Assisgnment 4 BSIT 1A 15042020 033748pm

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Bahria University Islamabad Campus

Department of Computer Science

Introduction to Information & Communication Technology
Assignment: 4
Name: Enrollment No:
Class: BSIT- 1 (A) Marks Obtained Date:
Subject: ICT Semester:
Max Marks: 10

1. Assignment will only be accepted via LMS. Do bring the hardcopy on the date of assignment
2. Assignment should be in proper format, use Calibri as your font face and use 12 font size for
text and 14 for heading in your assignment.
3. Formatting contain 50% of your total assignment. So, don’t take it easy. Assignment should
be properly justified and with simple borders.
4. There is no need of a title page. This page will serve you as a title page.
5. Place your name and enrollment number in the footer of document.
6. 50% marks will be awarded, keeping in mind the following pattern:
a. Font.
b. Style.
c. Properly referenced tables.
d. Computer generated List of tables.
e. Computer generated list of images.
f. References.
7. If your assignment is submitted over Turnitin, 19% of plagiarism is allowed.
8. All the assignments are important for exam point of view. Exams can include questions from
your assignments.
9. It’s an individual assignment. No group assignment is allowed.


1. List four benefits that networks provide to their users?

2. Explain why data mining is often useful in making business decisions.
3. What is business logic?
4. What is data mining?
5. How do disconnected datasets help improve database performance?
6. What is platform independence?
7. Explain why Access is not a good choice for high-volume, large-scale enterprise systems.
8. What is an EDM system?
9. Why might you call the Internet a super-database?
10. What's the difference between MySQL and SQL Server?
11. Why do some database professionals favor platform-independent DBMSs such as
12. What is the difference between Database and Data ware housing?
13. What is SQL and how it is used in business?
14. Write down the advantages of relational databases, compared to flat-file databases.
15. Explain several ways that XM L is used in business databases today.


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