You can make
a disciple of Christ and he will be a saint invariably. In this case, you
will be executing the commands of Jesus. In the book, ‘Paurasthya
Christave Darshanam,’ there is a chapter titled, ‘The Holy Bible,’
Foreword 13

where he speaks rubbish and several lies. I was hesitant to use the
word “liar” because he was an “anointed” person, but you will be
forced to use the word many times.
St. Paul’s teaching pierces our heart, “Now the Bereans were of
more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the
message with great eagerness and examined the scriptures every day
to see if Paul said was true” (Acts 17:11). We did not have a single
Berean among us. All ridiculing words coupled with scoffs of the
Holy Bible, we swallowed unquestionably and engraved even in our
seminary chapel for posterity? Annual Symposia on Tom Foolery by
strongly suggested intellectuals are encouraged shamelessly. What
did he do other than using the men and material of Church as a
launching pad for scaling the heights of his personal glory? How
many air tickets to all places including ‘Kamchathuka’ we have
purchased for this false prophet? I am against two titles conferred
on him: ‘Red bishop’ and ‘Bishop sans humility’, just because he is
a bishop of our Church. No other red bishop sleeps in our seminary
chapel and if you are without humility, you are not a friend of Jesus.
Other self- bestowed titles like, ‘Next Prime Minister of India,’4
‘Gregory of India,’5, ‘Hasyo deelan’ ‘Our Healer,’ ‘A light too Bright’
etc. do not suit him at all. This book is the outcome of a question by
my beloved God. Now what made me to press the button; I have no
alternative but to present it to you. My beloved readers, I need not
defend my God or the Holy Bible; Holy Bible defends itself. Never,
ever be a diabolic tool; you are a child of God!

Universal History in

Glory to God in the highest! God existed from the beginning. He

was the King and ruled the universe in the best manner. The created
angels were his subjects. They ruled the Universe in an excellent
manner for a long time which we do not know very precisely but
not less than 17,28,000 years. Let us call it ‘Satyug’1 or ‘Krithayug.’
During this period an excellent order prevailed. God appointed
his Arch Angel, Lucifer2 to rule the whole universe. Peace and
tranquillity does not remain till eternity. There came some sort of
disorder by the pride of the Arch Angel, Lucifer. He wanted freedom
from the righteous king and remain above the king. The other Arch
angels felt that it is an injustice and insult to their king. They put
out the rebellion of Lucifer and along with him a host of other

16 Diabolic Tools

angels also were defeated and felled from the glorious heaven. They
fell on to the earth. Unlike several other planets and stars, earth
was a beautiful garden of God. The fallen angels were dejected at
their fall and defeat and banishment but rejoiced at the glory of the
beautiful earth. They thought of enjoying in earth; but misfortune
hit them hard, God turned the earth upside down, withdrew the
Sun and the Moon. Utter disregards, coupled with utter darkness
and utter emptiness and void hurt them very badly. They licked
their wounds and decided to take revenge against God and lay in
wait impatiently. This is the period we can call it ‘Tretayug’ which
extended for a period of 12,96,000 years. The fallen angels were
two types one with four wings and four hands and the other with
two wings and two hands. They did not keep quite. One of them
was very clever; he named himself ‘Vishnu’ and took the form of
‘Matsya’ or fish according to India and some other creature in other
part of the earth. He then formed himself as ‘Kurma’ or Turtle and
then ‘Varaha’ or boar and later he became a ‘Narasimha’ or half man
and half lion. This is to show that during these periods the fallen
angels were active. Then came the ‘Dwaparayug’ which extended
for a period of 8,64,000 years. During this period the same person
formed himself as ‘Vamana,’ ‘Parasurama,’ Srirama’ and ‘Krishna.’
From the beginning till now God has not created Adam. Then who
were the inhabitants of the earth? They were fallen angels and that
is the missing link of Charles Darvin. Next and the last is ‘Kaliyug’
which extends for a period of 4,32,000 years which is running
currently. Perhaps Krishna might have existed during the end of
‘Dwapara yug’ or the beginning of ‘Kali yug.’ His date of birth is
21-07-3227 BC.
Universal History in Nutshell 17

The Missing Link

The technical term for missing link is transitional morphologies or
forms. The terms are used by palaeontologists to describe important
evolutionary discoveries that contain the anatomical features of
both older and more recent physiology. A good example is the
latest discovery of hominid fossils in Africa, which are believed to
be a possible immediate ancestor to the human lineage, but NOT
a missing link.
Every few years scientists unearth the bones of humanity’s
forefathers. From Lucy to the Hobbits of Flores Island, we are
gradually seeing and building the puzzle of mankind’s evolution.
Truly, man is not the product of evolution but the creation of God.
“Probably the most important thing is that most of the fossils
we find aren’t actually links,” Hawks said. “The number of extinct
side- branches is much larger than the number of true genealogical
connections in the fossil record, and so when we find a fossil, we
don’t assume it’s an ancestor of anything we interpret it as a sister
group of some things.”
While all modern species have followed different evolutionary
paths, humans share a common ancestor with some primates, such as
the African ape. For example, the hominid biological family branch
includes humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and their extinct ancestors,
while hominines include those species after the human lineage split
from that of chimpanzees. This also is false and not a missing link!
“The notion of the ‘missing link’ dates from the early 20th
century, when it was thought that human ancestors formed a sort of
single chain receding into the remotest past,” said paleoanthropologist
Ian Tattersall at the American Museum of Natural History in New
York. “We now know that the picture was much more complex than
that, with a lot of now- extinct species jostling for ecological space
and evolutionary success.”
18 Diabolic Tools

The term missing link was first used in 1851 by Charles Darwin’s
mentor, Charles Lyell, to describe samples of fossils he had found.
Eight years later, Darwin published the ‘Origin of Species,’ in which,
contrary to popular belief, he never used the term while describing
his theories on evolution.
Over the years, many missing link fossils have been revealed to
be hoaxes, with the most famous being the Piltdown Man. In 1912,
a skull and jawbone found in a gravel pit in England were declared
by scientists to be concrete proof of the connection between humans
and apes. No one ever succeeded because that was not a missing link.
The failure of the missing link is: it is not a link between
apes and humans at all. It is the fallen angels who assumed to be
humans and animals and multiplied themselves in strange forms
and shapes. These were the periods of the fallen angels and humans
were not created yet. Rather than searching in the dark, we should
have read the Holy Bible and begged the Holy Spirit for the missing
link as shown in Genesis 6:4. “The Nephilim were on the earth
in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went
to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were
the heroes of old, men of renown.” This is the cause of dis- similar
bones. Lucifer was 16 feet high. His son Cain is a dis- similar person
than Adam’s son Abel. This is the answer to the missing link. Only
a child of God can appreciate it!

The Millenniums
It will be appropriated if we think of the Millenniums starting from
10th millennium downwards to connect Yugas to the present time.
10th Millennium BC marks the beginning of the Mesolithic and
Epipaleolithic periods, which is the first part of the Holocene epoch.
Agriculture, based on the cultivation of primitive forms of millet and
rice, occurred in Southwest Asia. Although agriculture was being
Universal History in Nutshell 19

developed in the Fertile Crescent, it would not be widely practiced

for another 2,000 years. The world population was between one
and ten million most of whom were hunter- gatherer communities
scattered over all continents except Antarctica and Zealandia. The
Würm glaciation ended, and the beginning of interglacial, which
endures to this day, allowed the re- settlement of northern regions.
They were fallen angels as God has not yet created the humans!
9th millennium BC marks the beginning of the Neolithic
period. Agriculture spread throughout the Fertile Crescent and
use of pottery became more widespread. Larger settlements like
Jericho arose along salt and flint trade routes. Northern Eurasia was
resettled as the glaciers of the last glacial maximum retreated. World
population was at a few million, likely below 5 million.
8th millennium BC, agriculture became widely practised in
the Fertile Crescent and Anatolia. Pottery became widespread
(with independent development in Central America) and animal
husbandry (pastoralism) spread to Africa and Eurasia. World
population was approximately five million.
During the 7th millennium BC, agriculture spread from Anatolia
to the Balkans. World population was essentially stable at around
five million, mostly scattered around the globe in small hunter-
gatherer bands. In the agricultural communities of the Middle East,
cow was domesticated and the use of pottery became common,
spreading to Europe and South Asia, and the first metal (gold and
copper) ornaments were made.
During the 6th millennium BC, agriculture spread from the
Balkans to Italy and Eastern Europe, and also from Mesopotamia to
Egypt. World population was essentially stable at numbers ranging
between approximately five and seven million.
5th millennium BC: In North American history provides a
timeline of events occurring within the North American continent
20 Diabolic Tools

from 5000 BC through 4001 BC in the Gregorian calendar. This

time period, (from 5000 BC- 4001 BC), is known as the Middle
4th millennium BC: During the years 4000 through 3000
BC, Some of the major changes in human culture took place. The
beginning of Bronze Age and, the invention of writing played a
major role in recording history. An archaeological site in northern
Sardinia, Italy, located in the territory of Sassari near Porto Torres.
The city states of Sumer and the kingdom of Egypt were established
and grew to prominence. Agriculture spread widely across Eurasia.
World population in the course of the millennium doubled,
approximately from 7 to 14 million.
This is the millennium for the first time in the universal history
we used the word ‘humans’ or people. Before this period was the
fallen angels and now the first to three amalgamation takes place,
which are recorded in the Holy Bible. Su Nuraxi di Barumini, one
of many nuraghe megalithic structures on the island.
Ref: There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after
that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and
they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which
were of old, men of renown. 1. Fallen angels coming to children
of Adam. 2. Fallen angels after the flood of Noah. 3. After means
unabated till today. Genesis 6:4
3rd millennium BC: It spans the years 3000 through 2001 BC.
This period of time corresponds to the Early to Middle Bronze Age,
in which imperialism, or the desire to conquer, grew to prominence
in the city- states of the Middle East and throughout Eurasia. The
civilization of Ancient Egypt rose to a peak with the Old Kingdom.
World population is estimated to have doubled in the course of the
millennium, to some 30 million people.
Universal History in Nutshell 21

2nd millennium BC: It spans the years 2000 through 1000 BC.
It marks the transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age.
Its first half is dominated by the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and
1st millennium BC: It witnessed the period of Iron Age and the
rise of many successive empires, and spanned from 1000 BC to 1 BC.
The Neo- Assyrian Empire develops, followed by the Achaemenids.
In Greece, Classical Antiquity begins with the colonization of
Magna Greece and peaks with the rise of Hellenism.
First millennium AD: It was a period of time that began on
January 1, AD 1, and ended on December 31, AD 1000, of the
Julian calendar. It was the first period of one thousand years in the
Anno Domini or Common Era. In Europe and the Mediterranean
the first millennium was a time of great transition.
Second millennium AD: It was a period of time that began on
January 1, 1001 of the Julian calendar and ended on December
31, 2000 of the Gregorian calendar. It was the second period of
one thousand years in the Anno Domini or Common Era. It
encompassed the High and Late Middle Ages.
Third millennium AD is a period of time that began on January
1, 2001, and will end on December 31, 3000 of the Gregorian
calendar. It is the third and current period of one thousand years in
the Anno Domini or Common Era.

First Human on earth

God felt sad for the vacuum left by the beloved angels turned out
to be rebels. So he remodelled the earth and made a garden in Eden
and created Adam and Eve in his own likeness and image. This was
somewhere between ‘Dwaparayug’ and ‘Kaliyug.’ Before this period
there were no humans in the universe. The creation of humans
occurred somewhere around 4000 BC. The best known date of
22 Diabolic Tools

birth of Adam is the one calculated by Archbishop James Ussher in

the 17th century—6 p.m. Saturday, October 23, 4004 BC. Before
this period only fallen angels existed. Look at the date of birth of
Rama: January 10, 5114 B.C. Therefore, we must understand that
according to the Indian Mythology, Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara
are fallen angels and they were created much before.
Bhagavad Gita is a very precious book. The incidents
mentioned in Gita happened much before the creation of humans,
in ‘Dwaparayug’ when the first human was not yet created. So you
can notice that several things happening contrary to the gravitational
force and size of humans. They were real but had nothing to do with
humans, as it happened before human’s creation. These are incidents
occurred may be lakhs of years before the creation of Adam, while
history of man is hardly 6000 years. Gita is a precious advice, Krishna
advising his brother- in- law Arjuna. There the embodiment actions
and its consequence coupled with rewards are explained in ‘karma
kanda.’ The principles of Gita are absolutely against the principles
of the Holy Bible where the ‘grace’ of God is cardinal point and not
actions. “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this
is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Salvation is not a reward
for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it”
(Ephesians 2:8-9).
Upanishads are ten books containing very valuable information
pertaining to higher level of philosophical knowledge. This precious
information was applied at that time by the fallen angels. It was
prevalent in all over the world. It came to our country as carried
by the people of Euphrates- Tigris Civilization after the Babel
Tower debacle. People spread all over the world after that and
they carried all that they could. When we talk about Rama and
Krishna the Babylonians deal about ‘Gilgameswh3’ and ‘Enkidu’
in the kingdom of ‘Sumeria.’ They have official record. Tower of
Universal History in Nutshell 23

Babel dispersed the whole human population all over the world.
All the human intelligence was originated in and around Iraq only.
The other higher knowledge of cosmos is the contribution of the
fallen angels. Remember the characters ‘Kali’ and ‘Narakasura’ they
were demons, even according to Hindu Puranas. There were demon
kings in the world including India, according to the Puranas. The
Prajapati4 concept is a parallel of the Holy Bible. That is the reason
some portions of the Holy Bible is very similar to certain stanzas
of the Upanishads. These were universal affairs. As Sanskrit, Hindi
and Malayalam Upanishads were found to be not very reliable. I
imported 10 Upanishads in 2 volumes from Max Muller, Germany.
I still preserve it but please bear in mind; it is pertaining to the
fallen angel era and not intended for human. Since its origin is
much before the creation of Adam, the first human, it does not
apply to us. There we see all the fallen angels run behind women.
Some of the incidents of these gods are much below the standard of
us humans to utter, including incest of Brahma. It is fine for them.
They are fallen angels, numbering 33,00,00,000 calling themselves
as gods!


The first amalgamation took place in the Garden of Eden, when
the beautiful Eve was left alone and Adam went to pray to God.
There appeared the fallen angel Lucifer, in the form of a young
handsome youth of 16 feet tall and shining bright like the morning
star. He was a trickster and enticed the young wife of Adam and
made her pregnant with the help of a couple of other fallen angels
including a dragon, an enchanter and a magician. Innocent girl was
taken for a ride and she fell from the grace of God and became
naked. By another trick through the girl the angel managed to trick
24 Diabolic Tools

Adam also and he fell in the trap of a prostitute, his own wife Eve.
She gave birth to a wicked son, called Cain and another son through
Adam called Abel. Cain and his children filled the earth and they are
called Kenites till today. This is the result of the first amalgamation
of human and the fallen angels. The question of ‘first sin’ ‘the apple’
‘the fruit’ and several riddles are opened here itself.
The second amalgamation took place as mentioned in Genesis
6:4. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also
afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans
and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of
renown. Nephilim were the product of humans and the angels. The
third amalgamation took place after the ark was opened during the
time of Noah. The innumerable persons drowned in the flood lost
only their bodies but their spirits were safe and were lying in wait
for an opportunity to mingle with women. There came down from
the ark the wife of Noah, wife of Shem, wife of Ham and wife of
Japheth. That is the meaning of the term “—and also afterward—”
(Genesis 6:4). An ideal example is Nimrod. “Cush was the father of
Nimrod, who grew to be a mighty warrior on the earth. He was a
mighty hunter before the Lord that is why it is said, “Like Nimrod,
a mighty hunter before the Lord.” Like Cain, Nimrod too was a
Nephilim. They were tall, mighty and fearful. Gath was a Nephilim
and he had five sons who were called Goliath.
Apart from that there were several occasions, when Hebrew
man and woman amalgamated from the time of Abraham and
Esau till today by intermarriages of Kenites. These amalgamations
brought out hybrids5 like Nephilim, Klipha, Giborim, Rephaim
and Anakim. This is to indicate that our history is a mixture, like
the population of the universe today, a mixture of fallen angels and
humans, hybrid in nature. As far as faith is concerned some people
worship their father God; while some others worship their father,
Lucifer. What a strange universe history!

A Few Diabolic Tools

Our God loves all. His first lot of children were angels. When they
defected and were banished from heaven, there was a vacuum and
the Lord had revulsion for vacuum. He was sad for the loss of his
beloved children, the fallen angels.1 Angels were created like birds
with wings. They were created neither in the image of God nor in his
likeness. So God decided to make man, his second lot of children,
in his exact image and likeness. Therefore, man was a magnificent
creation. Satan6 was infuriated by seeing these new types of children
of God. Lucifer, the archangel was a magnificent creation of God.
But Lucifer’s splendour and beauty did not last forever. While
ministering, he began to consider his own position of prominence.
Lucifer became prideful1, believing that he deserved more than what
he already had. He wanted to become like the Most High. Pride
goes before fall and it happened to the archangel. He never expected

26 Diabolic Tools

a fall and degradation. When the humans were enjoying the blissful
paradise, he started to destroy them by hook or crook.


Eve was the most beautiful human God has created. He created
her with his own hands. Lucifer was the most beautiful angel, but
he became Satan due to his pride. In Satan’s epic enticement of the
first created divine persons, it is very noticeable that the serpent
had to name drop the creator who is God to further its sinister
objectives. Satan knew so well that it cannot make reference to itself
because its countenance is extremely opposite to the countenance
of God. Satan has an ugly monster in him, while God is a perfectly
supreme divine person. Besides, as the ancient serpent, it is under
the dominion of the first created divine persons by virtue of the
authority vested upon the divine couple by the creator who is God.
Satan had to use the name of God for its proposal to have a high
market value or make its enticement a lot more compelling and
credible. Such method fraught with treachery and deceit is the
diabolic art of deception perfected peerlessly by the “father of lies”7
who is Satan. He had a wicked idea: if God is doing well, he and his
comrades will do the opposite. He approached Eve in the form of
a reptile. He mesmerized her and beguiled her to commit adultery
to father his son Cain. He used the innocent woman as the first
diabolic tool.


Job lost everything he had and sat in mourning and despair. To his
front porch came four close friends. Each diagnosed Job’s condition
and gave their advice. The account shows that Job did not listen
to any of them. He stood his ground and justified himself. God
A Few Diabolic Tools 27

allowed Satan to test the sincerity of Job. Satan and his deceit failed
miserably. So he approached four of his friends: Eliphaz, Bildad,
Zohar and Elihu to persuade Job to fall into the pit of pride. God
finally got Job’s attention and brought him around to see the pride
and arrogance of his self- inflicted position. In three well phrased
chapters8, a masterful dressing down, God brought Job around
to see that he was nothing. In the end he came to say to God,
“I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye
sees you. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes”
(Job 42:5). These diabolic tools got blunted in front of Job. He
showed his enormous faith in God. We can see that Satan had
frequent audience with God. Satan and his diabolic tools are


The son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin, the first king of the
Israelites (1 Samuel 9:1-2) became the slave of jealousy, duplicity,
deceit, treachery, and the most malignant and diabolic tool. As
soon as he became king, Saul killed and chased all mediums from
Israel. However, at fag end of his life, he disobeyed God. Instead of
listening to God he went according to his will to a medium. Finally,
he was confused and lost all hopes. God had handed him over to an
evil spirit as a punishment for his disobedience and deceit. He tried
to kill David for no valid reason except jealousy and deceit. It was
the character of Satan. So he went and met a medium to consult
dead Samuel. The medium was successful in making him believe
that the apparition the medium saw was Samuel the prophet. She
convinced him to believe that dead Samuel informed the medium
that Saul and his son Jonathan will die today in the battle. So King
Saul became a diabolic tool. God instructed us, “I will set my face
against the person who turns to mediums and spirits to prostitute
28 Diabolic Tools

himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people”
(Leviticus 20:6). “A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist
among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood
will be on their heads” (Leviticus 20:27). All mediums are diabolic
tools. P G became a medium.


Ahithophel was one of the warriers and advisors of David. His son
Eliam was the father of Bathsheba. She was married to Uriah, a
Hittite, and a famous warrior of David’s company. In the encounters
with the army of King Saul, Ahithophel, Eliam and Uriah fought
hand to hand along with David and saved him several times at
the cost of their lives. Since they were actively involved in politics
they were all staying very close to the Palace. Once the beautiful
granddaughter of Ahithophel, was taking bath. It was in such a way
that David could view it from the roof top, a deceit. He brought
her home and made her pregnant. In order to cover up the issue
David killed the innocent Uriah in a cunning manner, in the battle
field; another deceit. The whole episode is pivoted on the character
of Bathsheba who was used as a diabolic tool in order to ruin the
life of David. Through out his life David regretted for the onslaught
he had from the diabolic tool of Bathsheba. In order to exact his
vengeance Ahithophel advises Absalom to encounter David before
crossing the river Jordan at night. But “the Lord appointed to defeat
the good counsel” of Ahithophel and he committed suicide by
hanging. This episode could be omitted from the Holy Bible. But
see the truthfulness of the word of God; it is mentioned verbatim.
Satan uses innocent people as diabolic tools, Bathsheba was yet
another example!
A Few Diabolic Tools 29


Jesus and Iscariot Judas: The most amazing story ever told, How
a miracle- working apostle of Jesus Christ fell into sin, committed
suicide, and wound up in hell — doomed and damned forever! We
ought to make it very clear that Judas was never saved. “He was
never repented or converted. He never put his own personal faith in
the Saviour for the forgiveness of sins.”
Worldly speaking Judas was the most prominent figure among
the disciples of Jesus. He was from a well known family, rich,
educated and affluent more than any of them. That is why he was
appointed as the treasurer of Jesus’ ministry. He had no compassion
for the poor. When Mary, Lazarus’ sister, anointed Jesus’ feet with
a “very precious” ointment a few days before the Saviour’s death,
Judas complained about it. His rationalization was that the valuable
substance might have been sold, with the revenue distributed to the
poor. But John affirmed that his protest had nothing to do with
“care for the poor” (John 12:6). The narrative is even more explicit.
John declared that his protest was powered by greed, for he was a
thief, who “took away” what was deposited in the treasury box. Satan
induces his character and the victim falls in deceit for his harvest.
Jesus “knew from the beginning” who the traitor would be.
Speaking specifically to the twelve, he said: “Did I not choose you
the twelve, and one of you is a devil?” The term diabolos was applied
figuratively to Judas because of his antagonism to Christ (Matthew
16:23; 7:19). On Tuesday before Christ’s death, Luke says that
“Satan entered into Judas,” and he then met with the chief priests
and captains. A bargain was struck with reference to the betrayal of
Jesus (Luke 22:3-6). To suggest that Satan “entered into” Judas is a
forceful way of stating that the apostle yielded to satanic influence,
implementing thoughts he had entertained for a while.
30 Diabolic Tools

Two days later, at the time of the “last supper,” John observes
that “the devil” had already “put into the heart of Judas” the
inclination to betray his Lord John 13:2. During the feet- washing
episode, Christ hinted that Judas was not “clean” (v. 10b). Later
during the meal, when Jesus indicated to the traitor that he knew
of his diabolical plan (Matthew 26:25) “then entered Satan into
him” (John 13:27). Whatever reservations may have lingered in his
tortured soul previously now was gone. The devilish plan crystallized!
Each of the Gospel writers depicts Judas as a betrayer or traitor.
Tragically, Judas hanged himself (Matthew 27:3). His ultimate
destiny in eternal punishment is hardly open to dispute. He was
described as a “son of perdition” (John 17:12). The “son of ” idiom
conveys the idea of experiencing a destiny consistent with one’s
character. Luke says that Judas “fell away” from his ministry and
apostleship and went to “his own place,” i.e., the place he prepared
for himself and deserved to be—hell (Acts 1:25).
Jesus laments: “While I was with them, I kept them in your
name, which you have given me. I have guarded them, and not one
of them has been lost, except the son of destruction.” Jesus “lost”
Judas. The traitor’s loss resulted from his wrong choices, and he
“fell away” (Acts 1:17, 25). Truly speaking, a talented person, an
all- rounder was converted to a diabolic tool. It destroyed him and
ultimately sent him to hell!
(It was hard to believe until we found a parallel in recent times
in the life of PG, a bishop of our Church, who betrayed everyone
he came across except Satan. We will deal with it in the next
diabolic tool.)


Now let us see a Bishop praised by everyone becomes a wretched
diabolic tool! We know Paul Varghese as a very intelligent person
A Few Diabolic Tools 31

who could become a very successful person in the world. But in

reality he was a tool in the hands of Lucifer. His dejected life,
association with the Marxist party, Ethiopian black practices, mind
control, very ambitious nature to acquire ‘higher knowledge’ etc. are
examples. His qualifications coupled with intense desire to become
a bishop to penetrate into WCC made it very easy for Lucifer to
swing him between this world and the nether world to wreck and
demolish him. That is the other side of his character but no one will
believe it because very successfully he did mask his relationship with
Lucifer. In fact, he could fool everyone he came in contact with.
“He has never repented or converted. He never put his own personal
faith in the Saviour for the forgiveness of sins.”
Let us see how clever Satan was to act in a clandestine manner,
ruining the life of a gem of a man in the following chapters.

Paul Varghese As I Know

Paul Varghese was a very brilliant student. When he completed his

High School, from the princely state of Cochin, misfortune hit him
hard that he could not pursue his studies in college. His mother was
mentally challenged. This made him a rebel. So he started earning
for his survival. His mind was always rebellious so he joined the
communist movement and became a union leader at a very young
age. He was very ambitious, hence he left the current job to join
Telegraph department and enhanced his union and communist
activities at higher echelons.
Communist activities at that time were also coupled with
militant activities like today. Extermination is always the principle
of the communist party, if the opponent group is not prepared
to join with their agenda. Young Paul was a core communist but
was not prepared to execute the extermination orders of the party’s

34 Diabolic Tools

higher ups. After becoming an active ‘saghavu’ (comrade) of the

communist party, he was not much connected with the Church or
served as an altar boy because Karl Marx was his idol. Marx taught
him, “Religion is the opium of the people.”11 The communist party
had influenced him so much that he believed, “Banish the gods
from the skies and capitalists from the Earth and make the world
safe for industrial communism.” However, he was not prepared to
join the groups who executed the innocents for party. As a union
leader of a transport company at Kochi, he was liked by EMS,
AKG and E.K. Nayanar. When he joined the Post and Telegraph
department, invariably he was the union leader there also. He was
a handsome Christian, although he stopped practicing Christianity
for the sake of party. Either he had to commit criminal activities
for the party or they will make him a martyr. A time came when he
was compelled to leave the country or face the wrath of the higher
ups. There were two valid reasons for the party to deal with him in
a very harsh manner. A) He was an excellent freelance26 reporter of
the communist party and also he was too smart that so many of his
seniors feared that he will overtake them. Then they hatched a plot,
and he was hunted by both Travancore police and Cochin police for
his journalistic work. B) His connection with T.V. Thomas (later
minister of the communist government, who married in the party
office, another communist, K.R. Gouri, also a minister) brought
him to lime light. He had good rapport with several Communist
leaders. However, by his luck, Paul Varghese left the country for
good and surfaced in Ethiopia as a school teacher. At that time the
minimum qualification for a teacher was a graduation from a college.
He was only a matriculate but very intelligent and studious person.
He became a language teacher of a primary school in Ethiopia after
studying their language, Amharic. Later he reorganised the grammar
of that language which surprised the ruler of the country, HH Haile
Paul Varghese As I Know 35

Sellasee. After three years he left for higher studies, B.A. to Goshen
College, United States.
He did not surface for quite some time but his pen was active
for the party and it had its influence even in China and Germany.
Many a missionaries had bitter experience including loss of life by
the Communist party, like Watchman Nee. In 1952 Watchman Nee
breathed his last in prison in main land China for his gospel work in
the neighbouring Islands and Mainland China. Communist writers
and anonymous free lance writers like Paul Varghese contributed so
much for the Communist party, while it was very injurious to the
Gospel workers. No one ever suspected his nefarious activities for
the Communist party. However, word of God flourished day by day
even in the adverse conditions.
After his post graduation, he joined the World Council of
Churches. He also became a priest and later a bishop with the
intention to head the WCC. He also worked for completing his
thesis on Gregory of Nyssa, one of the Cappadocian fathers. As
the subject was already taken up by umpteen number of people, he
could not get a guide or a supervisor. He was disappointed, more
rebellious and dejected because this doctorate would have filliped
him to better heights in WCC, his cherished ambition. Finally he
approached Rev. Dr. V.C. Samuel and requested him to help him
out. At that time both of them were in Oxford and Paul Varghese
was staying with Dr. V.C. Samuel. As he narrated to me, the so
called thesis did not have any merit or substance except the already
documented material kept in the “Gregory of Nyssa Research
Institute”6. He advised Paul Varghese to include something as
originality is needed for a thesis. As per his advice he modified it but
there were no takers. At last Rev. Dr. V.C. Samuel approached his
friend at Oxford, Fr. Kelly. During that period, Kelly was a professor
of Serampore Christian College. He persuaded Fr. Kelly to help
36 Diabolic Tools

him out. After one hour interview with Paul Varghese, Fr. Kelly
remarked that his approach about Saint Augustine was unfair and
too cheap as Paul Varghese was too small a person to comment on a
Saint like Augustine. Finally Fr. Kelly obliged Rev. Dr. V C Samuel
and Paul Varghese got his doctorate. This catapulted him to the level
of Secretary of WCC. PG later remarked that “Kelley did not have
even one tenth of his knowledge.” See the audacity and arrogance of
PG. In 1975 a Red Bishop took birth in the Malankara Orthodox
Church, much against the wishes of the Synod.
He became very famous in WCC and they sent him all over
the world. He visited USSR over 45 times and subjected several
important people for tuning them to “all seeing eye.”7 He liked
USSR for a couple of reasons: Enough of precious Rubble for the
pocket; enough of Vodka for the cold weather and enough of prey
for teaching One World Religion! The world got an impression that
he is doing evangelical work in USSR but he did no gospel work
anywhere in the world because he was a critic of Evangelism as it
was branded as ‘Imperialism’ by him. Of course, during this long
period he acted as a presbyter in a chapel for names sake two or
three weeks. He himself stated that he hates the word ‘Mission’ and
he is a critic of Mission and had never been a missionary because
Mission is imperialism as rich people serve the poor people with
the intention of converting them to Christianity. He also became a
freemason who used to speak about philanthropic subjects all over
the world. He acquired good reputation among Hindus, Muslims,
Jains and Sikhs, so that he was widely acknowledged as a secularist
and a bishop of the Church.
As regards to our Church, he was the Principal of the Theological
Seminary, although he knew very little about the Holy Bible and
Christian Theology. His main contributions were introductions of
‘Eswaran’ in place of God and the word ‘Namo’ for honouring evil
Paul Varghese As I Know 37

spiritual gods. He had cultivated several students for him in the

Seminary and not a single disciple of Christ because he himself was
not a disciple of Christ!
Another venomous contribution is the introduction of
“Rudrakshamala.” In orthodox church he started and several bishops
and priests adopted it shamelessly. Do you know the significance of
that? Ignorance is a bliss! After the sad death of Sati his wife, Shiva
was very sad and angry. He put her half burnt body on this neck and
started ‘siva thandava nrutham’. Her body was disintegrated and
fell apart. The sweat fell from his body is said to be ‘rudraksha’. PG
wore it and his chelas followed suit. He did it deliberately to please
his God; others sinned against God!
He also received three honorary doctorates because he had great
interest in various subjects, particularly of Karl Marx. Whenever a
Nobel laureate publishes a paper on any new subject, Paul Varghese
will study that subject, own it up and publish a book or an article
in his name, as secretary of WCC. His ‘Cosmic Man’19 earned him
name and fame but no one knew that it was an adaptation of a
portion of the book, ‘The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the
Old Testament’ by R.H. Charles, D.LITT., DD, printed at the
Clarendon press, Oxford. The original speaker in that book is none
other than our ‘Enoch.’ He had a lot of such books and articles for
his credit in various subjects. His name and fame came from the
WCC which ruined his spiritual life, thus:
• He became a regular speaker in the international circle on the
subjects of Yoga, and Reiki. It is a sin for Christians because at
one stage, you have to dismiss Holy Spirit and install the devil
to practice yoga and Reiki effectively.
• He became a freemason and engaged in philanthropic activities.
WCC gave him a free hand to travel all over the world for
38 Diabolic Tools

dealing with its functions. Freemasons 33rd degree is directly

reporting to the ‘All Seeing Eye’ or Satan.
• He was engaged in dialogues with ‘who is who’ of other religions
and diluted the principles of Christianity.
• He developed a scant respect for the Holy Bible and started
equating Christ with other people, without knowing even the
definition of Christ.
• He treated Mockachi Okado as a prophet and practiced
the technique of how to live actively after death. A devilish
technique, requiring of replacing the Holy Spirit with Mockachi
• ‘Healing a Holistic Approach’ to be called as ‘Hasiyo deelan’
and ‘Our healer,’ in fact he became a Necromancer.
• He was nicknamed as ‘Red Bishop’ as he was a staunch
communist. Communists are Atheists. His body is the only
one in the Seminary chapel belonging to a communist, atheist,
secularist, freemason, necromancer, medium and a satanist.
• He was a critic of the Holy Bible, Evangelism and Mission.
• He was nicknamed as ‘Bishop sans humility’. He admits that he
is very rude and he bluffed.
• WCC made him arrogant, rude and a bluff master.
• He sold his soul and spirit to Lucifer as Dr. Faustus did.
Worldly he became very successful. Other people respected him and
appreciated his attitude without knowing him from close quarters.
People of other religions respected him because he sold our Christ in
his ‘Will’ to them. He said “Christ is for me a teacher of humanity,
along with Gautama Budha, Vardhamana Mahavira, Loa Tse,
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohammed, Adi Shannkara, Plato, Socrates,
Moses, and Zoroaster12.” He belittled Christ because he did not
know even the definition of Christ. Where did he meet Christ and
experience Christ? If he says, Jesus was a teacher, it is a fact. He
Paul Varghese As I Know 39

knew nothing about Christ. As far as spiritual life is concerned, he

entered WCC as a diamond of the Church and came out as a piece
of charcoal. As time passed, nobody trusted him in WCC. They
had been trying to mask him from the general public because at
the end he became devilish. In all important functions they were
compelled to send two presidents to cover him up. This book is a
humble attempt to show how gullible is our people and how far can
we go away from our loving God? This also will throw some light
on diabolic tools!

My last meeting with him

I knew Paul Varghese since 1961. He was a towering personality
when I met him last in 1994. Then I was the secretary of St. Gregorios
Orthodox Cathedral and was supervising a construction work of the
Church as I was the convenor. Fr. C. M. Philipose was the vicar
when Paul visited us. It also reminded me that this person was very
arrogant and impatient as stated by my friend K.I. Isaac, whom we
called affectionately, ‘Listener Isaac’ because he had an institute of
Radio Engineering by that name. We respected him because he was
still an altar boy at the age of 80 plus. One day, Paulos Gregorios
asked him to give a lift to Bangalore Cantonment station. Generally
for any Episcopal visit, we will volunteer to provide a car for them.
But since Paulos Gregorios was very arrogant, no one bothered
when he visited Bangalore. Isaac, who was 14 years older than him
took his luggage and drove him to Cantonment Station. On the way
his old Fiat car got punctured. VIP got annoyed and fired Isaac for
going around with a junk car. Very reverently, Isaac said I will set it
right now and started to change the punctured wheel. The VIP was
not sitting with Isaac in the front seat. Isaac was driver and VIP was
sitting back left seat with enormous pomp and show! Bishop did not
come out or helped him. Soon he looked at the watch and gave Isaac
40 Diabolic Tools

another dose of firing. He said, Thirumeni, I will take you soon and
drop you at railway station 10 minutes before the train arrives. He
knew the timings of all trains as his house was a few meters away
from the station. After one minute, while Isaac was finishing his job
Thirumeni shouted at the top of his voice, saying “You should have
told me before hand that your car is such a junk”, the third dose.
Isaac remained silent and dropped him at the station 15 minutes
early and kept his luggage in the train’s compartment, kissed his
hand and left. In the Church compound he narrated his story with
great remorse to me as a complaint because they all knew that I am
a friend of Paulos Gregorios. Since I knew his nature very well, I
thought of asking him a question. This was not to clear my doubt
but to trigger his ego. Vicar told him that our A.V. Thomas wants
to ask you a small doubt. He said why small, let Thomachan ask the
greatest question, I am ready. As soon as I entered the parsonage vicar
told us that today there will be a speech in the TV by Fr. O. Thomas;
are you going to watch? I immediately said yes. Thirumeni said,
“Why should I watch that, what can I get from that?” I was delighted
to hear the statement because I was going to encounter the ‘Everest
of Knowledge!’
I asked Thirumeni, I have a small question. He said, “You are an
experienced industrialist of Bangalore, why make it small, let it be
a big question.” I said, “Thirumeni, as you know, I am a very small
fellow and my question also is very small. I know netra danam maha
danam what is your opinion about it?” He said, “Yes it is!” I said,
“Fine! My doubt is that I donated one of my eyes to a blind man.
We both died. I was expecting some special consideration from the
Judgement seat of Jesus, while I was on my knees to receive the
verdict, to my utter despair, Jesus said, ‘Thomas, God could give
him several pairs of eyes, if he wanted. He did not give him any
because he never wanted him to see the glory of God’s creation. You
Paul Varghese As I Know 41

have defeated his very purpose of creating him as blind. Why did
you do that?’ What should be my answer?” Abruptly he said, God
will not say like that. I said, “He asked me.” He again said, God
cannot ask like that. “How could you say that on behalf of God?”
I asked. An unpleasant silence prevailed. I repeated how could you
say that on behalf of God? He had no answer. This infuriated him.
He got annoyed as usual. Since I knew his nature, I said a joke
loudly and the vicar burst into laughter. He could not do anything
and got further infuriated. A Pitiable sight!
He had a peculiar character. He had no friends. Unlike any
other persons, he was never hospitable. He thought all other people
are very small. Look at his hospitality: When PG was hospitalised
in Germany, two Indians drove over three hours and reached the
hospital to visit him. One of them was Rev. Dr. E.C. John, principal
of United Theological College, Bangalore. The other person was his
relative Dr. K.O. Mathew. They have been together in Thadakam
Ashram where Paul Varghese was his comrade who was hospitalised in
Germany. So they thought let us pay a visit to him. Rev. Dr. E.C. John
has taken a tedious drive to see their good old friend. By that time
he has become a bishop and greater than the greatest. After a few
minutes of their arrival, His grace Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios asked
them to clear off as he has got important matter to type. No drink,
no friendly words and exhibited enormous form of arrogance. They
wished him speedy recovery and left. Do you know what was that
great important matter; Crystallised form of blasphemy as usual.
Have you noticed his hospitality? When Rev. Dr. E.C. John narrated
it to me, I was not ashamed as I knew Paulos Gregorios pretty well!
As far as I knew him, he was not prepared for a complete
surrender to Jesus. He was over conscious about his freedom.
According to P. Govindappillai, this freedom is alienation from
God. He wanted to have dialogue with God. God never allowed
42 Diabolic Tools

him for that but Satan pretended to be god and entertained him
every time. He saw God as a dictator. He was a rebellious person and
that is why he sold his soul to Lucifer. After that he could find that
St. Augustine was too obedient to God, too humble and he made
the European people a slave to God. ‘Bishop sans humility’ found
fault with noble Saint Augustine and said “I need not call him Saint
Augustine.” This is one of the reasons why his close friends said that
he inherited his mother’s mental derailment! They are true because
no sane person will make several denials. No honourable person will
tell several lies for nothing. No educated person will say, “In Yale
University nobody knew anything! In Oxford University nobody
knew anything!” Prof. Dr. Kelly advised him to be more humble and
his criticism will not stand against St. Augustine because Augustine
is a great person and PG is a small fellow. This infuriated him and
said that Kelly did not know one tenth of what he knew. Taking all
these into consideration I thought PG was a lost sheep. Later on I
concluded that he was not a lost sheep but a wolf in sheep’s clothes!
Lucifer used him as a diabolic tool!

‘Swanubhava Vediyil’
This is the last book of Fr. Dr. V.C. Samuel and I was the editor
along with M.S. George. On one occasion, Fr. V.C. Samuel told
me, “I have shared all my secrets with you; I have not done it even
with my wife.” I loved and respected him because I have not yet
seen such a person of great integrity with original faith. He told
me once that a person has hit him below the belt and he considers
it as the most, unkindest cut of all. Since it is a delicate subject I
kept quiet and pretended not interested to hear that. He said “it is
about your friend Paul Varghese. We both were in Ethiopia and he
was a primary teacher in a school and I was Principal of a collage.
Both these institutions were under the control of the Emperor Hale
Paul Varghese As I Know 43

Selassie. Paul Varghese was very ambitious and I used to help him
in many respects. Then he met me in Oxford with a request to help
him out with his thesis. I did that but there were no takers as a guide
because the subject did not have any originality and all the materials
could be compiled by anyone as it is displayed in “the institute of
Gregory of Nyssa.”15 Several people have obtained doctorate, with
slightest modification. So no one wanted to tie an additional bell to
the same cat. When he was completely dejected and staying with me,
I decided to contact my best friend Dr. Kelly who was a professor at
Serampore University Calcutta, to help him out. Dr. Kelly obliged.
However, he remarked to Paul Varghese, “St. Augustine was a great
Saint and what was written about him was not charitable. Moreover
being such a small man how dare you criticise him so badly? Yet
I did not reject the thesis because of the good relation we had.”
He recommended the thesis and that is how Paul Varghese got his
Fr. V.C. Samuel continued, “In 1960 I was in Chicago
University. After going through my Dissertation, a very famous
professor expressed his immense satisfaction and asked me to
include two more epistles. Since he was having Editorship, he
edited it and included in my Dissertation. In addition to that he
offered me, without my asking, if my professor in Yale agrees, he
can arrange three years complete financial assistances for my higher
studies. I was very happy and contacted my Yale professor Dr.
Calhoun and informed the matter and asked an appointment to
see him personally. He said for this matter you need not come from
Chicago and in addition, this telephone is too costly for you. So
allow him to pay that also. Everything went very well, but it did not
materialise because your friend turned the table against me.” He had
already tendered his resignation to the College, vacated his residence
and moved goods to the sea port. Then a strange cable was received
44 Diabolic Tools

from Yale stating that his scholarship is cancelled as he was no more

an Orthodox priest. On enquiry it was found that Fr. Paul Varghese
worked very hard to get his scholarship stopped. Fr. V.C. Samuel
tried to find out what made him to do such a hit below his belt.
Finally, he recollected that, while they were in Oxford, one day, his
wife asked him to request Paul Varghese to shift from their residence
to a different location. He promptly conveyed it to Paul Varghese
and he shifted to a different location. But he was displeased. This
might have infuriated him and he acted in an unfriendly manner.
This was the reward for helping him in several ways. Poor soul had
to do everything from the scratch again. Watch how Satan uses his
diabolic tools!
The Emperor, Haile Selassie was a good friend of Fr. V.C.
Samuel. He asked him what had gone wrong as regards Yale
University studies. Fr. Samuel said I will tell you after one year. The
Emperor patiently waited for the lapse of one year and asked him
the reason. He narrated the whole story. Emperor was aware of the
fact that Fr. Samuel was debarred as he was an Orthodox priest who
got married after his ordination, against the tradition, in India. In
other Orthodox Churches, after becoming priest also people used
to get married or even remarried, so that they do not go astray. He
assured Fr. Samuel that he was sending him for research with his
family to Yale at the cost of the Emperor. The outcome was “Council
of Chalcedon Re- examined” published. It was a great book of truth
universally accepted for it revealed several lies of Synods!
Fr. V.C. Samuel was a simple person with very high degree of
decency and humility. In Bangalore all Christian organisations bow
to him for his royal nature. But how did PG treated him is worth
“Although we had a theological seminary in the year 1815, due
to various difficulties it became a recognised institution in the year
Paul Varghese As I Know 45

1965 only. In 1962, while I was a professor in Serampore University,

Fr. Philipose, a member of the Senate, later Bishop Philipose Mar
Theophilos, came with a letter from the Catholicos, Geevarghese II,
to submit it to the Senate for affiliation. I could do everything for
that including filing the application, defending it and getting the
affiliation. Thereafter only, we were able to give degree and Master
of Theology in the year 1981.” This being the fact, PG claimed that
he was the person worked for affiliation. It was not true.
V.C. continued, “From June 1981 to May 1990, I worked
as professor in our Seminary. Taking into consideration of my
qualifications, position and age, other persons in the seminary and
the students respected me and loved me for which I am greatly
obliged. However, no salary was given for the whole period of ten
years.” Everyone was convinced that he should be given his salary
and perks but PG, the principal, objected it and given 2nd class rail
fare, while PG was flying to and fro like a bat! This was his vengeance
due to the fact that while PG was a primary school teacher with
matriculation and V.C. was principal of a prestigious college under
the same management. I remember very well, Fr. Samuel was finding
it difficult to meet both ends because, he never worked for money
and the employer thought it was better to deprive him. We have
also erred in not compensating him because we gave Rs.300/- per
month for a person who was appointed by the Cathedral Church
for looking after the St. Thomas Orthodox chapel at seva nilayam
belonging to Catholic Church. Finally, we felt ashamed because
he developed it single handed and made a full fledged Church, to
day it is St. Thomas Cathedral. Then he moved to another chapel
at Rajaji Nagar, which he developed as a St. Stephen’s Church. At
that time also I was the secretary of St. Gregorios Cathedral and
we have decided to give V.C. a life time pension of Rs.2,500/-
per month. Actually he deserved much more. Now the point is,
46 Diabolic Tools

being a Christian, forget about his position as a bishop, how did

PG misbehave like this to a colleague, ten years senior, who taught
him even how to conduct Holy Eucharist as he had no experience
even as an altar boy or as a parish priest. V C liked him because he
was very intelligent and very ambitious. He taught him all what he
knew. But PG betrayed him in all aspects. It was his very nature!
When the ‘Priest Directory’ was to be published Fr. Samuel
was consulted and he gave enough material to be included in that
with the intention to eliminate certain mistakes from the Church
Service and Holy Eucharist. Particularly, the use of Syriac in Holy
Eucharist, when the common man did not know that language,
it sounded unfair. PG did not allow the correction. He refused to
include it in the directory and made a deliberate error that V.C. is
working in the St. Mary’s Church Jalahalli. Vengeance is mine says
PG, as a diabolic tool.
When ‘Sabha Vignana Kosham’ was to be published, V.C.
worked for it. Rev. Fr. T.J. Joshua and Dr. K.M. Tharakan expressed
their gratitude and praised him for his works but PG made sure
that his name was omitted from the current professors as well as the
retired professors. Such a diabolic tool went unpunished!
“Just because I got married, he tried his level best, to sink me
in sorrows however, merciful God arranged helping hand for me
through out and I prayed for him continually. After my marriage,
as a deacon, priest and metropolitan he has helped me in the Holy
Eucharist. I will continue to pray for him.” P.227
“Vengeance is mine,” says PG. Everyone at that time realised
that Fr. V.C. Samuel got married when he was a priest. No one
objected it because he had a lot of friends and they all approved
it. They were enlightened friends and knew very well up to 16th
century, priest marriage and remarriage was common in all Orthodox
Churches. After the Catholic amalgamation only the tradition came
Paul Varghese As I Know 47

that priest should not get married. But PG took it as an offence

and ridiculed him in every meetings and conferences. Such a thing
happened immediately after the speech of Fr. V.C. Samuel in Accra.
Without knowing the subject matter, PG gave a very injurious
remark connected with his marriage. Dr. Robert Nelson came to Fr.
Samuel and said, “Of all people, he should not have said that.” That
is PG as a diabolic tool!
In another occasion when a meeting was held in Beirut,
Lebanon Fr. V. C. Samuel was representing Orthodox Church and
PG was representing WCC. Ralph Mould was the president and he
had an argument with PG. Finally Ralph said to V.C., “If you say
something, the way in which you express yourself, make me feel that
I should honour it. But if he says it, I shall be very reluctant to act.”
At this V.C. advised PG to change his behaviour at least in august
forums? Of course PG will never take advice. It happened because
VC was held by one and all at high esteem and PG was hated due to
his arrogance. He was a liability to all the organizations he worked.
Yet another incident took place, in Whitefield, Bangalore when
faith and order director Lukas Fisher was presiding the meeting at
Ecumenical Centre. VC and Fisher were very good friends and they
maintained the relationship. By that time PG became a bishop.
During the meeting PG became very arrogant and entire meeting
felt sad. At the end Mr. Fisher told VC, “You must tell Paulose
Gregorios that we can also speak as he does. But then it will spoil
the atmosphere.” I am sure in the Orthodox Church no body will
ever believe these rude behaviour of PG. It is his character. Have
you noticed one thing? PG betrayed his friend every time because
it is his nature.
While editing the book, Swanubhava Vediyl, I found something
irregular as regards Paulos Gregorios was concerned. When it was
brought to the notice of Fr. Samuel, he asked me time for one day to
48 Diabolic Tools

give his opinion. Next day, he stated “enough subtlety is introduced,

if omitted now also, when I will get an opportunity to reveal it? I am
84 years plus. This is my swanubhava vedyil and I was deeply pained
by this type of activity of a friend. So let it be there.”
Reluctantly I included that in the book and conveyed it to him
promptly. After a couple of months he telephoned me at 5 AM and
told me that Paulos Gregorios passed away. “I am sorry I could not
heed your advice at that time.” I told him to forget about it. The
Lord decides all.
From the foregoing it can be concluded that Paulos Gregorios
was the other side of a “Human Wonder” because any other human
being will be ashamed of himself. Was he really a human wonder!
No body realised that he was a diabolic tool.

Fall of Paul Varghese from

the Grace of God

PG was completely dissatisfied by the way the world is running. He

became a communist just because God is not capable of distributing
the wealth in an equal manner. In all world forums he emphasised
the point that this civilization is going to end. The following is the
quintessence of Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios vision and mission. “We
know that our civilization needs reconstitution, but civilizations are
not made out of whole clothes by planners and engineers. We have
to make gigantic effort to move from where we are towards where
we ought to be going. But it has become difficult to be sure in which
direction to move, because the vision is not clear, the fog is dense,
and something has gone wrong with our eyesight as well.”
From the beginning he was having a confusion confounded
situation. He never tried to find out that Jesus is the “way” to come
50 Diabolic Tools

out from the fog. Through out his life, he was blaming his eyesight
and the density of the fog. This was an extra ordinarily clever way
to introduce subtlety of his “One World Religion,” a change for the
sake of change to satisfy the “all Seeing Eye”16 or Satan.
Every where he spoke of three self healing subjects; where he
claimed to be a practitioner as well as the expert. 1. Yoga 2. Johrei 3.
Reiki. In all these practices there is one thing common. Vacate the
Holy Spirit and plant an alien spirit in your heart and mind. Name
it as cosmic power. What is the cosmic power? In the universe, there
are so many planets, stars, meteors and so on and so forth. They are
interdependent. They have very huge magnetic power. Taking this
into consideration only God has planted it in its appropriate place.
The arrangement is such that it is very accurate; there is no need for
any maintenance and no much deviation from time immemorial.
We admire the accuracy of the creator always! These powers cannot
be utilised by humans. However, there are lot of theories and make
beliefs in connection with cosmic power. Mostly these are faulty
theories. Actual cosmic power is what is mentioned in the Holy
Bible. It can be called cosmic because it is in that realm. Let us
start from Jesus and end up with Paul. Jesus said, “When an impure
spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest
and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’
When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put
in order. Then goes he, and takes with himself seven other spirits
more wicked than him, and they enter in and dwell there: and the
last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also
unto this wicked generation” (Matthew 12:43-45). So it is evident
that the so called power is from and through the evil spirits. “For
we wrestle not, against flesh and blood; but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against
spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians
Fall of Paul Varghese from the Grace of God 51

6:12). Again Jesus said, “Here comes the prince of this world, but
he has no power over me” (John14:30). Intellectuals call it cosmic
PG opened the window for Satan and he made him a diabolic
tool and advocated three methods of self- healing and he claims to
be “Our Healer.” In actuality he could not heal himself. He went
behind three methods; all of them require vacating of the Holy Spirit
for installing another alien spirit. Let us examine:


Jews and Christians are the most insensitive people to God. They
are also absolutely selfish and thankless. The Holy Bible qualifies
them as “prostitutes.” Jewish prophets admitted that the Jews are
prostitutes. They have exhibited their thanklessness by rejecting
their promised ‘one and only Messiah’ Jesus Christ. They always
go behind other gods. Christians also are like that. They will go
behind yoga stating that it is only an exercise. It is not true. PG
advocated it to betray us as a diabolic tool. If you reject your
Holy Spirit then what is left in you? But then the Jews stopped
their prostitution once for all, though they have refused to return
to their beloved husband, their Almighty God. Apostle Paul makes
a sincere effort to present Christians as virgins without blemishes
and shrinkage to the bridegroom Jesus, until he was beheaded. After
him, till today, innumerable evangelists have tried their best to keep
reminding Christians to keep away from iniquities but to no avail.
They continued to do prostitution, they had five husbands but the
present man they sleep with is not their husband, Yoga. Paulos
Gregorios advocates yoga and recommend it as an alternative cure.
In yoga the self is God. From the beginning he was talking about
freedom from God which was nothing short of alienation from God
and ended up in self as God.
52 Diabolic Tools

Who are you to comment about yoga, you are a practising

Christian? True, I am a practising Christian, after the age of 64
(2006) and until then I was a selfish, thankless Christian for names
sake who hurt my Savoir Jesus Christ shamelessly. I practiced yoga
from the age of 17 till 64 irregularly. I reached up to the first level of
kunthalini yoga. Next stage is the spiritual part of yoga. At that time
I had the 4th encounter with the Holy Spirit. I do not know whether
I can use the word ‘encounter’. It is not like the encounter of Paul.
Paul is Paul and I am only a vermin Thomas, not even worthy to be
called a slave of my Lord. However, His Mercy protected me form
the devil and picked me up and made me a disciple.
Before I delve into the subject of yoga, may I make clear certain
unpleasant facts?
1. God created the heaven and earth very long ago.
2. His first lot of children of God were the angels with six wings,
called the Seraphim, four wings called the Cherubim and the
two wings called the angels.
3. They were obedient children of God and they ruled the whole
universe for billions of years in peace and tranquillity and it is
named as satyuga.
4. Their leader was an arch angel named Sataniel also called
Lucifer because he was an angel of light who was made with an
additional dose of phosphorus; he shines.
5. God entrusted everything to him because he was the most
upright among the angels.
6. Lucifer became very proud and his self became god; he rebelled
against the Almighty God and among the total angel forces, 33
crores joined hands with him in his rebellion.
7. Another arch angel, Michael chased them, cut them off and
defeated them, felled them and threw them away form the
Fall of Paul Varghese from the Grace of God 53

8. Lucifer and his 33,00,00,000 are called the fallen angels, devil
are only few that is Lucifer and his arch angels but the remaining
are demons.
9. They were Cherubim and angels but never Seraphim.
10. The Cherubim had four wings and that is why some of the
demons are depicted with four hands.
11. The fallen angels were children of God; addressed in different
parts of the world in different names. In India Brahma, Vishnu,
Maheswara, Sun, Moon, Kali, Saraswathi, Maha Lakshmi etc;
in Babylonian countries they are Baal, Astheroth, Marduk,
Nimrod, Tamuz etc; in Persian countries Jupitor, Rostom, Sun,
Moon etc.
12. The fallen angels are capable of taking birth as they wish as we
have Matsya, Koorma, Varaha, Narasimha during the Kritha
yuga which extended for a period of 17,28,000 years; Vamana,
Parasurama and Sri Rama during the Treta yuga which extended
for a period of 12,96,000 years; Balarama and Krishna during
the Dwapara yuga which extended for a period of 8,64,000
years and the present Kali yuga which is extended for a period
of 4,32,000 years.
13. God has created his son Adam only somewhere between end of
Dwapara yuga and beginning of Kali yuga.
14. Yoga means union with Hindu gods. It is a mixture of Calling
up the dead, Demon worship, Divination, Enchantment,
Necromancy, Neo- paganism, Sorcery, Spirits worship and

What is Yoga?
All of yoga is Hinduism. Yoga means yoke and it can be defined as
a religious practice to get yoked with Hindu gods through physical,
mental and spiritual practices. Yoga offers a kind of salvation. This
54 Diabolic Tools

salvation is attained by meditation that is to bring you into a state

of peace, enlightenment, open the door of physical knowledge,
and can bring extraordinary power. But this power is an illusion
of self- grandeur, it is occult, and very dangerous because the spirit
you invite into your mind, is a demon or fallen angel. You are ‘not’
uniting with a higher- spirit, an ascended master or a spirit- guide;
you are uniting with a counterfeit spirit who is delighted to deceive
you into thinking it as a positive energy but in truth it is demonic.
Several people tried to explain it but Satan will finish them off before
it is published. In my case, he will run away from me as I am under
the cover of the Holy Spirit.
There are number of yogas. It is an age old practice of Hindu
yogis but when the ‘New Age’ people adapted, it became very
popular in western countries. They have lost the reasoning power
and follow it without knowing what yoga is, investing very huge
amount. The best known yogas are Hata yoga and Raja yoga; Iyangar
yoga is only a derivative of the yoga. The yoga teaches the disciples
to get rid of the spirit of not only pain but also pleasure. Even if
the Holy Spirit dwells in you, get rid of that. Stretching, bending,
breathing exercises and asana are not yoga but preparations for
practicing Yoga which can elevate us to a different realm.
It can offer you a healthy body, stable mind, great intellectual
capacities and inexplicable spiritual capabilities. Thus yoga is very
complex in nature and to be practiced very cautiously under a yoga
guru. Yoga is a paranormal knowledge to be kept hidden as it is
meant for only certain people. It is esoteric as it is pertaining to the
inner most. It is an Astral projection (or astral travel) interpreted
as an “out- of- body experience” (OBE) that assumes the existence
of an “astral body” separate from the physical body and capable of
travelling outside.
1. Bhagaved Gita. It speaks about three yoga:
a) Karma yoga advocates action. Even if your own mother
Fall of Paul Varghese from the Grace of God 55

is on the way, remove her and proceed further. Arjuna is

ordered to kill his great grandfather Bhishma by Krishna
because he is a hurdle on the way.
b) Bhakti yoga advocates devotion to Shiva as Ishwara.
c) Jnana yoga advocates knowledge of Brahma.
2. Yogasutras of Patanjili. It is considered as the classic book of yoga
called Ashtanga yoga which is also called Raja Yoga because it is
ultimately leading to Samadhi.
3. Hatha Yoga Pradipika. It denotes a system of physical techniques
of yoga. Hindu tradition believes that Shiva himself is the
founder of Hatha Yoga. It explains Hatha, mantra, tantra and
laya achieved by the following eight limbs; 1. Yama. 2. Niyama.
3. Asana. 4. Pranayama. 5. Pratyahara. 6. Dharana. 7. Dhyana.
8. Samadhi.
4. The Shaiva Yoga text. Amanaska explains Raja yoga as the yoga of
consciences. The goal of raja yoga is to stop the thought process
so that one can see what underlies it. It teaches to liberate the
mind from all sorts of consciences and fix it on Siva or Iswara.
5. Upanishads. It forms the basic material for all yoga texts. Yoga
Upanishad contains 20 original texts on different aspects of
theory and practice of Yogic techniques.

Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini is said to be an intelligent biological mechanism,
operating in each one of us that is responsible for all forms of
spiritual experience, genius, insanity, evolution and enlightenment.
Yoga is yoke with Hindu gods like Brahma and Shiva. Yoga theory
teaches that everything is divine and the goal is to reach union with
Brahma, your higher self, god, or the universe, depending on what
gurus are trying to teach you. The practice of Yoga, the asana and
prana yama prepares the body for the occult changes that will arouse
56 Diabolic Tools

the coiled power (Kundalini) at the base of spine. This power can
travel up the spine passing through the Chakras to the top of your
head (Crown Chakra). It is the ultimate goal for the Kundalini
(Serpent Power) to reach the brain. The “OM” which is repeated
over and over again is to empty the mind of thought so that a new
spirit can enter. The sound “om,” chanted in many yoga classes, is
meant to bring students into a trance and create a sort of numbness
and then nothingness and then you are prompted to ‘step out of
body’ so that your mind become empty and it can join with the
universal mind to accept the new spirit. This new spirit is called
the god. When we say ‘Namasthe’ to someone it means, “I bow
to the god within you.” Bear in mind this is not God. God is the
supreme power who cannot be tuned according to our will. This god
whom we are talking about is a fallen angel capable of exercising evil
powers to control our activity. So beware of that god!

How is kundalini yoga achieved?

After practicing yogasana and elementary pranayama, sufficient
experience is to be acquired in pranayama to move further. It is not
breathing- in and breathing- out. Several months or even sometimes
few years may be required to practice this type of pranayama. After
sitting naked in padmasana, inhale on a count of 8 seconds and
exhale on a count of 16 seconds until the body feels absolutely
normal. Then after the inhalation, retain it to the extent possible
easily. Increase the time gradually over a period of time. It may take
even years. Practice this until you are able to retain a minimum
of 120 seconds or two minutes minimum. It will take quite some
time to achieve this state. When the retention is crossed 15 units of
8 seconds (It also varies from person to person) the kundalini will
start to evoke and start moving from the bottom of the vertebrae
towards the brain through the nadies Ida and Pingala and through
Fall of Paul Varghese from the Grace of God 57

the chakras. When it reaches the brain, the current flowing through
the brain get heated up and gradually stir it up. This state of affair
continues to the limit of the student’s ability to retain the breath.
Up to this time we were talking about the conscious breathing only.
May I reveal one secret thing in yoga, all are talking about snake
power; what is that snake power? In the ultimate stage of retention,
the occluded gas tries to escape through the anus but there is no way
out. Then it tries to coil up to two or two and a half circles around
the anus. As it is moving you will feel that you are sitting on a live
snake of the diameter of a round worm. This is nothing but escaping
of a small portion of the slightly heated air, retained in the system.
No one will tell this and keep it as a secret and call it real snake,
cobra what and what not. First experience we will be astonished and
try to feel it by hand, the snake escapes, because you have lifted your
thigh. Through out my practice, I was chanting “Our Father who
art in heaven” because I do not believe anything else on earth. I have
not gone beyond this point.
I have practised yoga up to this and then the question of
emptying the mind comes. It is dangerous and for a Christian it is
forbidden. If you empty your mind and allow a demon to be seated
there, you are finished. As a Christian you survive on the principle,
“you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in you.”
If you do away with it you are gone with the wind. If anyone is
advising you to practice yoga, he is taking you for a ride; depriving
your faith in Jesus! That is what Paulos Gregorios did. He was
advocating everyone to practise yoga without knowing what adverse
effect it had.
At this stage, we can consciously step out and our mind can be
opened to all sorts of demonic spirits of fear, depression, lust and
deception and false beliefs. To proceed further, the other limbs of
the Hatha yoga must be employed.
58 Diabolic Tools

From now on we have to master the process of concentration or

Dharana, the 6th limb of yoga. Now you have to surrender everything
to god and concentrate on god. If you have given a seat to Brahma,
you also become Brahma and a sort of oneness is achieved. Now you
are ready for practising Dhyana, the 7th limb of yoga. Meditation
and meditation done by repeating certain occult terms innumerable
times, until your mind reach a state of numbness, expecting that
we have reached our hopes, wishes and desires. Finally we reach
the 8th limb called Samadhi, as a state of ecstasy, a feeling that we
achieved all our hopes, wishes and desires. It is the fulfilment or
inter- connectedness with all living things or a feeling that I am
Brahma, “I am holier than thou.” They call it salvation!
Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi are achieved by invoking the
kundalini. Earlier we reached up to the culmination of the conscious
level. Mind you, you are in retention stage of your breath beyond
120 seconds to any seconds. The flow of life breath is moving
faster through ida and pingala, through the chakras into the brain.
Between 104 seconds and beyond, you will have strange feelings
which cannot be explained. It may include seeing geometrical
figures, lights, water fall etc. All these experiences depend on your
mind and after emptying your mind, which spirit you have set in
and your degree of devotion to it.
Now on you are going to be in the unconscious state of mind.
It depends on the god you have accepted during the course of
your dhyana. Unconsciously, breathing is controlled by specialized
centres in the brainstem, which automatically regulate the rate and
depth of breathing depending on the body’s needs at any time.
When carbon dioxide levels increase in the blood, it reacts with the
water in blood, producing carbonic acid. Lactic acid produced by
fermentation during exercise also lowers pH. The drop in the blood’s
pH stimulates chemo receptors in the carotid and aortic bodies as
Fall of Paul Varghese from the Grace of God 59

well as those inside the respiratory centre in the medulla oblongata.

Now we know that the changes that take place in our brain are
of complex nature. Beyond this stage is called salvation. If you go
behind it you are lost. If you are a Christian there is no need of
practicing yoga and the meaning of the word salvation is something
entirely different!
What happens then? The ultimate goal of enlightenment. Let
us take a look at what the experts say. Swami Narayananda describes
some of the possibilities: “These hot currents that reach the brain
centre heat the brain, make the mind fickle, and bring insomnia,
brain disorder, insanity and incurable diseases. For the hot currents
keep the mind wide awake and if a person does not know how to
check the currents and to bring down the partly risen kundalini
shakti to safer centres, one suffers terribly and it may ruin the whole
life of a person or lead one to insanity. This is why we see many
become insane, many get brain defects, and many others get some
incurable diseases after deep sorrow.” Therefore, Christians please
keep away from Yoga.
Gopi Krishna, founder of one of the many kundalini research
centres, records his own experience: “It was variable for many years,
painful, obsessive, and even fantastic. I have passed through almost
all the stages of different mediumistic, psychotic, and other types of
mind; for some time I was hovering between sanity and insanity.”
PG states that he practiced it and advocated yoga as an
alternative cure for all of us. He proved himself to be a classic liar
and diabolic tool to harvest our soul to please his “all seeing eye.”
As soon as he started practicing it, he fell ill by a stroke. “Hand this
man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit
may be saved on the day of the Lord (1 Corinthians 5:5). Satan,
whom he trusted more than his God, took him for a further ride!
60 Diabolic Tools


PG says, Then he practised, “Another example comes from the
modern Prophet Mokichi Okada of Japan, who developed the
healing art of Johrei, based on spiritual energy, as one aspect of a
whole complex of holistic healing techniques, including exposure
to beauty, organic farming, and abstaining from chemical drugs
and fertilizers. His theoretical basis is the clear conviction that the
sensible world is under girded and directed by the spiritual universe.
His system is now practised in many countries by his disciples.
Attitudes are fundamental for health and healing— attitudes
towards oneself, towards reality as such, towards one’s own stress
and suffering, but also attitudes to others to their woes and joys, to
their ills and sorrows, to their welfare and fulfilment.” Two healing
energies emerged in Japan during the first quarter of the twentieth
century: Reiki and Johrei. Both are healing energies, but the two are
completely different in lineage, frequency, purpose, use and method
of training, as part of its ongoing commitment to lineage, to healing
and to earth healing in the eclectic mode. In addition to quite
different origins, there are many other distinguishing differences
between Johrei and Reiki. Reiki is an attuned energy opened in the
student by an appropriately trained Reiki Master. Reiki energy moves
through the body and the chakras of the Reiki practitioner and out
the hands to whomever the practitioner offers the energy. Johrei, on
the other hand, is energy of intent anchored and activated by a Focal
Point worn about the Johrei practitioner’s neck and obtained after
a period of training with a minister of the Johrei Fellowship. As a
non- attuned energy, Johrei moves through the practitioner’s upheld
hand during a Johrei session rather than through the entire body.”
Here also the practitioner is expected to empty his heart and mind
and install the dead guru Mokichi Okada will act as a medium. For
Christian it is forbidden. When he practised Johrei, the devil took
Fall of Paul Varghese from the Grace of God 61

him for a ride and he was attacked by cancer. “Hand this man over
to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be
saved on the day of the Lord” (1 Corinthians 5:5).


As a last resort he started practicing Reiki. “While Reiki is used in
hands- on treatments and is intended to be placed in the body of
the client with the intent of balancing physical as well as mental
and emotional health, Johrei is beamed into the aura of a seated
recipient with the goal of burning away “spiritual clouds” or
energetic blockages. Reiki is designed to work on physical healing
as well as on mental emotional issues; Johrei addresses spiritual
energetic issues in the aura which in turn influences physical health.
Although an oversimplification of two powerful healing energies, it
is often said that Reiki is the feminine or “water” energy, Johrei the
masculine or “fire” energy. Without doubt, the two energies, while
quite different, are complementary in their action. Each has its
appropriate applications; each is a powerful form of energy healing.
There is one other significant difference in the two energies. Reiki is
not a religion, has no dogma and no tenets of faith. Johrei energy is
taught within the context of the Johrei Fellowship, a quasi- religious
organization based on Japanese spiritual beliefs as represented in the
teachings of Meishu- sama (Mokichi Okada), the man to whom
Johrei was given. It is not necessary to follow the Johrei spiritual
teachings to use Johrei energy for healing, but people need to
be aware that a spiritual and dogmatic structure is part of Johrei
training. The training is not offensive or overly challenging to other
beliefs. Many of the concepts of chakras, energetic blockages in the
aura, and the origins of illness in emotional and spiritual issues will
be totally familiar to Reiki practitioners trained in traditional Reiki
lineages. Johrei practitioners, like those in Reiki, find that using
62 Diabolic Tools

Johrei energy in no way interferes with their beliefs in whatever

traditional religion they follow. To the contrary, as with Reiki, Johrei
provides a deeper sense of connection to the universal energies of
Source. Source is Satan.
“Conclusion: I am an Eastern Orthodox bishop. My people
call me Hasyo deelan, which means “Our Healer.” True spiritual
ministry is the healing of people - body and soul. In our tradition,
salvation means healing, giving life where death rules.”
Although PG is calling himself a prophet, Mokichi Okada
of Japan was a person who taught his students to remember him
by putting a locket in their neck and just invoke him. The dead
person will come to them, hear the problem and do the needful.
He died about 100 years ago. So what you invoked is his spirit; or
in other words necromancy. This is forbidden for Christians. He
wore the locket of Mokichi Okado along with the Cross around
his neck. When he started practicing this technique, he was
almost disappointed and mentally derailed. People thought it is
the repetition of his mother’s mental illness. In reality he became
a victim of Satan who betrayed him. “Hand this man over to Satan
for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the
day of the Lord” (1 Corinthians 5:5).
Here the question is could he heal anyone? Did any one call him
‘Hasyo deelan’ or ‘our healer’? On these three healing techniques he
vacated Holy Spirit from his heart three times! That is exhibited
by his abusing God when he got an attack of chicken pox. He was
never ready to be forgiven; he never wanted to be treated as a slave;
according to him, god is praised on his dignity. This way, he fell
from the grace of God!
Last year of his life he said he confessed. He did not confess
that he went to the Hindu temple and took prasadam offered to
the idols and ate it. He did not confess that he went and accepted
Fall of Paul Varghese from the Grace of God 63

the blessings of the Hindu poojaris. He did not confess that he has
betrayed the Orthodox Church, WCC, Education department of
Ethopia but simply mentioned all these. He did not confess that
Pope John Paul II asked him to get out of his room because he
praised Shankara and Ramanujam instead of Thomas Aquinas. He
did not confess that the Director of Education of Ethiopia told him
on his face, “He does not want to see his face.” In nutshell it can
be ascertained that where ever he went he brought disgrace for the
Orthodox Church, while we were praising him to sky high! He was
a square peg in a round hole, wherever he went. Joshua said to the
Israelites, “If you do not follow the commandments of God, you
will be thrown away.” PG was thrown away. But he was wise enough
to practice how to live after death on this earth. According to John
D. Kunnath now he is active in Denmark!10

The Holy Bible of

‘Paurasthya Christava

I always tried to follow Luke 10:27, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy
God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength,
and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” However, I
failed miserably every time. The strangest thing I never understood
is that the merciful God forgives me every time. Nevertheless, I love
the Lord and adore His book, the Holy Bible as most precious thing
on earth. If anyone tries to ridicule the Holy Bible I get hurt. I
happened to read a book titled, Paurasthya Christava Darshanam
written by Dr. Palous Gregorios. This book is included in the
curriculum of graduate course. The strangest thing is that no one

66 Diabolic Tools

ever bothered to find the blunder in it. In that book, one chapter is
titled, “The Holy Bible.”
Here I will try to point out certain errors from this chapter. In
the Orthodox Church he is considered as little less than Almighty.
Our people do not know that little less than almighty is the name
of Lucifer. In fact, according to the bio- data given by him, he is an
exponent of sacred traditions; Promoter of unity among Orthodox
Churches; Ecumenical leader devoted to interfaith dialogue and
cooperation; President of the World Council of Churches; scholar,
philosopher, author, educationist, editor, linguist, public speaker,
socio- political thinker, advocate of women’s equality, environmental
integrity and holistic health; crusader against exploitation,
discrimination, neo- colonialism and religious- cultural arrogance;
activist for disarmament, justice and peace, what and what not.
There is no doubt about it; he is little less than Almighty.
I have gone through all his books and found that whenever he
deals with Biblical matters, he is wrong. There is not a single book
written by him without errors, cardinal errors when it is related
to the Holy Bible. Therefore, it is not fair to call him a biblical
scholar, although he claims to be. The other important factor is that
he is not a theologian at all. You please see the Orthodox TV and
watch “Spirituality a class by Paulos Gregorios,” neither he knows
spirituality nor he is a theologian. People have accepted his words
without any question because they did not have discernment. They
did not verify it with the Holy Bible. When they heard about him he
seemed higher than the Everest! It was true that he had one doctorate
and a couple of honorary doctorates. They were related to Karl
Marx and Communism. That alone would not make him eligible to
become the Principal of a prestigious Theological Seminary.
In the year 1961 there was a Convention in St. Thomas Church,
Karthikappally, Kerala. The first day’s speaker was Fr. M.V. George,
The Holy Bible of ‘Paurasthya Christava Darshanam’ 67

a real missionary (later, His Grace Geevarghese Mar Osthathios)

and he asked for a person who can find references from the Bible
and read aloud immediately. Our Vicar proposed my name and I
stood in front of the mike for the first time. He spoke for the people
of that area by quoting several portions from the Holy Bible and
made them aware that, we have a great hope in the salvation that
Jesus provided. We should live according to his commandments.
It was marvellous. The next day was a newly ordained priest, Fr.
Paul Varghese (later Paulos Gregorios), the author in question. He
never wanted any assistance to read the Bible because he did not
quote from the Bible at all but gave an intellectual and philosophical
speech using several Greek words. It was Latin and Greek for the
people of that area and the people did not follow much except
the geographical explanation of Ethiopia and its Emperor, Haile
Selassie. However, as usual, they said, “what a great speaker!” That
great speaker is the author of the book in question.
The chapter, “Holy Bible” is in the form of questions and
answers. He questions and he himself answers.
Question No.1. Is the Holy Bible the basis of the Christian
Answer: No. Incarnate Christ is the basis of Christian faith.
The disciples and apostles and the Church were the main witnesses. A
collection of the books written by these disciples and apostles is called the
New Testament. The church is not established on the basis of the New
Testament. New Testament is written by the members of the Church.
The question is about the Holy Bible and the answer is about
the New Testament. Taking an about turn, denying what he said
earlier and introducing systematic lie is very common with this
writer. Deliberately he omitted the Old Testament to please the
devil. If you allow the devil to sit on our shoulder, he will dictate
68 Diabolic Tools

like this and we will write all wrong things. When the Holy Bible
was in existence, the word ‘Church’ was foreign, non existent.
We can derive our faith from the Holy Bible where we meet our
Christ in the Old Testament, although Christ was before the Old
Testament. Promised Messiah is in the Old Testament. Our faith
is based on the Holy Bible consisting of Old Testament and New
Testament both. Our father Abraham is called the father of faith.
He is in the Old Testament. Now it is appropriate to think of the
beginning of the Holy Bible. Moses wrote the Pentateuch; but he
was indebted to the book of Job which was written approximately
430 years before Moses by the third son of Issachar, one of the
sons of Jacob (Genesis 46:13). The salvation story of Christ begins
in Genesis 3:15. “Her offspring will crush your head,” meaning
Jesus the saviour will win over death and sin, defeating Satan and
grant us our salvation. Our father in Heaven gave us the hope of
glory in the book of Genesis itself. This hope is renewed by the
Lord in Isaiah 7:14. “Therefore, the LORD himself shall give you
a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall
call his name Immanuel.” Also see the magnitude of the Son in
Isaiah 9:6, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and
the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be
called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting
Father, and the Prince of Peace.” Glory to God; this is not from the
New Testament. Also see the Old Testament Church, Acts 7:37-
38. “This is that Moses who told the Israelites, God will send you
a prophet like me from your own people. He was in the assembly
in the desert, with the angel who spoke to him in the Mount Sinai
and with our fathers; and he received living words to pass on to
us.” New Testament is written by the members of the church he says;
but 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of
God, and it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
The Holy Bible of ‘Paurasthya Christava Darshanam’ 69

for instruction in righteousness.” Romans 1:16 says, “For I am not

ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto
salvation to everyone.” The Bible is written by 40 people (not only
disciples of Jesus) by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit who is the
real author.
He misguided a lot of people, including His Grace Geevarghese
Mar Osthathios by saying that the Church gave us the Bible. It is
not true. The word Church first came only when: “Jesus replied:
blessed are you Simon, son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to
you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are
Peter, and on this rock (Christ) I will build my Church and the gates
of Hades will not overcome it” (Matthew 16:17,18). We have seen
the first book of the Holy Bible Job, was with us before 2000 BCE.
What did Jesus read in the Jerusalem Temple about Christ? Isaiah
53 of BCE 701. Paulos Gregorios was a collection of blunders!
See how the Old Testament of the Holy Bible speaks about
1. Deuteronomy 18:15. “The LORD will raise up for you a prophet
like me from among yourselves, from your own kinsmen. You
are to pay attention to him ... 18I will raise up for them a prophet
like you from among their kinsmen. I will put my words in
his mouth, and he will tell them everything I order him.” In
Acts 3:18-22, Peter claimed that Jesus was the fulfilment of this
promise. Jesus is the Messiah.
2. Ezekiel 37:26-27. “I will make a covenant of peace with them, an
everlasting covenant. I will give to them, increase their numbers,
and set my Sanctuary among them forever. My dwelling place
will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my
people.” Jesus and His believers.
3. Daniel. 9:24-27. “Anointed” (“Messiah”) and “prince” have
been interpreted as speaking of Jesus, and the phrase “anointed
70 Diabolic Tools

shall be cut off” as pointing to his crucifixion. The “people of

the prince who is to come” refers to the Romans who destroyed
Jerusalem and the Temple in AD 70. Jesus is the anointed Messiah
and the Prince.
4. Haggai. 2:6-9. “This is what the Lord Almighty says: In a little
while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea
and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and the desired of all
nations will come, and I will fill the house with glory.” Israel was
formed in 1948.
5. Hosea 11:1. “When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of
Egypt I called my son.” (Matthew 2: 13-15). Jesus recalled.
6. Isaiah 7:14. The virgin’s son is Jesus.
7. Isaiah 8:23-9:1 cf. Matthew 4:14-16. Refers to Jesus
8. Isaiah 9:5. “For a child will be born to us, a son will be given
to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His
name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God,
The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace”— This is Jesus
(Isaiah 9:6).
9. Isaiah 11:12. He will raise a banner for the nations and gather
the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah
from the four quarters of the earth.
10. Isaiah 53:5. “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he
was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was
upon him, and with his stripes we are healed. But he was pained
because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities; the
chastisement of our welfare was upon him, and with his wound we
were healed.” Crucifixion of Jesus.
11. Jeremiah 31:15. Matthew 2:17-18 gives the killing of innocents
by Herod as the fulfilment of a prophecy spoken of in Jeremiah.
This happened during the time of Jesus childhood.
The Holy Bible of ‘Paurasthya Christava Darshanam’ 71

12. Micah 5:2 (Micah 5:1 in Hebrew). “But thou, Beth- lehem
Ephrathah, which art little to be among the thousands of Judah,
out of thee shall one come forth unto Me that is to be ruler in
Israel; whose goings forth are from of old, from ancient days”
(Micah 5:1) Jesus, King of Jews!
Now you may have a question, do you think he does not know all
these simple things? The answer is yes. He did not know for the
simple reason “In that hour Jesus rejoiced in Spirit and said, I thank
thee O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these
things from the wise and the learned, and has revealed them unto
babes; even so Father, for it seemed good in thy sight” (Luke10:21).
He was wise and learned with Doctorate but everything was hidden
from him. “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with
God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness”
(1 Corinthians 3:19). How true is it about Paulos Gregorios!
Question No.2. How the four gospels did come into existence?
Answer: Church came into existence on the Pentecost day.
Question is about the four gospels and the answer is about Church
and Pentecost. It is neither unintentional nor accidental but
deliberate to fool the readers as usual. He was neither a biblical
scholar nor a true Christian as he sold himself to his teacher, the ‘All
Seeing Eye.’
Question No.10. Have you received the manuscript copies of the
books of the Holy Bible?
Answer: No. Not even one. Old Testament books might have been
written in leather scrolls or in papyrus. Today’s Old Testament also is
translated in Cairo between AD 1008 to 1010 periods based on a single
manuscript which is kept in Leningrad. New Testament manuscripts
which we use today are also written between AD 300-500 periods.
72 Diabolic Tools

Please note his denial, not even a single manuscript. Hebrew

Bible Pentateuch and Tanakh and Talmud manuscripts have been
preserved from BCE 950. Then we had the manuscripts according
to The Aleppo Codex since 920 CE. Later we had manuscripts
of Leningrad Codex dated 1008 CE. In 1947 the finding of the
Dead Sea scrolls at Qumran pushed the manuscripts history of
the Tanakh back to a millennium from the two earliest complete
codices. Before this discovery, the earliest extant manuscripts of the
Old Testament were in Greek in manuscripts found at Qumran,
such as Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus. Out of the roughly
800 manuscripts found at Qumran, 220 are from the Tanakh. Every
book of the Tanakh is represented except for the book of Esther;
however, most are fragmentary. Notably, there are two books
of Isaiah. These manuscripts generally dated between 150 BCE
to 70 CE, because they have been re- written meticulously from
time to time for over 2000 years, under the providential care of
the Holy Spirit. Re- written manuscripts were numbered according
to the Hebrew fashion and recorded at the end and certified by
competent authority. Holy Bible is basically a book of the people of
God, the Jews and they preserved the manuscripts religiously.
Among the New Testament manuscripts, Codex Alexandrines
contains the Gospel of Luke with decorative tailpiece. Part of the
New Testament have been preserved in more manuscripts than any
other ancient work, having over 5,800 complete or fragmented Greek
manuscripts, 10,000 Latin manuscripts and 9300 manuscripts in
various other ancient languages including Syriac, Slavic, Gothic,
Ethiopic, Coptic and Armenian. The dates of these manuscripts
range from C.125 to 15th Century. But they were re- written when
the papyrus was damaged, maintaining the accuracy meticulously.
The Dead Sea Scrolls are a testimony to the accuracy and
preservation of the Old Testament manuscripts. It gives confidence
The Holy Bible of ‘Paurasthya Christava Darshanam’ 73

that the Old Testament we have today is the same as the one used
by Jesus. In fact, Luke records a statement of Jesus regarding the
assemblage of the Old Testament: “For this reason also the wisdom
of God said, ‘I will send to them prophets and apostles, and some of
them they will kill and some they will persecute, so that the blood
of all the prophets, shed since the foundation of the world, may be
charged against this generation, from the blood of Abel to the blood
of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the house of
God; yes, I tell you, it shall be charged against this generation’”
(Luke 11:49–51). Jesus confirmed the 39 books of the Old Testament
in these verses. Abel’s death is found in Genesis and Zechariah’s in
2 Chronicles—the first and the last books of the Hebrew Bible.
Note his emphatic ‘no’ and the overemphasis ‘not even one’
and then he says in Leningrad there was one. How small he became!
This is with the venomous intention to perpetuate that the Holy
Bible had no authentic origin. As he was an anointed bishop of our
beloved Church, we hesitate to call him a liar but look at the face of
Jesus and it reminds us his word (John 8:44). I will show you several
lies told by him and his emphatic denial after making a statement.
We cannot blame him because he takes instruction from the Devil,
the Master of lies!
Question No.11. Are there errors in the Bible?
Answer: Yes. (a) There are three types of errors. In Genesis chapter 1,
man is created after creating all creatures but in Chapter 2, before grass
and trees grown man is created; animals are created because there was
no mate for man.
This answer is designed by the devil and put into his mouth.
This made me to doubt his thesis and his doctorate which I have
already explained. Genesis Chapter 1 narrates the complete creation
by six days. On the sixth day: “So God created man in his own
image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he
74 Diabolic Tools

created them. God blessed them and said to them “Be fruitful and
increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of
the sea and birds of the air and over every living creature that moves
on the ground.” Ge.1:27-28. God created them, blessed them and
taught them how to multiply and subdue the earth and appointed
them as rulers over everything. Chapter 2 explains the minute
details by telling: “This is the account of the heavens and the earth
when they were created” (Genesis 2:4). Anyone can understand that
Chapter 2 is an explanation of chapter 1. The devil went behind it
to find fault with the Holy Bible. Then he says: animals are created
because there was no mate for man. The source of this piece of
information is from his teacher the devil. God is very clear of all
things; man and animals are of different species; he created them
male and female in Chapter 1 itself, that too in his own image.
Trying to substitute animal for man’s mate is the idea of his teacher,
the devil. How shameful is it! It is not only blasphemy but also an
offence. He must be punished for this offence and his dead body
must not rest with our saints! Some of the readers will be infuriated
because they are thinking charcoal is diamond. Charcoal is charcoal
and diamond is diamond. I am a single grain of sand on the sandals
of my Lord Jesus! That is a great honour for me. I fear not the devil.
He runs away from this honourable grain of sand. I have explained
that in “Rebellious House.” Our Lord is “the Way, the Truth and
the Life. We must not entertain absolute lies. Liars will not enter the
kingdom of our Lord God. Animals are created because there was no
mate for man, says the Devil!
(b) Genesis 7:2-5, seven each of clean animals and two each of unclean
animals entered the Ark. In 7:8, they are only two each.
The author was a great philosopher but as regards Bible and Theology
he was foolish, “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s
sight” (1 Corinthians 3:19. Pairs of clean and unclean animals, of
The Holy Bible of ‘Paurasthya Christava Darshanam’ 75

birds and of all creatures that move along the ground, male and
female came to Noah and entered the Arc as God had commanded
Noah” (Genesis 7:8-9). “As God had commanded Noah,” means it
was an order to all creatures. They were disciplined; the door of the
Ark was designed by God. They will not enter 7 after 7. They will
enter male and female, two by two only. Such mistakes always come
to him because he is taking instruction from the devil; he was never
a disciple of Jesus and he knew nothing about the Holy Spirit. I will
explain it later.
Question No.12. If there are errors in the bible how can we trust it
as the basis of true faith?
Answer: Bible alone cannot be taken as the basis of true faith. If you
take bible into consideration for our faith, they are contradicting each
Let no fool tries to interpret the Holy Bible. It is to be
interpreted by the Bible itself with the help of the Holy Spirit. The
author never trusted the Holy Bible and he never had true faith. He
did not have any experience with the Holy Spirit because he showed
that he is unable to distinguish between fruit of the Holy Spirit and
gift of the Holy Spirit. That is the very elementary knowledge of
the Holy Spirit. He did not have it. As a communist, secularist and
agnostic, he went away from true faith and he earned the nickname,
‘The Red Bishop.’
a) The first two chapters indicate that God created the whole world in
six days and because of the physical exertion he took rest on the seventh
Blasphemy! “Physical exertion” is put by the devil into his mouth.
It is not quoted from the Holy Bible. He wanted to show that our
Almighty God is a mere mortal person who cannot work for more
than 8 hours! If the Holy Bible says that God created the whole
76 Diabolic Tools

universe in six days, it has got only one meaning: He created in six
days only. Our God is capable of doing it in less than six seconds
By this, God taught us a great lesson; if you have worked six
days a week, you deserve rest on the seventh day, one day as earned
leave. “At least spend that time with me my children; I am your
(b) If Sun is created on the fourth day, how did God measure 24 hours
for the first three days?
Blasphemy! This question is also put into his mouth by the devil.
Sun is created on the first day. “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’
and there was light. God saw that the light was good and he
separated the light form the darkness. God called the light day and
the darkness he called night. And there was evening and there was
morning – the first day” (Genesis 1:3-5).
(c)These six days of 24 hours need not be taken as six days and it can be
treated as six periods as taught by our fathers.
Blasphemy! Fathers are a bad word; it must be used in singular and
He is our Heavenly Father. So we can ignore what the fathers say.
The author of the book in question was not only a father but also
a spiritual father, in that he was a bishop. He has done the ground
work; shortly, he will be elevated to the level of a ‘holy father’ and
his clothes will be venerated as “relics” and we will have to honour
him as Holy Saint. He got so many things named after him; yearly
symposium, Gregorios Chair, ten yearly kasarath (exercise) by
intellectuals are also established. But for the children of God if the
Holy Bible says six days, it means six days and it does not mean six
periods. Six periods is the teaching of the devil. Our God is capable
of doing it in six seconds!
The Holy Bible of ‘Paurasthya Christava Darshanam’ 77

(d) When Adam was in Eden, he was allowed only vegetarian food. So
we can argue that we are supposed to have vegetarian food.
Blasphemy! Philosopher will argue according to his perverted brain.
We are taught that we shall not argue with God! People had to give
hemlock to stop the tongue, the argument of Socrates. This person
had no knowledge of the Holy Bible as people say without having
an encounter with him. I have explained one of the encounters I had
with him. As usual he was ignorant of a non- vegetarian menu given
by God to Noah. He had never read the covenant God had with
Noah. “Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and taking some of all
the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it.
The Lord smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never
again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every
inclination of his heart is evil from childhood. And never destroy
all living creatures, as I have done” (Genesis 8:20-21). “Then God
blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase
in number and fill the earth. The fear and dread of you will fall
upon all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air, upon
every creature that moves along the ground, and upon all the fish
of the sea; they are given into your hands. Everything that lives and
moves will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now
give you everything” (Genesis 9:1-3). It is the teaching of the Holy
Bible. PG is absolutely wrong when he says that it is the teaching
of the church. By his erroneous statements he and the devil could
make every non- vegetarian eater a sinner! Our God is so caring and
merciful that he wants you to be happy always.
(e) On the Sabbath day, that is Saturday we are supposed to abstain
from all the duties and take rest according to the Bible: we can argue;
but the church teaches that Sabbath is not to be observed by us. Does
God like us need rest after physical labour?
78 Diabolic Tools

Let the philosopher argue but the fact of the case is otherwise. Jews,
for whom this law was given, there was no need for any change. But
for a Christian, the resurrection of our Lord took place on a Sunday.
So that is the most blessed day for Christians. That is the day of
the Lord! God will be delighted if we spend the day with God on
Sunday. God does not need rest. God wanted you to take rest and
spend the time with him. Here also he is utterly wrong as usual!
Question No.14. True faith is to be taught by the traditions “Not by
the bible” as did the fathers teach?
Answer: Yes. Holy Baselios taught like that.
Blasphemy! First of all, can you call any one Holy when the
Holy Bible teaches that other than God there is no one Holy? It is
wrong to call Holy Father for holy Tom, holy Dick and holy Harry.
Paul said, “We preach Christ crucified.” So preaching is essential
for creating faith in the believers and that too from the Holy Bible.
Faith is to be learned from the Holy Bible. “How then shall they
call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they
believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear
without a preacher?” (Romans 10:14). So it is evident that the basis
of faith is from preaching from the word of God.
When we talk about tradition, we know that from A.D. 52
onwards we had the real tradition as taught by St. Thomas. It was
perfect when Thomas of Cana (Kanai Thoma) came in the year AD
345. From this period to AD 600 let us hope that there was no
malignancy as regards tradition. From this period to AD 1489 the
Nestorians infested us; we do not know how much our tradition was
hampered by them. Let us leave that also. AD 1489 till 1599 the
Portuguese people did all that they wanted including burning our
traditional books made in a mixture of Tamil and Malayalam. What
happened to our Orthodox Tradition? What Council of Diamper
(Udayamperur) says is that the Roman Catholic people made us
The Holy Bible of ‘Paurasthya Christava Darshanam’ 79

their slaves. It continued until AD 1654, where we broke the chain

through “Koonan Cruz” (Crooked cross). During this period not
only that we have lost our tradition but also we became Babylonian
gentile faith. It is because the Roman Catholics were neither
declared their faith nor baptised. They were descendants of so called
Christians recruited by Constantine for war by giving 20 gold coins
and a white uniform. They had nothing to do with Jesus but largely
worshippers of the Sun, Babylonian pagan faith. According to Bishop
Joseph Parekkattil, “against the teaching of the Holy Bible ‘not to
follow the ways of the pagan’ we followed smoking, candles, holy
days, blessing of places, wedding ring etc.” Further it was published
in “Mathrubhoomy daily on 6th December, 1974. In 17th Century
only we came in contact with Antiochian Church. After that we
have adapted to the Kingly position of bishops, Red belt, strange
cap etc. See where our Orthodox tradition went astray. Leaving the
Holy Bible PG is telling us to follow the tradition. Which tradition?
However, we are better than many other denominations as regards
tradition is concerned. Now let us see what our Lord Jesus says about
tradition: Jesus replied “And why do you break the commandment
of God for the sake of your tradition?” (Matthew 15:3).
“He is not to honour his father with it. Thus you nullify the
word of God for the sake of your tradition” (Matthew 15:6). “You
have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the
tradition of men” (Mark 7:8). “See to it that no one takes you
captive through hollow and defective philosophy which depends on
human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than
on Christ” (Colossians 2:8).
“Being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my
fathers.” Paul was going to various cities to kill Christians as per the
tradition of the Jews. Now he is ridiculing the tradition of the father
in Galatians 1:14. We have a guide, the Holy Bible guided by the
80 Diabolic Tools

Holy Spirit that surpasses everything. It will teach us to maintain

good traditions for the glory of God! Bear in mind faith is a fruit of
the Holy Spirit. It is never a gift of the Holy Spirit. The author never
knew about it. He never tasted Holy Spirit!
Two funny statements:
1) Two very important apostolic fathers are Clement of Rome and
Ignatius of Antioch.
It is a blatant lie. The author does not know who is an apostle.
He is considering himself as an apostle! He wanted us to consider
him as apostle. To be called as an apostle, certain pre- requisites are
A) “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard,
which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon,
and our hands have handled of the word of life; for the life was
manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and showed unto
you, that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested
unto us” (1 John 1:1-2).
B) As regards putting the lot for Matthias to be an apostle, all
the above conditions were met and that is why they ordained him
to be a witness. “Beginning from the baptism of John, unto that
same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be
a witness with us of his resurrection” (Acts 1:22).
Clement of Rome and Ignatius of Antioch cannot be apostles
because they were absent from the baptism of Jesus to the resurrection
but they could be merely saints. This indicates that Paulos Gregorios
lacked basic knowledge of an apostolic Church. But Orthodox
people considered him to be greater than the greatest.
2) It is better not to aspire for special spiritual gifts.22 page 105.
Blasphemy! Paul says, “Eagerly desire the greater gifts” (1 Corinthians
12:31). He blame the bible for its inconsistency as one place tells
The Holy Bible of ‘Paurasthya Christava Darshanam’ 81

about few gifts and another place there are more gifts and asks
which one to believe? There are Nine Spiritual fruits as mentioned in
Galatians 5 and Nine Spiritual Gifts as mentioned in 1Corinthians
12. He refutes 1Corinthians12:31 and escaped unhurt. The author
says do not expect special spiritual gifts. He did not know anything
about it. He says greatest spiritual gift is love. That is also wrong. Love
is not a spiritual gift at all. It is a spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22-23).
He is not able to differentiate between fruits and gifts because he did
not have any of them. According to Paul PG is accursed. “But even
if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the
one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!” He did all
that is possible to ridicule Bible.
Can we ever ignore these statements?
“It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and
the Bible.” George Washington.
“A studious perusal of the sacred volume will make better
citizens, better father, and better husband.” Thomas Jefferson.
“A man has deprived himself of the best there is in the world
who has deprived himself of the Holy Bible.” Woodrow Wilson.
“These books the church holds to be sacred and canonical not
because she subsequently approved them by her authority after they
had been composed by unaided human skill, nor simply because
they contain revelation without error, but because, being written
under the inspiration of the holy Spirit, they have God as their
author, and were as such committed to the church.” –First Vatican
In conclusion it can be safely stated that the Holy Bible of
“Paurasthya Christava Darshanam” of Paulos Gregorios is a collection
of blasphemy!

Spiritualiity—a Class by
Paulos Gregorios—
Orthodox TV

Anyone could view Orthodox T V and see that a very great personality
takes a class about a cluster of Hebrew words: Mishpat, deen and
sadeek. These words he used inadvertently and established his mastery
over Hebrew language, while exhibiting the ignorance of the students.
Either he could have taken the class in English or in Malayalam. In fact
he ridiculed even the viewers of Orthodox TV. The students appeared
to be dumbfounded including a priest who was well versed with
Hebrew Bible. Can anyone take a class on Spirituality, without using
the word Jesus and Holy Spirit? The term “Holy Spirit” was never
used and there was nothing about spirituality. At the most you can
call it a class on “righteousness.” Although several questions were
84 Diabolic Tools

asked, no one dared to answer any. When a priest tried to answer,

he was snubbed. It appeared that the students (VIPs of Orthodox
Church) were susceptible to strong suggestions. No one ever reacted
to blasphemous statements such as:

1. Judges in the book of Judges were not judges but

It is blasphemy! God never wanted children of Israel to be ruled by
rulers or kings like the gentile nations. He planned and executed
Theocracy and not Autocracy for a period of 1400 years until they
cried for a king. From Abraham to Samuel, God the Father did
everything for the children of Israel through the appointed judges.
Judges like Samuel also functioned as prophets and priests. Out of
that the ministry of priesthood was the greatest function on earth.
The relationship was Father and Children. A single example is
enough to prove that it was neither ruler nor king; but God himself
(1 Samuel 7:6-11). Let us listen to another Judge: Jephthah, “ I have
not wronged you, but you are doing me wrong by waging war against
me. Let the Lord, the Judge, decide the dispute this day between the
Israelites and the Ammonites” (Judges11:27). Let PG understand
that they were not rulers but judges allowing God to Judge! Can any
ruler or king thunder and win the war? God never wanted children
of Israel to be ruled by rulers or kings for the following reasons:
a) The king will reign over you.
b) He will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots
and horses and they will run in front of the chariots.
c) Some he will assign to be commanders of thousands and fifties.
d) Some he will assign to plough the ground and reap his harvests.
e) Some he will assign to make weapons of war.
f ) Some he will assign to make equipments for his chariots.
g) He will make your daughters to be perfumers, cooks and bakers.
Spiritualiity—a Class by Paulos Gregorios—Orthodox TV 85

h) He will take the best of your fields and wine yards and olive
Groves and give them to his attendants.
i) He will take a tenth of your grain and your vintage and give it
his officials and attendants.
j) Your men servants and maid servants and the best of your cattle
and donkeys he will take for his own use.
k) He will take a tenth of your flocks and you yourselves will
become his slaves.
l) You will cry for relief from the king you have chosen and the
Lord will not answer you in that day (1 Samuel 8:11-18).
However, the people asked for a king. God never made robots but
his children were given free will. So they said to God, “No! We want
a king over us”(1 Samuel 8:19). Until this time the question of ruler
was not there and the teacher bluffed the class as usual.

2. There is nothing like the last judgment; left and right

people, sheep and goats or throne of judgment.
It is blasphemy! Let us listen to Jesus, “when the son of man comes
in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in
heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him and he
will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates
the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and
the goats on his left” (Matthew 25:31-33). Let us see the judgment:
“Then the king will say to those on the right ‘come you who are
blessed by my Father, take your inheritance the kingdom prepared
for you, since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you
gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something
to drink, I was a stranger, you invited me in, needed clothes and you
clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me; I was in prison and
you visited me” (Matthew 25:34-36, 37-46). “At once I was in the
86 Diabolic Tools

Spirit, and behold, a throne stood in heaven, with one seated on the
throne” (Revelation 4:2).
Summons, evidence, cross examination, arguments, judgment
and decree is passed and even then Paulos Gregorios says that there
is nothing like the last judgement. Greatest liar! It is because he was
taught by the Devil!

3. There was no court.

It is blasphemy! “Samuel continued to judge over Israel all the days
of his life. From year to year he went on a circuit from Bethel, to
Gilgal to Mispah judging Israel in all those places. But he always
went back to Ramah, where his house was, and there he also judged
Israel. Please note there were four courts and circuit houses! And he
built an altar there to the Lord” (1 Samuel 7:15-17).
Samuel was leader of Israel at Mispah (1 Samuel 7:7). Samuel
was only a leader and not a ruler or a king as claimed by the teacher.
Throughout the year and year after year he judged in Circuit
court—four times a year at Bethel court, Gilgal court, Mispah court
and Ramah court. In spite of such valuable evidences from the Holy
Bible, what made him to pass such wrong and injurious comments?
It can be attributed to two reasons, 1. In his book ‘Paurasthya
Christava Darshanam’ we have seen that he scoffed and ridiculed
the Holy Bible because he had scant respect for the word of God. 2.
He never read the Holy Bible with due respect and humility as he
was a ‘red bishop’ sans humility.

4. Mother Theresa was an imperialist and her defect was:

she was completely for the rich.
I thank God, for I need not struggle to repudiate this lie because
in this generation, there is hardly anyone who does not admire this
saint. She was a foreign nun who was deeply moved by the hapless
Spiritualiity—a Class by Paulos Gregorios—Orthodox TV 87

plight of the poor and down trodden slum dwellers of Calcutta.

They used to throw the new born babies to the gutter to become
mother again and again. Rats used to feast on the new born tender
meat of human children. Beloved mother used to run and pick
them up as soon as she gets the news of any abandoned babies. She
used to get rat eaten bleeding children in deplorable condition; she
will embrace them and tenderly nurse them and bring them back to
normal honourable life. She served innumerable children and aged
people. In the beginning of her service, Pope did not approve of it
and took back her sacred clothes and rejected her from the Catholic
Church. But later like everyone in this world Pope approved her and
now she is declared as a Saint. When I visited her abode, it was a 6’
X 8’ room on the first floor, with a wooden cot, a wooden chair, a
wooden table and a wooden bench for the visitors and the room was
not painted but white- washed! “Imperialist and completely for the
rich” a remark by a luxurious person of very expensive and affluent
life, who helped none including his Church which provided him a
launching pad for his triumphant take- off but force landed!

5. Ougen Bava and Konnat Malpan have written

something. It is all wrong.
They were people of great integrity and people consider them as
Saints. The commentator has got questionable integrity. I know
Ougen Bava personally. He was simple, humble and Saintly. While
laying the foundation stone for St. Mary’s Church at Jalahalli,
Bangalore, I was present and recognised his holy and respectable
nature. I know his predecessor, Baselios Geevarghese II and
witnessed a miracle done by him in 1957. I was astonished while
he was praying in my neighbour’s house, for healing a lady from
madness. In the middle of the prayer he stopped and asked her
husband, “Mathews, have you ever dedicated something to God
88 Diabolic Tools

and denied it?” The man replied, “never.” I was standing very
near to the lady who was standing without covering her head. She
immediately picked up some piece of cloth covered her head and
asked for her husband to come to her. Then she said, “We have
offered our second son to the Lord and promised to dedicate him
to be a priest.” The Catholicos completed the prayer and asked
Mathews to complete the proceedings of dedication before he leaves
for Kottayam and it was done accordingly. He was a saint. The priest
was Fr. P. M. Koshy, secretary of Catholicos Baselios Mathews II.
After Augen Bava, came Baselios Mar Thoma Mathews I. He ruled
the Church with an iron sceptre, another bishop without humility.
At the end of his reign he was handed over to the devil for chastising
with stroke and destruction of the body. His successor Catholicos
Mathews II was a regular visitor to my home in Bangalore, simple,
humble and saintly Catholicos. Then came Catholicos Didymos,
who conducted the marriages of my son and daughter. They were
of high integrity, but look at Paulos Gregorios, one year before his
demise he confessed partially. However, he was handed over to the
devil for physical destruction of the body. I would like to quote
another example as well. With due apology to Rev. Fr. T.J. Joshua,
may I narrate another incident. Cancer struck him in the form of
an illness to his tongue. He prayed God Almighty to heal him if
the Lord needs him for his evangelical works. I also prayed God to
sit with him on his bed, touch him, encourage him and heal him,
not as we desire but according to the will of our merciful God.
The Lord was pleased and healed him by granting a new lease of
productive life. I was very much delighted to see him in Bangalore
as hale and hearty! Glory to God in the highest! What made me
to mention these incidents? It is a living example for you and me.
Humble yourself or face the same music. Our God is an open book
kept in your house. Your yardstick must be the humility of Jesus and
Spiritualiity—a Class by Paulos Gregorios—Orthodox TV 89

nothing less than that! Merciful Lord God! Forgive me for being
critical while I am less than nothing.

Bad Theology
If you study theology from Lucifer, you will feel that what Saint Paul
taught is a bad theology. PG says, “For showing the righteousness
of God, there is no necessity of the Son to shed the blood. It is a
bad theology.”28 First of all we must bear in mind that a righteous
God cannot be away from his upright nature even for a moment.
Righteousness is one of his characteristics. Why did God not finish
off Satan as soon as he rebelled? In that case people like PG can blame
God for not showing compassion to Lucifer. In order to secure our
salvation, the best way in front of God was to sacrifice his sinless Son
for the sinners. Without shedding of blood there is no redemption.
Otherwise, how will we work out our salvation? We have seen that
PG is against forgiveness. The Bible states that when someone hurts
us, we are under an obligation to God to forgive that person. Jesus is
very clear on this point (Matthew 6:14-15). For if you forgive other
people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also
forgive you. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive
us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
We have seen PG refusing to forgive and to be forgiven.29 His bad
theology betrayed him! Without forgiving others and obtaining
forgiveness from others how will you work out your salvation?
Now let us consider the question of Justification. If you are not
forgiven how can you be justified? A forgiven and justified person
is treated by God, as if he has not sinned at all. This is not a bad
theology but the teaching of the Holy Bible which he ridiculed. If
God has justified can anyone condemn him? If you are not justified
how a sinner can be atoned with God? Then how will you work out
your salvation?
90 Diabolic Tools

PG is against atonement. If you are not forgiven, you will be

like PG, a disciple of Lucifer. As far as we are concerned, forgiveness,
justification and atonement are essential for salvation. If you are not
atoned, how will you workout your salvation?
If Jesus does not pay the ransom, how can you be redeemed? PG
says it is a bad theology because it is Roman theology. He does not
know that the ransom is paid not in silver or gold but by the priceless
blood of Jesus Christ. We are not to worry about the statement of a
Luciferian. Paul is bringing the example of a slave market to make it
clear to us that as soon as you sinned; you became a slave to Lucifer,
Satan. Now how to retrieve you from his hands? The only way left is
the way Jesus did. He paid the ransom and redeemed you with the
Blood of Christ. Therefore, for us, payments of ransom, redemption
form the clutches of Satan and blood of Christ is cardinal. If not,
how will you work out your salvation?
Another important aspect is the reconciliation. “All this is from
God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the
ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling
the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them,
and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we
are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We
implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our
sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we
might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:18-21).
“For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the
death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall
we be saved by his life?” (Romans 5:10). ‘Death of his Son’ is the
cardinal point of salvation and PG says it is also a bad theology.
“And through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on
earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. And
you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil
Spiritualiity—a Class by Paulos Gregorios—Orthodox TV 91

deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in

order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before
him” (Colossians 1:20-22). PG can never understand this theology
because he does not have the discernment. Let us take the advice of
St. Paul and throw away PG and his bad theology. “I am astonished
that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in
the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—which is
really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into
confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even
if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than
the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we
have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you
a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s
curse! Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of
God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please
people, I would not be a servant of Christ” (Galatians 1:6-11). Thus
PG is under God’s curse! It may be concluded as blasphemy when
he called precious teachings of God as “bad theology.”

“Will” of Paulos Gregorios

Orthodox TV

Paulos Gregorios submitted his will to us with the intention of taking

us for a ride. He was ‘wise and learned’ while we, the orthodox
people remained insensitive and he could take our callousness as
granted and dictated what he wanted to the Synod through “his
Will.” He has never surrendered his life to the Church or Christ. He
did something in the Church but it was all for him and his glory.
Finally he decided to take a place along with our beloved Saints and
Catholicos in our sacred chapel. Three times our Synod rejected
his nomination. After that also he tried and finally, he suggested
the bishops of our Synod and they were having no alternative but
to concede the wishes of a person who damaged the Church in an
irreparable manner. He ridiculed our Holy Bible and taught our

94 Diabolic Tools

beloved priests Blasphemy. Orthodox Seminary Chapel is ours and

how dare he included it in his will. He was little less than Almighty
and no one dared to question him. He spat on our face and went
away to his teacher, the devil leaving his mortal remains to burry in
our Sacred Chapel.
May I point out one simple thing? Before he came to the
seminary our priests and bishops referred to our God as Yahweh,
Lord, Jesus, Karthavu, Daivam, Sarva Shakthan, Swargasthan Aya
Pithavu etc. Soon the devil got an opportunity to change it to
Iswaran through him. He gave strong suggestions to our bishops
and students of seminary and they have replaced our God with
Iswaran. Iswaran is not a synonym to our God’s name. Paulos
Gregorios knows very well that it is the name of Shiva. From my
book he also knew that Shiva is a fallen angel. He is the guru of
Ashtanga Yoga. Paulos Gegorios advocated Ashtanga Yoga. I will
deal with it later. Shiva sits on the North Eastern Mountain of the
Earth, the Himalayas. St. Paul refers it as Ishanumoolan in his ship-
wreck. Ishan is Iswaran, a Hindu God. Our Bishops and priests have
adapted it as the first name of their god. It is not our God. He filled
the TV with Iswaran left, right and centre. See the damage done by
him. This is a punishable offence. I write this in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ! Punishable!
Yet another venom passed on to Christianity by Paulos Gregorios
is ‘Namo’. I bow before you is the mode of bowing to the evil spirit
in the spirit path. It also means, “I honour all the living beings; it
include all plants, animals, humans and even the stars and planets
which are higher beings or gods. It is forbidden for you according to
the first commandment. You are created in the likeness and image
of God; therefore superior being, you are not supposed to bow to
anyone except our living God. How it started? Rev. Fr. M.P. George
is a talented singer. People started praising him even when he was
“Will” of Paulos Gregorios Orthodox TV 95

a student. He approached some of the Bishops to help him out

for further learning and establishing a Music school. Some of them
have supported the idea and when it got fructified; Paulos Gregorios
wanted to capitalize it. When a chapter of Shruthi was established
in Delhi, people thought that Paulos Gregorios was much better
than K. J. Yesudas as far as vocal music is concerned. Have you
ever heard him singing liturgical hymns? He cannot attempt to
sing even “Kaakke- Kaakke koodevide” (a nursery rhyme) but in
his self- made bio- data, he is above Beethoven. M.P. George, the
talented musician was reduced to produce and produced to nill with
the obnoxious “Namo.” It suits Paulos Gregorios and not for any
spiritual person to utter Namo. It is devilish. Listen to Orthodox
TV. All these are from the horse’s mouth.
Below are some of the statements from his Will.

1. God is not male.21

Paulos Gregorios is an authority of the Church but it is neither in
the Holy Bible, nor in the theology. Both are Latin and Greek for
him. He is an authority for making errors in all his writings and false
claims about himself. He claimed that he was made a eunuch for the
kingdom of Heaven as mentioned in Matthew 19:12. The Director
of Education department in Ethiopia said, “I do not want to see
his face.” I can prove that Paulos Gregorios was a false prophet.
He was clever enough “to deceive the very elects.” Communism,
Secularism, Freemasonry, WCC, Necromancy and affinity with
several false religions have made him not only an atheist but also
a devil worshipper. Please refer to his unquotable and Luciferian
quotes in this book.
My God is the God of the Holy Bible and HE is male; neither
female nor Eunuch as Paulos Gregorios says.
96 Diabolic Tools

a) “There you saw how the Lord your God carried you as a father
carried you, as a father carries his son; all the way you went until
you reached this place” (Deuteronomy 1:31). I can visualise
with fear and trembling, My God carrying all the promised Jews
on his shoulders from Egypt to the Promised land. Our father is
b) “Is this the way you repay the Lord O foolish and unwise people?
Is not your father your creator, who made you and formed you?
(Deuteronomy 31:6). Our Creator is male.
c) Abraham had three visitors; one was God (Genesis 18). God
was male.
d) “I will be his father and he will be my son” (2 Samuel 7:14).
Our father is male.
e) “I will be his father and he will be my son” (1 Chronicles 17:13).
Our father is male.
f ) “Today I have become your father” (Psalms 2:7). Christ’s Father
is male.
g) “Everlasting Father, Prince of peace” (Isaiah 9:6). Both are male.
h) “Our Father in heaven” (Matthew 6:9). Jesus said so and the
Father is male.
i) “And by him we cry “Abba” Father” (Romans 8:15). My Abba is
j) “I and the father are one” (John 10:30). We know Jesus worked
as a male carpenter and his Heavenly father must be male
because they are one.
k) Through the Holy Bible, we can visualise and experience our
Almighty God creating Adam. “Then God said “Let us make
man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the
fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all
the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground”
(Genesis 1:26). Adam was made in the image and likeness of
“Will” of Paulos Gregorios Orthodox TV 97

God. He was 6’6” tall with upright shoulders, square face and
male in all respects. Our God is male.
l) If you fail to recognize, come to the workshop of Joseph; there
is a young carpenter of the same stature, our carpenter Jesus.
He was an exact replica of Adam and the whole Bible calls him
the second Adam. The work that he did in the workshop of
Joseph can be done by a fully fledged male only. I used the word
visualise. I visualised him as Mary giving bath to the baby Jesus.
He was a male baby. I have seen a 12 year old boy speaking
better than Scribes or Pharisees in the Synagogue. I have seen
a male chasing all males at the same time in the Jerusalem
temple with a borrowed whip. I saw a male in Isaiah 53 dying
for my sake. Children of the devil succeeded in making a very
heavy beam of the cross for Christ which could not be lifted by
anyone but a male Jesus and a male Simon of Cyrene. When
Jesus blessed the bread and gave to the two disciples at Emmaus
they saw their male teacher. When he said “peace unto you”
eleven disciples jumped up, they saw their male teacher standing
amidst of them. A lion’s share of the people of Galilee witnessed
the ascending Jesus as a male. I can visualise much more. My
God is male. My creator is male. My Christ is male. My Saviour
Jesus is male.
What made Paulos Mar Gregorios to say this lie? The answer is
John 8:44. Jesus said, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you
want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the
beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him.
When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the
father of lies.” He thinks that his father the devil is neither a male nor
a female. He is right. It is true that the angels are hermaphrodites.
According to him, God also is angel. Therefore, he is neither male
98 Diabolic Tools

nor female. Paulose Gregorios is absolutely wrong as usual. Our God

is not an angel. He is the creator of angels. He is Almighty God!

2. There is no way we can grasp God.

There is a way and that is Jesus and it is not known to Paulos
Gregorios. It is very disgusting to comment on his statements. He
makes foolish statements and in the next occasion he denies it. Truly
speaking a believer should not say that there is no way. First of all we
must know and believe that Jesus is the “way, the truth and the life.”
For us, there is no other way.
a) “By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to
guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give
them light so that they could travel by day or by night” (Exodus
13:21).This is not only for exodus but the presence of god in
our life can be experienced even today. That is our only way.
b) “I will teach you the way that is good” (1 Samuel 12:23).
c) “As for God his ways are perfect” (2 Samuel 22:31).
d) “But he knows the way that I take” (Job 23:10).
e) “His eyes are on the way of men” (Job 34:21).When Paulos
Gregorios went as a communist, ‘His’ eyes were on his way.
When he became an atheist, ‘His’ eyes were on his way. When
he became a freemason, ‘His’ eyes were on his way. When he
went 45 times to Russia, not a single trip was for gospel work
but for giving deep suggestions to politicians as instructed
by the WCC, ‘His’ eyes were on his way. When he practised
necromancy for his Reiki, ‘His’ eyes were on his way. When he
equated Christ with Tom, Dick and Harry, in his ‘will,’ ‘His’
eyes were on his way. When he became a secularist, ‘His’ eyes
were on his way. But he never knew about it because there is no
way we can grasp God.
“Will” of Paulos Gregorios Orthodox TV 99

f ) “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:
he will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice
of your cause like the noonday sun” (Psalm 37:5-6).
g) “Teach me your way O Lord” (Psalm 86:11).
h) “And a highway will be there and it will be called the way of
holiness (Isaiah 35:8).
We shall not try to grasp God because he is God and it is not possible
for man to comprehend or forcibly retain something from Him. For
example, take the case of His glory. Can we ever grasp his glory?
Never, like that there are ever so many attributes of God. We shall
not try to grasp God. Moreover will anybody try to use the word
grasp when we talk of God? Can we seize God? Can we snatch God?
Is it not the madness of Paulos Gregorios trying to grasp God? We
must be contended with the fellowship of God. “Our fellowship is
with the Father” (1 John 1:3). We do not need anything else!

3. God is without form or body.

We can prayerfully comment on anything if the Lord permits but
how to comment on such a stupidity? His god is without form or
body but our God has a Form and Spiritual body. No one has seen
God except His Son. Moses wanted to see God. He asked God:
“I pray Thee, show me Thy glory!” (Exodus 33:18) And the Lord
said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will
proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy
on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom,
I will have compassion” (Exodus 33:19). But he said, “you cannot
see my face, for no one will see me and live” (v.20). It means God
has a body and a face which can be seen. But if you see you will die.
100 Diabolic Tools

A Study Class by the Holy Spirit

This being the case, it is better for us to learn it from the Holy Spirit.
No one knows the answer and you are going to learn it from my
theological professor. Be absolutely obedient. Whenever the
Holy Spirit wants to teach me something; I do it this way. I beg of
you to believe me. I am an old man of over 76 years. You need not
give me anything; the Lord has given me everything. You need not
even respect me. I am a servant of God, not even an altar boy; but
I claim to be in the category of ‘dust and ashes’ on the sandals of
Jesus Christ. I consider this as a great title for me.
Holy Spirit is holy. We are not holy. Present yourself to be as
holy as possible. Get up in the morning as early as 5 A.M. spread a
clean mat on the ground. Keep the Holy Bible on the mat. Read 1
John 2:27. “As for you, the anointing you have received from him
remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But
as his anointing teaches you about all things and that anointing is
real, not counterfeit- just as it is taught you, remain in him.” Mind
you this is the greatest gift I have ever received from God! Observe,
three times the personality of the Holy Spirit is projected; three
times anointing is emphasised; two times teaching, about all things,
making doubly sure it is real and not counterfeit. Now we are in
possession of all the theological universities in the world. Visualise
your baptism. Visualise the happiness among the angels. Satan is
thrown into the Gutter; Jesus is received; Holy Spirit fills; by having
the Holy Communion, Jesus abides in you and you are abiding in
him. Glory to God in the highest; you are the greatest man in the
world; you are an anointed one. Visualise you are sitting in front of
my theological professor, the Holy Spirit, reverently. Open Psalm
2, read verse 7. This Son is our Christ. He came to us as the son
of Mary and stayed with us for 33 ½ years and sacrificed himself
on the cross at Calvary. He died, buried, and resurrected and now
“Will” of Paulos Gregorios Orthodox TV 101

sitting on the right side of the Father as Jesus Christ. Now your
sins are forgiven; you are redeemed; you are justified by God. You
are atoned and adopted to son ship. Now Jesus is standing on your
mat. Believe this without an iota of doubt. We are going to learn
something new and if you are not willing to obey quit now. If not,
surrender completely to God. Visualise God as Jesus Christ and see
him standing on your mat. Read verse 12. Fall on his feet and say:
when I touch my forehead on your feet and kiss you, I worship you
my Lord. Repeat it three times reverently. Feel that you really did
it. We obeyed God’s command as regards v.12 is concerned. We
worshipped him, we touched him. Now on, “you will not perish
on the way.” Say reverently, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God
Almighty who was and is and is to come.” Repeat it 3 x 33 times=99
and once say: “Holy art thou O God, Holy art thou Almighty, Holy
art thou Immortal, Crucified for us, have mercy on us!” Fold your
mat and keep it away for tomorrow.
Immediately sit on a comfortable position; you are going to
commence Bible Study and you are sitting in front of our Theological
professor. If required arrange a table lamp. Present yourself with
five fold humility. This is absolutely essential. Without humility
Holy Spirit will not entertain you!
1. Surrender yourself to God the Father, you are his son.
2. Surrender yourself to our King, you are his subject.
3. Surrender yourself to our master, you are his slave bought from
the slave market from your previous master, the devil by paying
the entire price in the form of blood of Christ.
4. Surrender yourself to our Saviour- you are a redeemed sinner,
you are redeemed by sacrificing the Beloved Son of God the
5. Surrender yourself to our teacher, Jesus- you are his disciple.
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Realising this state, Abraham rightly called himself, “dust

and ashes.” Are we any better than him? Bend your head a little
acknowledging our surrender; we are sitting in front of God.
Pray: “Our Father who art in Heaven, I surrender myself to you
completely. I thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to teach me.
Teach me, show me and guide me; I submit my prayer in the name
of your Son, Jesus Christ Amen!”
You: “Forgive me my Lord for my imprudence, can we see God;
does God possess form and body?”
Holy Spirit: “Relax. No. Man cannot see God. God is Spirit. God is
invisible. God is Glorious. There are three reasons why man cannot
see God.”
1. God is Holy. God alone is Holy and no one can approach that
2. God is Glory. This glory is of the order of several trillion mega
watts of power of light. Light is associated with heat and man
cannot comprehend that light or heat as “it is consuming fire.”
3. Man possesses a sinful body. God hates sin. Therefore, man with a
body cannot approach God.
God has a spiritual form and God has a spiritual body. He can
present himself with full glory, reduced glory without glory and
minus glory at will. He can also possess or dispossess his body at
will. He can present himself spiritually or bodily. Mind you; he is
God Almighty. Anything and everything is possible by him.
“Will” of Paulos Gregorios Orthodox TV 103

As regards form and body is


1. First Adam was an exact replica of God.

In the Garden of Eden, God created Adam in his exact likeness
and exact image, including Glory. Both of them possessed full
Glory! Adam was not an ordinary man. He was son of God (Luke
3:38). He was sinless. Adam was with physical body but God was
with Spiritual body. They used to meet every day in the evening.
The relation was as Father and his children. While God possessed
Heavenly Glory, Adam possessed Earthly Glory. Angels could not
distinguish Adam from God due to the same Glory and all except
Lucifer fell and worshiped Adam. Mind you, he was sinless and
exactly like God. He named all creatures; when angels tried, they
could not do that. God asked him, what is your name? Adam replied
immediately, I am Adam. God further asked him what you mean by
Adam. He immediately replied: the one who is made out of Adama
which means mud. God was very pleased and asked him, what is
the name of your wife? Immediately he replied, Havvah. God again
asked, what do you mean by that? He replied immediately: Mother
of all. Then God asked him, do you know my name? Adam replied,
Adonai. God was surprised and asked him, what does it mean? He
replied immediately: Creator of all. When Adam committed sin, he
lost his glory and became naked, fell prey to death. After the fall,
Adam never saw God! Previously, he was an eternal man clothed
with Glory, image and likeness of God. Sin separated man and God.
In the second coming of Jesus his glory will be restored!
People were shown God’s physical body several times with
Glory and without Glory. Let us examine four more such instances
as mentioned in the Holy Bible. Abraham saw with reduced Glory,
104 Diabolic Tools

Jacob saw with minus Glory, Moses saw with glory and all people
saw Immanuel, (God with us) with emptied glory.

2. Abraham Saw God.

He was an ordinary man but very rich. He committed sins as he
possessed a sinful body. Sinful people cannot comprehend the Glory
of God. God loves sinner and hates sin. He wanted fellowship with
man. God is free to manifest Himself in any locality, in apparent
human appearance, and in less- than- plenary form, if He so
chooses. So he appeared to man in human form with reduced glory.
No theologian will say like this. He will immediately borrow a word
from Greek, “theophany,” means theos = God and phaino = shine.
Actually there is no need for borrowing another word from another
language to exhibit the knowledge of the author. All the same God
presented himself several times to man for his fellowship. God loved
Abraham and said, “He is my friend.” God appeared to Abraham
and said “to your offspring I will give this land” (Genesis 12:7).
Read verses 8 and 9. The Lord frequently appeared to Abraham,
visibly but not in his glory. See John 1:18. “No one has seen God,
but God the one and only Son who is at the Father’s side, has made
him known.” What does it mean? Those who saw God, saw him in
a form and body, visible to them, he took on himself temporarily for
the occasion. Now however, Christ has made him known. Abraham
is a sinner. God cannot appear to him in his Glory. So God appeared
to him in reduced Glory. At that time he was 75 years old and sitting
in Haran, Mesopotamia. When God appeared to him, he obeyed
God and set out to an unknown place with his brother’s son Lot. He
travelled even up to Egypt. He became very rich. Later, Abraham
came back. He got settled in Mamre. Read Genesis 18:1-33. One
day he was visited by three men. He was sitting in front of his tent.
It was a hot summer day. When he saw them, he ran to them and
“Will” of Paulos Gregorios Orthodox TV 105

fell to the ground and invited them to his tent in a befitting manner.
They accepted the invitation. Abraham washed their feet; his wife
Sarah prepared bread and meat for them. Abraham served them
while Sarah was hiding all the while. She could not comprehend even
the reduced Glory of God. Note how she tells lie to God. They ate
and drank what Abraham served them. They relaxed and two angels
went their way to Sodom. Observe Abraham was keeping a good
distance from God! Then God said I will not keep any secret from
you; these men have gone to Sodom because I received outcry about
that city. They are sinners. I am going to destroy it. Then Abraham
fearfully went closer to God and pleaded for Sodom and the Lord
God listened very patiently to Abraham. They had relation of a
Father and an obedient son. “When the Lord had finished speaking
with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home” (verse 33).
See Abraham identified God by his ‘form’ among the three men. He
welcomed them by prostrating; a Jew will do it only to his God. He
washed their feet of their ‘body.’ He served them as intimately as a
host. Spoke with God standing close to him in human language that
you can understand. Abraham pleaded for Sodom and God agreed
to yield six times. God meeting man with reduced Glory!
If you do not want to continue break the session reverently or
continue the same lesson.

3. Jacob Wrestled with God.

Abraham saw God with reduced glory. He could stand near him
and serve the food. But that reduced Glory of God was not bearable
to Sarah; she hid herself throughout the meeting and did not come
out from the tent at all. Now we will have another incident of God
presenting himself as a weak person, with further reduced Glory or
minus Glory.
106 Diabolic Tools

Jacob was a young man who cheated his father Isaac, his brother
Esau and his uncle Laban. At the middle of the night he decided
to leave Laban’s place with his two wives, two maids and eleven
children. Eldest son Reuben is hardly 22 years and no other help
because if he is arranging workers, Laban will immediately spoil the
trip. God helped Jacob in all respects while he was with Laban. He
was having a huge stock of sheep, goat, camel and donkeys. Another
mortal fear he had was his brother Esau who had become a big man
now. God wanted him to face all the hurdles. Now God wanted to
strengthen him and give him an impression that he is greater than
the greatest God. When he had shifted all his belonging to the other
side of the river Yapok, God appeared without glory or minus glory
and got defeated by Jacob! This was also with the intention to confer
him with the title “Israel”
Read Genesis 32:22-33. “So Jacob was left alone, and a man
wrestled with him till day break. When the man saw that he could
not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip, so that
his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. Then the man
said, ‘let me go for it is day break.” But Jacob replied “I will not let
you go unless you bless me,’ The man asked, ‘what is your name?’
‘Jacob,’ he answered. Then the man said, ‘Your name no longer will
be Jacob, but Israel because you have struggled with God and with
men and have overcome.’ Jacob said, ‘Please tell me your name.’ But
he replied, ‘why do you ask my name?’ Then he blessed him there.
” So Jacob called that place Peniel, saying “It is because I saw God
face to face and yet my life was spared.” Peniel means face of God!
Here God is with form and body.
(This reminds me of my Eldest son Sam, when he was 4 years
old, after applying oil on his body for bathing, used to challenge me
for wrestling! Now he is the Commander of Boeing 777. I used to
pretend that I am scared of him in wrestling. He won all the rounds!
“Will” of Paulos Gregorios Orthodox TV 107

Jacob’s struggle was a similar fight. Merciful God accepted defeat in

front of his child!)
Jacob acknowledged the presence of God. He is asking God for
blessing him. Jacob had overcome God in wrestling. Read v.27-32.
God blessed him. God conferred the title “Israel” to Jacob. Jacob
acknowledged that he has seen God face to face and yet he did not
die. God dealt with Jacob ‘sans Glory’. Further, to make it realistic,
Jacob is limping. Now you tell me whether God presented himself
to Jacob with form and body? Glory to God in the highest; thank
god for this revelation.

4. Moses Saw the Glory of God under controlled condition.

We are going to see God. Present yourself in a befitting manner. We
can see God to the extent what he reveals to us. In his full Glory, we
cannot see the face of God!
Read Exodus 33:20. “You cannot see my face, for no one may
see me and live.” Glory to God in the highest! Remember, you
must possess humility. God reveals him to his son, his subject, his
redeemed one, his slave and his disciple. You are going to see Glory
of God. You cannot see the face of God because he is holy and you
are a wicked sinner, with a sinful body; you will be burnt to ashes,
as our God is consuming fire. Read Hebrews 12:29. He has a body
and that has a face. As soon as we die, we can see him as he is. Read
Exodus 33:18. Moses asked an unfair demand. “Now show me your
glory?” God loved Moses and decided to oblige. Read verses 21-23.
“Then the Lord said “there is a place near me where you may stand
on a rock. When my Glory pass by, I will put you in a cleft, in the
rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will
remove my hand and you will see my back; but my face must not
be seen.
108 Diabolic Tools

Glory to God in the highest! Could you visualise the physical

hand of God that close the cleft. I could see Moses being covered
by the hand of God. Yes, I could see because God always do what
he says. God passed by and removed his hand from the cleft. Moses
saw physically the back side of God. Moses is warned, “My face
must not be seen.” Glory to God in the highest! God has a physical
hand; God has a physical back; God has a physical face which we
did not see but he said so and we believe. It is evident God has legs
with which he moved from the cleft but I dare not comment as it is
not mentioned in the Holy Bible. Thank you precious God; you are
my God. We heard him speak in human language to Moses and we
understood it without an iota of doubt.
Read Exodus 34:5-7. Proclamation of our God in our language:
“Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood there with him
and proclaimed his name the Lord. And he passed in front of Moses,
proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord the compassionate and glorious
God, slow to anger, bounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining
love to thousands and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet
he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children
and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth
generation. Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshiped.”
God is with form and body; that too glorious body. Moses saw
God physically, along with him, we also could visualise God. Glory
to God in the Highest; thank God for this magnificent revelation
and thank Holy Spirit for the precious lessons! Pray and close for
another sitting.

5. Immanuel or God with us!

Read Matthew 1:23. “The virgin will be with child and will give
birth to a son, and they will call him ‘Immanuel’ which means,
“God with us.” Read Isaiah 7:14. Seven hundred years before the
“Will” of Paulos Gregorios Orthodox TV 109

birth of “God with us” Israel was revealed the birth of Immanuel.
No Jew ever bothered to identify their promised Messiah. Look
at the lamentation of another Jew, our Paul: “In the past God
spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and
in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his
Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he
made the universe” (Hebrews 1:1-2). See the capital ‘S’ of Son. He
is one among the Trinity and God himself. Mary saw him; Joseph
saw him, angels declared him as “Saviour, Christ, and the Lord.”
Shepherds saw him, and the wise men certified the glorious star and
worshiped him with gold, incense and myrrh. Simon and Hanna
certified him to be the promised messiah. All have seen this God;
was he without form and body? God forbid, you are taught by the
Devil. He emptied his Glory and came to you as a man!
“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact
representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful
word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at
the right hand of the majesty in heaven” (Hebrews 1:3-4). Carefully
watch his speciality:
a) Appointed heir of all things. The incarnate Son, having performed
the work of redemption, was gloriously exalted to the position
of the firstborn heir of God. He received the inheritance of
God’s estate. God with form and body.
b) Through him he made the universe (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16).
God with form and body.
c) Radiance of God’s Glory. The second person of the Trinity, he
himself is God. God with form and body.
d) The exact representation of his being. Jesus is not merely an image
or reflection of God because the Son himself is God. He is the
absolutely authentic representation of God’s being (John 14:9;
Colossians 1:15). God with form and body.
110 Diabolic Tools

e) Sustaining all things. The Son dynamically holds together all

that has been created through him (Colossians 1:17). God with
form and body.
f ) Provided purification for sins. Through his redeeming death on
the cross. Can it be done without form and body?
g) Sat down on the right hand of the majesty in heaven. Being seated
at God’s right hand indicates that the work of redemption is
complete and that Christ is actively ruling with God as Lord
over all. See the declaration of the Father God, “Your throne, O
God will last forever and ever” Hebrews 1:8). Sat down on the
right hand of the mercy is with form and Body.
Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father (John 14:9), God with
form and body.
I am in the Father and the Father is in me (John 14:11), God
with form and body.

“Wise and Learned”

As a Fool

a) “Christ is for me a teacher of humanity, along with Gautama

Budha, Vardhamana Mahavira, Loa Tse, Mahatma Gandhi,
Mohammed, Adi Shannkara, Plato, Socrates, Moses, and Zoraster.”
‘Will’ of PG.
This is an effort to belittle Christ and sell our Glorious Christ
along with Tom, Dick and Harry. What made him to make such a
statement? There can be three reasons:
a) He did not know anything about Christ.
b) He has no fear of God.
c) He thought the entire readers will take his statements are

112 Diabolic Tools

Let us examine these reasons

a) He did not know anything about Christ. As regards time is
concerned, when Christ existed Jesus was not. When Jesus existed,
Christ was very much there. He is wise and the learned; therefore
everything is hidden for him. He did not know anything about
b) The author, Paulos Gregorios, is not a fool to make such a
statement. On the contrary, he was a very intelligent man. But he
did not fear God because his god and our God were different. He
sold his soul and spirit to Satan. He fears the All Seeing Eye, who
instructs him. Why should he fear other God?
c) Through the nefarious WCC he became a towering personality.
Therefore, his contention is true that the readers will consider him
as indisputable. He ridiculed the Holy Bible! Did anyone dispute
his foolish statements? It is evident and his partial confession at the
age of 73 reveals that. Added to that, we saw, his scant respect for the
Holy Bible and his cheap scoffing of the errors in God’s creation of
the world. His association with the Freemasons of the Scottish Rites
enabled him to deal with “The All Seeing Eye” dropped him to such
a low level that he cannot claim to be a Christian. Philanthropic
activity of the WCC is nothing but a mask to cover the Devil. He had
a wretched life in WCC. “The freedom” which he is talking about is
nothing but alienation from God. This is exactly what Lucifer, the
All Seeing Eye also wanted. His pride chucked him out from several
dignitaries, according to him, even Pope John Paul II. He was a
Freemason and an expert in mind control and PG tried to suggest
Pope to have interest in the books about Shankara and Ramanujam,
while the Pope emphasised the need for studying the great books
of Thomas Aquinas. The intention of Pope was to show PG that he
should be more obedient to God. He should learn humility. As he
“Wise and Learned” As a Fool 113

was not yielding to Pope his security showed him the door. In the
Christian Community not a single soul suspected him and he had
got a number of followers, through the Theological Seminary. These
were his calculated move for the Devil. Let us hope any one of his
followers will defend his knowledge about Christ. If the statement is
about Jesus, we have nothing to say; he was a teacher also.
This is about Christ. Where did he see Christ as a teacher? Did
he ever know that Christ is Invisible? Did he ever see any invisible
teachers other than his teacher Lucifer? Did he ever know Christ is
God and he is not a man as he compared him with Tom Dick and
Harry? Did he know who ‘Mighty God’ is? Did he know who is
Everlasting Father? Did he know that Christ possess a divine body.
Did he ever know the definition of Christ? I would like to start with
the definition of Christ. Beforehand may I state that this subject is
not to be handled by “a dust and ashes” like me. I take refuge in the
Holy Spirit fearfully and reverentially!
The Holy Bible defines Christ as the “wisdom” of God and the
“power” of God. In order to know the Magnitude of Christ, you
remove the Wisdom and Power from God. What is left? Until the
age of 65, I could not get it. Then Holy Spirit taught me through
my beloved teacher, Saint Paul. “Jews demand miraculous signs
and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a
stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to whom
God has called both Jews and Greeks, Christ the “power” of God
and the “wisdom” of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than
man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s
strength” (1 Corinthians 1:22-25). Please note, “but to whom
God has called” PG is not called by God. Which Communist
was called by God? Christ was stumbling block to PG. Christ was
foolishness to PG. We were simply duty bound to lift his chair
and shout, Yogyan, Yogyan, Yogyan (worthy, worthy and worthy)
114 Diabolic Tools

while he was an ayogyan (unworthy) and he became a Bishop of

the Church to head the WCC, the decisive position he longed for.
Three times the managing committee of the Synod categorically
rejected his nomination because he was a communist, who worked
against Evangelists in China and other countries. Forty five times
he visited Russia. Third time his rejection was in his presence. That
time he admitted that he is unfit to be a bishop of the Church.
He employed his priests and bishops and entered through the back
door, as Red Bishop. Once entered, he applied suggestions to the
Catholicos periodically and took them for a ride. From all over the
world he used to call them for their birthday and a VIP of that
State or Church will wish them. They are thrilled and next item
of the programme will be his suggestion to be appointed as the
Principal of Theological Seminary. The story of the “Rhyme of the
Ancient Mariner” repeated. Samuel Tailor Coleridge explains the
predicament situation of the wedding guest. Most appropriate time
also he could not enter the Wedding Hall; he is dead while alive;
such was the mind controlling power of the Ancient Mariner. Here
the state of Catholicos will be worse than that. He ploughed the
Church four fold, left, right and centre. When he left the wedding
guest, the Church, was run down; dead while alive. So many
establishments are in his name, symposium, seminar, meetings, and
conferences and conventions after him, music school after his name,
all his rotten books of blasphemy is prescribed for the Theological
Seminary. Paurasthya Christava Darshanam is an example. It is an
absolute blasphemy. Please read the ‘unquotable quote’ to see a liar,
Freemason, communist, atheist, necromancer, next Prime Minister
of India12, Hasiyo deelan, Gregory of India, what and what not! He
did belittle our Christ by his calculated move. Glorious Christ and
‘emptied’ Jesus are one and the same for him. Our God is compared
with ordinary humans! As he stated he “bluffed” all of us.
“Wise and Learned” As a Fool 115

b) The hope keeps me from despair and despondency even when

everything looks so bleak and gloomy in God’s world. ‘Will’ of Paulos
Paulos Gregorios earned several nick names including ‘Bishop sans
Humility’ and ‘Red Bishop’ are classic. If you claim to be a Christian
and fail to adapt the humility of our Lord Jesus Christ, you are
going to face a miserable life. If you claim to be a Christian and a
Communist it will never go together. At the age of 76 he writes about
his hope. If you cheat God what hope can you have? Christopher
Marlowe shows us the same state of mind of a person in his ‘Dr.
Faustus.’ Dr. Faustus sold his soul to Satan. At the end he repents
but the devil comes in the form of Mephistopheles and takes away
his soul and spirit at the twelfth hour. PG knows that he sold his
spirit to Satan. a) When he became an atheist. b) When he worked
for Communism. c) When he joined the lodge of freemason. d)
When he practised Reiki by calling the spirit of a dead Japanese
fellow by name Mock chi Okado. e) When he had a pact with the
devil to appear as and when required and do what he wants after
his death. f ) When he was advocating for truth and love, he spoke
innumerable lies. When he had a stroke, all his hope went away.
When he had an attack of cancer, what ever residual hope remained
also went away. He died as a hopeless bluff master and he remarks,
“God’s world is bleak and gloomy!”
He says that he was subjected to despair. Yes he asked for a
state of misery by cheating all and sundry. He was in a state of
desolation because no friend of his was contacting him because
he was bigger than the biggest. He was in a state of hopelessness
because he betrayed everyone. He was in a state of dejection because
he admitted once he never had a happy moment in his life.
He says he was under utter despondency. This is a state befell on
him. At the beginning of the marriageable age he was compelled
116 Diabolic Tools

to leave India because of the Communist people. Because of his

intelligence and hard work he became a primary school teacher, a
high school teacher and a staff in the Emperor’s office. After his
graduation PG came to India and went behind the Church to
become a Bishop, to fulfil his ultimate aim of heading the WCC.
He became a priest. After some time when Hailey Sellasee visited
Calcutta, he asked PG to join him. Later he proposed his niece
to him. He was already a priest by then and added to that he had
already victimized Fr. V. C. Samuel for getting married after his
ordination as a priest and stopped his scholarship of Yale University.
PG was altogether sad about it through out his life. He was cheerless
for rest of his life. In his reminiscence he used to regret his deeds and
this led him to a great deal of grief. He was very sorrowful because
he knew his double standards and his so many denials! It pained
him to move with small children because it reminded him of his
wretched life.
Under these circumstances, his life was miserable, drab, dreary,
depressing and desolate; so everything looked so bleak and gloomy in
his world, not God’s world. As he went away from the Light, his life
was dark, dull and murky. Yet, see the crookedness he dares to call
God’s world as bleak and gloomy! Our God’s world is never bleak
and gloomy; on the other hand it is righteousness, peace and joy.

Integrity of Paulos

As a Bishop
We have seen Paulos Gregorios as a bright exponent of sacred
traditions; Ecumenical leader devoted to interfaith dialogue and
cooperation; President of the World Council of Churches; scholar,
philosopher, author, educationist, linguist, public speaker, socio-
political thinker; advocate of women’s equality, environmental
integrity and holistic health; crusader against exploitation,
neo- colonialism and religious- cultural arrogance; activist for
disarmament, justice and peace, what and what not. He has earned
name and fame as a Bishop because, all said and done. Orthodox
Church is one of the oldest traditional Churches in the world. It was

118 Diabolic Tools

established by St. Thomas, the disciple of Jesus Christ. Although

we did not have any eminent leaders, it survived and maintained
its unflinching faith and sacred worship until the foreign invasion
and Antioch, a group of wicked sinners and for their unlawful greed
and superiority. Even then with great difficulty, we maintained it to
a certain extent, the absolute faith and sacred worship as established
by St. Thomas. That became a saleable commodity in the other
denominations and the international circles. Paulos Gregorios was
able to capitalise this in various forms not only in WCC but also in
other international forms. It was appealing to all denominations as
he was the president of the WCC and the principal of a Prestigious,
Traditional Theological Seminary. So far so good; but his integrity
became questionable, when he wrote several books against the “Holy
Bible”, made derogatory statements against Christ and against
Ougen Bava. Even the Synod could not dare to check him. He
survived the rejection of the Synod three times and entered through
the back door, through his trick. His integrity must be questioned
when he powerfully suggested to our seminary students and other
persons like John D. Kunnath, who wrote in his book titled, ‘In His
Masters Path’ “Paulos Gregorios is the second coming of Jesus.” Will
you ever believe it? That is the power of his mental suggestions. He
admits that he is a product of the thought of Paulos Gregorios. Has
he not fallen from the grace of God?
Jesus said, “But in those days, following that distress the sun
will be darkened, and moon will not give its light; the stars will fall
from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time
men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power
and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the
four winds from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens”
(Mark 13:24-27). Did any one experience this when PG came and
PG gone?
Integrity of Paulos Gregorios 119

When he prescribed his rotten theology to our seminary

students, have they not fallen from the grace of God? When he
suggested them, they became his slaves and acted accordingly to his
beck and call. His integrity became questionable when he imposed
his dubious “Will” upon us. No one can appropriate other person’s
property through his will. Church has become a “wedding guest”
in front of the “Ancient Mariner”, motionless and speechless! His
body is buried with our Saints where there is Morning Prayer,
evening prayer, periodical remembrances prayers, monthly, yearly
and for him alone, ten yearly also. See the success of a disciple of
Satan. If you have discernment you will follow this, if not I will
become an aggressor. Is there any other “Red Bishop” or “Bishop
sans humility” resting there? Yes he has a questionable integrity as
remarked by the famous journalist, T.V.R. Shenoy, “Let it be said
that the Bishop possessed a truly fine intellect. But if his brilliance
was unchallenged, his integrity was a little more suspect.” Paulose
Mar Gregorios, Alienation from God.
Church is spending a lion share of its income for mission
work. The people are contributing a large amount on Mission
Sunday willingly. The success in various fields of Mission is known
to one and all not only in India but the whole world. But look
at the attitude of Paulos Gregorios, “The mission of the church is
the greatest enemy of the gospel.” If such a person is the Principal
of a Theological Seminary, what will be the outcome from the
students? He begged for that post when he was blacklisted from
nomination by the synod. When he became a bishop he said, “I
never wanted to become a bishop,” imagine his integrity! Church
gave greatest importance to worship particularly to our Holy
Eucharist. If there is any possibility, no person will abstain from the
Sunday Holy Eucharist. Spiritual fathers like Paulos Gregorios say
it is secret. Eucharist is great because it is a sacrament. True, it is a
120 Diabolic Tools

great sacrament. There is no secrecy in worship as it is an expression

of, divine fear, respect, regards, affection and love of children to
their father in heaven. Is there any place for secrecy there? No. He
is coming to his Creator with his best offering. He has come to tell
his father, “O God, (mine) is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite
heart you, God, will not despise.” Yes God will say, “I will never
despise!” Where will you insert secrecy in this? Brahmin Poojari
betrayed us. He said there is secrecy in Mantra. Yes it is true. If you
want to invoke a fallen angel like Bhrama, Vishunu or Maheshwara,
utter evil mantras, they can be invoked. But our God is not a fallen
angel. He is God Almighty, he is our Father. By spell or mantra if I
invoke god, I am greater than that god. It does not apply to our God.
Be absolutely plain with him. Here the greatest thing in Eucharist
is some thing else. (a) It is a commandment of Jesus, our Saviour.
On the day of Last Supper, our Lord explained the significance of
it. He ordered us to conduct it as and when we meet together for
communion or fellowship. (2) It is the most sacred offering to our
God. The acceptance of this offering is conditional.
Abel gave his offering. Kept it on a rock, and said, my father
Adam, forgive me; my mother Eve, forgive me; my brother Cain
and all my sisters please forgive me any trespasses if ever I have done.
He got a satisfactory answer. Then he came to the rock, presented it
to God with all humility, with broken and contrite heart to the Lord
God for the forgiveness of his sins. Father God accepted it. He was
pleased, smiled and blessed him!
Now let us take the case of Paulos Gregorios. He is standing
as high priest. We all have come with our offerings. Instead of
obtaining forgiveness from men and God he says, “The hardest thing
for me is to forgive myself, and to accept the grace of forgiveness.
I fear that I will lose my independence if I accept forgiveness, for
to acknowledge forgiveness is to recognize a permanent obligation
Integrity of Paulos Gregorios 121

to the forgiver. I would much rather be punished than forgiven;

for if I am punished, then I have no further obligation to the one
against whom I have sinned.” With this Luciferian attitude will the
Lord accept our conditional offering? His integrity is to Satan not
to the Church. We were just watching a drama conducted by Paulos
Gregorios and his god and teacher, the devil. Did he not desecrate
our magnificent Holy Eucharist? You never knew about it because
you have no discernment. God accepts sacrifices from the hands
of the humble, penitent, sinner and never from the hands of the
‘creator’ without any integrity like Paulos Gregorios.
“Freedom is something given to man so that, while being part
of creation, he can himself become a creator and alter the shape, the
direction and the meaning of creation” (PG). This proves beyond
doubt that his integrity is to Lucifer.

As a Communist
From the age 15, PG was forced to fend for himself. He got a job
as a clerk in a transport company, a den of staunch communist
people. As a freelance writer, he started writing for them. He was
a voracious reader, particularly Karl Marx. He considered himself
to be a victim of the uneven distribution of wealth by God. That
is how their relation is estranged. That is the reason he called God
a ‘dictator’ and ‘Caesar.’ He distanced himself from the Church
due to the admiration of T.V. Thomas, who married a Hindu lady,
K.R. Gouri, in the communist office. During this period he started
advocating for Marx saying, “Religion is the opium of the people.”
“Banish gods from the skies and capitalists from the Earth and make
the World safe for industrial communism.” His work was against
God and the missionary workers; that is the reason why he said,
time and again, that Mission is imperialism and he is against it. As
time passed, he could spread communism in the Post and Telegraph
122 Diabolic Tools

Department also. A time came; he left India and started working

underground from Africa. He remained a communist till his end
and earned the nickname, ‘Red Bishop.’ However, his integrity
became questionable when he joined hands with Indira Gandhi,
during the Emergency declared in India. Communist people were
astonished at his erratic behaviour. Here he proved his integrity!
At times he made statements like, “I found anti- communism
anti- Christian, and therefore, decided to associate and work with
the communists. Again his integrity became questionable, towards
the end; however, he confessed that they too became, “dogmatic,
corrupt, and power hungry” as anyone else. Where is his integrity?
“He was proud of his communism in India but, on the
international stage, he stood shoulder to shoulder with the liberation
forces and the socialist camp along with two other famous Malayalis,
M.M. Thomas and Bishop Paulose Mar Paulose of the Chaldean
Church.” P. Govinda Pillai, ‘Mar Gregoriosinte Mathavum
Marksisavum.’27 It can be noticed that he had a double standard in
every field. In his book Govinda Pillai is praising him thinking that
he was a great theologian; he never knew that in theology he was
close to zero, while he was great in philosophy.
The fallacy of communism and the way PG cheated the Church
can be well explained by the following quotation of Martin Luther
King Jr.:
“Communism based on a materialistic and humanistic view of
life and history. According to Communist theory, matter, not mind
or spirit, speaks the last word in the universe. Such a philosophy is
avowedly secularistic and atheistic. Under it, God is merely a figment
of the imagination, religion is a product of fear and ignorance, and the
church is an invention of the rulers to control the masses. Moreover,
Communism, like humanism, thrives on the grand illusion that
Integrity of Paulos Gregorios 123

man, unaided by any divine power, can save himself and usher in a
new society—
I fight alone, and win or sink,
I need no one to make me free; I want no Jesus Christ to think,
That He could ever die for me.
Cold atheism wrapped in the garments of materialism,
Communism provides no place for God or Christ” Martin Luther
King Jr.
God save the Church from the hands of Paulos Gregorios.
Laugh not because he is dead. Read the article, ‘A Human Wonder.’

As a President of World Council of

In my knowledge and belief, WCC is a devil worshipping
organisation. I have noticed many persons entered thinking that it
is the international Christian organisation. They entered thinking
that there is evangelisation. It was a foreign word in WCC. They
expected several debates, conversions and spreading of the gospel
for the glory of God. On the other hand it was a place of excellent
meat, fish, vodka and whisky with dialogues, seminars, symposium
and international meetings for amalgamating all religion for “One
World Religion.” Most of the persons present are Freemasons. There
is an ‘all seeing eye’ on the American dollar; he is the VIP of this
organisation. So many gems entered and returned as charcoal.
A few years back, a renowned journalist of Bangalore, P.N.
Benjamin, a good friend of mine, invited me for a meeting of WCC
at St. Mark’s Cathedral, Bangalore. The VIP in the meeting was
the secretary of WCC. After his speech, mike was passed on for
comments. When it came to me, I was prompted by the Holy Spirit
to keep my mouth shut and talk privately with the Secretary, WCC.
P.N. Benjamin arranged the meeting with him. I introduced myself
124 Diabolic Tools

as a friend of three dignitaries of WCC. Rev. Fr. Dr. V.C. Samuel,

ex- secretary WCC, Rev. Fr. Dr. K.C. Joseph, ex- secretary of WCC
and Bishop Paulos Gregorios, President of WCC. He was delighted
to converse with me. I asked him a few questions: 1) Have you
noticed, the commencing prayer did not have the word Jesus. He
said yes, you have a point. 2) You had great meetings but could
you attract any one person to Christianity? He replied: No, but we
have helped many Churches. 3). You had great dialogues with inter
religion; had several debates, published several articles; could you
attract a single person to Christ? He replied: No, but we are in the
process. 4) Could you enrol a single person as disciple of Jesus? If
you say no, your organization is a non- starter, even after 60 valuable
years. He said: you have a point and I will put forward your views
and questions to the next meeting. I thanked him for his patience
and said that so long as you desist from using the word Jesus, you
are likely to make no progress! This is an inner view of WCC. What
credit would you give to the World Council of Churches? That is
why I used the term enter as Diamond and exit as Charcoal!
It should be further noted that, while the original goal of
the ecumenical movement and the WCC was “the unity of the
churches”, the new vision of the WCC is for the unity of all religions
and, in fact, all mankind. It should be clear to all who have been
watching the WCC that it has become a modern Tower of Babel.
Those who claim that the WCC is becoming more “evangelical”
are either blind or naive. Evangelicals who remain in the WCC are
being used as window dressing to hide the WCC apostasy, there is
only dialogue not witnessing.
Having substituted the building of a new society in place of
the preaching of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith
in Jesus Christ, it is not surprising that the WCC should forsake
“witness” for “dialogue” even while claiming that dialogue is a form
Integrity of Paulos Gregorios 125

of witnessing. In recent years, the WCC has been engaged in official

dialogues with almost everyone; Roman Catholics, Jews, Muslims,
Buddhists, Hindus, Humanists, Traditional African Religions and
Communists. As previously noted, the original goal of “Christian
unity” has been superseded with the goal of the “unity of all mankind.”
They say, “Opportunities and occasions for dialogue cannot and
must not be confined to men of religious faiths but also must
involve men of secular ideologies.” This is the greatest contribution
of Paulos Gregorios. Ask your conscience, “Is it Biblical?” Apostle
Paul says in 2 Corinthians 6:16, “What agreement is there between
the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living
God; as God has said I will be with them and walk among them,
and I will be their God, and they will be my people. Therefore come
out from there and be separate, says the Lord.”
The WCC says, “Be open, be vulnerable, and take a risk.” The
Word of God says, “Beware!” “Beware of false prophets which come
to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves”
(Matthew 7:15). Will you follow Christ or Paulos Gregorios? He
succeeded in suggesting everyone in WCC to tune them to “One
World Religion.” This is the reason WCC disowned him. He could
make believe the Church that he is doing a wonderful job in WCC
while they were trying to get rid of him but the ‘Orthodox’ tag
helped him to continue there.
It was stated that they were seeking “to sensitize churches,
inviting them to lobby with their governments as well as to mark the
30th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”
The WCC issued a special document promoting the UN sponsored
International Year of the Child, totally ignoring the fact that even
though this appeal is made with the image of starving children
in mind, the real thrust of this program is toward socialization of
the child and the family. Individual believers and churches that
126 Diabolic Tools

are opposed to the philosophy and program of the UN should

realize that it is not their voice which is heard in places of power
and decision - it is the voice of the false prophets in the WCC that
prevail and speak for you whether you like it or not. Paulos Gregorios
received U N Award for this feat. Our people did not know he was
encashing us!
As the years have slipped by with little progress toward the goal
of “one visible church”, their frustrations have been manifested in
the use of clever language to hide their failures. Instead of “One
Church” we hear talk of “councillor fellowship” and “unity in
reconciled diversity” and trying to “relate the right kind of diversity
to the right kind of unity.” Through the years, they have followed
the old ecumenical motto, “Service Unites, Doctrine Divides.”
But in spite of their wish to ignore doctrine, the issue continues
to re- appear. At times, WCC leaders introduce new word games
or “theological breakthroughs” which they announce with a great
fanfare, seeking to revive the hopes of their disillusioned followers.
Although there is enough and more subtlety, the projection of “One
World Religion” of Paulos Gregorios can be seen evidently in WCC.
He sold not only his excellent vocabulary, and English gymnastics
but also his soul and spirit to the ‘All Seeing Eye’!
I have yet another point to be revealed. WCC is Paul Varghese
and Paul Varghese is WCC. He became great through WCC and
poor Church. Fine, all of you may be under the impression that
World Council of Churches is a great organization of Christians.
It is not true. Before Paulos Gregorios, I had two good friends in
WCC. One was Rev. Dr. V.C. Samuel and other was Rev. Dr. K.C.
Joseph. I used to interact with them as I knew these people very
personally. These two were gems. Both of them were secretaries of
WCC. That is an organisation of the highest order controlled by
very rich nations and illuminate. Very huge amounts of the order
Integrity of Paulos Gregorios 127

of billions come there from rich nations. So far they could not do
anything for any church. The top person controlling the WCC is
“All seeing eye” Satan. You do not believe it. You are considering
that is God. You will not work to find out the truth because you do
not have discernment. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Please believe
me Satan is the all Seeing Eye. So it is never for Christ. These three
diamonds entered WCC and the third person PG came out as
Fr. K.C. Joseph, a renowned English professor, entered WCC.
Removed his beard being a priest, he became a laughing stock and
they made him a disgrace. Fr. V.C. Samuel entered, got married
after his ordination as a priest, they ridiculed him, his wife met with
an accident and died while he was driving. These two persons kept
one arm distance, while serving WCC. So they saved themselves!
Then came, Paulos Gregorios who claimed WCC is his own. His
Reiki, Necromancy, Freemasonry, Illuminati and association with
Eswaran, Namo etc. made him a charcoal of confusion, confounded
situation. But he thought he could trick everyone. He succeeded till
the Vancouver meeting. What a disgrace?
PG was the secretary of WCC several times. Then he became
the President of the organisation. In that organization nobody
trusted him because he proved many a time that his integrity is
questionable. Therefore, “In 1983 the Vancouver Assembly had
chosen me to be one of its presidents, a desperate move on the part
of the WCC establishment to keep me out of power in its policy
making and running. A president of the WCC is always a decorative
figure, supposed to represent the WCC on unimportant public
occasions, a senior figure who generally keeps out of all controversy.
I was the only legitimate candidate to be moderator of the Central
Committee, since no one from the tradition had been allowed to
be general secretary or moderator up till that time, and only the
128 Diabolic Tools

general secretary’s post is more powerful than that of the moderator.”

Wherever he went, he was not working for the organization. So the
place that he was boasting off has become a trap for him. Always
Satan betrays his disciple at the most crucial times.
“I was elected a President in 1983, and I insisted that I should
give a series of lectures to the staff in Geneva about these errors.
Influential members of the staff, of course, resisted the proposal
with all their strength.” By that time people knew that he was a
wrong number, and working for Satan, therefore they resisted.
“I served as president until the Canberra Assembly in 199130,
but I was systematically kept out of all important decision making,
and was seldom allowed to represent the WCC at any important
public function. Whenever I announced that I was going to do
something on my own, not as president, the establishment grew
fearful and tried to stop or circumvent me. When I announced for
example that I was going to Managua for the sixth anniversary of
Nicaragua’s liberation, they decided to send two more presidents
and additional persons to hedge me. They were afraid I would say
something inappropriate in favour of the Sandinistas.” He was
never trustworthy. He had an inherent character that he will cut the
branch where he sits. He said that he is all in all in WCC but they
are scared of him because he was backed by Satan and betrayed all
those who trusted him. That is his integrity!
Because all Christian churches are bad, not even one good one
in the WCC, he decided to shift to adapt other religions. “The net
result of my rather extensive ecumenical experience is that I have
not been able to spot one Christian Church in the world that is
even half faithful to the way of the cross and to the teaching of
the Apostles. I have gradually begun to look outside the Christian
Church, to see what God is doing.” During this period, he went
almost all the Hindu temples in North India in the capacity of
Integrity of Paulos Gregorios 129

the Diocesan Metropolitan of Orthodox Church Delhi, met all

swamijies, received their blessings and ate the prasadam and drank
the holy water (Offerings of idols from the hands of the gentiles). He
knew well that was forbidden for an ordinary Christian let alone
the case of Bishop. He set an example and many bishops in Kerala
followed suit. He also taught them and the Seminary students
to call our beloved God as Easwaran. They promptly replaced
Daivam, Karthavu, Yeshu, Christhu, Yahowa, Yahweh, and God
with Easwaran. He was annoyed with WCC, an organization for
which he had worked for two decades, left it and went in search of
Hindu gods and hit us below our belt. What integrity to WCC and
Church! Certainly when he left WCC, there was no place for him
because they hated and distrusted him and thought ‘good riddance.”
If we hesitated to receive forgiveness from man and God, this will
be our fate also!

As a Teacher in Ethiopia
Paulos Gregorios started his carrier in Ethiopia as a teacher with
Matriculation as his qualification. But he was very intelligent. He
learnt their local language Amharic and perfected the grammar of
that language. As usual even in the Education Department Ethiopia,
he showed his head- weight. The devil has a peculiar character, he
will help you out and out but when you are in trouble he will betray
you. “Soon I found out that the whole atmosphere in the town
of Jimma had changed. Every Ethiopian was hostile to me, even
outside the compound. As I walked along the streets of Jimma,
people would point their finger at me and say things to each other. I
was being derided and mocked, I felt. Even among my own students,
the old camaraderie was gone. A veil of gloom had fallen over the
community; some students often seemed to avoid me. Some of the
senior students, however, kept very close to me, and told me that
130 Diabolic Tools

someone had spread stories about me over the whole town. They
would not tell me what the stories were. Only months later, I was
to find out.
“Wherever I went out of my house, I had the feeling that I was
being watched and followed, day or night. One day some of the
senior boys said to me: ‘We are forbidden to come to your home.’”
He was treated very badly every where. While in India we were told
that he was the best friend and adviser of the Emperor.
“I felt a battery of persecution had been turned on me. It hurts
me when people refuse to talk to me, and I know that they hate me
or have contempt for me.”
“The response to my rude letter of protest sent to the Ministry
of Education in Addis Ababa was slow in coming. When it did
come, it was in the form of a curt telegram which said simply:
A week later, I was in Addis Ababa, with my things packed up,
ready to go home to India. In Addis Ababa I went to the Ministry
of Education and reported to the office of the chief, Ato Akaleworq
Habtewold, Director General. I showed the telegram I had received,
to his private secretary.
“For more than thirty days, I went daily to the Ministry of
education and waited in the visitor’s room. Every attempt to find
out why I had been called to Addis Ababa came to nothing. One
day, Ato Efraim Boru, the Deputy Director General, went through
all my files and saw the injustice. He was already in tension with his
chief, but one day, he dragged me into the Director General’s office
and asked: “Can you tell me why this man is called here? He has
been hanging around for more than three weeks, and he still does
not know. Ato Akaleworq, without so much as getting up from his
chair, said to Ato Efrem.” I do not want to see the man’s face. Take
him away.”
Integrity of Paulos Gregorios 131

Mind you he was a communist and a union leader. “Meanwhile

the Indian Association of Ethiopia decided to take up my case with
the authorities. They convened a special meeting for the purpose,
and invited me to speak. I politely thanked my fellow countrymen
for the interest they were taking in my case. I told them the bare
facts of the case and told them that I was suffering on account of
Christ, and did not want them to go to any trouble on my behalf.”23
Look at the charges against him, suffering for Christ? “The charges
were three: (1) I had insulted Ethiopia and its Emperor; (2) I was
using my position as teacher to engage in religious propaganda and
to proselytize the students, which was against my contract with
the Ethiopian government; (3) the real reason for my inviting the
students to my home was for homosexual purposes. Thompson told
me that I was to be expatriated to India as “an undesirable Alien”,
and that the government of Ethiopia had already written to the
government of India to that effect. My air ticket to Bombay had
already been bought and I may be packed off any day now.” During
the interview with director, he was able to influence him through
mental suggestion and his ability to present the issue in their own
language and escaped unhurt by tendering an apology and securing
a transfer to elsewhere. “The bluff seemed to work, more than I
could expect.” “Obviously I was bluffing.”
What was wrong with him? You have noticed that he is rude
and bluffs everywhere. Thus it can be concluded that he was not
normal and his integrity was questionable. Wherever he worked, he
was a square peg in a round hole!

Lone Spiritual Experience

of PG

During his very eventful 74 years, PG had a spiritual encounter.

He was under the impression that it was Jesus. Up to the last he
could not discern and recognise with whom he had the spiritual
encounter. If ever you have an affinity with Satan, he will take you
for a ride and betray you at crucial times.
PG had an attack of chicken pox, when he was in Africa.
According to him chicken pox is the most terrible, horrible, fearful
and dangerous disease. 24“At the height of my pain, about the
fourth day, I went and sat fiercely on my chair at my desk. The seat
hurt, but I grit my teeth. Across the desk, on the wall, there was a
colour portrait of Christ (Salmon’s Head of Christ, a not too artistic
American product) facing me. I started the dialogue or debate or

134 Diabolic Tools

whatever it was. I accused God of being cruel and unfair, devoid of

compassion, and letting people suffer more than they deserved. I
was talking quite aloud, in the anguish of my pain and the loneliness
of my room, and threw a stream of abuse at the portrait of Christ.
As the torrent of words rose in crescendo, I was carried away by the
rhetoric of my own petulance. Finally, and not without hesitation,
I blurt out what I knew were insolent words: “Was your suffering
on the cross anything comparable to what I am going through
now?”25 That put a stopper to the flow of my own sulky abuse. I
felt I had said more than what I had a right to say. There was calm.
The experience that followed is so poignant that I have no words in
which to describe it with some sense of adequacy.
A voice came, distinct and clear, “Yes, my son, it was.”
Because there was a photo of Jesus, PG thought that it was Jesus.
Actually, it was his god, the Satan. For PG, Jesus is a carpenter; not
more than that. Jesus was not having doctorate like PG. But PG was
a little less than Almighty and yet undergoing greater agony than
what this carpenter had on the cross. “He Accused God.” PG calls
it a dialogue. Do you think God will come to have dialogue with
such a person who abuses God? No. His god will come because he
abused our God. Our God cannot be called “cruel” because he is
kind and compassionate. His god is very cruel. Our God cannot
be called ‘unfair’ he is absolutely righteous. He called “devoid of
compassion,” our God is most compassionate and kind. He charged
god, “letting people suffer more than they deserve;” if ever our
God were like that, we would not have been here to read this; our
God is righteous; he charged his god. “Talking quite loud,” when
we talk to a respectable person if our volume goes up, call you a
rascal. He is shouting at his filthy god. Let us not bother. “Throw a
stream of abuses to the photograph of Jesus Christ”; when he learnt
Reiki he insisted to abuse God and other honourable peoples; when
Lone Spiritual Experience of PG 135

he became a communist, God has become foreign to him; when

he became an atheist, God has become negative to him; when he
became a necromancer, he did away with God; when he joined with
Satan and sold his soul to him, he was able to do all that he wanted.
But it does not apply to our God; the dog is barking to the Moon.
Let it bark.
“As the torrent of words rose in crescendo”; make sure, it can
be done in the presence of Satan only. In the presence of God we
seek qualified silence. “Rhetoric,” O God, forgive him! In front of
God you cannot be rhetoric because you are already speechless. His
god will puff him up against our God and he calls it rhetoric. He
says he was carried away by his rhetoric; absolutely sure, he was
with his god. “My own petulance,” PG is a person with excellent
vocabulary; if he uses the word ‘petulance’ how much should had
been his bad temper and irritability to God. Who is he to show
his anger to God? Look at Moses he got angry and broke the two
stone tablets written by own hand of our Great God. It was divine
anger! Jonah got angry due to the extra ordinary compassion of God
which he could not comprehend. They have learnt a lesson; they
were children of God. On the contrary we have a servant; sorry he
will not become a servant, a colleague of Satan and his petulance! To
say, “I blurted out” to Satan is appropriate but let him not claim that
it was Jesus Christ. Mind you our God is “consuming fire.” He is
mistaken. It was Satan only. “Insolent words”, impudent, rude and
audacious words cannot be uttered in front of God. It can be done
only in front of his god, the Satan. “My own sulky abuse”, again
petulance and sullenness against God! No he was talking his filth to
his god, the Devil. My Church swallowed it without any remorse.
He was considered as greater than the greatest. He will be declared
as a super saint.
136 Diabolic Tools

Had it been Jesus he would have spoken in this fashion (forgive

me Lord for my imprudence), “Paul Varghese, I was enjoying your
dialogue with your friend Lucifer. Your suffering is really great. But
since you insisted to compare my passion on the cross I shall narrate,
part of it. As you are very bombastic, let me use some medical terms
to explain it adequately: I was 33 ½ years at that time. My physical
passion began in Gethsemane. Of the many aspects of this initial
suffering, one of the greatest physiological interests is the bloody
sweat. Remember Luke wrote, “And being in agony, He prayed the
longer. And His sweat became as drops of blood, trickling down
upon the ground.” Under great emotional stress of the kind I
suffered, tiny capillaries in the sweat glands can break, thus mixing
blood with sweat. This process might well have produced marked
weakness and possible shock.
After the arrest in the middle of the night, I was next brought
before the Sanhedrin and Caiphus, the High Priest; it is here that
the first physical trauma was inflicted. A soldier struck across my
face for remaining silent when questioned by Caiphus. The palace
guards then blind- folded me and mockingly taunted me to identify
them as they each passed by. I was beaten, spat on my face and hit
by your people. I had thick beards. They held my beard between two
shekels and plucked, while abusing and spitting on my face; beard,
and flesh and blood came together. The poor carpenter could not
bear the pain.
In the early morning, battered and bruised, dehydrated, and
exhausted from a sleepless night, I was taken across the Praetorium
of the Fortress Antonia, the seat of government of the Procurator
of Judea, Pontius Pilate. It was then, in response to the cries of the
mob, that Pilate ordered Bar- Abbas released and condemned me to
scourging and crucifixion. It was a short whip made of three leather
thongs connected to a handle. The leather thongs were knotted
Lone Spiritual Experience of PG 137

with a number of small pieces of zinc and iron, attached at various

intervals to remove the skin. The scourging will leave the body as
if it is ploughed. 39 times when they scourged me, my body was
completely bloody and shivering. At first the thongs cut through
the skin only. Then, as the blows continued, they cut deeper into
the subcutaneous tissues, producing first an oozing of blood from
the capillaries and veins of the skin, and finally spurting arterial
bleeding from vessels in the underlying muscles. When the salty
blood filled my eyes; it blinded me; I could not prevent or wipe it
out, because both of my hands were tied at the back. The small balls
of lead first produced large, deep bruises which are broken open by
subsequent blows.
Finally the skin of the back is hanging in long ribbons and the
entire area is an unrecognizable mass of torn, bleeding tissue. When
it is determined by the centurion in charge that the prisoner is near
death, the beating is finally stopped. The half- fainting prisoner is
then untied and allowed to slump to the stone pavement, wet with
His own blood.
Finally, tired of their sadistic sport and the robe is torn from my
back. Already having adhered to the clots of blood and serum in the
wounds, its removal causes excruciating pain and almost as though
I were again being whipped the wounds once more begin to bleed.
In deference to Jewish custom, the Romans returned my garments.
The heavy patibulum of the cross is tied across my shoulders, and
the procession of the condemned Christ, two thieves, and the
execution detail of Roman soldiers headed by a centurion begins its
slow journey along the Via Dolorosa.
In spite of my best efforts to walk erect, the weight of the heavy
wooden beam, together with the shock produced by copious blood
loss, is too much. I stumbled and fell. The rough wood of the beam
gouges into the lacerated skin and muscles of the shoulders. I tried to
138 Diabolic Tools

rise, but human muscles have been pushed beyond their endurance.
The centurion, anxious to get on with the crucifixion, selects a
stalwart North African onlooker, Simon of Cyrene, to carry the
cross. I followed, still bleeding and sweating the cold, clammy sweat
of shock, until the 650 yard journey from the fortress Antonia to
Golgotha is finally completed. I was offered wine mixed with myrrh,
a mild analgesic mixture. I refused to drink because I am duty bound
to bear the entire pain. Simon is ordered to place the patibulum on
the ground and I was quickly thrown backward with my shoulders
against the wood. The legionnaire feels for the depression at the
front of the wrist. He drives a heavy, square, wrought- iron nail
through the wrist and deep into the wood. Quickly, he moves to
the other side and repeats the action, being careful not to pull the
arms too tightly, but to allow some flexion and movement. The
patibulum is then lifted in place at the top of the stipes and the title
reading, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews,” is nailed in place.
The left foot is now pressed backward against the right foot,
and with both feet extended, toes down, a nail is driven through
the arch of each, leaving the knees moderately flexed. I am now
crucified. The body slowly sagged down with more weight on the
nails in the wrists, excruciating pain shoots along the fingers and up
the arms to explode in the brain — the nails in the wrists are putting
pressure on the median nerves.
Then they made a deep hole on the ground to erect the cross.
When they put the cross into the hole, along with my body, I felt
as if the three nails disowned my body. Yes this was the culmination
of pain. I was unable to breath. I pushed myself upward to avoid
this stretching torment; I placed my full weight on the nail through
the feet. Again there is the searing agony of the nail tearing through
the nerves between the metatarsal bones of the feet. At this point,
as the arms fatigue, great waves of cramps sweep over the muscles,
Lone Spiritual Experience of PG 139

knotting them in deep, relentless, throbbing pain. With these

cramps comes the inability to push myself upward. Hanging by
the arms, the pectoral muscles are paralyzed and the intercostals
muscles are unable to act. Air can be drawn into the lungs, but
cannot be exhaled. I fought to raise myself in order to get even one
short breath. Finally, carbon dioxide builds up in the lungs and in
the blood stream and the cramps partially subside. Spasmodically,
I was able to push myself upward to exhale and bring in the life-
giving oxygen.
I experienced hours of limitless pain, cycles of twisting, joint-
rending cramps, intermittent partial asphyxiation, searing pain
where tissue is torn from my lacerated back as I moved up and down
against the rough wood. Then another agony begins - - a terrible
crushing pain deep in the chest as the pericardium slowly fills with
serum and begins to compress the heart. “My strength is dried up
like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaved to my jaws; and thou has
brought me into the dust of death.” A sponge soaked in cheap, sour
wine which is the staple drink of the Roman legionaries, is lifted to
my lips. I did not take any of the liquid.
I remembered again the 22nd Psalm, the 14th verse: “I am poured
out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is like wax;
it is melted in the midst of my bowels.” My body is now in extremes,
and I can feel the chill of death creeping through my tissues. With
one last surge of strength, I once again pressed my torn feet against
the nail, straightened my legs, took a deeper breath, and uttered my
last cry, “Father! Into thy hands I commit my spirit.”
After that they pierced a spear into my heart to rip it open. It
did not pain me at all because I was already dead! Now you compare
your chicken pox with my crucifixion? But one thing, I would have
suffered a hundred times more to redeem you; yet you say that
140 Diabolic Tools

“redemption” and “atonement” are bad theology.” No, bear in mind,

it was the plan of my Heavenly Father!
What did PG hear and who is the owner of that voice? Ponder
for a moment. Abraham, Moses and Joshua fell on the ground and
said that they were “dust and ashes,” God responded. Did you see
any humility in this ‘bishop sans humility’? Here is PG the great!
He wanted freedom from God, alienation from God, abusing God,
scolding God, blaming God and questioning God. Immediately like
an obedient servant a voice is heard, “Yes Sir, it was.” It was Satan.
PG did not have discernment.
This is the way the devil takes us for a ride. Paul is teaching us
to beware of Satan. “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we
are not ignorant of his devices” 2 Corinthians 2:11.
He wanted to practice Reiki, another study conducted by
Satan. He wanted to study Yoga, yet another study conducted by
Satan. It needs vacating of the Holy Spirit from our heart and mind
and installing Satan but in the case of Yoga, we have to surrender
ourselves to Shiva, he is the guru of ashtanga Yoga. Eswaran!
PG wanted to live in this world after his death; he learnt the
trick of the trade from Mockachi Occado. He calls him a prophet,
while he was an agent of the Devil. PG was a Communist. They are
Atheists. He wanted to abuse God. Satan was happy. He scoffed the
Holy Bible; Satan was very happy. It appeared to be alright for him.
If you please Satan, he will answer all your questions in the name of
anyone. Be aware, your encounter was with the evil spirit. On the
other hand, if you ponder how to get in touch with the Holy Spirit,
learn the humility of Jesus. Absolute surrender is needed. God will
help you.
If ever he had a semblance of humility, he would not have self
exalted as “Next Prime Minister of India”; he would have thought
twice when he bestowed the name, ‘Gregory of India.’ From the
Lone Spiritual Experience of PG 141

beginning till end he was a sick person, both physically and mentally
and he called himself “Hasiyo deelan,” Our Healer; education
department of Ethiopia charge sheeted him in a most disgraceful
manner; Communist people disowned him at the end, however he
was nicknamed “Red Bishop;” in the WCC they were afraid of him
and used to send two other president to cover (hedge) him because
he may betray them at any point of time; when he scoffed the Holy
Bible it became evident that he was not a worshipper of the God of
the Bible. Will the Church ever realise the folly and take corrective
steps such as the following:
a) Remove the defective books from the curriculum of the
Theological Seminary.
b) Rename the organisations in favour of deserving saintly people.
c) As Lenin’s bust is removed from Leningrad and Stalin’s bust
removed from Stalingrad, his mortal remains may be given a
decent burial else ware; certainly not along with our Saints in
Seminary Chapel.
May the Good Lord Bless All of Us!

1. ‘Satyug’- Rig Veda. 10.72 (2)

2. Lucifer - Holy Bible: Eze.28.
3. Gilgamesh- Akkadian 2nd millennium
4. Prajapati- Taittiriya Upanishad 8.7.1.Yajurveda.
5. Hybrids- Genesis.6:4
6. Satan- Latent Thumb Impression of God.Ch3.
7. ‘Father of lies’- John8:44
8. Three chapters.- Job. Ch.40, 41,42.
9. Second coming of Christ.- In His Masters Path: John D.
10. Anne Schandorf- In His Masters Path. Page: 135
11. “Religion is opium” - Das Capita- Karl Marx
12. Fit to be Prime Minister - Autobiography - Paulos Mar Gregorios
13. Gregory of India - Autobiography - Paulos Mar Gregorios
14. Man is a mediator - The Theological Bases of Mar Gregorios
Humanism and Socialism
15. Gregory of Nyssa Institute- Gregory of India
16. All Seeing Eye - Satan Latent Thumb Impression of God- A V
17. Evangelism is imperialism- Spirituality a class by Paulos
Gregorios -Orthodox TV.
18. Mission is imperialism- Spirituality by Paulos Gregorios-
Orthodox TV
19. Cosmic Man- “The apocrypha and pseudepigrapha”

Bibliography 143

20. Communism and Christinism - William Montgomery Brown

21 The Will - Paulos Gregorios
22. Paurasthya Christava Darshanam- Paulos Gregorios page 105.
23. Gregory of India - Auto biography - Poulos Gregorios
24. Gregory of India - Auto biography - Poulos Gregorios
25.Gregory of India - Auto biography - Poulos Gregorios
26. Gregory of India - Auto biography - Paulos Gregorios
27. Mar Gregoriosinte mathavum - P.Govindappallai
28. Bad Theology- Spirituality – a Class by Paulos Gregorios
29. Gregory of India - Paulos Gregorios
30. Gregory of India- Paulos Gregorios

Unquotable Quote of Paulos


From the horse’s mouth

1. The Ultimate purpose of creation of this world is to remove the
defects of animals and men. JT, JJ, MK.
2. St. Augustine was nothing but an error. JT, JJ, MK.
3. Fr. Dr. Kelly did not have one tenth of my knowledge JT, JJ,
4. Mission is imperialism; rich people send missionaries to poor
people JT, JJ, MK.
5. The word “missionary” is nonsense and I never used it. JT, JJ,
6. I did not want to be a bishop. JT, JJ, MK.
7. I have done a lot of things than many other people. JT JJ MK.
8. Among my students there is not a single good priest. JT, JJ,
9. Among the people whom I have taught there is not a single
good layman who picked up something. JT, JJ, MK.
10. Liberation theology is superficial. JT, JJ, MK.
11. Evangelization is imperialism. JT, JJ, MK.
12. Tradition is important not The Bible. JT, JJ, MK.

Unquotable Quote of Paulos Gregorios 145

13. Nayanar was a poor soul and he knew nothing about ruling.
14. K.M. George understood my teaching others including Cherian
had timid knowledge JTJJMK.
15. It is not written in the Bible to go to toilet. JTJJMK Deut.
16. There is nothing written about the teeth also. JT JJ MK S of
17. Liberation theology is superficial and it is a mask. JT JJ MK.
18. In the book of Judges we can find no Judges but rulers. S
19. There is no court in the book of Judges. S
20. There is nothing like the Last Judgment, only righteous rule. S
21. There is nothing like left and right goat and sheep. S
22. There is no question of a throne in the Judgment. S
23. In the Yale University there was no one who knew anything. S
24. In Oxford University there was no one who knew anything. S
25. There was not a single person who could guide me. S
26. There was not a single book which could guide me. S
27. I learnt all things by myself. S
28. Fr. Kelly told me Augustine is great and I am too small a fellow.S
29. The defect of Mother Theresa: she was an imperialist and
completely for the rich. S
I will show you the highest spiritual gift is Charity. PCD
30. It is better not to aspire for higher spiritual gifts. PCD
31. Bible is not the basis of Christian faith. PCD
32. Church came to existence on the Pentecost day. PCD
33. We have not received even one manuscript of the Bible. PCD
34. Animals are created because there was no mate for man. PCD
35. Is God a human being to take rest due to the physical exertion
after six days work? PCD
146 Diabolic Tools

36. These six days of 24 hours of creation need not be taken as six
days and it can be treated as six periods. PCD
37. When Adam was in Eden, he was allowed only vegetarian food.
So we can argue that we are also supposed to have Vegetarian
food. PCD
38. Two very important apostolic fathers are Clement of Rome and
Ignatius of Antioch. PCD
39. Christ is for me a teacher of humanity, along with Gautama
Budha, Vardhamana Mahaveera, Loa Tse, Mahatma Gandhi,
Mohammed, Adi shankara, Plato, Socrates, Moses, and Zoraster.
40. The hope keeps me from despair and despondency even when
everything looks so bleak and gloomy in God’s world. W
41. God is without form or body. W
42. Being Anti communist was to be Anti Christ. G of I
43. I did not even need to call Augustine a saint. G of I
44. Augustine holds a low view of man. G of I
45. But only a God who can be glorified in the glory of man is
worth worshiping. G of I
46. Salvation is making man like God. G of I
48. Freedom is something given to man so that, while being part of
creation, he can himself become a creator and alter the shape,
the direction and the meaning of creation. G of I
49. Augustine led the Western church astray–toward denial of the
freedom and dignity of all men, Christian or non- Christian.
He makes man so utterly dependent and slavish in relation
to God that God is distorted in to an arbitrary dictator like
the Caesars–a petty God whose glory has to be vindicated at
the expense of the glory of man. But only a God who can be
glorified in the glory of man is worth worshiping. G of I
Unquotable Quote of Paulos Gregorios 147

50. I found anticommunism anti – Christian, and therefore decided

to associate and work with the communists.

An Interview with Paulos Gregorios by JT, JJ and MK
JT=Joice Thottackad, JJ=Johnson Jacob, MK=Dr. Mathew Koshy.
S=Spirituality- A class by Poulos Gregorios present JT,JJ,MK
PCD=Poursthya Christava Darshanam W=Will of PG.
G of I = Gregory of India.

Luciferian Quotations of PG

From the horse’s mouth

1. Freedom is something given to man so that, while being part of
creation, he can himself become a creator and alter the shape,
the direction and the meaning of creation.
2. I now firmly believe that the destiny of man is to be like God.
3. I found anticommunism anti – Christian.
4. I was offended, but being in the chair, could not retort in my
usual rude manner.
5. “Man is a mediator.”
6. The hardest thing for me is to forgive myself, and to accept
the grace of forgiveness. I fear that I will lose my independence
if I accept forgiveness, for to acknowledge forgiveness is to
recognize a permanent obligation to the forgiver (god) I would
much rather be punished than forgiven; for if I am punished,
then I have no further obligation to the one against whom I
have sinned.
7. God is not male. W
8. Christ is for me a teacher of humanity, along with Gautama
Budha, Vardhamana Mahaveira, Loa Tse Mahatma Gandhi,
Mohammed, Adi shankara, Plato, Socrates, Moses, and Zoraster.
9. God is without form or body. W
10. But only a God who can be glorified in the glory of man is
worth worshiping. G of I 148
Luciferian Quotations of PG 149

11. Salvation is making man like God. G of I

12. It is better not to aspire for special spiritual gifts. PCD
13. Atonement is a bad theology. S
14. Redemption is bad theology. S

A Few Denials of PG

When an ordinary person tells something and disowns it, he is said

to be a liar. If a great man tells something and disowns it, we must
call it only a denial, very gently!
1. Joice Thottackad, “In the children’s essay book” it is written that
you went to Africa as a “missionary.”
PG: No; the word “missionary” is nonsense and I never used it. JT, JJ,
MK. X As he had studied the life of David Livingston, he said many
places that he had worked as a missionary in the Dark Continent to
sacrifice his life. Liars forget what they said earlier. Therefore, he denied
it. But unfortunately both the statements are documented!
2.“I never wanted to become a bishop.” X PG was very ambitious. He
was a Communist. He had alienated himself from God because God
is not able to distribute the wealth equally. It was due to his rebellious
reaction as he could not continue his studies due to financial problems.
He returned to the Church at the age of 38 without even becoming
an altar boy with the sole intention of becoming a bishop to head the
WCC. Fr. M. V. George was set aside from ordination as a bishop
because his mother was a Marthomite. PG contacted all priests and
bishops to plead the case of Fr. M. V. George This was an intelligent
and strategic move of PG. M.V. was suggested by him by then; and
he went from pillar to post to secure vote for PG and he became a
A Few Denials of PG 151

bishop, much against the wishes of the senior bishops who said in
the Synod “he is wise and the learned alright but he is a Communist
man, freemason, and necromancer.” The synod was unanimous in
declaring him “Unworthy” 3 times and once rejected in his presence.
Yet he became a bishop much against the wishes of the Church. It was
through the back door and by his trick. Now he says: “I never wanted
to become a Bishop.” Sweet denial! Ref: hand written memorandum.
He published it but did deliver it neither to the Catholicos nor to the
Synod. He published it and Circulated among the people from 1965
to 1974. In the bargain see how he is reserving his seat as the principal
of the Theological Seminary also! Our synod was gullible.
3. JT: What are your achievements?
PG: “I do not claim that I have achieved anything. X Later in the
same interview he denied this and said “I have achieved a lot of things
than many other people.”
4. We have not received even one manuscript of the Bible. PCD X In
the same chapter itself he denied this and said that we have received
one manuscript from Leningrad in the year 1008.
5. PG: “Liberation theology is superficial. I am against it” JT, JJ, MK.
“But, on the international stage, he stood shoulder to shoulder with
the liberation forces and the socialist camp along with two other
famous Malayalis, M.M. Thomas and Bishop Paulose Mar Paulose
of the Chaldean Church,” Mar Gregoriosente mathavum Marxisavum.
6. And on ‘secularism’? “I am convinced that until humanity sees that
the secular civilization, which denies the centrality of God, has been the
greatest mistake in our history, it cannot find the way forward” X (This
is from the same man who once opined that being anti - communist
was to be anti - Christ!). ‘A proud Indian’ by T.V. R. Shenoy.
152 Diabolic Tools

7. He preached Communism from the age of 15 to 73 and again, he

flirted closer to Communism than was needed (There by earning the
nickname of the ‘Red Bishop’). X Towards the end he denied what
he said in the beginning, however, he confessed that they too became
“dogmatic, corrupt, and power hungry as anyone else.”
8. From 1947 to 1950 I served as a teacher in the Government
schools in Ethiopia, teaching all the way from primary to secondary
and also at College level. X Graduation from the college is essential to
be appointed in the school. With only matriculation “college level?”
9. Professors in Yale University knew nothing. X I found the Yale
Graduate School excellent in modern western philosophy, especially
in understanding German philosophers like Kant and Husserl. Sweet
10. Professors in Oxford knew nothing. X In Oxford, I had great
teachers there like Michael Polanyi, who initiated me into some
of the problems of human knowing and intellectual certainty. My
philosophical pilgrimage, which began with an introductory course
at Goshen, and had substantially developed at Princeton and Yale,
reached a new level of maturity at Oxford. My mind developed by
reacting critically to teachers like Gilbert Rye and Ian Ramsey, Henry
Chadwick and R. C. Zanier. Sweet denial!
11. There was not a single person who could guide me. S. X
In Oxford, I had great teachers there like Michael Polaner, who
initiated me into some of the problems of human knowing and
intellectual certainty. My philosophical pilgrimage, which began with
an introductory course at Goshen, and had substantially developed
at Princeton and Yale, reached a new level of maturity at Oxford. My
mind developed by reacting critically to teachers like Gilbert Rye and
Ian Ramsey, Henry Chadwick and R. C. Zanier. Sweet denial of a liar!

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